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电子商务中消费者购买决策及其影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
电子商务是随着计算机和互联网技术的发展而出现的一种新经济模式, 它正在广泛而深刻地影响着人们的购物观念和购物方式。网上购物是指通过互联网购买商品或享受服务, 也是通常所指的电子商务。国内外关于网上购物的研究缺乏从影响因素到中介作用最后到实际购买关系的整体研究框架。研究者从消费者角度提出了网上购物决策的整体框架, 拟采取访谈法、问卷调查、实验室模拟方法和服务器日志文件收集数据, 探讨我国文化背景下消费者的网上购买决策, 拟探明:影响消费者网上购买决策的因素; 风险认知和网上购物态度在模型中的中介作用; 产品类型、消费者类型及其与网上购物决策模式的关系。预期研究成果对我国电子商务购物环境的改善、电子商务网站的设计、网上营销策略的制定有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

产品的分类方法有很多,在网络购物环境中,应用较广的是将产品分为搜索产品、体验产品和信任产品;在传统购物环境中,应用较广的是将产品分为日用品、选购品和特殊产品。文献的研究结果表明,消费者在网上购买不同类别的产品时,网上购物决策过程中的信息搜索、网上购物意愿和偏好等行为存在着许多不同之处,文章对此进行了详细的介绍,并对今后的研究方向提出了建议  相似文献   

点击流,顾名思义,就是访问者在网上的持续的访问轨迹。点击流研究带动了一种新的研究潮流,不仅在多个学术领域,而且在多个实践领域都是大家关注的热点。点击流数据揭示了网上消费者在网上的冲浪行为,现有的点击流研究大多致力于建立消费者网上购物行为的模型,从而更深刻地理解网上消费者的行为,同时,点击流数据分析也有利于进行数据挖掘,改善网页设计和提供决策支持。该文将已有的文献分成三种:网站内点击流研究,网站间点击流研究,以及点击流数据的应用研究,并对点击流研究作为一种新的研究范式的局限性和研究发展趋势作了预测与展望  相似文献   

近10年以来, 一些学者基于量子理论研究思想与方法探索出了量子决策模型。由于该模型独特的理论结构, 它可被用于解释传统决策理论所难以解释的问题, 尤其是个体在不确定情况下的决策行为。该模型解释了诸如分离效应、分类决策的干涉效应以及合取谬误等传统决策模型很难解释的问题, 研究者已经证实其中一种称为量子问题等式的决策模型可以精确地预测决策中的顺序效应。作为一个有助于分析心理学中决策现象的新研究领域, 量子决策模型具有深入研究的理论意义和实践意义。  相似文献   

时间与金钱是影响人们消费行为决策的两种不同的重要资源。消费者在进行产品购买时, 常常会受到商家广告语和购物环境中所隐含的时间或金钱概念的影响, 从而做出不同的决策。具体而言, 时间与金钱概念会对消费者的购前决策、购中决策及购后决策三个方面产生不同的影响。从双加工理论的角度来看, 产生这种不同影响背后的心理机制在于时间与金钱概念启动了个体不同的认知加工方式和思维定势, 进而影响了消费者不同的购买决策。未来的研究方向有:(1)细化时间和金钱概念启动对消费者购买决策的不同影响; (2)考虑时间与金钱的权衡对购买决策的影响; (3)进一步探究时间和金钱概念的激活对购前决策的不同影响; (4)探讨时间概念与金钱概念对购买决策不同影响的神经机制。  相似文献   

当下网上购物成为了一种时尚,作为追赶时尚潮流且掌握计算机技术的大学生,理所当然地成为了网上购物这个群体的重要组成部分。但是,在网上购物的过程中又存在着很多问题,本文将从对网购中的弊端进行分析,并从政府、学校、大学生自身三个方面提出了对策和建议。  相似文献   

近年来,随着电子商务的迅猛发展,网上购物以其无时间限制、选择性多、性价比高等优势赢得了越来越多的消费者的信赖,一年一度的"双十一"更成为消费者的购物狂欢节。而随着网购平台竞争的白热化,网络购物的缺陷也越来越明显,包装设计作为商品的推销员也应该顺应时代的发展趋势,重新整合其功能特点。对"互联网+"时代下的网购包装设计进行研究探索不仅有利于提升网络企业的品牌附加值,拓展消费者购物体验,更有利于规范网购市场,优化网购行业整体发展结构。  相似文献   

通过静态-动态决策模型的创设,考察了不同构造情境下心境、即时性诱发情绪对风险决策行为的影响。实验结果表明:(1)静态决策模型和动态决策模型下风险决策行为有着显著不同,相对于静态决策,动态决策模型下被试的风险决策行为更显保守;(2)不同心境在静态-动态决策模型下对风险决策行为的影响不同;(3)诱发情绪在动态决策模型中能对风险决策行为产生影响,恐惧情绪促使被试在动态决策中趋于保守。  相似文献   

王艳芝  姚唐  卢宏亮 《心理科学进展》2018,26(11):1915-1927
冲动性购买是生活中的常见现象, 也是消费者行为研究的重要子领域。围绕单人购物情境下的冲动购买研究成果较多, 而对结伴购物情境下的冲动购买行为研究明显不足。聚焦结伴购物情境下消费者的冲动购买现象, 基于“欲望-意志力”模型, 在情绪感染理论、归因理论等理论基础之上, 采用焦点访谈法、实验法、问卷调查法等研究方法, 从欲望和意志力两个方面, 深入探讨结伴购物消费者冲动购买行为发生的内部决策机理。研究结论将丰富现有结伴购物情境下的冲动购买行为研究内容, 也为企业营销实践、个人冲动购买行为管理以及政府部门开展消费者教育提供理论指导。  相似文献   

睡眠剥夺正在成为人们面临的一种普遍问题,但是已有研究很少将睡眠剥夺与消费者行为联系起来。本文采用真实购物情境下的大规模消费者个体层面数据(N=1625472),通过建立计量经济学模型来研究睡眠剥夺与购物后悔的关系。结果表明,睡眠剥夺显著地增加了消费者的购物后悔倾向,具体在行为上表现为增加了商品的退货概率和加快了商品的退货速度。此外,商品的价格正向调节了睡眠剥夺对购物后悔的影响,而促销优惠金额的比例则负向调节了睡眠剥夺对购物后悔的影响。  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is to provide managers of shopping websites information regarding consumer purchasing decisions based on the Consumer Styles Inventory (CSI). According to the CSI, one can capture what decision-making styles online shoppers use. Furthermore, this research also discusses the gender differences among online shoppers. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was used to understand the decision-making styles and discriminant analysis was used to distinguish the differences between female and male shoppers. The result shows that there are differences in purchasing decisions between online female and male Internet users.  相似文献   

This study was designed to understand which factors influence consumer hesitation or delay in online product purchases. The study examined four groups of variables (i.e., consumer characteristics, contextual factors perceived uncertainty factors, and medium/channel innovation factors) that predict three types of online shopping hesitation (i.e., overall hesitation, shopping cart abandonment, and hesitation at the final payment stage). We found that different sets of delay factors are related to different aspects of online shopping hesitation. The study concludes with suggestion for various delay-reduction devices to help consumers close their online decision hesitation.  相似文献   

黄敏学  王薇 《心理学报》2019,51(5):612-624
既有文献对消费者延迟选择影响因素的研究, 主要集中于决策复杂度、决策者特质或情绪, 少有对决策场景进行深入探讨。互联网购物时代, PC端与手机端已成为重要的消费场景。针对手机端是否会加快消费者决策过程的问题目前也存在不一致的结论。本文引入决策双系统理论, 力图解释以往看似冲突的结论。消费者的购买决策模式, 不仅会受到决策任务(产品价格)的影响, 还会受到决策场景(购买终端)影响。当场景与决策任务使消费者启动的思维模式相一致时, 会提升决策流畅度, 降低延迟选择。本文发现, 移动端(PC端)与低(高)价格产品更容易激发相容的经验性(理性)思维, 降低延迟选择倾向。反之, 则会同时启动两种相左的决策思维, 增加延迟选择倾向。本文从场景启动与价格启动视角, 将以往消费者单一的决策思维模式, 拓展到多因素启动的思维模式相容性问题; 同时本文通过探究延迟选择问题, 对价格策略与场景化营销带来启示。  相似文献   

Payment notifications are becoming ubiquitous due to the popularity of online payment, which are usually considered to be records of consumption. However, the effect of payment notifications on consumer behavior has not been fully understood. Given this research void, this study explores the effects of payment notifications on consumers' consumption amount during a multiple-purchase shopping journey. Considering the prevalence of online payment in China, we conducted four experiments using Chinese samples. The results confirm that payment notifications can evoke consumers' pain of payment, which consequently reduces consumers' subsequent shopping amount. Additionally, we argue that the effects of payment notifications on consumer behavior are different in the early/late stage of the shopping journey or in the gift-purchasing/self-purchasing conditions. The findings of this article could help payment application developers to better design payment notification functions.  相似文献   

In the past few decades, consumers across the globe have become heavily reliant on e-commerce to purchase almost everything, from essential goods to hedonic goods. The prevalence of online shopping has significantly improved the consumption process and, by meeting consumers' needs, likely affects their long-term subjective well-being (SWB). Using individual-level data from the 2018 China Family Panel Studies, this study shows that online shopping enhances the long-term SWB of consumers by increasing their proportion of hedonic consumption. Consumer income can moderate the effect of online shopping on the long-term SWB of consumers, such that high consumer income can weaken this effect. In addition, the effect of online shopping on long-term SWB is stronger for rural consumers than for urban consumers. The authors close with a discussion of the implications of this study's findings for academics and policy makers.  相似文献   

Although the number of studies on online reviews is growing, the impact of reviewer photo on consumer purchase decision-making has not yet been examined systematically. In particular, the underlying neural mechanisms have remained underexplored. Thus, the present study investigated whether and how reviewer photos affects consumers to make a purchase decision by using eventrelated potentials (ERPs). At the behavioral level, participants demonstrated a higher purchase rate with a shorter RT in situations with reviewer photos compared to situations without reviewer photos. Meanwhile, at the neural level, compared with situations without reviewer photos, situations with reviewer photos attracted more rapid attention resources at the early automatic processing phase, which induced a greater P2 amplitude, then mobilized more sustained attention allocation at the cognitive monitoring phase due to its evolutionary significance which elicited a more negative N2 amplitude, and finally resulted in a better evaluative categorization with higher motivational and emotional arousal due to its social presence which evoked a larger late positive potential (LPP) amplitude at the late elaborate cognitive processing phase. Those results illuminated the neural pathway of purchase decision-making when consumers were exposed in different conditions of reviewer photo. Moreover, the current study provided evidence for the underlying influence of reviewer photo on purchase decision-making in online shopping.  相似文献   

Latino consumers in the United States reached a collective buying power of nearly $1.72 trillion in 2020 with over 22% between the ages of 18 and 37, and 80% of the population on the internet. Although Latino Millennials represent a significant consumer group in the United States, scarce literature has examined their online shopping orientations. Furthermore, despite having indications that Millennials are not a homogenous consumer group, and differ in their shopping preferences, studies fell short in examining the online shopping orientations of the Millennial subgroup. Thus, the purpose of this study was to examine the shopping orientations of Latino consumers by segmenting the Millennial generation into three groups: younger Millennial (18–23), middle Millennial (24–30), and older Millennial (31–37). The study administered a web-based questionnaire survey to a convenience sample of 378 participants. A one-way multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) was conducted, and findings revealed that shopping orientations of Latino consumers differ significantly based on Millennial generational cohorts (MGCs) and ethnicity. Among Latino MGCs, younger Millennials were more brand-and fashion-conscious, impulsive, and confused by over choice. Furthermore, Latino Millennials were more brand conscious than Caucasian Millennials. Therefore, companies and marketers that target Latino Millennial consumers should create shopping experiences that meet the needs of the different generational cohorts.  相似文献   

B2C电子商务中消费者的风险来源及其影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
研究目的是通过考察B2C(Business to Consumer)电子商务中消费者知觉到的风险来源来验证电子商务交易中的虚实界面假设。通过访谈法和问卷法调查了337名被试,探讨了B2C电子商务中消费者认知到的风险来源结构,以及这些风险来源对消费者认知风险的影响。结果表明:消费者在B2C电子商务中的认知风险一部分来源于虚实界面  相似文献   

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