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Ethical practice in counseling should mean more than remedying past mistakes. Counselors must look to the future and develop ways to stay in contact with the realities of a changing world. They must give certain philosophical and procedural questions constant attention to check on the validity for the present of long held ideas. In this way emerging issues can be identified before impossible situations are created.  相似文献   

Psychologists are increasingly viewing hospital-based practice with problems of physical health and illness as an area of both needed and appropriate involvement. Indeed, a wide array of research findings underscores the importance of psychological factors in maintaining physical health and preventing illness. However, the increasing involvement of psychologists, and broader acceptance of the practice contributions they can make, may lead to their experiencing ethical dilemmas in research and in practice. This article considers some ethical issues of confidentiality and informed consent in areas of research and practice with hospital-based patients.  相似文献   

Our aim in the special issue is to address some of the more abstract and fundamental ethical problems evident in the criminal justice system and to inquire into their significance for those individuals who assess and deliver rehabilitation programs to offenders. In order to provide an appropriate theoretical framework for an investigation of ethical concerns in the forensic and correctional practice domains, we first outline an ethical framework that is intended to help practitioners reflect systematically on their practice [Ward, T., & Syversen, K., (2009). Vulnerable agency and human dignity: An ethical framework for forensic practice. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 14, 94–105]. Second, we explicitly examine the relationship between two normative frameworks evident within the criminal justice system, punishment and rehabilitation, and inquire into their relationship. Finally, we briefly describe each of the papers comprising the special issue.  相似文献   

Within the last decade, applied developmental psychology (ADP) has emerged as a new subspecialization within traditional graduate programs in developmental psychology. Current definitions of ADP range from a primarily research-oriented discipline to a superordinate discipline under which clinical, educational, and school psychology organize applications of the developmental data base. This work draws upon several common themes to arrive at a broad definition of ADP. We outline reasons for developmental psychology's entrance into the “decade of applied research,” the broad spectrum of activities currently characterizing ADP, and training programs proposed to prepare students for these activities. The extension of developmental psychology into applied areas requires attention to the ethical issues encountered across the full spectrum of ADP activities. We present a perspective of ethical issues whose framework is predominantly applied developmental psychology. Our approach focuses on ethical concerns associated with both knowledge generation and knowledge application. In so doing, we raise issues concerning the need for applied developmentalists to address questions concerning the impact of planned methods on development in normal and atypical populations, consultation to institutions and public policy makers, competencies required to conduct developmental education programs, and utilization of developmental assessment techniques.  相似文献   

The ways in which ethical issues arise in making clinical judgments are briefly discussed. By showing the topography of the role of value judgments in medical diagnostics it is suggested why clinical medicine remains inextricably a value-infected science.  相似文献   

The first section of the Notes on Moral Theology reviews ethical issues in genetics through the lenses of privacy-confidentiality; risk-benefit analysis in relation to prenatal diagnosis and gene therapy; and freedom-determinism/human dignity in the context of cloning. The author provides an overview of developments in genetics and highlights thematic issues common to these developments.  相似文献   

Exercise psychology encompasses the disciplines of psychiatry, clinical and counseling psychology, health promotion, and the movement sciences. This emerging field involves diverse mental health issues, theories, and general information related to physical activity and exercise. Numerous research investigations across the past 20 years have shown both physical and psychological benefits from physical activity and exercise. Exercise psychology offers many opportunities for growth while positively influencing the mental and physical health of individuals, communities, and society. However, the exercise psychology literature has not addressed ethical issues or dilemmas faced by mental health professionals providing exercise psychology services. This initial discussion of ethical issues in exercise psychology is an important step in continuing to move the field forward. Specifically, this article will address the emergence of exercise psychology and current health behaviors and offer an overview of ethics and ethical issues, education/training and professional competency, cultural and ethnic diversity, multiple-role relationships and conflicts of interest, dependency issues, confidentiality and recording keeping, and advertisement and self-promotion.  相似文献   

Concern about the employment prospects of Ph.D.’s in the sciences and engineering has prompted overdue interest in the ethical aspects of graduate education. It is not possible to isolate an ethical inquiry that focuses solely on job-related issues. The ethical problems in graduate education are each related to employment, but none is related to employment only. We can illuminate potential ethical problems by considering conflicts of interest at each point from the decision to offer a graduate program through the treatment of its alumni. Such consideration prompts reassessment of program content, relations with students, and the objectives of graduate programs. This paper is a revised and expanded version of a presentation given at the American Association for the Advancement of Science meeting in Seattle, WA, February, 1997, during a program organized by the National Science Foundation (“Ethics, Employment, and Graduate Education in Science and Engineering,” Rachelle Hollander, Organizer). Samuel Gorovitz is Professor of Philosophy and of Public Administration at Syracuse University.  相似文献   

This paper examines the advantages and difficulties associated with using the internet as a communication medium for counselling. Access to the internet is increasing rapidly and counselling services are starting to be offered to clients. Such services may be particularly attractive to clients who may not be able to find such services locally. The disadvantages of using the internet for counselling include the loss of the non-verbal communication level. The paper addresses the ethical implications of counselling in this medium. It concludes that there is a need for more guidelines in professional codes of practice.  相似文献   

Most of the publicized work on scientific ethics concentrates on establishing professional norms and avoiding misconduct. The successful communication of science is the responsibility of all involved in the process. In one study, the increased incidence of autism and other social developmental disorders in males was investigated by examining individuals with Turner's syndrome (XO females). In the national newspaper this became "Genetic X-factor explains why boys will always be boys". The steps by which a study on developmental disorders, published in a highly prestigious journal, was transformed into an article in the science section which 'explained' the socially expected gender-based behavior of genetically normal children are fascinating and, unfortunately far too typical. The scientists wrote an excellent article that has just one sentence at the end that hesitantly suggests that the findings might, with further study, have some relevance to understanding normal behavior. The general interest article in the front of the journal gave a good account of the research, but suggested more strongly that there could be an in-built biological dimorphism in social cognition. This was misrepresented in the press as proof of gender differences that "undermines the trend towards sexual equality", and both illustrates cultural bias and provides fodder for feminist critiques of science. The study has been made to appear to be biased in favor of justifying the social structure of society, and yet it was the translation from the scientific study to national news that produced this transformation to biased genetic determinism. It is poor communication of the actual science, coupled with a lack of skepticism on the part of the public, that contributes to such a misapplication of science. Scientists should resist the urge to generalize their results to make them more compelling. The science community should not allow misconstructions of scientific facts to go unchallenged. Journalists, for both the scientific publication and the newspaper, should resist the inclination to embellish the finding with social significance that is not present. For their part, readers must be doubly skeptical of any finding that appears to underwrite any current social hierarchy. We are all responsible for a communication and interpretation of science that is as accurate and socially responsible as possible.  相似文献   

Legal and ethical issues involved in group work are reviewed and discussed. Variations in different professional ethics codes are discussed. Recommendations for consideration by group leaders are made.  相似文献   

《Ethics & behavior》2013,23(2):107-124
Psychologists and psychiatrists recently started using electronic mail (e-mail) to conduct therapy. This article explores relevant ethical and legal issues including, among others, the nature of the professional relationship, boundaries of competence, informed consent, treating minors, confidentiality, and the duty to warn and protect. To illustrate these complex issues, two services currently operating are discussed. To address potential hazards to clients and the profession, a new ethical standard for e-mail therapists is offered.  相似文献   

Psychologists and psychiatrists recently started using electronic mail (e-mail) to conduct therapy. This article explores relevant ethical and legal issues including, among others, the nature of the professional relationship, boundaries of competence, informed consent, treating minors, confidentiality, and the duty to warn and protect. To illustrate these complex issues, two services currently operating are discussed. To address potential hazards to clients and the profession, a new ethical standard for e-mail therapists is offered.  相似文献   

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