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Suicidology and suicide prevention are relatively new fields of study in the United States, but they have made significant progress since their beginnings. This study aimed to identify the most impactful theories in the history of science and suicidology and the most impactful events in the suicide prevention movement. These theories and events were identified through expert nomination. The most impactful theories were those of Shneidman, Durkheim, and Joiner. The most impactful events included the opening of the first suicide prevention center and hotline, the founding of the American Association of Suicidology, and national publications (e.g., National Strategy for Suicide Prevention).  相似文献   

Suicide and suicidal behavior are public health problems that should be addressed through a systematic public health approach. The need for such an approach can be found, for example, in Pierre, SD, where the suicide rate is 13 times the national rate; in the African American community, where the suicide rate among Black youths more than doubled between 1980 and 1995; and across the United States, where suicides outnumbered homicides in 1995. The U.S. Public Health Service is applying the public health approach to suicide by preparing the first-ever Surgeon General's Report on Mental Health, and by holding an October conference in Reno aimed at advancing a national strategy for suicide prevention.  相似文献   

Campaigns have become popular in public health approaches to suicide prevention; however, limited empirical investigation of their impact on behavior has been conducted. To address this gap, utilization patterns of crisis support services associated with the Department of Veterans Affairs' Veterans Crisis Line (VCL) suicide prevention campaign were examined. Daily call data for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, VCL, and 1‐800‐SUICIDE were modeled using a novel semi‐varying coefficient method. Analyses reveal significant increases in call volume to both targeted and broad resources during the campaign. Findings underscore the need for further research to refine measurement of the effects of these suicide prevention efforts.  相似文献   

A 5-year longitudinal study of suicidal behavior of students attending Dade County Public Schools (DCPS) in Miami, Florida, between the 1989–1990 and 1993–1994 school years, is described. As the fourth largest public school system in the United States, DCPS is representative of an urban, multicultural community. The prevalence of suicidal behavior among DCPS students necessitated the development of a districtwide Suicide Prevention and School Crisis Management Program (SPSCMP), including the creation of the “Youth in Crisis Hotline.” A review of eight national school districts' suicide prevention and intervention programs indicates similarities with the DCPS model. Statistical data compiled by the DCPS program are organized into annual, monthly, grade level, and school level classifications, and are analyzed to determine the degree and direction of self-destructive behavior among youth in a culturally and linguistically diverse school population following the introduction of a suicide prevention and intervention program. Evaluative data regarding the effectiveness of the program as well as implications for suicide prevention and intervention are discussed.  相似文献   

We examined the impact of the implementation of Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) across the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline's national network of crisis hotlines. Data were derived from 1,507 monitored calls from 1,410 suicidal individuals to 17 Lifeline centers in 2008–2009. Callers were significantly more likely to feel less depressed, less suicidal, less overwhelmed, and more hopeful by the end of calls handled by ASIST‐trained counselors. Few significant changes in ASIST‐trained counselors' interventions emerged; however, improvements in callers' outcomes were linked to ASIST‐related counselor interventions, including exploring reasons for living and informal support contacts. ASIST training did not yield more comprehensive suicide risk assessments.  相似文献   

In 2012, the SAMHSA‐funded National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (Lifeline) completed implementation of the first national Policy for Helping Callers at Imminent Risk of Suicide across its network of crisis centers. The policy sought to: (1) provide a clear definition of imminent risk; (2) reflect the state of evidence, field experience, and promising practices related to reducing imminent risk through hotline interventions; and (3) provide a uniform policy and approach that could be applied across crisis center settings. The resulting policy established three essential principles: active engagement, active rescue, and collaboration between crisis and emergency services. A sample of the research and rationale that underpinned the development of this policy is provided here. In addition, policy implementation, challenges and successes, and implications for interventions to help Lifeline callers at imminent risk of suicide are detailed.  相似文献   

The federal government, largely through the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), sponsors an array of science-based suicide prevention initiatives. This article details the prevention-related agendas and collaborative efforts of five operating divisions within the Department of Health and Human Services: the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, National Institutes of Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Indian Health Service, and Health Resources and Services Administration. The article highlights HHS's activities and their link to the National Strategy for Suicide Prevention, the plan which will guide the nation's suicide prevention efforts for the next decade.  相似文献   

Continuity of care for suicidal individuals engaged with a variety of health and mental health care systems has become a national priority, and crisis hotlines are increasingly playing a part in the risk management and continuum of care for these individuals. The current study evaluated a national initiative to have crisis centers in the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline network provide follow‐up care to suicidal callers. Data were obtained from 550 callers followed by 41 crisis counselors from 6 centers. Two main data sources provided the information for the current study: a self‐report counselor questionnaire on the follow‐up activities completed on each clinical follow‐up call and a telephone interview with follow‐up clients, providing data on their perceptions of the follow‐up intervention's effectiveness. The majority of interviewed follow‐up clients reported that the intervention stopped them from killing themselves (79.6%) and kept them safe (90.6%). Counselor activities, such as discussing distractors, social contacts to call for help, and reasons for dying, and individual factors, such as baseline suicide risk, were associated with callers’ perceptions of the impact of the intervention on their suicide risk. Our findings provide evidence that follow‐up calls to suicidal individuals can reduce the perceived risk of future suicidal behavior.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The decade of the 70's has been reviewed with the document Suicide Prevention in the 70's serving as a guide. Twenty-one goals put forward in the report were reviewed in light of subsequent progress in the field. Although progress was noted on many fronts, four areas were outstanding in the sense that envisioned goals were met or exceeded. These involved the areas of promulgation of information about suicide, establishment of standards and certification procedures, development of regional organizations to forward training and program development, and education of the public to improve awareness of suicide as a public problem. This analysis also identified areas where little or no progress has been made. From this there developed four recommendations:
  • 1 The funding and establishment of a national case file using a standard nomenclature and a standard data base to improve epidemiologic knowledge, and to provide pooled data appropriate for more sophisticated research analyses.
  • 2 The establishment of a task force to study the application of program evaluation methods to suicide prevention efforts.
  • 3 The development of new programs at local levels to try to reach known high-risk groups and to provide relevant programs of suicide prevention for them.
  • 4 Making creative efforts toward elaboration of a comprehensive theory of life-threatening behavior and exploration of developmental correlates of such behavior.

ABSTRACT: The present study attempted to determine the effectiveness of a suicide awareness curriculum and to assess two methods of presenting the information. It was hypothesized that students receiving instruction via lectures and handouts would score significantly higher than students who only received handouts. Dependent variables included the Suicide Intervention Response Inventory (SIRI), the Knowledge of Suicide Test (KOST), the Suicide Prevention Questionnaire (SPQ), and specific suicide-related vignettes. There was a significant main effect for treatment. Univariate analyses demonstrated significant treatment effects for all dependent measures. Two orthogonal contrasts demonstrated significant differences on the KOST and the vignettes, suggesting that the lectures were instrumental in the increased performance on those tasks.  相似文献   

For more than a decade, the Garrett Lee Smith Youth Suicide Prevention Program has provided funding for community‐based suicide prevention programs to states, tribes, and colleges across the United States. Recent studies provided evidence of the program's effectiveness in reducing suicide mortality and suicide attempts among youth. This study compares the cost of implementing the program with the estimated savings resulting from avoided hospitalization and emergency department visits associated with the averted suicide attempts. The findings suggest that the cost of implementing multifaceted community‐based suicide prevention strategies may be more than outweighed by savings in the health sector.  相似文献   

Suicide continues to be a serious public health problem. In response to this problem, a myriad of suicide prevention programs have been developed and employed across the United States. Unfortunately, the effectiveness of many of these programs is unknown because they have not been evaluated using rigorous methods. The Evidence-Based Practices Project (EBPP) for suicide prevention was created in 2002 to identify and promote evidence-based suicide prevention programs. In this paper the process and outcomes of the initial EBPP project within the context of the broader evidence-based movement are described, and the EBPPs creation of a best practice registry for suicide prevention is previewed.  相似文献   

Suicide is a global concern hence cross-cultural research ought to be central to national suicide prevention strategies. This study sought to investigate suicide notes drawn from Northern Ireland and the United States as these countries have broadly similar suicide rates but markedly different cultures. A theoretical-conceptual analysis of sixty suicide notes drawn from these countries, matched for age and sex, was undertaken based on a thematic model of suicide developed by Leenaars (1996) across countries. The results suggested that there were more psychological commonalities than differences. Two differences emerged which suggested that aspects of the interpersonal components may be more salient in Northern Irish rather than American suicides. It is argued that more wide-ranging cross-cultural studies are required to enhance our ability to identify and predict those most at risk from suicide.  相似文献   

Suicide is a major public health problem, and suicide rates are still on the rise. Current strategies for identifying individuals at risk for suicide, such as the use of a patient's self‐reported suicidal ideation or evidence of past suicide attempts, have not been sufficient in reducing suicide rates. Recently, research groups have been focused on determining the acute mental state preceding a suicide attempt. The development of an acute suicidal diagnosis, the Suicide Crisis Syndrome (SCS), is aimed at capturing this state to better treat individuals. The SCS has five main evidence‐based components—entrapment, affective disturbance, loss of cognitive control, hyperarousal, and social withdrawal. The SCS may provide clinicians with the ability to identify individuals who are experiencing an acute pre‐suicidal mental state, regardless of their self‐reported suicidal ideation. Future research leading to the incorporation of this diagnosis into clinical practice could improve the quality of care and reduce the personal, societal, and legal burden of suicide.  相似文献   

Suicide is a global concern hence cross-cultural research ought to be central to national suicide prevention strategies. This study sought to investigate suicide notes drawn from Northern Ireland and the United States as these countries have broadly similar suicide rates but markedly different cultures. A theoretical-conceptual analysis of sixty suicide notes drawn from these countries, matched for age and sex, was undertaken based on a thematic model of suicide developed by Leenaars (1996) across countries. The results suggested that there were more psychological commonalities than differences. Two differences emerged which suggested that aspects of the interpersonal components may be more salient in Northern Irish rather than American suicides. It is argued that more wide-ranging cross-cultural studies are required to enhance our ability to identify and predict those most at risk from suicide.  相似文献   

Suicide is a public health concern with risks that vary between occupation groups. Many suicide victims with a health care occupation die by poisoning, but few studies have epidemiologically studied this association. The objective of this study was to quantify the increased risk of suicide death by poisoning among health care professionals in Colorado. Eleven years (2004–2014, N = 8,753) of suicide deaths in Colorado were compiled from the Colorado Violent Death Reporting System. A retrospective cohort study using multivariate logistic regression was conducted to examine the risk associated with having a health care occupation and eventual suicide death by poisoning, compared independently to firearm and hanging methods. Suicide victims with a health care occupation were more likely to die by poisoning rather than by hanging (RR 1.54, 95% CI: 1.41–1.68) or firearm (RR 1.79, 95% CI: 1.60–2.01), when compared to suicide victims without a health care occupation. The association between health care occupation and suicide method was significantly (p = .032) modified by gender. The results show that health care workers who die by suicide have an increased risk of eventual suicide death by poisoning rather than by firearm or hanging. These results can be used to inform tailored suicide prevention efforts in health care professionals.  相似文献   

Suicide is a preventable public health problem and a leading cause of death in the United States. Despite recognized need for community-based strategies for suicide prevention, most suicide prevention programs focus on individual-level change. This article presents seven first person accounts of Finding the Light Within, a community mobilization initiative to reduce the stigma associated with suicide through public arts participation that took place in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania from 2011 through 2012. The stigma associated with suicide is a major challenge to suicide prevention, erecting social barriers to effective prevention and treatment and enhancing risk factors for people struggling with suicidal ideation and recovery after losing a loved one to suicide. This project engaged a large and diverse audience and built a new community around suicide prevention through participatory public art, including community design and production of a large public mural about suicide, storytelling and art workshops, and a storytelling website. We present this project as a model for how arts participation can address suicide on multiple fronts—from raising awareness and reducing stigma, to promoting community recovery, to providing healing for people and communities in need.  相似文献   

The ethical basis of suicide prevention is illustrated by contrasting helpline emergency rescue policies of the Samaritans and the AAS and the U.S. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline network. We contrast moralist, relativist, and libertarian ethical premises and question whether suicide can be rational. Samaritans respect a caller's right to decide to die by suicide; U.S. helplines oblige emergency intervention during an attempt even against the caller's will. We analyze the effect of emergency rescue when there is high suicide risk but an attempt has not been initiated. We examine links between values and actions, needs for empirical evidence to guide practice, and propose vigorous dialogue about values in the gray zone of moral practice.  相似文献   

Definitions and classification schemes for suicide attempts vary widely among studies, introducing conceptual, methodological, and clinical problems. We tested the importance of the intent to die criterion by comparing self-injurers with intent to die, suicide attempters, and those who self-injured not to die but to communicate with others, suicide gesturers, using data from the National Comorbidity Survey (n = 5,877). Suicide attempters (prevalence = 2.7%) differed from suicide gesturers (prevalence = 1.9%) and were characterized by male gender, fewer years of education, residence in the southern and western United States; psychiatric diagnoses including depressive, impulsive, and aggressive symptoms; comorbidity; and history of multiple physical and sexual assaults. It is possible and useful to distinguish between self-injurers on the basis of intent to die.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Data from 17 adolescents who attempted suicide and came to the attention of the Payne Whitney Suicide Prevention Clinic during the years 1968–70 were analyzed for information regarding sex, birth order, sex of siblings, and family constellation. The results indicated that there was a significant trend for firstborn females to be overrepresented among adolescent suicide attempters. In addition, father loss was frequently noted in their histories. A theoretical rationale for the investigation is presented with the results of the study.  相似文献   

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