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The purpose of this study was to assess and compare the relative contribution of skin tone and symmetry on judgment of attractiveness regarding female faces. Two hundred and fifteen Mozambican adults were presented with a set of faces, and instructed to rate their degree of attractiveness along a continuous scale. Chi-square, factorial weight analyses and ANOVA were used to analyze the data. Face skin tone had a significant impact on the participants' attractiveness judgment of target faces. However, the target face skin tone contribution to the participants' attractiveness judgment (5% of the total variance) was much weaker than the contribution of the target face symmetry (85% of the total variance). These results imply that skin bleaching, common among Black people across sub-Saharan African countries, is not only dangerous to the health of those who practice it, but it is unlikely to make them appear much more attractive.  相似文献   

选取88名大班儿童(43名女童和45名男童)及90名在校大学生(42名男生和48名女生)为实验被试,通过心理量表评分,探讨面部特征空间关系、肤色和亮度对儿童卡通面孔吸引力影响。结果显示:(1)幼儿与成人对卡通面孔最佳面部特征空间关系评价存在差异;(2)幼儿评价女童卡通面孔眼嘴间距离占面长24%时吸引力最优,两眼间距离占面宽41%时吸引力最优,但未达显著。成人评价女童卡通面孔也存在纵向“黄金比例(19%)”现象;(3)男童卡通面孔不存在最佳比例;(4)幼儿偏爱偏白肤色,而成人偏好白里透红;(5)受众性别与卡通形象性别均对肤色偏好有影响;(6)亮度高的儿童卡通面孔更具吸引力。结论:卡通面孔吸引力受面部特征空间关系、肤色与亮度等因素显著影响,卡通设计需针对不同年龄、性别受众来设定面部特征空间关系与肤色等要素。  相似文献   

面孔加工的种族效应(the other-race effects)指人们对面孔做个体辨别任务时辨别本族面孔的绩效优于辨别他族面孔的绩效, 而做种族分类任务时分类他族面孔的绩效优于分类本族面孔的绩效。本研究通过知觉适应操纵被试对种族两歧(高加索和亚洲)融合面孔的种族知觉, 进而比较被试在两种条件下对同一张融合面孔进行种族分类和知觉辨别的绩效的差异。结果发现, 知觉适应能使被试产生将两歧融合面孔知觉为与原始面孔所属种族相反种族的知觉偏向, 并且, 伴随着这种知觉偏向, 两歧融合面孔的加工出现了他族分类优势和本族辨别优势, 提示社会认知因素对面孔加工的种族效应有重要作用。  相似文献   

采用无任务浏览范式,选取积极、中性和消极的情绪面孔作为材料,将面孔划分为3个兴趣区(眼睛、鼻子和嘴),考察中国个体在加工本族与高加索情绪面孔的眼动注视特点。研究结果显示,在浏览本族的(积极、中性和消极)情绪面孔时,中国被试对眼睛和鼻子的注视次数和时长显著多于对嘴部的注视次数和时长。在浏览高加索的(积极、中性和消极)情绪面孔时,中国被试对眼睛和鼻子的注视次数和时长显著多于其对嘴部的注视次数和时长,并且对鼻子的注视次数和时长也显著多于眼睛的注视次数和时长。结果表明,在加工本族面孔表情,中国被试将鼻子和眼睛作为主要注视区域,而加工高加索面孔表情时则是将鼻子作为最主要注视区域,即中国被试加工本族和异族面孔表情的注视特点存在差异。  相似文献   

谷莉  白学军 《心理科学》2014,37(1):101-105
本研究选取45名3-5岁幼儿和39名大学本科生作为被试。实验材料为恐惧、愤怒、悲伤、惊讶和高兴五种面部表情图片。用Tobbi眼动仪记录被试观察表情图片时的眼动轨迹。结果发现:(1)成人偏好高兴表情,并在高兴表情上的注视时间和次数显著大于幼儿;(2)成人偏好注视眼部,幼儿偏好注视嘴部。结果表明,面部表情注意偏好的发展具有社会依存性,趋向于偏好积极情绪,这种发展变化与面部表情部位的注意偏好相关。  相似文献   

The authors examined ratings of facial attractiveness, rankings of faces, and reasons given by young, middle-aged, and older men and women for young, middle-aged, and older male and female face attractiveness. No support for predictions derived from similarity, interest, and cohort hypotheses was obtained. In support of the expertise hypothesis, young and middle-aged adults rated younger faces as more attractive than old faces, whereas older adults rated all aged faces equally. In support of the crone hypothesis, older female faces were rated the lowest of all faces. Theoretical implications and real-world applications are discussed.  相似文献   

为探讨高低唇读理解能力听障学生唇读面部加工方式的差异,研究采用视频—图片匹配范式并结合眼动技术,考察高低唇读能力组语前-语中-语后和整体面部加工方式。结果发现,虽然两组都表现出社会协调模式,但高唇读能力组社会协调分数更高,且眼部维持时间更长。表明高唇读能力者整体加工和眼部、口形并行加工能力强,支持凝视假说和社会协调模式;低唇读能力者整体加工效率低,更依赖口形,未能通过补偿策略获得良好的补偿效果。  相似文献   

We conducted a targeted review of the literature exploring racial phenotypicality bias (RPB): perceivers' sensitivity to within-race variation in facial target features in perceptions and judgment of others. This review revealed evidence that two distinct mechanisms underlying these effects, categorical and featural, tend to be conflated in the literature. The categorical route suggests that the pathway from target cues to stereotype application is mediated by category activation. The featural route suggests that the pathway from target cues to stereotype application is direct, bypassing category activation. The categorical route is more closely represented when researchers discuss RPB, and more often of empirical focus. With a focus on research exploring RPB toward African American people, we explain the two routes and evidence supporting their distinction. We next offer evidence estimating the degree to which they may be conflated in the empirical literature and discuss limitations to our approach. Next, we describe some potential implications of this conflation for theory, research, and applications concerning RPB. Finally, we end with some recommendations for future empirical research.  相似文献   

Recent work has indicated that individual differences in facial structure are linked to perceptions of aggressiveness. In particular, the relative width of a face [facial width‐to‐height ratio (fWHR)] has been suggested to be a reliable cue to aggressive behaviour, at least in men. Additionally, facial masculinity has been associated with perceptions of dominance, a close proxy of aggressiveness. In two studies, we assessed the robustness of this link using faces transformed along these vectors in men (Studies 1 and 2) and women (Study 2). Additionally, we examined whether individual differences in self‐reported dominance of perceivers moderated this association in order to extend previous work indicating that own dominance affects perception of such behaviour in others. Results indicated that both male and female faces with increased fWHR and increased facial masculinity were perceived as more aggressive. However, we found no systematic evidence for moderating effects of self‐reported dominance on the perception of aggression in others. Taken together, these results further support the robustness of fWHR and facial masculinity as cues to aggressiveness but question whether observers' own dominance moderates their perception of these cues in others. Copyright © 2013 European Association of Personality Psychology  相似文献   

大脑的性别差异近年来受到了广泛关注。脑成像技术的出现为脑结构和脑功能性别差异的研究开辟了新的道路。借助结构磁共振成像和弥散张量成像等脑结构信息, 以及脑电图、正电子发射断层扫描技术和功能性磁共振成像等脑功能信息, 当前研究主要探讨了脑灰质、脑白质和大脑的基线活动在脑局部区域、脑子系统、全脑连接组三个层次上的性别差异及其在年龄上的发展变化。此外, 为了更好地理解脑性别差异, 当前文章还探讨了脑性别差异研究领域的一些认识误区。有关脑性别差异的研究虽然已经取得了丰富的成果, 但现有的研究结果存在很多分歧, 仍然有深入挖掘的空间。未来应该加强对具有性别特异性的心理疾病脑机制的研究, 关注基因和环境对脑性别差异的交互作用, 并利用脑功能活动动态变化的特性、以及结合多模态的脑成像技术进一步阐明脑性别差异。  相似文献   

温芳芳  佐斌 《心理学报》2012,44(1):14-29
采用图像处理技术和眼动探讨了性别二态线索对面孔偏好的影响。实验1发现非面孔线索未掩蔽和掩蔽时, 感知男性化技术与原始照片条件下女性化的男性面孔更有吸引力和信任度; 性别二态技术条件下, 非面孔线索未掩蔽时男性化的男性面孔更有吸引力和信任度。实验2表明被试对男性面孔的平均瞳孔大小和注视次数均大于和多于女性面孔, 首次注视时间短于女性面孔; 被试对男性化面孔的首次注视时间和首次注视持续时间均长于女性化面孔。  相似文献   

This paper provides a provisional examination of Rod Watson's work and contributions to EM/CA/MCA, in part through a critique of misrepresentations of his arguments in secondary accounts of his work. The form of these misrepresentations includes adumbration and traducement of his arguments. Focusing on the reflexivity of category and sequence and turn-generated categories, we suggest that his analytic position within ethnomethodological fields is unique and remarkable, yet largely unacknowledged. We argue that a re-examination of the body of Watson's work makes relevant explicit and appropriate acknowledgement of his contributions through his unconventional approach and his extension of prior works in novel and stimulating directions.  相似文献   

本研究采用不同参照语境下的面孔情绪评定任务,使用事件相关电位技术,考察了自我参照、母亲参照及他人参照对面孔情绪知觉加工的影响。行为结果显示,与他人参照相比,在自我参照与母亲参照的消极语境中的面孔被认为更消极,积极语境中的面孔被认为更积极。ERP的结果显示,相比他人参照,自我参照与母亲参照都能诱发更大的EPN波幅;自我参照与母亲参照对EPN和LPP波幅的影响差异并不显著。这些研究结果表明,自我参照和母亲参照在面孔情绪知觉上具有一致性,本研究从他人面孔情绪加工的角度为中国人的自我结构中包含"母亲"成分提供了进一步的证据。  相似文献   

A fundamental question in vision research is whether visual recognition is determined by edge-based information (e.g., edge, line, and conjunction) or surface-based information (e.g., color, brightness, and texture). To investigate this question, we manipulated the stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA) between the scene and the mask in a backward masking task of natural scene categorization. The behavioral results showed that correct classification was higher for line-drawings than for color photographs when the SOA was 13 ms, but lower when the SOA was longer. The ERP results revealed that most latencies of early components were shorter for the line-drawings than for the color photographs, and the latencies gradually increased with the SOA for the color photographs but not for the line-drawings. The results provide new evidence that edge-based information is the primary determinant of natural scene categorization, receiving priority processing; by contrast, surface information takes longer to facilitate natural scene categorization.  相似文献   

There is ample evidence of racial and gender bias in young children, but thus far this evidence comes almost exclusively from children's responses to a single social category (either race or gender). Yet we are each simultaneously members of many social categories (including our race and gender). Among adults, racial and gender biases intersect: negative racial biases are expressed more strongly against males than females. Here, we consider the developmental origin of bias at the intersection of race and gender. Relying on both implicit and explicit measures, we assessed 4‐year‐old children's responses to target images of children who varied systematically in both race (Black and White) and gender (male and female). Children revealed a strong and consistent pro‐White bias. This racial bias was expressed more strongly for males than females: children's responses to Black boys were less positive than to Black girls, White boys or White girls. This outcome, which constitutes the earliest evidence of bias at the intersection of race and gender, underscores the importance of addressing bias in the first years of life.  相似文献   

This study examined the contribution of social anxiety to the evaluation of emotional facial stimuli, while controlling for the gender of participants and stimuli. Participants (n=63) completed two tasks: a single face evaluation task in which they had to evaluate angry versus neutral faces and, a facial crowd evaluation task in which they had to evaluate displays with a varying number of neutral and angry faces. In each task, participants had to evaluate the stimuli with respect to (a) the degree of disapproval expressed by the single face/crowd, and (b) the perceived difficulty of interacting with the face/crowd (emotional cost). Consistent with earlier studies, results showed that social anxiety modulated the evaluation of single faces for emotional cost, but not for disapproval ratings. In contrast, the evaluation of facial crowds was modulated by social anxiety on both ratings.  相似文献   

The paper examines the relationship between three dimensions of mood and temperament traits according to the Regulative Theory of Temperament (RTT). The theory emphasises the role of temperament in meeting environmental requirements and implies that temperamental traits influence mood. The results showed that subjective level of energy was linked most strongly to activity (undertaking behaviours providing intense stimuli). It is questioned whether energy should be considered as a result or a cause of high activity. The best predictor of tense arousal and hedonic tone proved to be emotional reactivity. The former mood dimension was positively related to emotional reactivity, whereas the latter was negatively linked to this trait. The results are consistent with previous investigations on neuroticism and extraversion and widen the knowledge on temperamental predictors of mood by showing associations between briskness and all three mood dimensions. Moreover, the results showed that advantageous mood profile was associated with advantageous temperamental structure which corroborates the relevance of RTT.  相似文献   

听觉掩蔽的机制是解决嘈杂声学环境下对特定目标声音进行加工, 即“鸡尾酒会”问题的关键。听觉掩蔽可以分为能量掩蔽和信息掩蔽两种类型。前者是因为目标和掩蔽声音在听觉外周在时间和频率上的重叠所造成的, 而后者被认为是掩蔽声音在听觉中枢和目标声音竞争加工资源所造成的。长久以来, 信息掩蔽一直被当作一种单一成分的现象, 这一概念框架已经成为制约对其机制进行深入研究的一个瓶颈。信息掩蔽中至少包含有知觉信息掩蔽和认知信息掩蔽两种亚成分, 它们源于不同的中枢机制。多个说话人声音掩蔽的条件下, 总体掩蔽量是能量掩蔽、知觉信息掩蔽和认知信息掩蔽等成分总和的结果。操纵掩蔽和目标声音的知觉空间分离、掩蔽声音的可懂度以及掩蔽和目标声音的知觉相似度, 可以实现对两种信息掩蔽亚成分的双重分离。应用功能性核磁共振成像技术可以发现两者有不同的神经机制。  相似文献   


The tendency for children to keep the secret of child abuse is an important practical impediment to adequate research, prevention, assessment, and treatment. While some studies have established that children will readily keep adult secrets, few have investigated the predictors of ease of disclosure. In this research, race of the interviewer requesting the secret strongly affected disclosure, with Black children particularly showing an unwillingness to disclose a negative secret to a different race interviewer. Children at high risk for sexual abuse (as assessed by the Finkelhor checklist) also were more likely to keep the secret.  相似文献   

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