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The authors compared the exemplar-based random-walk (EBRW) model of Nosofsky and Palmeri (1997) and the decision-bound model (DBM) of Ashby and Maddox (1994; Maddox & Ashby, 1996) on their ability to predict performance in Garner’s (1974) speeded classification tasks. A key question was the extent to which the models could predict facilitation in the correlated task and interference in the filtering task, in situations involving integral-dimension stimuli. To obtain rigorous constraints for model evaluation, the goal was to fit the detailed structure of the response time (RT) distribution data associated with each individual stimulus in each task. Both models yielded reasonably good global quantitative fits to the RT distribution and accuracy data. However, the DBM failed to properly characterize the interference effects in the filtering task. Apparently, a fundamental limitation of the DBM is that it predicts that the fastest RTs in the filtering task should be faster than the fastest RTs in the control task, whereas the opposite pattern was observed in our data.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to contrast the predictions from exemplar models and rule-based decisionboundary models of perceptual classification. Observers classified multidimensional stimuli into categories that could be described in terms of easily verbalized logical rules. The critical manipulation was that some pairs of stimuli received probabilistic feedback, whereas other control pairs received deterministic feedback. Despite the probabilistic feedback, the probabilistic pairs and the deterministic pairs were the same distance from idealobserver, rule-based decision boundaries. Across two experiments with varying category structures, observers classified the probabilistic pairs with slower response times (RTs) and lower accuracies than the comparison deterministic pairs. The effects were relatively long term, extending into test blocks in which all feedback was withheld. The results were as predicted by exemplar models, but challenged models that posit that RT is a function solely of the distance of a stimulus from rule-based boundaries. The studies add considerable generality to previous ones and suggest that, even in domains involving rule-based category structures, exemplar-retrieval processes play a significant role. Supplemental materials related to this article may be downloaded from http:// mc.psychonomic-journals.org/content/supplemental.  相似文献   

Martino G  Marks LE 《Perception》1999,28(7):903-923
We tested the semantic coding hypothesis, which states that cross-modal interactions observed in speeded classification tasks arise after perceptual information is recoded into an abstract format common to perceptual and linguistic systems. Using a speeded classification task, we first confirmed the presence of congruence interactions between auditory pitch and visual lightness and observed Garner-type interference with nonlinguistic (perceptual) stimuli (low-frequency and high-frequency tones, black and white squares). Subsequently, we found that modifying the visual stimuli by (a) making them lexical (related words) or (b) reducing their compactness or figural 'goodness' altered congruence effects and Garner interference. The results are consistent with the semantic coding hypothesis, but only in part, and suggest the need for additional assumptions regarding the role of perceptual organization in cross-modal dimensional interactions.  相似文献   

The study examined how well subjects were able to ignore the presence of irrelevant stimulus information in noise and in silence, as a function of age. Children aged six and nine, and adults, performed speeded card-sorting tasks with one binary dimension relevant and zero or two dimensions irrelevant. The presence of irrelevant information interfered with performance, the magnitude of interference declining with age. The interfering effects of irrelevant information were greater when it was (relatively) more salient than when it was less salient, but there was no interaction between relative salience and the effects of noise. Noise (95 dB(A)) slowed down sorting performance of adult subjects in all conditions, it slightly improved the performance of nine-year-old children, and it improved the performance of six-year-old children significantly when irrelevant information was present. The effects of noise on attentional control are discussed, mainly with reference to inhibitory effects of noise on subvocal activity.  相似文献   

For computer-administered tests, response times can be recorded conjointly with the corresponding responses. This broadens the scope of potential modelling approaches because response times can be analysed in addition to analysing the responses themselves. For this purpose, we present a new latent trait model for response times on tests. This model is based on the Cox proportional hazards model. According to this model, latent variables alter a baseline hazard function. Two different approaches to item parameter estimation are described: the first approach uses a variant of the Cox model for discrete time, whereas the second approach is based on a profile likelihood function. Properties of each estimator will be compared in a simulation study. Compared to the estimator for discrete time, the profile likelihood estimator is more efficient, that is, has smaller variance. Additionally, we show how the fit of the model can be evaluated and how the latent traits can be estimated. Finally, the applicability of the model to an empirical data set is demonstrated.  相似文献   

Latent trait models for response times in tests have become popular recently. One challenge for response time modeling is the fact that the distribution of response times can differ considerably even in similar tests. In order to reduce the need for tailor-made models, a model is proposed that unifies two popular approaches to response time modeling: Proportional hazard models and the accelerated failure time model with log–normally distributed response times. This is accomplished by resorting to discrete time. The categorization of response time allows the formulation of a response time model within the framework of generalized linear models by using a flexible link function. Item parameters of the proposed model can be estimated with marginal maximum likelihood estimation. Applicability of the proposed approach is demonstrated with a simulation study and an empirical application. Additionally, means for the evaluation of model fit are suggested.  相似文献   

Latent trait models for responses and response times in tests often lack a substantial interpretation in terms of a cognitive process model. This is a drawback because process models are helpful in clarifying the meaning of the latent traits. In the present paper, a new model for responses and response times in tests is presented. The model is based on the proportional hazards model for competing risks. Two processes are assumed, one reflecting the increase in knowledge and the second the tendency to discontinue. The processes can be characterized by two proportional hazards models whose baseline hazard functions correspond to the temporary increase in knowledge and discouragement. The model can be calibrated with marginal maximum likelihood estimation and an application of the ECM algorithm. Two tests of model fit are proposed. The amenability of the proposed approaches to model calibration and model evaluation is demonstrated in a simulation study. Finally, the model is used for the analysis of two empirical data sets.  相似文献   

Speeded classification was studied with three tasks varying in the way in which extra stimuli are provided for a single class:grouping, with additional levels on a single relevant dimension;filtering, with additional levels on an irrelevant dimension; andcondensation, with additional levels on a second relevant dimension. (Both relevant dimensions must be processed for correct classification.) For the dimensions used (color and form), filtering was easiest, followed by grouping and condensation. In the latter two cases, asymmetric classifications, in which one class had a single member, eliminated the difficulty of classification. The presumed mechanism is focusing, in which the single stimulus is seen as a positive set and all other stimuli as negative.  相似文献   

The representation underlying the identification and classification of semirealistic line drawings taken from a computer model of the face was investigated by using a speeded classification task and an identification task. These data were analyzed by using a multidimensional extension of signal detection theory, within which varieties of perceptual interactions between dimensions within and across stimuli can be characterized. The dimensions of interest here were eye separation, nose length, and mouth width. The response time and accuracy data from the speeded classification task suggest that processing of a given feature did depend on whether other features were present or absent, but given that other features were present, the results strongly support separability (a macrolevel, across-stimulus form of invariance) for all pairs of facial dimensions used. This separability was confirmed by the subsequent identification task. Owing to its greater resolution, the identification task can reveal interactions that might exist at more microlevels of processing. In fact, the identification data did indicate the presence of perceptual dependence between facial dimensionswithin a stimulus when the dimensions that were varied were close in spatial proximity (i.e., eye separation and nose length). Within the theoretical framework, perceptual dependence can be interpreted as correlated noise between otherwise separate channels (and hence, is logically distinct from separability). This dependence was greatly reduced for dimensions that were more distant (eyes and mouth). The relation between these results and the configural effects that have been observed with faces as stimuli in other studies is discussed.  相似文献   

Two experiments tested predictions of the hemispheric coactivation model for redundancy gain (J. O. Miller, 2004). Simple reaction time was measured in divided attention tasks with visual stimuli presented to the left or right of fixation or redundantly to both sides. Experiment 1 tested the prediction that redundancy gain--the decrease in reaction time when 2 stimuli are presented rather than 1--should increase when the response requires a greater degree of bilateral control by both hemispheres. In different blocks, the response was made with the left hand, the right hand, or both hands simultaneously. In accordance with the model, redundancy gain was larger with bimanual than with unimanual responses. Experiment 2 tested and found support for the prediction that redundancy gain should decrease when both hemispheres are activated by an irrelevant auditory accessory stimulus. Thus, the results support the hemispheric coactivation model.  相似文献   

Young children are slower in naming the color of a meaningful picture than in naming the color of an abstract form (Stroop-like color-object interference). The current experiments tested an executive control account of this phenomenon. First, color-object interference was observed in 6- and 8-year-olds but not in 12- and 16-year-olds (Experiment 1). Second, meaningful pictures did not interfere in 5- to 7-year-olds’ manual sorting of objects on the basis of color (Experiment 2) or in their naming the number of colored objects in the display, that is, subitizing (Experiment 3). These findings provide support for the view that color-object interference results from the children’s immature inhibition of the prepotent but irrelevant task of object naming.  相似文献   

Performance on selective-attention and divided-attention tasks shows strong and consistent interactions when participants rapidly classify auditory stimuli whose linguistic and perceptual dimensions (the words low vs. high, low and high pitch, low and high position in space) share common labels. Compared with baseline performance, response times were greater when one or two irrelevant dimensions varied (Garner interference) and when combinations of attributes were incongruent rather than congruent (congruence effects). Performance depended only on the congruence relationships between the relevant dimension and each of the irrelevant dimensions and not on the congruence relationships between the irrelevant dimensions themselves. In selective attention, an additive multidimensional model accounts well for the patterns of both Garner interference and congruence effects.  相似文献   

Subjects classified sets of multidimensional stimuli into two groups in any way they wished. The sets were composed of 6 or 12 stimuli: 2 or 4 instances of 3 different stimuli (e.g., 2 blue circles, 2 green circles, 2 red circles). There were striking individual differences in the preferred classification. Some subjects maximized the similarity between subgroups by matching the composition of the subgroups--one instance of each stimulus was placed in each group. The other subjects maximized the similarity among stimuli within each subgroup by placing similar stimuli in each group (the blues and greens in one group, the reds in the other). The nature of the stimuli as well as the relationships among the three stimuli had little effect on classification. In this case, cognitive styles specific to individuals but general across diverse dimensions and stimulus sets determined classification.  相似文献   

Selective attention was studied when subjects were required to make either speeded classifications of single stimuli or comparisons of pairs of multidimensional stimuli. Experiment 1 established that subjects were able to attend selectively to form when the irrelevant dimension of size or shading varied in a speeded-classification (card-sorting) task. Experiment 2 confirmed this finding in a discrete-trials task. However, subjects werenot able to filter out irrelevant dimensional disparity in a comparably designed simultaneous-comparison (i.e., “same”-“different”) task. Mean “same” reaction time increased monotonically with increases in disparity between the two stimuli on the irrelevant dimension. Experiment 3 also revealed a monotonie increase in “same” RT as a function of irrelevant disparity in a successive-comparison task. These results were discussed in terms of a normalization model proposed by Dixon and Just (1978) in which it is assumed that a subject equates the two stimuli on the irrelevant dimension before deciding that they are the same along the relevant dimension. It was concluded that: (1) although subjects can efficiently filter out irrelevant disparity in a speeded-classification task, interference due to irrelevant disparity is obtained in the comparison tasks, (2) a common process such as normalization does not necessarily underlie performance in the speeded-classification and comparison tasks, (3) the ability to attend selectively to a stimulus dimension may be task determined as well as stimulus determined, and (4) contrary to the Dixon and Just proposal, normalization of irrelevant disparity occurs in a comparison task, even when the relevant dimension is represented as a separate encoding feature.  相似文献   

The role of attention in speeded Garner classification of concurrently presented auditory and visual signals was examined in 4 experiments. Within-trial interference (i.e., congruence effects) occurred regardless of the attentional demands of the task. Between-trials interference (i.e., Garner interference) occurred only under conditions of divided attention when making judgments about auditory signals. Of importance, the data show congruence effects in the absence of Garner interference. Such a pattern has been rarely reported in studies of the classification of purely visual stimuli and contradicts theoretical accounts asserting that the effects share a common locus. The data question the notion that Garner classification reveals fundamental insights about the nature of the perceptual processing of bimodal stimuli.  相似文献   

Two experiments using a probe-RT paradigm showed that partial information about the size of a stimulus can influence response processes before complete size information is available. Contrary to the asynchronous discrete coding model, these results suggest that the perceptual system may transmit to the response system information that only partially specifies a single stimulus attribute. In combination with previous findings, these results also suggest that there are at least two dissociable forms of selective preparation for a given response.  相似文献   

Wood (1975) suggested that information specifying consonant identity is dependent on the earlier processing of pitch. Is vowel identification also dependent on the prior processing of pitch? In contrast with the results obtained with consonants, Kuhl (1975, 1976) reported that infants responded selectively to differences in vowel color when pitch varied but not to differences in pitch when vowel color varied. Miller (1978) has also reported that adults show mutual, symmetric interference effects in speeded classification of vowel color and pitch, In the present study, judgments of vowel color and pitch were examined in a reaction time task in order to assess the effects of the relative discriminability of vowel and pitch quality on speeded classification. In addition, we also compared the classification of isolated vowels to vowels in consonantal context. The overall results were consistent with both Kuhl’s and Miller’s earlier findings but refine our understanding of the interaction between various dimensions by showing that vowel identification is also dependent on the processing of pitch information. Such an interaction, however, becomes evident only when the processing dependencies are examined across a wide range of stimulus values for each dimension. The present findings provide additional information about the nature of processing dependencies among dimensions in speech and the methods by which such dependencies may be studied.  相似文献   

Two experiments were run in which speed of sorting decks of stimulus cards was measured. Stimuli were constructed from two dichotomous dimensions, used either alone or perfectly correlated. The lack of evidence for a selective serial processing (SSP) strategy (in which S sorts by his most preferred dimension whenever the dimensions are correlated) in a similar study by Garner and Felfoldy (1970) was thought to be due to Ss’ failure to notice that the dimensions were correlated, and thus that SSP would be effective. Ss in the present experiment therefore received either implicit instructions concerning the existence of the correlated deck (by seeing only decks in which there were just two different stimuli), or explicit instructions that on some trials the two dimensions would be correlated and S could sort by any means he preferred. When dimensions of size of circle and angle of diameter were of unequal discriminability, implicit instructions produced partial use of the SSP strategy, while explicit instructions produced nearly total use of SSP by all Ss. When the Munsell dimensions of value and chroma were varied in two separate color chips and were equally discriminable on the average, evidence for a small amount of SSP was found in both the implicit and explicit conditions. With neither pair of dimensions did implicit or explicit instructions regarding the correlated task produce integration of information.  相似文献   

Summed-similarity models of visual episodic recognition memory successfully predict the variation in false alarm rates across different test items. With data averaged across subjects, Kahana and Sekuler demonstrated that subjects' performance appears to change along with the mean similarity among study items; with high interstimulus similarity, subjects were less likely to commit false alarms to similar lures. We examined this effect in detail by systematically varying the coordinates of study and test items along a critical stimulus dimension and measuring memory performance at each point. To reduce uncontrolled variance associated with individual differences in vision, the coordinates of study and test items were scaled according to each subject's discrimination threshold. Fitting each of four summed-similarity models to the individual subjects' data demonstrated a clear superiority for models that take account of interitem similarity on a trialwise basis.  相似文献   

We conducted two experiments to study the training of speeded responses to stimuli in a clock face array. Participants were trained on one clock face and later tested on either the same or a different clock face. The clock faces varied along 3 dimensions of change (left-right flip, up-down flip, and 180 degrees rotation). Skill acquisition was reflected in decreases in overall, initiation, and movement response times in the training and test phases except that movement time reached an asymptote during training and did not decrease further during test. Test performance was best when training and test used the same clock face and worst when the training to test change involved an up-down flip. The transition to different clock faces was consistent with an interpretation based on the violation of expectations about target positions acquired during training. Consistent trial-by-trial feedback led to better initiation time but not movement time during training than periodic feedback, but this effect did not persist into the test phase.  相似文献   

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