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In a realistic social context, people are confronted with both positive and negative information, yet research on this topic is relatively scarce. We present 2 studies examining the role of initial attitudes on the impact of one‐sided vs. balanced positive and negative information on attitudes toward food production methods. The first experiment demonstrated that one‐sided information influenced post‐information attitudes congruent to the direction of the message content. The second experiment showed that the effect of balanced information on post‐information attitudes may depend on initial attitudes. These results demonstrate that negativity effects are dominant for people with initial positive attitudes, but change into positivity effects for people with initial negative attitudes. Implications for communicating both positive and negative information are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study is to examine the combined contribution of 2 predictors of environmental behaviors, self-determined motivation and information about a particular environmental issue (viz., perceived environmental health risks). The hypothesized model was tested with 761 participants from the general population using structural equation modeling. Self-determined motivation was found to predict both environmental behaviors and the tendency to seek information on health risks coming from 2 main sources (federal government agencies and public groups), which led to more confidence in those sources of information. In turn, confidence in the different sources of information was found to be significantly associated with perceptions of environmental health risks. Finally these perceptions were also found to be predictors of environmental behaviors. Results are discussed in terms of 2 possible processes that could facilitate environmental behaviors.  相似文献   

冯攀  郑涌 《心理科学进展》2015,23(9):1579-1587
睡眠剥夺与恐惧情绪加工的各个过程息息相关。睡眠剥夺损害了恐惧的习得过程, 而且影响着杏仁核、内侧前额叶的活动及它们之间的功能连接; 睡眠剥夺削弱了恐惧记忆的巩固和再巩固过程, 不仅破坏了恐惧记忆再巩固过程相关蛋白质和酶的合成, 同时也影响着海马、杏仁核、内侧前额叶的活动以及它们之间的功能连接; 睡眠剥夺损害了恐惧的消退, 同时也改变了海马、杏仁核等相关脑区的活动模式。未来的研究应从睡眠剥夺影响恐惧情绪加工的认知神经机制、睡眠剥夺与恐惧情绪相关障碍的关系等角度展开, 力图深入理解睡眠剥夺影响恐惧情绪加工的认知神经机制。  相似文献   

Creativity involves generating novel concepts and products that are valued by the creator as well as by the public. In this paper, we argue that risk‐taking in songwriting increases the likelihood of any individual's product being valued as creative. By reviewing the case histories of several successful songwriters, we show that heightened creativity is associated with a willingness to express novel ideas as well as a willingness to repeatedly confront, and adapt to the possibility of failure.  相似文献   

The current study examined how prior self‐regulatory exertion and the personality characteristics of self‐control, integrity, and conscientiousness contribute to dishonest behavior. Participants completed measures of these 3 personality characteristics, followed by either a self‐control typing task or a non‐self‐control version of the task. They were then told to complete a clerical task, for which they were compensated, until the end of the experiment session. Participants were left alone during this task, and had the opportunity to leave before the designated end time. Results indicated that participants who initially completed the self‐control task were more likely to leave the experiment early than were participants who initially completed the non‐self‐control task. In addition, self‐control and integrity were negatively associated with dishonest behavior.  相似文献   

The inherent unity of all phenomena, or oneness, is a central concept of mysticism, but there have heretofore been no measures of oneness beliefs. We developed the Oneness Beliefs Scale, with spiritual and physical oneness subscales. The spiritual oneness subscale fills a need in the field for a short, reliable measure of spirituality not characterized by the language of traditional Western religiousness. The physical oneness subscale allows researchers to juxtapose spiritual beliefs with a nonspiritual, materialist counterpart. We found that spiritual oneness beliefs were more strongly related to mystic experiences and spirituality than to traditional religiousness. Physical oneness was not strongly associated with either religiousness or spirituality. Both spiritual and physical oneness were positively associated with pro‐environmental attitudes but not with depression, anxiety, or negative affect. Spiritual oneness was a better predictor of pro‐environmental attitudes than was religiousness. Spiritual oneness also predicted donating to a pro‐environmental group, making this to our knowledge the first empirical study to show a positive association between a religion or spirituality measure and observed, rather than self‐reported, pro‐environmental behavior.  相似文献   

Recent research suggests that moods influence the way people process information in applied settings. There is an ongoing debate, however, about the mechanisms by which mood influences the way information is processed. The present research explored the possibility that task goals, hedonic expectations of the task, and mood interact to predict systematic information processing. The present study hypothesized and found, using a thought‐listing measure of systematic information processing, that (a) consistent with the feelings‐as‐information model, individuals in an unpleasant mood process information systematically, regardless of task goals and hedonic expectations; (b) also consistent with the feelings‐as‐information model, individuals in a pleasant mood fail to process information systematically under a performance task goal, regardless of hedonic expectations; and (c) consistent with the hedonic contingency model, individuals in a pleasant mood process information systematically under an enjoyment task goal for tasks expected to be pleasant, but not for tasks expected to be unpleasant.  相似文献   

Two studies show that different culturally based concepts of interpersonal power have distinct implications for information processing. People with a vertical individualist (VI) cultural orientation view power in personalized terms (power is for gaining status over and recognition by others), whereas people with a horizontal collectivist (HC) cultural orientation view power in socialized terms (power is for benefitting and helping others). The distinct goals associated with these power concepts are served by different mindsets, such as stereotyping others versus learning the individuating needs of others. Therefore, for high-VI individuals, making personalized power salient increases stereotyping in processing product information. That is, they recognize better information that is congruent with their prior product expectations, relative to their recognition of incongruent information. In contrast, for high-HC people, making socialized power salient increases individuating processes, characterized by better memory for incongruent information.  相似文献   

Business‐related drinking is an important organizational and managerial activity with particular relevance to the negotiation process. This paper investigates the influence of a moderate amount of alcohol on negotiator behavior and negotiated outcomes. We conducted 2 negotiation studies involving inebriated and sober participants, and found that inebriated negotiators used more aggressive tactics, made more mistakes, and reached less integrative agreements than did sober negotiators. Across both studies, we found that inebriated negotiators were unaware that alcohol had affected their negotiations.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effects of war experiences across three different levels (individuals, groups, and contexts) on moral judgments related to violations of humanitarian norms. Competing hypotheses derived from different theoretical perspectives are empirically evaluated. Social psychological studies of war traditionally highlight a reversal of morality and group norms justifying violence against outgroups. Rationalistic models insist on the importance of realistic costs on the choice of individuals. As a complement to these traditions, we suggest that situations in which risks are generalized across group boundaries tend to provoke a strengthening of principles, such as humanitarian norms, that enable the protection of the material and symbolic integrity of a community. Multilevel analyses of the international People on War survey dataset (N = 8,121) show that support for the ingroup's struggle, at both individual and group levels, predicts stronger justification of violence. Simultaneously, at the context level, generalization of war‐related risks predicts stronger condemnation of violations of humanitarian principles. These findings are consistent with a collective vulnerability model and, only in part, with the intractable conflict model.  相似文献   

This article utilizes psycholinguistic models to examine text processing in advertising. In particular, the article theorizes that forming an accurate mental representation of the text content of ads is essential for comprehension and can influence evaluations. Two conditions must be met in order to form a mental representation: referential continuity and coherence. A text possesses referential continuity if each of its parts refers, implicitly or explicitly, to an entity introduced in the previous part. A text is coherent if individuals can readily integrate its parts. Four empirical studies suggest that the repetition of certain verbal and pictorial cues can help provide referential continuity and that an ad's structure, or presentation format, can facilitate coherence but only when referential continuity is established.  相似文献   

Female college students' perceived vulnerability to AIDS and their perceived self-efficacy regarding AIDS preventive behavior (APB), were manipulated in a 2 × 2 design. Consistent with protection motivation theory (e. g., Rogers. 1983), the results showed that intention to engage in APB was highest among subjects who received information that their risk of getting infected with HIV was high, and who experienced relatively high feelings of self-efficacy. These subjects also seemed least likely to engage in denial of their AIDS risk. The implications of these findings for AIDS education programs are discussed.  相似文献   

Over the past three decades research has overwhelmingly supported the notion that positive affect promotes global, abstract, heuristic information processing whereas negative affect promotes local, detailed, and systematic processing. Yet despite the weight of the evidence, recent work suggests that such a direct relationship may be highly tenuous. In line with the affect‐as‐information account, we maintain that affective cues are adaptive and serve to provide individuals with information about their current psychological environment. We argue that these cues do not directly produce specific processing styles, but instead confer value on whatever processing inclination is dominant at the time. Positive affect (e.g., happiness) tends to promote reliance on currently dominant processing inclinations, whereas negative affect (e.g., sadness) tends to inhibit such reliance. Thus the impact of affect on processing is highly malleable and depends on both the type of processing that is currently active and the information provided by affective cues.  相似文献   

采用44名正常女性大学生作为被试, 通过心理社会压力暴露的方法诱发焦虑组被试的状态焦虑, 采用主观预期值作为指标, 考察焦虑对条件恐惧习得和消退的直接影响, 并探讨这种影响是否也表现在评价性条件作用上。结果表明:心理社会压力暴露显著提高了焦虑组被试的状态焦虑。在习得阶段, 状态焦虑降低了被试对条件刺激的辨别条件恐惧反应, 具体而言, 状态焦虑降低了被试对CS+的主观预期值, 但是却提高了对CS?的主观预期值; 在消退阶段, 状态焦虑抑制了被试对条件刺激的消退。状态焦虑的影响也表现在评价性条件作用上, 和控制组相比, 焦虑组在习惯化和消退阶段对条件刺激表现出了更为负性的效价评定。  相似文献   

This experiment investigated the effects of Internet advertisements on use of stereotypes during a judgment task. Participants read a crime scenario on a computer screen and were asked to sentence the defendant. For some, the defendant was Caucasian; while for others, the defendant was African American. Moreover, in some conditions, Internet ads appeared periodically throughout the task. For others, no such ads appeared. Results revealed a significant interaction between the presence of Internet ads and defendant race such that the African American, but not the Caucasian, defendant received a significantly longer sentence when ads were present than when they were not. These findings indicate that the presence of Internet ads might have triggered participants to rely more on heuristic processing.  相似文献   

This article reviews and integrates recent research in experimental social psychology and organizational behavior demonstrating the pervasive influence that affective states or moods have on judgments, decision making, and behavior in organizations. An information processing theory, the Affect Infusion Model (AIM) is described that can account for many of the empirical findings and also provides a promising theoretical base for future research in this area. The article reviews a range of experimental and applied studies consistent with the predictions of this model, demonstrating the role of information processing strategies in moderating affective influences on organizational behavior. Specifically, we discuss the influence of affect on such work-related behaviors as worker motivation, creativity and performance, interpersonal judgments and communication, performance appraisal judgments and selection interviews, organizational spontaneity, employee flexibility and helpfulness, absenteeism, and bargaining and negotiation behaviors. The implications of the information processing approach for understanding the influence of affect on organizational behaviors are discussed, and we argue for the greater integration of affect into contemporary theorizing and research in organizational settings.  相似文献   

卵巢激素影响女性恐惧情绪加工的神经机制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
大脑结构和功能的性别差异导致恐惧情绪加工的两性差别。女性对恐惧情绪加工受到体内雌激素和孕激素浓度的影响。近年来, 人类脑成像技术、遗传学和分子生物学的综合研究发现了卵巢激素影响女性恐惧情绪加工的神经机制。其中, 雌激素水平升高导致杏仁核活动增强, 使女性对恐惧面孔识别的准确性增加, 而孕激素水平则相反。这与女性在月经周期不同阶段对社会交往的需求和妊娠期间的自我保护机制有关。  相似文献   

攻击行为的社会信息加工模式研究述评   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
杨慧芳 《心理科学》2002,25(2):244-245
二十世纪五十、六十年代,实验心理学和认知科学对人类认知过程的研究取得巨大进展,以认知过程为基础解释人类行为的产生已成为心理学研究的重要方向。攻击行为这一人类最古老的侵犯行为也受到这一研究趋势的影响,其中尤以社会信息加工理论的研究最为突出,它提出了攻击行为的社会信息加工模式。本文试对该模式的研究状况作一简介,以期引起国内同行对此领域的关注。  相似文献   

诸多情绪障碍治疗的关键在于促进条件性恐惧反应的消退, 研究证明非条件刺激再评估能够引起恐惧反应的变化。本研究将非条件刺激降低再评估范式应用于消退训练, 以主观预期值、皮电反应作为恐惧反应指标, 考察恐惧习得后非条件刺激强度降低对条件性恐惧消退的影响, 并运用评价性条件作用探讨非条件刺激再评估的作用机制。结果表明:在消退阶段, 降低组对条件刺激的皮电反应显著低于控制组。同时评价性条件作用结果显示:经过非条件刺激再评估, 降低组较控制组对条件刺激的评价更为正性。说明非条件刺激降低再评估有效改变条件刺激的负性效价, 降低个体的恐惧反应、促进恐惧消退。  相似文献   

Contextual conditions affect behavior in 2 ways: (a) They confront people with opportunities and obstacles that affect their motivation to take action; or (b) they instantaneously shape performance, regardless of a person's motivation and even without subjective acknowledgment of the conditions. Traditionally in psychology, the immediate behavioral consequences of a context are disregarded. Based on our theory of goal‐directed behavior, we are able to disentangle the instant and the motivational behavioral consequences of contexts. In an example study, 40% of the variation in performance among 660 Swiss and Spanish pupils was explained by motivational differences. Instantaneous constraints and facilitations imposed on people's acts, in turn, revealed a set of Switzerland‐ and Spain‐specific limitations and affordances (hit rate = 97.5%).  相似文献   

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