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为考察情绪智力对初中生心理适应的影响及人际素质与逆境信念的中介作用,对466名初中生进行为期半年的追踪调查。结果显示:(1)情绪智力、人际素质、逆境信念和心理适应间存在同时性和继时性正相关;(2)情绪智力正向预测初中生心理适应;(3)人际素质、逆境信念在情绪智力与初中生心理适应间起链式中介作用。追踪研究结果表明,在延时条件下,情绪智力能够依次通过人际素质、逆境信念来进一步影响初中生心理适应。  相似文献   

基于模拟研究比较了K-means方法、潜在类别模型和混合Rasch模型在二分外显变量情境下的聚类效果.结果表明:(1)潜在类别数量、变量数量、样本量、样本平衡和变量间相关对K-means方法、潜在类别模型和混合Rasch模型的分类准确性均有影响且因素间的交互作用存在;(2)除了在2个潜在类别的样本不平衡条件下K-means方法表现较差外,在其他条件下与潜在类别模型和混合Rasch模型的表现相当;(3)混合Rasch模型的分类一致性在2个潜在类别的情境下要好于潜在类别模型,但是在4个潜在类别的情境下要差于潜在类别模型.  相似文献   

该研究应用GT和多面Rasch模型对结构化面试数据进行分析,并提出一些建议针对某辅导员招聘面试数据,运用GT从宏观上分析应聘者、考官和项目所带来的总体误差大小,在此基础上,运用多面Rasch模型从微观上进一步探查考官严厉度、应聘者能力差异、项目难易度及侧面偏差.结果表明:1)GT分析表明应聘者产生的变异较大(90.65%),说明面试可靠性较高,且当考官数为2时可靠性已较好.2)多面Rasch模型分析出了各侧面效应中的非拟合因素及交互效应中的偏差因素,表明面试误差主要来自考官间严厉度的差异及其自身一致性的不稳定。将GT与多面Rasch模型相结合分析面试数据不仅能测查出评价过程各方面的问题因素,并能更好地作整体把握。  相似文献   

晏子 《心理科学进展》2010,18(8):1298-1305
Rasch模型是在国外学术界受到广泛关注和深入研究的一个潜在特质模型。该模型为解决心理科学领域内测量的客观性问题提供了一个可行性很高的解决方案。而国内关于Rasch模型的理论探讨和应用研究却并不多见。不同于一般项目反应理论, Rasch模型要求所收集的数据必须符合模型的先验要求, 而不是使用不同的参数去适应数据的特点。Rasch模型的主要特点(包括个体与题目共用标尺、线性数据、参数分离)确保了客观测量的实现。未来关于Rasch模型的研究方向包括多维度Rasch模型、测验的等值与链接、计算机自适应性考试, 大型应用测量系统(比如Lexile系统)等等。  相似文献   

多维题组效应Rasch模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
首先, 本文诠释了“题组”的本质即一个存在共同刺激的项目集合。并基于此, 将题组效应划分为项目内单维题组效应和项目内多维题组效应。其次, 本文基于Rasch模型开发了二级评分和多级评分的多维题组效应Rasch模型, 以期较好地处理项目内多维题组效应。最后, 模拟研究结果显示新模型有效合理, 与Rasch题组模型、分部评分模型对比研究后表明:(1)测验存在项目内多维题组效应时, 仅把明显的捆绑式题组效应进行分离而忽略其他潜在的题组效应, 仍会导致参数的偏差估计甚或高估测验信度; (2)新模型更具普适性, 即便当被试作答数据不存在题组效应或只存在项目内单维题组效应, 采用新模型进行测验分析也能得到较好的参数估计结果。  相似文献   

中国青少年心理健康素质·适应状况的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用《青少年心理健康素质调查表·适应分量表》,对全国23个省、市、自治区44063名青少年的适应状况进行了调查。结果发现:(1)青少年的适应状况处于较好的水平。(2)青少年适应及情绪适应、学习适应、人际适应、社会适应和生活适应等各维度得分在小学五年级较高,从初中阶段开始呈下降趋势,高中阶段继续下降,到大学阶段又逐渐回升。生理适应维度得分在小学五年级、初中和高中阶段较高,大学阶段下降至最低。  相似文献   

本研究采用整群抽样的方式选取了成都市某中学的306名高中新生,对其进行了历时一个学期共四次的问卷追踪测试。采用潜变量增长模型,探究了入学转变期内高中新生焦虑情绪的动态变化轨迹及其影响因素。结果显示:在入学的第一个学期内(1)高中新生焦虑情绪呈线性增长;(2)虽然在入学第一周时测得的焦虑初始水平上不存在显著的性别差异,但男生的焦虑情绪在随后四个月内的增长速度显著快于女生;(3)此外,新生的心理素质对其焦虑情绪的初始水平及增长速度具有显著的预测作用,也就是说,具有较高心理素质水平的新生,会表现出较低的焦虑情绪初始水平以及较慢的增长速度。  相似文献   

为了验证积极情绪对人际信任的影响其实更符合启发式依赖模型而非情绪(心境)一致性模型,通过三个实验,以控制信任线索和信任博弈等方式,对102名大学生被试开展实验研究.结果表明:(1)积极情绪不是简单地增加信任,其对信任决策的影响受到信任线索的调节:与中性情绪相比,当易得性图式和线索促进信任时,积极情绪的被试显示更多信任;当易得性图式和线索促进不信任时,积极情绪的被试表现更少的信任.(2)实验三证实积极情绪对人际信任的作用也受到交往环境的影响.正如启发式依赖模型预测,外群体不值得信任的先验图式,使得被诱发了积极情绪的被试较中性情绪被试更不信任外群体成员.  相似文献   

本研究对122名大学新生进行了半年追踪,采用交叉滞后分析法考察适应性与幸福感之间的关系。入学三个月时初次测试(T1),初测半年之后后测(T2)。结果发现:(1)幸福感和适应性之间显著正相关,同时预测的效果高于继时预测;(2)交叉滞后相关分析表明,适应性T1对幸福感T2的预测(r=0.50)高于幸福感T1对适应性T2的预测(r=0.32);(3)学习适应性T1(18%)和人际适应性T1(11%)共同预测主观幸福感T1中29%的变异;(4)控制初测总体适应性T1(31%),对大学的认可度T2(21%)和个人情绪适应性T2(3%)还可以解释幸福感T2中24%的变异。因此,本研究发现大学生适应者更幸福,而不是幸福者更适应。该结果对于提升大学生的幸福感具有一定的教育启示意义。  相似文献   

应用自编大学生父母依恋问卷、亲子联结问卷、自尊量表、信任他人量表、人际能力问卷、领悟社会支持量表对251名大学生施测,对自编依恋问卷进行构想效度分析,并建立父母依恋影响大学生人际适应的路径模型。结果表明:1)大学生父母依恋问卷构想效度良好;2)父母依恋对人际能力、社会支持感知既有显著的直接效应,又以自尊、信任他人为中介产生间接效应;3)父母依恋对大学生人际适应有显著影响,依恋的内部工作模型理论具有跨文化适应性。  相似文献   

This short‐term longitudinal study investigated whether attitudes about academic help seeking, social competence, and self‐compassion mediated the relations between parental attachment and college student adjustment. Two hundred and four first‐year students completed measures of parental attachment and the proposed mediators at the beginning of their first semester. At the end of the semester, students reported on their academic, social, and personal/emotional adjustment. Results showed that attitudes about academic help seeking mediated the attachment–academic adjustment relation and social competence mediated the attachment–social adjustment relation. Personal/emotional adjustment largely was predicted by initial personal/emotional adjustment. These findings suggest that help‐seeking attitudes and social competence could be fruitful targets of intervention for personnel working with college students who have strained parental relationships.  相似文献   

Transition to university is stressful and successful adjustment is imperative for well-being. Historically research on transitional stress focussed on negative outcomes and ill health. This is the first UK study applying a positive psychology approach to investigate the characteristics that facilitate adjustment among new university students. A range of psychological strengths conceptualised as covitality factors, shown individually to influence the stress and subjective well-being (SWB) relationship were assessed among 192 first year UK undergraduates in week three of their first semester and again 6 months later. Path analyses revealed that optimism mediated the relationship between stress and negative affect (a component of SWB) over time, and academic self-efficacy demonstrated significant relationships with life satisfaction and positive affect. Contrary to predictions, stress levels remained stable over time although academic alienation increased and self-efficacy decreased. Optimism emerged as a key factor for new students to adjust to university, helping to buffer the impact of stress on well-being throughout the academic year. Incorporating stress management and psycho-educational interventions to develop strengths is discussed as a way of promoting confidence and agency in new students to help them cope better with the stress at university.  相似文献   

Based on Tyler's model of psychosocial competence, the present study tested the hypothesis that students' differential coping styles could impact their adjustment to college. A college adjustment measure and a coping styles instrument were administered to 161 freshmen at a small eastern college. First-year students were chosen because college adjustment is particularly salient in the freshmen year. The results indicated that academic adjustment and personal/emotional adjustment were related to the coping strategies, while social adjustment and attachment/goal commitment were not related to coping strategies. Active coping, which focuses on doing something positive to solve the problem, was predictive of academic adjustment. Academic adjustment was negatively predicted by suppression of competing activities which consists of attending to one problem at a time to the exclusion of other things. Personal/emotional adjustment was negatively related to the focus on emotion/venting of emotions dimension which is coping by emotional catharsis. Personal/emotional adjustment was also positively predicted by active-coping. Gender differences were also examined and discussed. These findings were interpreted as supportive of Tyler's model and their counselling implications were discussed.  相似文献   

This article examined stability and change in late adolescent attachment relations and the interrelationship among attachment, separation-individuation, and college adjustment variables. Two studies are reported. In the first cross-sectional study, freshman and upperclassmen college students completed self-report measures of attachment, separation, and adjustment. In the second study, students completed measures of attachment in their freshman year and 2 years later as juniors. In junior year, students also completed several measures of separation and adjustment to college. The results of both studies suggested stability in attachment to parents, over time, for both men and women. Security of attachment proved to be inversely related to independence from parents in cross-sectional and prospective/longitudinal analyses. Security of attachment to parents was positively and pervasively associated with a variety of concurrent indexes of college student adjustment. Secure attachment assessed in freshman year also was positively associated with academic and emotional adjustment in junior year, although the longitudinal results were not as pervasive as the cross-sectional findings. The results supported the importance of current and past perceptions of attachment for understanding late adolescent development and adjustment.  相似文献   

This is the first study to empirically identify distinct acculturative adjustment patterns of new international students over their first 3 semesters in the United States. The sample consisted of 507 Chinese international students studying in the United States. Using psychological distress as an indicator of acculturative adjustment, measured over 4 time points (prearrival, first semester, second semester, and third semester), 4 distinct groups of student adjustment trajectories emerged: (a) a group exhibiting high levels of psychological distress across each time point (consistently distressed; 10%), (b) a group with decreasing psychological distress scores from Time 1 to Time 2 (relieved; 14%), (c), those with a sharp peak in psychological distress at Time 2 and Time 3 (culture-shocked; 11%), and (d) a group with relatively consistent low psychological distress scores (well-adjusted; 65%). Moreover, significant predictors of a better acculturative adjustment pattern included having higher self-esteem, positive problem-solving appraisal, and lower maladaptive perfectionism prior to the acculturation process. In addition, during the first semester of studying in the United States, having a balanced array of social support and using acceptance, reframing, and striving as coping strategies were associated with a better cross-cultural transition. Practical implications and future directions were also discussed.  相似文献   

The first year of college can be a difficult developmental transition for many students, although it is also a time of personal growth and maturation. Little is known about how self-regulation abilities mature across this transition, nor whether maturation predicts better adjustment across the first year. We investigated the development of three self-regulation abilities (constructive thinking, emotional regulation, and mastery) and relations of this development to adjustment (depression, anxiety, and stress) in a sample of 162 first-year students. Data were gathered at two time points: just prior to their attendance at a large public northeastern university and then again at the end of the first year. Results indicated that, on average, students did not increase in their constructive thinking or emotion regulation abilities and actually decreased in their sense of mastery. In bivariate analyses, increases in all three self-regulation abilities were related to better adjustment across the year, effects that remained when examined simultaneously in multiple regression analyses. Further, analyses showed that change in self-regulation abilities, rather than mean levels per se, predicted changes in adjustment over the first year. Implications for interventions to assist students in the development of these self-regulation skills in regard to adjustment are discussed.  相似文献   

University support services can be a beneficial resource for students coping with personal stressors. This study investigated the predictors of service use by undergraduate students during their first year at university. Participants completed self-report measures of problem-solving effectiveness, psychological distress and perceived social support (availability and satisfaction) at the start of the academic year, frequency of exposure to stressors half-way through the first semester and support service use at the end of the first and second semesters. Perceived availability of social support and frequency of exposure to stressors predicted service use. Additional analyses examined change in psychological distress across the first semester. Implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The authors demonstrate that people differ systematically in their implicit theories of emotion: Some view emotions as fixed (entity theorists), whereas others view emotions as more malleable (incremental theorists). Using a longitudinal and multimethod design, the authors show that implicit theories of emotion, as distinct from intelligence, are linked to both emotional and social adjustment during the transition to college. Before entering college, individuals who held entity (vs. incremental) theories of emotion had lower emotion regulation self-efficacy and made less use of cognitive reappraisal (Part 1). Throughout their first academic term, entity theorists of emotion had less favorable emotion experiences and received decreasing social support from their new friends, as evidenced by weekly diaries (Part 2). By the end of freshman year, entity theorists of emotion had lower well-being, greater depressive symptoms, and lower social adjustment as indicated in both self- and peer-reports (Part 3). The emotional, but not the social, outcomes were partially mediated by individual differences in emotion regulation self-efficacy (Part 4). Together, these studies demonstrate that implicit theories of emotion can have important long-term implications for socioemotional functioning.  相似文献   

This study investigated the link between the Type A coronary-prone behavior pattern and attainment of success in an academic setting. First semester college freshmen were administered 3 sets of questionnaires during the course of the fall semester that were designed to assess academic activities, outside responsibilities, and importance of academic success. Indices of actual academic performance were obtained from university records. The hypotheses that Type A students (1) would be involved in more activities, (2) place greater importance on academic success, and (3) actually achieve higher performance levels than Type B students, were confirmed. In addition, the results found that compared to Type B, the Type A students perceived more parental pressure, came from higher SES families, and were more clear as to what was expected of them. Implications for further research are discussed.  相似文献   

Background. Research has shown that both achievement goal theory and self‐determination theory (SDT) are quite useful in explaining student motivation and success in academic contexts. However, little is known about how the two theories relate to each other. Aim. The current research used SDT as a framework to understand why students enter classes with particular achievement goal profiles, and also, how those profiles may change over time. Sample. One hundred and eighty‐four undergraduate preservice teachers in a required domain course agreed to participate in the study. Method. Data were collected at three time points during the semester, and both path modelling and multi‐level longitudinal modelling techniques were used. Results. Path modelling techniques with 169 students, results indicated that students' autonomy and relatedness need satisfaction in life predict their initial self‐determined class motivation, which in turn predicts initial mastery‐approach and ‐avoidance goals. Multi‐level longitudinal modelling with 108 students found that perceived teacher autonomy support buffered against the general decline in students' mastery‐approach goals over the course of the semester. Conclusions. Data provide a promising integration of SDT and achievement goal theory, posing a host of potentially fruitful future research questions regarding goal adoption and trajectories.  相似文献   

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