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A factor analysis of 11 variables, ferreted from the curriculum vitae (CV) of 338 applicants for the position of assistant professor of psychology, yielded four factors which were used as predictors in six stepwise multiple regression analyses in which the ratings of 92 CV's by five members of a search committee were utilized as the criteria, first collectively and then individually. The first factor which was chiefly composed of the number of publications, especially senior authorships, accounted for 16% of the total variance and was the most potent contributor to the multiple R. Comparison of the results of the single-judge analyses revealed some notable vicissitudes in the prominence of the four predictors. Relationships of the present findings to the past policy-capturing research were indicated.  相似文献   

Some determinants of the reinforcing and punishing properties of timeout were investigated in two experiments. Experiment I began as an attempt to reduce the frequency of tantrums in a 6-yr-old autistic girl by using timeout. Unexpectedly, the result was a substantial increase in the frequency of tantrums. Using a reversal design, subsequent manipulations showed that the opportunity to engage in self-stimulatory behavior during the timeout period was largely responsible for the increase in tantrums. Experiment II was initiated following the failure of timeout to reduce the spitting and self-injurious behavior of a 16-yr-old retarded boy. Using a multiple-baseline design, the nature of the timein environment was shown to be an important determinant of the effects of timeout. When the timein environment was “enriched”, timeout was effective as a punisher. A conception of timeout in terms of the relative reinforcing properties of timein and timeout and their clinical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Hypotheses are proposed about relations among "building block" components of the motivation to attain exercise goals in an organizational fitness program, as well as about health-related individual differences in those components. The hypotheses are tested in a longitudinal field study involving questionnaire, physiological, and behavioral data from 107 participants in such a program. In support of the componential hypotheses, goal attainment was a positive function of goal commitment. Goal commitment was an additive function of goal attractiveness and goal-specific self-efficacy/perceived control. In support of the individual difference hypotheses, physiological variables were associated with work- and health-related perceived barriers to goal attainment. Employees with high health risks ranged from .5 to 1.2 SDs higher in perceived barriers than employees with low risks. Evidence suggests that for goal setting to succeed as a program intervention, managers must concentrate on reducing the perceived work- and health-related barriers to exercise participation and goal attainment, especially for employees with high health risks.  相似文献   

成年人某些个性特征的年龄差异研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
采用NEO—FFI简式对593名20至94岁成年人进行了个性特征的年龄差异研究。被试分为青年(20~39岁)、中年(40~59岁)、老年(60~74岁)和老老年(75岁及以上)4组,文化程度均初中以上。结果表明:问卷表再测信度合格,自评与亲友评定间有显著相关;除开放性特征(O)随增龄下降,即青年组较年长三组更加开放外,神经质(N)、内外向(E)、和谐性(A)和认真负责(C)量表分均无明显年龄差异;两性个性特点比较,女性N分及A分均明显高于男性;除年龄和性别因素外,健康善对N、E、C分,文化程度对N和O分,职业对E分均有影响。  相似文献   

The role of test-taking attitudes in the decisions of applicants to withdraw from a selection process was examined. Measures of test-taking attitudes were administered to 3,290 police officer applicants. Interviews were conducted with 618 applicants who withdrew from the selection process. Comparative anxiety, motivation, and literacy scales were found to predict withdrawal, but the effects were quite small. African-Americans were more likely to withdraw. Small race differences were found on test attitude scales. The requirement of taking a test was not a major factor in applicant withdrawal; procedural fairness and several other factors appeared to play a greater role. A model of applicant withdrawal is proposed based on the qualitative data from applicants who withdrew.  相似文献   

Les différences culturelles dans la mesure de la réussite scolaire: un problème pour les psychologies. — La “culture éducative”, C'est-à-dire le système standard de formation et d'évaluation, peut varier considérablement d'un pays à L'autre. La recherche interculturelle devrait utiliser les découvertes faites par la psychologie expérimentale en matière de processus d'apprentissage pour résoudre les problèmes de L'évaluation des niveaux d'instruction. Les comparaisons interculturelles portant sur L'intelligence et la réussite scolaire doivent prendre en considération les différences qui se manifestent dans L'acquisition des capacités particulières impliquées dans les tests. C'est ainsi, par exemple, qu'une comparaison expérimentale d'étudiants américains et israéliens portant sur la rétention d'un matériel symbolique et d'un matériel significatif, et utilisant un test subjectif de reconstruction (écrire un essai) et un test objectif de reconnaissance à choix multiple, a fait apparaître une performance supérieure des étudiants israéliens dans les deux types de tâches. Puisqu'il n'y a aucune raison de supposer que les étudiants américains testés sont globalement moins intelligents que les étudiants israèliens, les AA pensent que les écarts observés sont relatifs aux différences dans les pratiques éducatives et les manières de tester des deux pays: les Américains tendent à mettre L'accent sur les tests objectifs (reconnaissance) tandis que les israéliens utilisent davantage les tests de type subjectif (écrire un essai, reconstruction). Apparemment, les étudiants qui réussissent les tâches de reconstruction peuvent réussir aussi bien les tâches impliquant une reconnaissance, mais L'inverse n'est pas forcément vrai. Puisque la mémoire joue un rôle important dans la performance aux tests de réussite scolaire et dans la plupart des tests d'intelligence, on ne doit pas négliger les différences interculturelles qui apparaissent dans la rétention et dans la mesure de la rétention.  相似文献   

少年儿童道德行为动机特征的心理分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的和方法少年儿童的行为,由于其道德动机不同,就会具有不同的道德意义。要給少年儿童的行为以正确的道德評价,就应当洞察他們行为的道德动机。在儿童道德行为的心理特征的研究中,有很多是由研究者編拟一些故事,其中叙述某些有具体內容的道德行为,叫儿童判断或評价,从而揭示他們某种道德行为的心理特征。由研究者提供的道德故事,对儿童来說,是一种假設的行为情境,而不是他們实际的行为  相似文献   

Attempting to replicate procedures from Achievement Place, token reinforcement procedures were used to modify savings, conversational interruptions, and table-setting of delinquent boys residing in a home-style, community based, treatment setting. The tokens (points) were redeemable for various privileges and could be earned for specified appropriate behaviors and lost for specified inappropriate behaviors. Contingent point fines reduced the frequency of interruptions. Point rewards improved table-setting, but even large point rewards did not substantially increase savings. Baseline data indicated that lateness to dinner was not a problem, as it was in Achievement Place. Withdrawal of contingent points and back-up rewards did not disrupt the clean-up behavior of two boys.  相似文献   

Schedule-induced polydipsia occurred during initial magazine training to Noyes pellets (45 mg), disappeared when lever-pressing was acquired on a continuous reinforcement schedule (CRF), and reappeared when the food contingency was changed to a 1-min variable interval schedule (VI 1 min). Polydipsia also developed under a VI 1 min food schedule when water was concurrently available on various fixed ratios (FR), rather than being freely available. The level of the polydipsia and its motivating properties allow it to be classified as a form of adjunctive behavior.  相似文献   

动机因素、学习策略、智力水平对学生学业成就的影响   总被引:103,自引:0,他引:103  
王振宏  刘萍 《心理学报》2000,32(1):65-69
以119名高中学生为被试,测量研究了动机因素、学习策略、智力水平对学生学业成就的影响。结果表明,自我效能、内在动机、掌握目标、学习策略、智商分数与学业成就呈显著的正相关,外在动机、业绩目标与学业成就呈显著的负相关。智商分数、学习策略、动机因素与学业成就存在着因果关系,智商分数(β=0.476)、学习策略(β=0.220)、自我效能(β=0.207)、掌握目标(β=0.185)对学业成就有显著的回归效应,并直接影响学业成就。而内在动机(β=0.184)通过直接影响学习策略而间接影响学业成就。  相似文献   

Eleven dimensions of therapists' experiences during psychotherapy ses- sions were derived, factor analytically, for a sample of 17 therapists. These therapists completed a standard questionnaire after each of 8 or more sessions with 31 female patients. In general, the 11 dimensions reflected various experiences of (a) being helpful towards patients, (b) attempting to deal with difSicult patients, (c) making non-therapeutic responses to patients, and (d) entrapment in personally distressing situations with patients. Personal-social characteristics of patients and therapists were examined as possible determinants of therapist experience. Among other characteristics, patients' employment and marital status, diagnosis and previous treatment, influenced certain therapist experience dimensions-as did therapists' profession, marital status, and personal psychotherapy.  相似文献   

問題从日常观察中,人們常常可以看出不同的儿童在智力活动上不仅表現水平高低的差异,而且还表現个性特点的差异。智力活动中的个性特点差异既可表現在智力活动水平高的儿童之間,也可以表現在智力活动水平低的儿童之間。关于这方面的差异研究得比較多的,是由两种信号系統活动的相对优势所产生的差异以及由高級神經活动类型特点(強度、平衡性、灵活性)所产生的差异。我們这个研究也是考察儿童智力活动上的某些个性特点差异的,但暫时不企图探討这些差异的生理基础,而只是就心理現象上作一些分析、比較。  相似文献   

This study sought to examine the impact upon actors' selection of strategies to manage failure events of several contextual factors: characteristics of the reproacher/actor relationship, communicative goal-orientation of the actors, severity of the failure event, character of the reproach for the failure event, and the actors' degree of expressed guilt. Results indicated that actors elected to make no response when they felt less guilt, when there was no overt reproach, when their instrumental goal (securing honoring) was unimportant, and when the failure event was a severe offense. Concessions were used when the reproachers said nothing or projected a concession, when the offense was severe, when the actors' instrumental goal was important, and when they felt guilty. Actors chose to justify their behavior in high intimate situations where their instrumental goal was less important. Refusal to account was most likely to occur when reproachers used an aggravating reproach form, when actors felt unjustly accused, and when reproachers were dominant. Excuses were fairly uniformly distributed across all contexts.  相似文献   

中小学生学业成绩、自我概念和动机定向之间关系的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
综述了五十年代以来西方教育心理学界对中小学生的学业成就、能力知觉、控制知觉和动机定向之间关系的研究、研究结果表明;学生的学业成就、能力知觉(包括能力评价和能力情感)、控制知觉(包括不可知控制和内控-依赖他人)和动机定向之间的关系以不可知控制为中心,存在着不同程度的因果关系及发展差异.这个结论对如何在教学中提高学生的学习效率有着重要的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

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