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We investigated the effects of age, background babble, and acoustic distortion of the word itself on serial position memory in a series of experiments involving six different auditory environments (quiet, and 12-talker background babble presented between, overlapping, or concurrent with word presentation or with two kinds of distortion applied to the words). To control for hearing, the level of babble or distortion was adjusted so that younger and older adults could hear the words equally well. Although the presence of continuous and word-flanking background babble adversely affected memory in the early serial positions in both age groups, only older adults' memory was adversely affected in the later serial positions. Moreover, younger adults' memory was not affected by acoustic word distortion, whereas one of the two types of temporal distortion adversely affected memory for later serial positions in older adults. The exact pattern of impairment and its interaction with age suggests that memory in older adults is more affected than that in younger adults in complex listening situations because they either need more time or have to employ more attentional resources to segregate different auditory streams, thereby depleting the pool of resources available for memory encoding.  相似文献   

Perhaps the most common method of depicting data, in both scientific communication and popular media, is the bar graph. Bar graphs often depict measures of central tendency, but they do so asymmetrically: A mean, for example, is depicted not by a point, but by the edge of a bar that originates from a single axis. Here we show that this graphical asymmetry gives rise to a corresponding cognitive asymmetry. When viewers are shown a bar depicting a mean value and are then asked to judge the likelihood of a particular data point being part of its underlying distribution, viewers judge points that fall within the bar as being more likely than points equidistant from the mean, but outside the bar--as if the bar somehow "contained" the relevant data. This "within-the-bar bias" occurred (a) for graphs with and without error bars, (b) for bars that originated from both lower and upper axes, (c) for test points with equally extreme numeric labels, (d) both from memory (when the bar was no longer visible) and in online perception (while the bar was visible during the judgment), (e) both within and between subjects, and (f) in populations including college students, adults from the broader community, and online samples. We posit that this bias may arise due to principles of object perception, and we show how it has downstream implications for decision making.  相似文献   

In three experiments, observers who were instructed to perceive one of two alternative depth arrangements of a three-dimensional wire cube fixated near one of two intersections that differed in the degree to which they specified the cube's veridical depth organization. In order to separate perceptual effects from experimenter effects, we measured indirect reports about variables perceptually coupled to perceived depth rather than direct reports about perceived depth. In all three experiments, reversal durations at the two intersections differed, even though the two were parts of a single object. In addition, reversals varied with viewers' intentions. Thus, the unit of perceptual organization may be smaller than the entire object, and viewers' intentions can influence the perception of real moving objects. In additional analyses, reversal durations were separated into two components: nonelective instability and malleability; the question of whether these two components of ambiguity are functionally distinct could not be decided.  相似文献   

A procedure for ordering object (stimulus) pairs based on individual preference ratings is described. The basic assumption is that individual responses are consistent with a nonmetric multidimensional unfolding model. The method requires data where a numerical response is independently generated for each individual-object pair. In conjunction with a nonmetric multidimensional scaling procedure, it provides a vehicle for recovering meaningful object configurations.The author wishes to thank Jack Hoadley, Larry Mayer, Sheldon Newhouse, Stuart Rabinowitz, Forrest Young, and three anonymous reviewers for their useful suggestions.  相似文献   

Other-race individuals are remembered more poorly and receive less holistic/configural processing than same-race individuals, at least when faces are novel. Here, we examine the amelioration of these effects with familiarity, using distinctiveness-matched Caucasian and Asian stimulus sets. We confirmed a cross-race deficit for upright faces following a single encoding trial, which disappeared rapidly with practice on a small set of other-race 'friends' and did not re-emerge when perceptual processing was put under stress (presentation in the periphery). We also examined holistic/configural processing for familiarised faces using the peripheral inversion effect (McKone, 2004 Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 30 181 - 197). A test for faces and nonface objects (dogs) confirmed the validity of this technique as providing a direct measure of holistic processing; we then showed that, after 1 h of training, holistic processing was as strong for other-race as same-race faces. We conclude that practice with other-race individuals can rapidly engage normal face-processing mechanisms.  相似文献   

The basic speech unit (phoneme or syllable) problem was investigatedwith the primed matching task. In primed matching, subjects have to decide whether the elements of stimulus pairs are the same or different. The prime should facilitate matching in as far as its representation is similar to the stimuli to be matched. If stimulus representations generate graded structure, with stimulus instances being more or less prototypical for the category, priming should interact with prototypicality because prototypical instances are more similar to the activated category than are low-prototypical instances. Rosch (1975a, 1975b) showed that, by varying the matching criterion (matching for physical identity or for belonging to the same category), the specific patterns of the priming × prototypicality interaction could differentiate perceptually based from abstract categories. Bytesting this pattern forphoneme and syllable categories, the abstraction level of these categories canbe studied. After finding reliable prototypicality effects for both phoneme and syllable categories (Experiments 1 and 2), primed phoneme matching (Experiments 3 and 4) and primed syllable matching (Experiments 5 and 6) were used under both physical identity instructions and same-category instructions. The results make clear that phoneme categories are represented on the basis of perceptual information, whereas syllable representations are more abstract. The phoneme category can thus be identified as the basic speech unit. Implications for phoneme and syllable representation are discussed.  相似文献   

Recent evidence has shown that practice recognizing certain objects hurts memories of objects from the same category, a phenomenon called recognition-induced forgetting. In all previous studies of this effect, the objects have been related by semantic category (e.g., instances of vases). However, the relationship between objects in many real-world visual situations stresses temporal grouping rather than semantic relations (e.g., a weapon and getaway car at a crime scene), and temporal grouping is thought to cluster items in models of long-term memory. The goal of the present study was to determine whether temporally grouped objects suffer recognition-induced forgetting. To this end, we implemented a modified recognition-induced forgetting paradigm in which the objects were temporally clustered at study. Across four experiments, we found that recognition-induced forgetting occurred only when the temporally clustered objects were also semantically related. We conclude by discussing how these findings relate to real-world vision and inform models of memory.  相似文献   

Object imagery refers to the ability to construct pictorial images of objects. Individuals with high object imagery (high-OI) produce more vivid mental images than individuals with low object imagery (low-OI), and they encode and process both mental images and visual stimuli in a more global and holistic way. In the present study, we investigated whether and how level of object imagery may affect the way in which individuals identify visual objects. High-OI and low-OI participants were asked to perform a visual identification task with spatially-filtered pictures of real objects. Each picture was presented at nine levels of filtering, starting from the most blurred (level 1: only low spatial frequencies—global configuration) and gradually adding high spatial frequencies up to the complete version (level 9: global configuration plus local and internal details). Our data showed that high-OI participants identified stimuli at a lower level of filtering than participants with low-OI, indicating that they were better able than low-OI participants to identify visual objects at lower spatial frequencies. Implications of the results and future developments are discussed.  相似文献   

In the visuomotor mental rotation (VMR) task, participants point to a location that deviates from a visual cue by a predetermined angle. This task elicits longer reaction times (RT) relative to tasks wherein the visual cue is spatially compatible with the movement goal. The authors previously reported that visuomotor transformations are faster and more efficient when VMR responses elicit a degree of dimensional overlap (i.e., 0° and 5°) or when the transformation involves a perceptually familiar angle (i.e., 90° or 180°; K. A. Neely & M. Heath, 2010b). One caveat to this finding is that standard and VMR responses were completed in separate blocks of trials. Thus, between-task differences not only reflect the temporal demands of the visuomotor transformations, but also reflect the temporal cost of response inhibition. The goal of this study was to isolate the time cost of visuomotor transformations in the VMR task. The results demonstrated that visuomotor transformations are more efficient and effective when the response entails a degree of dimensional overlap between target and response (i.e., when the angular disparity between the responses is small) or when the transformation angle is perceptually familiar.  相似文献   

The present study represents a further investigation of an imagery training procedure previously developed by the authors (Yuille & Catchpole, 1973). Subjects given a brief training session in the use of an interacting imaginal mnemonic showed significantly higher performance than nontrained Ss on tests of immediate, delayed, and second learning set memory. While both recognition and recall were equally affected by the procedure, with recognition showing its usual superiority, the type of immediate memory test did not affect delayed recall. The findings are interpreted as supporting the preference of young children for visual coding.  相似文献   

Because the objects that surround us are three-dimensional, their appearance and our visual perception of them change depending on an object’s orientation relative to a viewpoint. One of the most remarkable effects of object orientation is that viewers prefer three-quarter views over others, such as front and back, but the exact source of this preference has not been firmly established. We show that object orientation perception of the threequarter view is relatively imprecise and that this impreciseness is related to preference for this view. Human vision is largely insensitive to variations among different three-quarter views (e.g., 45° vs. 50°); therefore, the three-quarter view is perceived as if it corresponds to a wide range of orientations. In other words, it functions as the typical representation of the object.  相似文献   

Quickly and accurately perceiving others' facial affect is paramount for successful social interaction. This work investigates the role of familiarity in helping us to interpret others' facial emotions. In Experiments 1 and 2, participants viewed several faces, some familiar and some novel, and judged how happy each face appeared. As predicted, results showed that familiar faces were perceived as happier than were novel faces. In Experiment 3, participants again viewed several faces, some familiar and some not, and rated the perceived anger or happiness of these faces. As expected, familiar faces were perceived as happier and less angry than were novel faces. Thus, these results suggest that familiarity is one cue we use to interpret the facial affect of others. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In high-order object areas, face-selective areas prefer centrally presented stimuli, whereas building-selective areas prefer peripherally presented stimuli (Levy et al., 2001). We investigated whether this eccentricity bias was also evident in visual working memory. In Experiment 1, we found that working memory performance for faces decreased towards the periphery while the performance for buildings remained unchanged across different eccentricities. To rule out the possibility that lower level features influence these results, we manipulated the spatial frequency of faces and buildings (Experiment 2) and the spatial layout information of the buildings (Experiment 3). In both of the experiments, we replicated the results of Experiment 1, even when these lower level features of stimuli were controlled. Consistent with previous findings, the current results suggest that each object category is processed in a different manner depending on the eccentricity. This eccentricity bias is likely the result of how the high-order object areas represent different object categories.  相似文献   

Retrospective rating scales are widely used for formal assessment of typical performance. Raters who are the most familiar/interactive with ratees are routinely recommended to maximize the quality of ratings. This caveat to use the most familiar/interactive raters fails to distinguish sampling parameters of the observations on which ratings are based that may be important to assessing different classes of behavior. We hypothesized that systematic observational schedules would be of greater importance to ratings of public events than familiarity/interaction, per se, while the caveat would hold for ratings of private events. We used the Psychotic Inpatient Profile (PIP), which provides separate factor scores for ratings of public and private events, to examine these hypotheses in a quasi-experimental study with adult inpatients of mental hospitals. A large multiinstitutional data set provided retrospective PIP ratings by two types of raters. The most familiar/interactive local clinical staff for each client completed the PIP after observing on an ad lib schedule, along with ongoing job duties. Unfamiliar, noninteractive raters completed the PIP for each client after observing on a systematic time-sampling schedule for purposes of coding an entirely different instrument. Data were selected so that each of 189 clients received PIP scores from four raters, reflecting functioning during the same time period based on day-shift observations by one rater of each type and evening-shift observations by one rater of each type. Analyses of variance, consistency/discriminability of ratings, and prediction of social-action outcomes all supported the hypotheses. We discuss alternative strategies that are better for assessing typical performance in most circumstances. We also provide recommendations for improving the adequacy of observations for those circumstances in which the standardized retrospective rating scale could be a cost-effective assessment strategy.This study was the basis of a master's thesis at the University of Houston by the senior author under the direction of the junior authors. Richard M. Rozelle served on the examination committee. This study was partially supported by grants to Gordon L. Paul from the National Institute of Mental Health, Public Health Service (MH-15353; MH-25464); the Illinois Department of Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities; the Joyce Foundation; the MacArthur Foundation; the Owsley Foundation; the Cullen Foundation; and the Center for Public Policy of the University of Houston.  相似文献   

How does the brain learn to recognize an object from multiple viewpoints while scanning a scene with eye movements? How does the brain avoid the problem of erroneously classifying parts of different objects together? How are attention and eye movements intelligently coordinated to facilitate object learning? A neural model provides a unified mechanistic explanation of how spatial and object attention work together to search a scene and learn what is in it. The ARTSCAN model predicts how an object's surface representation generates a form-fitting distribution of spatial attention, or "attentional shroud". All surface representations dynamically compete for spatial attention to form a shroud. The winning shroud persists during active scanning of the object. The shroud maintains sustained activity of an emerging view-invariant category representation while multiple view-specific category representations are learned and are linked through associative learning to the view-invariant object category. The shroud also helps to restrict scanning eye movements to salient features on the attended object. Object attention plays a role in controlling and stabilizing the learning of view-specific object categories. Spatial attention hereby coordinates the deployment of object attention during object category learning. Shroud collapse releases a reset signal that inhibits the active view-invariant category in the What cortical processing stream. Then a new shroud, corresponding to a different object, forms in the Where cortical processing stream, and search using attention shifts and eye movements continues to learn new objects throughout a scene. The model mechanistically clarifies basic properties of attention shifts (engage, move, disengage) and inhibition of return. It simulates human reaction time data about object-based spatial attention shifts, and learns with 98.1% accuracy and a compression of 430 on a letter database whose letters vary in size, position, and orientation. The model provides a powerful framework for unifying many data about spatial and object attention, and their interactions during perception, cognition, and action.  相似文献   

In previous work, preschool-aged children have revealed a specific expectation that novel count nouns (but not adjectives) will refer to object categories (but not to object properties or to thematic relations). However, in these tasks, children have been permitted to extend a novel word immediately after it has been introduced. The current experiments test the hypothesis that the noun-category bias is sufficiently robust to hold up even when a delay is imposed between a naming episode and the child’s opportunity for extension. To capture this phenomenon experimentally, we imposed delays of 30 s (Experiment 1) and 1 h (Experiment 2). Across both delay conditions, children in a ‘novel noun’ condition revealed a strong inclination to consistently choose other members of the same object category as the (previously named) target. Children in either a ‘novel adjective’ or ‘no word’ condition revealed no taxonomic inclination. These results establish the power of the noun-category bias in situations that more closely approximate some of the very real challenges that children face in mapping and extending novel words.  相似文献   

In our prior studies, participants walked and grasped a dowel using an anticipatory mode of control. However, it is unknown how this combined task would change in a less predictable environment. We investigated the online control aspects involved in the combined task of walking and grasping under different coordination patterns between upper- and lower-limbs in young adults. Fifteen young adults walked and grasped a dowel under several experimental conditions combining the instant of visual cue appearance and coordination pattern of upper and lower limbs used to grasp the dowel. Visual cues provided two steps ahead or earlier were enough for executing the combined task of walking and prehension appropriately. Visual cues provided within this window impacted both walking stability and the execution of the prehension movement. Although an ipsilateral arm-leg coordination pattern increased mediolateral stability, a contralateral pattern significantly decreased mediolateral center of mass stability when the visual cue appeared one-step before grasping the object. These results imply that acquiring information to plan the combined task of walking and reaching for an object two steps ahead allows the maintenance of the general movement characteristics present when the decision to reach out for the object is defined two or more steps ahead. These results indicate that the prehension movement is initiated well before heel contact on that side when given sufficient planning time, but that a disruption of the natural arm-leg coordination dynamics emerges to accomplish the task when the cue is provided one step before the object.  相似文献   

Tipper, Paul and Hayes found object-based correspondence effects for door-handle stimuli for shape judgments but not colour. They reasoned that a grasping affordance is activated when judging dimensions related to a grasping action (shape), but not for other dimensions (colour). Cho and Proctor, however, found the effect with respect to handle position when the bases of the door handles were centred (so handles were positioned left or right; the base-centred condition) but not when the handles were centred (the object-centred condition), suggesting that the effect is driven by object location, not grasping affordance. We conducted an independent replication of Cho and Proctor's design, but with behavioural and event-related potential measures. Participants made shape judgments in Experiment 1 and colour judgments in Experiment 2 on the same door-handle objects. Correspondence effects on response time and errors were obtained in both experiments for the base-centred condition but not the object-centred condition. Effects were absent in the P1 and N1 data, which are consistent with the hypothesis of little binding between visual processing of grasping component and action. These findings question the grasping-affordance view but support a spatial-coding view, suggesting that correspondence effects are modulated primarily by object location.  相似文献   

In the present study we examined whether higher levels of object imagery, a stable characteristic that reflects the ability and preference in generating pictorial mental images of objects, facilitate involuntary and voluntary retrieval of autobiographical memories (ABMs). Individuals with high (High-OI) and low (Low-OI) levels of object imagery were asked to perform an involuntary and a voluntary ABM task in the laboratory. Results showed that High-OI participants generated more involuntary and voluntary ABMs than Low-OI, with faster retrieval times. High-OI also reported more detailed memories compared to Low-OI and retrieved memories as visual images. Theoretical implications of these findings for research on voluntary and involuntary ABMs are discussed.  相似文献   

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