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Fluctuations and phase symmetry in coordinated rhythmic movements   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Pendular, clocking movements typify mammalian terrestrial locomotion. They can be investigated with a procedure in which people swing hand-held pendulums at the wrists, comfortably and rhythmically. Pendular, clocking behavior was examined for in-phase and out-of-phase coordinations. The periodic timing and powering of rhythmic movements in the comfort state follow from different laws (Kugler & Turvey, 1986). One law guides the assembling of the reference frame for "clocking." Another law guides the assembling of the muscular, escapement processes determining the cycle energy. Wing and Kristofferson's (1973) method for parsing periodic-timing variance into independent "clock" and "motor" sources was applied. Mean periodicity was unaffected by phase. "Clock" fluctuations, however, were larger out of phase than in phase. "Motor" fluctuations were indifferent to phase but reflected the departures of individual wrist-pendulum systems from their preferred periods. It appears that an intended phase relation is realized as a constraint on "clock" states. These states are more stable under the in-phase constraint than under the out-of-phase constraint.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to examine the stability of the anti-phase and in-phase modes of coordination by means of both fluctuations and relaxation times. Participants (n=6) performed a rhythmic bimanual forearm coordination task that required them to oscillate their forearms in-phase and anti-phase while grasping two manipulanda at fixed frequencies ranging from 0.6 to 1.8 Hz. Relaxation times were measured as the time taken to return to a stable mode following the application of a transient mechanical torque. It was found that relaxation times were not different statistically across participants, frequencies, and coordinative modes. However, fluctuations, as indicated by the mean S.D. of relative phase across individual frequency plateaus, were significantly greater in the anti-phase than in the in-phase mode of coordination, p<0.05. Whilst providing new empirical support for the notion that relaxation times should be of the same order of magnitude at frequencies outside transition regions, the findings suggest that the level of stochastic noise in the anti-phase mode is greater than that of the in-phase mode. Implications are made for the future assessment of local pattern stability.  相似文献   

Twenty-seven subjects tracked targets moving up and down in a straight-line path formed from the sum of three sine waves. There were nine such tracks varying in average frequency and length of repeating subunit. The latter variable had little effect on performance, but low frequency targets were tracked better than high frequency targets. Only the component frequencies present in the tracks were reproduced to any extent in the subjects' performance. For components in different tracks the highest frequencies were reproduced with the lowest amplitude. However, for components within the track the highest frequency component tended to be reproduced with the highest amplitude. In addition the greatest amount of learning appeared in the highest frequency component within a track.  相似文献   

Learning a bimanual rhythmic task is explored from the perspective that motor skill acquisition involves the successive reparameterization of a dynamical control structure in the direction of increasing stability, where the intentional process of reparameterization is itself dynamical. Subjects learned to oscillate pendulums held in the right and left hands such that the right hand frequency was twice that of the left (2:1 frequency lock). Over 12 learning sessions of 20 trials each, we interpreted the decreasing fluctuations in the frequency locking to be an index of the increasing concavity of the underlying potential, a measure of stability; the time required to achieve the 2: 1 pattern was interpreted as indexing the relaxation time of an intentional dynamic. Power spectral analyses of the phase velocity ratio exhibited two strategies for acquiring the interlimb movement pattern: (a) adding spectral peaks at integer multiples of the left hand frequency or (b) distributing power across many frequencies in a l/f-like manner. Results are discussed in terms of the promise of a dynamical approach to learning coordinated movements.  相似文献   

Task dynamics corresponding to rhythmic movements emerge from interactions among dynamical resources composed of the musculature, the link segments, and the nervous and circulatory systems. This article investigated whether perturbations of interlimb coordination might be effect over circulatory and nervous elements. Stiffness of wrist-pendulums oscillated at a common tempo and at 180 degrees relative phase was perturbed through the use of tonic activity about an ankle. Left and right stiffnesses, the common period, and the phase relation all changed. Stiffnesses increased with ankle torque in proportion to the wrist's inertial load. Despite different changes in stiffness at the two wrists, isochrony was preserved. The stability was shown to be consistent with the proportionality of changes in stiffness to the inertial loads. The phase departed from antiphase in proportion to the asymmetry of inertial loads. The size of departures decreased with increasing ankle torque. An account was developed in terms of muscular, circulatory, and nervous functions.  相似文献   

Modulation of the responses to perturbation applied during different phases of three rhythmic movements in humans-running, cycling, and hopping-was studied. The perturbation was an electrical stimulus. The results showed gating and modulation of the responses in both ipsi- and contralateral limb muscles. The responses during running and cycling were only excitatory in nature, while during hopping an inhibitory response was observed. These responses were not correlated with the normal activity during the movement. The latency of the response in general was not altered for different stimulation phases. The alterations in the step cycle demonstrated overt behavioral changes due to the responses. There were differences between the responses observed during these movements and walking. In running, the major adaptation to perturbations appears to be in the contralateral side as seen in the changes in the step cycle. During cycling (except for one phase) and hopping, the same set of muscles was activated in response to perturbation. This represents a simplifying strategy in response organization. The dependency of the response on the task characteristics, postural stability requirement, and external constraints imposed on the subject is discussed. These studies provide insights into task-dependent strategies adopted by the nervous system to meet unexpected perturbation during rhythmic movements in humans.  相似文献   

In recent years, neuromodulation of the cervical spinal circuitry has become an area of interest for investigating rhythmogenesis of the human spinal cord and interaction between cervical and lumbosacral circuitries, given the involvement of rhythmic arm muscle activity in many locomotor tasks. We have previously shown that arm muscle vibrostimulation can elicit non-voluntary upper limb oscillations in unloading body conditions. Here we investigated the excitability of the cervical spinal circuitry by applying different peripheral and central stimuli in healthy humans. The rationale for applying combined stimuli is that the efficiency of only one stimulus is generally limited. We found that low-intensity electrical stimulation of the superficial arm median nerve can evoke rhythmic arm movements. Furthermore, the movements were enhanced by additional peripheral stimuli (e.g., arm muscle vibration, head turns or passive rhythmic leg movements). Finally, low-frequency transcranial magnetic stimulation of the motor cortex significantly facilitated rhythmogenesis. The findings are discussed in the general framework of a brain-spinal interface for developing adaptive central pattern generator-modulating therapies.  相似文献   

The authors examined the dynamics governing rhythmic forearm movements that 9 participants performed under a variety of task constraints by using a generic, unbiased analysis technique for extracting the drift coefficients of Fokker-Planck equations from stochastic data. From those coefficients, they reconstructed and analyzed vector fields and phase portraits to identify characteristic, task-dependent kinematic and dynamical features. They first directly estimated the parameters of weakly nonlinear self-sustaining oscillators from the extracted drift coefficients. The estimated parameters that the authors had selected instinctively and then particularized by using averaging methods largely confirmed previously derived limit-cycle models. Next, they ventured beyond limit-cycle models to examine global and local dynamical features that those models cannot adequately address, particularly task-dependent changes in flow strength and curvature and distinct dynamical features associated with flexion and extension. The authors argue that those features should be focal points of researchers' future modeling efforts to formulate a more adequate and encompassing account of the dynamics of rhythmic movement.  相似文献   

Kinematic adaptations in multijoint rhythmic drawing movements were investigated under unexpected perturbations in friction levels between stylus and writing surface. Changes in coupling and stability properties were assessed as a function of practice level by applying perturbations to subjects' dominant and nondominant limbs. Under nonperturbation and perturbation conditions, joint motions of right-handed subjects were highly coupled in the nondominant limb and uncoupled in the dominant limb. Stability analyses of the kinematic responses in the phase plane showed a relatively higher intrajoint resistance to perturbations in the nondominant limb as compared to the dominant limb for the elbow joint. indicating a decrease in global joint stiffness with practice. These changes in joint coupling and stiffness with practice were not observed for left-handed subjects. In addition, the stability to perturbations in the end-effector (stylus) kinematics was related to the amount of joint coupling in the nondominant limb, whereas in the dominant limb there existed no such coupling. It was concluded that (a) practice changes the responses to perturbations from anatomically specific early in practice to task-specific late in practice, and (b) this shift is related to the stability in the joint phase-plane dynamics, degree of coupling between joint angles, and the decoupling of the dynamics in the intrinsic and extrinsic control spaces.  相似文献   

By watching each other's lower oscillating leg, 2 seated Ss kept a common tempo and a particular phase relation of either 0 degrees (symmetric mode) or 180 degrees (alternate mode). This study investigated the differential stability of the 2 phase modes. In Experiment 1, in which Ss were instructed to remain in the initial phase mode, the alternate phase mode was found to be less stable as the frequency of oscillation increased. In addition, analysis of the nonsteady state cycles revealed evidence of a switching to the symmetric phase mode for the initial alternate phase mode trials. In Experiments 2 and 3, Ss were instructed to remain at a noninitial phase angle if it was found to be more comfortable. The transition observed between the 2 phase modes satisfies the criteria of a physical bifurcation--hysteresis, critical fluctuations, and divergence--and is consonant with previous findings on transitions in limb coordination within a person.  相似文献   

This study addressed the issue of intentional stabilization of between-persons coordination patterns (in-phase/isodirectional and anti-phase/non-isodirectional) and the attentional cost incurred by the nervous system in maintaining and further stabilizing these coordination patterns. Five pairs of participants performed in-phase and anti-phase interpersonal coordination patterns in dual-task conditions (coordination+RT task). Results showed that: (1) isodirectional pattern (in-phase) was more stable than non-isodirectional pattern (anti-phase), (2) both iso- and non-isodirectional pattern were stabilized intentionally, (3) RT was lower for the isodirectional pattern (i.e., the most stable), and (4) attentional manipulation led to a trade-off between pattern stability and RT performance. These results suggest that performing between-persons coordination patterns incurs a central cost that depends on the coupling strength between the limbs. These findings are consistent with the previous studies in intrapersonal coordination.  相似文献   

When reaching for objects, people frequently look where they reach. This raises the question of whether the targets for the eye and hand in concurrent eye and hand movements are selected by a unitary attentional system or by independent mechanisms. We used the deployment of visual attention as an index of the selection of movement targets and asked observers to reach and look to either the same location or separate locations. Results show that during the preparation of coordinated movements, attention is allocated in parallel to the targets of a saccade and a reaching movement. Attentional allocations for the two movements interact synergistically when both are directed to a common goal. Delaying the eye movement delays the attentional shift to the saccade target while leaving attentional deployment to the reach target unaffected. Our findings demonstrate that attentional resources are allocated independently to the targets of eye and hand movements and suggest that the goals for these effectors are selected by separate attentional mechanisms.  相似文献   

Children’s rhythmic movements during the first year of life possess a meaningful predictive validity for later communicative development. However, their role within adult-child interactions is still underexplored. In this study, we examined whether children’s rhythmic movements were significantly responded by adults and the role of multimodality and object use in this process. We observed 22 dyads of 9-month-olds and their parents in natural play interactions. Infants’ multimodal rhythmic movements increased the probability of adult responding. Adults offered different types of responses and significantly followed the child’s focus of attention. These dynamics could support communicative development by promoting joint attention frameworks.  相似文献   

This study examined changes in rhythmic arm shaking and laterality biases in infants observed longitudinally at three points: just prior to, at, and just following reduplicated babble onset. Infants (ranging in age from 4 to 9 months at babble onset) were videotaped at home as they played with two visually identical audible and silent rattles presented at midline for 1.5 min each. Rate of rattle shaking increased sharply from the pre-babble to the babble onset session; but there was no indication that this increase was specific to the right arm. This finding suggests that the link between babble onset and increased rhythmic arm activity may not be the product of language-specific mechanisms, but is rather part of a broader developmental process that is also perceptual and motor.  相似文献   

Demonstrations of increased reproductive success due to sexual conditioning in Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica) have been reported, although the mechanisms that underlie these effects have remained elusive. One possible mechanism is conditioned rhythmic cloacal sphincter movements (RCSM). Two experiments were conducted with male quail to determine whether associations between a conditioned stimulus (CS) and a hen would result in the ability of the CS to elicit RCSM, and to explore the androgen mediation of conditioned RCSM. The results suggest that a focal CS paired with visual access to a female will elicit RCSM via a representation of the hen activated by the CS. Further, the available evidence indicates that conditioned RCSM is androgen mediated and that this learning may transfer across breeding seasons.  相似文献   

Echoplanar fMRI was used to measure changes in cortical activation during the performance of a simple hand movement task under three types of voluntary control. Each of three imaging series alternated a task with rest: passive (in which the experimenter moved the hand), voluntary against low resistance, and voluntary against higher resistance. Contralateral activation was observed in the supplementary motor area (SMA), the primary motor cortex (M1), and the somatosensory cortex (S1) in all three tasks in each subject, whereas ipsilateral activation differed in each cortical region for each task. SMA had the widest prevalence of ipsilateral activation in all three tasks. In the M1, ipsilateral activation was observed in all but 1 subject in the two voluntary tasks but in only a few subjects in the S1 in any of the tasks. Quantitative changes in signal intensity and spatial extent of activation differentiated the voluntary tasks from the passive task and were most pronounced in the S1.  相似文献   

Listeners judged whether two five-tone nonmetric rhythms were the same or different. Each rhythm was presented one, two, or four times to study the process of perceptual differentiation. The results indicated that the listeners perceived these rhythms in terms of the grouping of the tones, and not in terms of the timing between the groups. Two rhythms that had the same perceptual grouping were judged as being identical, even if the timing between the groups was different. The perception of the groupings of tones developed gradually. If each rhythm was presented only once, then the listeners had only a global percept, focused on groups (runs) of three elements, and often judged two different rhythms as being identical. If the rhythms were presented two or four times, then the grouping of the tones became more differentiated and the listeners were less likely to judge different patterns as being identical. Thus, perception of auditory rhythmic structure appears to follow the same developmental process as the perception of visual spatial structure.  相似文献   

One of the questions yet to be fully understood is to what extent the properties of the sensory and the movement information interact to facilitate sensorimotor integration. In this study, we examined the relative contribution of the continuity compatibility between motor goals and their sensory outcomes in timing variability. The variability of inter-response intervals was measured in a synchronization-continuation paradigm. Participants performed two repetitive movement tasks whereby they drew circles either using continuous or discontinuous self-paced movements while receiving discrete or continuous auditory feedback. The results demonstrated that the effect of perceptual-motor continuity compatibility may be limited in self-paced auditory-motor synchronization as timing variability was not significantly influenced by the continuity of the feedback or the continuity compatibility between feedback and the movement produced. In addition, results suggested that the presence of salient perceptual events marking the completion of the time intervals elicited a common timing process in both continuous and discontinuous circle drawing, regardless of the continuity of the auditory feedback. These findings open a new line of investigation into the role of the discriminability and reliability of the event-based information in determining the nature of the timing mechanisms engaged in continuous and discontinuous self-paced rhythmic movements.  相似文献   

《Human movement science》1999,18(2-3):307-343
Four subjects produced coordinated movements, consisting of flexion and extension of the wrist in ipsilateral (right wrist only), contralateral (left wrist only), inphase (both wrists in flexion or both in extension) and antiphase (one wrist in flexion, the other in extension) conditions. Electromyographic (EMG) activity was recorded from right wrist flexor and extensor muscles. In one session, transcranial magnetic stimuli (TMS) of the left motor cortex, around threshold intensity, evoked short-latency responses in the right wrist extensors and flexors. In another session, the median nerve at the cubital fossa was stimulated to elicit an H-reflex in the right flexor carpi radialis (rFCR). A movement cycle was divided into 8 segments. In total, 10 identical stimuli were delivered during each segment in each condition, at two movement frequencies. The magnitude of the EMG reponses to TMS was modulated markedly during movements made in the ipsilateral condition, and in both bimanual conditions. EMG activity was greater, and motor-evoked potentials (MEPs) were larger in the antiphase condition than in the inphase condition. When the amplitudes of the MEPs were normalised with respect to background EMG, no significant differences between the bimanual conditions were obtained. For H-reflexes, significant differences between the two bimanual conditions were observed, suggesting differences in levels of excitability of the Ia afferent pathway. These differences were attributed to segmental input associated with changes in muscle length arising from limb movement, and upon descending input to the spinal cord, possibly mediated by Renshaw cell inhibition. During rhythmic passive movement of the right limb, H-reflexes were inhibited and MEPs potentiated in a cyclic fashion. Passive movement of the contralateral left limb resulted in inhibition of both responses.PsycINFO classification: 2330; 2530; 2540  相似文献   

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