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Deep dyslexia is an acquired reading disorder resulting in the production of semantic errors during oral reading and an inability to read aloud nonwords. Several researchers have postulated that patients with deep dyslexia have both phonological and semantic access impairments but the data supporting these claims are not convincing. In fact, the hallmark feature of deep dyslexia--the semantic errors--strongly implies that these patients can access semantic information from printed words. We test the integrity of the semantic system in two such patients through auditory and visual word association tasks. The data support the notion that semantics remains intact and that the disorder and associated errors arise through a selection impairment related to failure of inhibitory connections in the phonological lexicon.  相似文献   

汉语发展性深层阅读障碍的个案研究   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
报告了一个发展性阅读障碍个案J,J的语音技能存在缺陷,音位、声调意识差,语音短时记忆能力弱,在汉字命名中产生大量语义错误、视觉错误和选择错误,表现出一系列深层阅读障碍症候群,是一例典型的深层阅读障碍个案。还讨论了汉语发展性阅读障碍亚类型的分类标准以及分布特点。  相似文献   

Lesioning an attractor network: investigations of acquired dyslexia   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A recurrent connectionist network was trained to output semantic feature vectors when presented with letter strings. When damaged, the network exhibited characteristics that resembled several of the phenomena found in deep dyslexia and semantic-access dyslexia. Damaged networks sometimes settled to the semantic vectors for semantically similar but visually dissimilar words. With severe damage, a forced-choice decision between categories was possible even when the choice of the particular semantic vector within the category was not possible. The damaged networks typically exhibited many mixed visual and semantic errors in which the output corresponded to a word that was both visually and semantically similar. Surprisingly, damage near the output sometimes caused pure visual errors. Indeed, the characteristic error pattern of deep dyslexia occurred with damage to virtually any part of the network.  相似文献   

Deep dyslexia in childhood?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Deep dyslexia is an acquired reading disorder in which semantic substitutions (e.g., city read as town) are made in reading single isolated words. In this paper, evidence for deep dyslexic-type errors is presented from the word-recognition responses of six children, aged 7 years and 0 month to 8 years and 9 months, with severe reading disorders. These semantic substitutions occur in the absence of phonological skills. Therefore, it appears that there exists a small subset of developmental dyslexics who at the beginning of acquisition of reading skills are able to engage in semantic processing, but who show severe impairment of phonological processing. The existence of these reading errors indicate that the use of a phonological code is not necessary to extract meaning from the printed word.  相似文献   

Recently, analogies have been drawn between the developmental and acquired dyslexias, but there has been no unequivocal report of developmental deep dyslexia. The case is reported here of a 9-year-old child whose reading performance resembles deep dyslexia in several ways. The incidence of errors with a semantic component is shown to be significantly above chance. The pattern of errors is discussed in relation to recent data on error patterns in normal beginning readers. Text reading, spelling, naming, and repetition are described. In contrast to previous case reports, follow-up data are presented which chart the qualitative changes in performance over time despite relatively little quantitative change. The child described has several specific handicaps. Developmental deep dyslexia may not be a prevalent subtype because the multiple impairments necessary to produce the disorder seldom co-occur and may tend to preclude reading development altogether.  相似文献   

We report the case of a patient V.E.M. who exhibits the infrequently described syndrome of visual dyslexia. V.E.M. read many single words accurately and rapidly; however, when words were read inaccurately, the majority of responses were alternate real words bearing a strong visual relationship to the target items. A series of observational and experimental investigations of her reading skills revealed that response accuracy was strongly affected by word frequency and mildly affected by concreteness but not influenced by word length, orthographic neighbourhood size, or semantic priming. It is argued that V.E.M.'s visual dyslexia results from a deficit of the visual word form system. More specifically, we propose that this deficit has an “access” quality, with visual word form representations remaining relatively intact despite an impairment in the processes by which these representations are activated. Taking the results of this study together with previous reports of dyslexic patients who make a high proportion of visual paralexic errors, we also suggest that visual dyslexia represents a multicomponent dyslexic syndrome for which phonological impairment and not semantic impairment may be a necessary condition.  相似文献   

We report the case of a patient V.E.M. who exhibits the infrequently described syndrome of visual dyslexia. V.E.M. read many single words accurately and rapidly; however, when words were read inaccurately, the majority of responses were alternate real words bearing a strong visual relationship to the target items. A series of observational and experimental investigations of her reading skills revealed that response accuracy was strongly affected by word frequency and mildly affected by concreteness but not influenced by word length, orthographic neighbourhood size, or semantic priming. It is argued that V.E.M.'s visual dyslexia results from a deficit of the visual word form system. More specifically, we propose that this deficit has an “access” quality, with visual word form representations remaining relatively intact despite an impairment in the processes by which these representations are activated. Taking the results of this study together with previous reports of dyslexic patients who make a high proportion of visual paralexic errors, we also suggest that visual dyslexia represents a multicomponent dyslexic syndrome for which phonological impairment and not semantic impairment may be a necessary condition.  相似文献   

The failure of inhibition hypothesis posits a theoretical distinction between implicit and explicit access in deep dyslexia. Specifically, the effects of failure of inhibition are assumed only in conditions that have an explicit selection requirement in the context of production (i.e., aloud reading). In contrast, the failure of inhibition hypothesis proposes that implicit processing and explicit access to semantic information without production demands are intact in deep dyslexia. Evidence for intact implicit and explicit access requires that performance in deep dyslexia parallels that observed in neurologically intact participants on tasks based on implicit and explicit processes. In other words, deep dyslexics should produce normal effects in conditions with implicit task demands (i.e., lexical decision) and on tasks based on explicit access without production (i.e., forced choice semantic decisions) because failure of inhibition does not impact the availability of lexical information, only explicit retrieval in the context of production. This research examined the distinction between implicit and explicit processes in deep dyslexia using semantic blocking in lexical decision and forced choice semantic decisions as a test for the failure of inhibition hypothesis. The results of the semantic blocking paradigm support the distinction between implicit and explicit processing and provide evidence for failure of inhibition as an explanation for semantic errors in deep dyslexia.  相似文献   

Deep dyslexia is an acquired reading disorder that involves the production of semantic errors and the inability to read aloud nonwords successfully. Several explanations for this reading impairment posit multiple loci of damage to account for the various error types produced in deep dyslexia. In contrast, the failure of inhibition hypothesis suggests that damage in the phonological output lexicon alone can explain these errors. Specifically, this hypothesis proposes normal processing via orthographic and phonological reading routes, as well as an intact semantic system. However, slowed or reduced inhibitory connections result in the failure to suppress spuriously activated neighbours in the phonological output lexicon, where neighbourhood can be defined in terms of phonology, orthography, or semantics. Given a failure to inhibit semantically related candidates, semantic reading errors occur. Important to the test of this hypothesis is that it evolves several predictions that are contrary to performance observed in the normal population. In particular, semantic errors are predicted to be greater in conditions where words are blocked according to semantic category than in random presentations. In addition, a semantic interference effect is expected. The results of semantic blocking were consistent with these predictions and lend support to the failure of inhibition hypothesis.  相似文献   

以14名阅读障碍儿童以及与其年龄和阅读水平相匹配的儿童为实验对象,考察了间距和语义对阅读障碍儿童拥挤效应的影响。结果发现阅读障碍儿童受拥挤效应的影响显著大于正常儿童,表明阅读障碍存在视觉加工缺陷;间距和语义均影响阅读障碍儿童的拥挤效应,表明影响阅读障碍儿童拥挤效应的因素既有刺激的低水平视觉特征,也有高水平语言信息;间距与阅读障碍儿童拥挤效应的关系呈U型。  相似文献   

Readers and writers of Spanish use an orthography that is highly transparent. It has been proposed that readers of Spanish can rely on grapheme-phoneme correspondences, alone, to access meaning or phonology from print. In recent years, a number of case studies have yielded evidence inconsistent with this idea. We review these studies with particular focus on those that report evidence for reading based on direct lexical mappings between print, orthographic representations, and meaning or phonology. We report a new case of acquired literacy impairment in Spanish, MJ, who presents a pattern of preserved abilities and deficits symptomatic of deep dyslexia. The patient is unable to read nonwords, but can read a substantial number of words. Her reading is characterized by the production of semantic, visual, and derivational errors. We argue that MJ has a deficit in her lexical selection ability, common to both her reading and her naming problems. We propose that MJ, and the other cases we review, demonstrate that lexical reading is adopted by skilled readers even in a transparent language.  相似文献   

We report a patient (B.V.) who appears to suffer from two dyslexic disorders. First, B.V. showed a severe impairment in reading aloud nonwords (e.g., reading TREST as TREE), in addition to making several semantic errors when reading aloud words (e.g., reading ILL as SICK) and in picture naming (e.g., responding KNIFE to a picture of a FORK). These results suggest that B.V. suffers from deep dyslexia. Second, B.V. showed an impairment in reading the final letters of both words and nonwords (e.g., reading SHOWN as SHORT and reading PROGE as PROOF). Thus, it appears that B.V. also suffers from neglect dyslexia. We discuss how these two forms of dyslexia could be interacting to account for B.V.'s pattern of errors in reading aloud words and nonwords and in picture naming.  相似文献   

Deep dyslexia is diagnosed when brain-injured, previously literate adults make reading errors that include hallmark semantic paralexias (e.g., reading HEART as BLOOD) and are also impaired at reading nonwords (e.g., FRIP). The diversity of these symptoms have led most researchers to conclude that there are multiple sources of impairment in this syndrome and that one of the most critical is a failure to process phonological information at a sublexical level. The patient (SD) reported in this study fits the deep dyslexia profile to the extent that she makes several semantically related reading errors. She also shows the classic frequency and image ability effects of the syndrome. However, as we report, she does read some nonwords correctly and she shows a strong advantage for naming when phonemic cues are presented. We discuss the performance of SD, on these preliminary tasks, in terms of a phonological selection impairment.  相似文献   

R Béland  Z Mimouni 《Cognition》2001,82(2):77-126
We present a single case study of an Arabic/French bilingual patient, ZT, who, at the age of 32, suffered a cerebral vascular accident that resulted in a massive infarct in the left peri-sylvian region. ZT's reading displays the characteristics of the deep dyslexia syndrome in both languages, that is, production of semantic, visual, and morphological errors, and concreteness effect in reading aloud and impossibility of reading nonwords. In the first part of this paper, using a three-route model of reading, we account for the patient's performance by positing functional lesions, which affect the non-lexical, the semantic lexical and the non-semantic lexical routes of reading. Phonological priming observed in a cross-language visual lexical decision task indicates that implicit assembled phonological recoding is possible. The above lesions and implicit nonword reading characterize the output form of deep dyslexia. However, error distribution reveals dissociations across languages (e.g. the semantic error rate is higher in French whereas translations are more frequent in the Arabic testing) that cannot be accounted for within a three-route model. In the second part, extensions to Plaut and Shallice's connectionist model (Cognitive Neuropsychology, 10 (5) (1993) 377) are proposed to account for the translinguistic errors observed. ZT's error distribution is compared to that obtained by Plaut and Shallice after lesions had been applied at different locations through the 40-60 network. The overall syndrome of deep dyslexia found in both languages is explained as resulting from lesions along the direct (O-->I) and output (S-->Ip, Ip-->P) pathways of reading. Lesions along the output pathway mostly affecting S-->Ip connections in French and Ip-->P connections in Arabic account for discrepancies in ZT's error pattern across tasks and languages. This case study demonstrates the superiority of a connectionist approach for predicting the error pattern in deep dyslexia.  相似文献   

Deep dyslexia evolved into phonological dyslexia in one patient. Semantic errors resolved while phonological and derivational errors persisted in reading. Nonword reading improved but remained inferior to word reading. Despite a residual semantic deficit naming improved. The Simultaneous Activation Hypothesis explains recovery from deep to phonological dyslexia and the continued dissociation between reading and naming errors. Partial recovery to all three reading routes increased constraints for word selection at the phonological output lexicon (POL) improving word reading. With recovery, the POL receives additional supportive information from the partially recovered direct oral reading route and grapheme-to-phoneme conversion (GPC) eliminating semantic errors in oral reading. Nonword reading also improved because of partial recovery to all three routes. Semantic errors in naming persisted because additional constraints were unavailable at the POL to activate a phonological entry. Phonological and derivational errors were more frequent in reading than in naming the result of incomplete GPC recovery. Residual nonword reading deficits resulted from incomplete GPC recovery, indicated by the persistence of neologisms in nonwords. The Simultaneous Activation Hypothesis readily accounts for the evolution from deep to phonological dyslexia.  相似文献   

In tests of her ability to produce written and spoken language, this deep dyslexic patient produced semantic, visual, and derivational errors, including functor substitutions, and exhibited part-of-speech and abstractness effects in oral reading, oral and written naming, and writing to dictation, but not in repetition of single words and copying from memory. This patient therefore provides confirmation of the hypothesis presented in Nolan and Caramazza (1982) that the defining symptoms of deep dyslexia will be observed in responses to any task which requires lexical mediation. The patient's written responses in all tasks but direct copying were characterized by spelling errors which included transpositions, omissions, substitutions, and additions of letters. A model of writing is proposed which explains these errors in terms of a disruption of a phoneme-grapheme conversion process which normally functions to prevent decay of information from a Graphemic Buffer.  相似文献   

Letter position dyslexia (LPD) is a peripheral dyslexia that causes errors of letter order within words. So far, only cases of acquired LPD have been reported. This study presents selective LPD in its developmental form, via the testing of 11 Hebrew‐speaking individuals with developmental dyslexia. The study explores the types of errors and effects on reading in this dyslexia, using a variety of tests: reading aloud, lexical decision, same‐different decision, definition and letter naming. The findings indicate that individuals with developmental LPD have a deficit in the letter position encoding function of the orthographic visual analyser, which leads to underspecification of letter position within words. Letter position errors occur mainly in adjacent middle letters, when the error creates another existing word. The participants did not show an output deficit or phonemic awareness deficit. The selectivity of the deficit, causing letter position errors but no letter identity errors and no migrations between words, supports the existence of letter position encoding function as separate from letter identification and letter‐to‐word binding.  相似文献   

Semantic reading errors are the central and defining feature of deep dyslexia. This study compared the words the deep dyslexic patient LW read correctly with those she omitted and those to which she produced semantic errors in terms of their concreteness, age-of-acquisition, frequency, and length. Semantic errors were made to less concrete, later-acquired, and shorter words than were read correctly; there was no reliable effect of word frequency. More importantly, the actual semantic errors produced were later-acquired than the stimulus words, but they were not more concrete or reliably more frequent. These results implicate age-of-acquisition in the process that produces semantic errors. It is proposed that concreteness determines the specificity of the semantic system to activate a set of candidate responses and that age-of-acquisition biases the ease with which certain words can be selected from this set to be produced as reading responses.  相似文献   

汉语发展性阅读障碍亚类型的初步探讨   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
以阅读水平匹配组为参照对29名汉语发展性阅读障碍儿童的认知缺陷模式进行了分析,并考察了不同亚类型阅读障碍儿童的汉字识别模式。结果表明汉语发展性阅读障碍存在不同的亚类型,以语音缺陷型、快速命名缺陷型及两者结合的双重缺陷型为主,与英语国家研究中的双重缺陷假设一致。语音缺陷型儿童汉字识别时有更多的语义错误,对声旁中的部分语音线索不敏感;快速命名缺陷型儿童汉字识别时依赖声旁语音线索,表现出阅读发展的一般延迟;双重或多重认知缺陷型是阅读损伤最严重的亚类型  相似文献   

A case of a Swedish-speaking deep dyslexic is reported whose semantic paralexias appeared to result mainly from a lexical retrieval failure in oral reading. He was able to draw correct pictures of the written words for which he had simultaneously produced a semantically erroneous oral reading response. Repeated attempts to correct paralexic responses were common, indicating that the patient was often aware of the errors. His lexical retrieval problems and semantic errors extended to naming as well, and the results support Nolan and Caramazza's (1982, Brain and Language, 16, 237-264), dual-deficit model of deep dyslexia.  相似文献   

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