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本研究以一个完整家庭(包括父亲、母亲、子女)为单位,基于施瓦茨的价值观理论,对上海及其周边中小城市、农村的107个14-17周岁的在校中学生家庭进行了价值观调查。在考察子女与其父母价值观差异的同时,运用多元回归分析探索当代中学生与父母价值观的相似性。结果表明,父母双方与子女价值观存在较大差异,其中母亲与子女的价值观差异更大;但子女与父母在集体主义价值观维度上表现出显著的相似性。  相似文献   

张进辅  赵永萍 《心理科学》2006,29(5):1222-1225
从与其父母间具有差异的价值观的角度出发,本研究自编了重庆市中学生价值观量表,并对重庆市的中学生及其家长进行了调查。结果显示:(1)自编的问卷具有良好的信效度;(2)重庆市中学生的价值观具有显著的性别主效应和年级主效应,学校区域和学校类型均不存在主效应;父亲职业、母亲职业在某些维度上存在主效应。(3)中学生与其父母的价值观在多个维度上都存在差异。在六个主因素中,学生最看重自我方面,而家长最看重家庭。次因素中,学生最看重的是家庭气氛、平等、独立和隐私,家长最看重的是家庭气氛、家庭责任、平等、知识价值。  相似文献   

Responses of high school students as freshmen and later as sophomores in this study support the belief that the characteristics of a vocation that are important to students may be internalized relatively early in life. There were differences between what girls and boys thought was important in an occupation; however, little difference was found between the group means of these students when freshmen and a year later when sophomores. Most students did not change occupational preference between the freshman and sophomore year. Students in the study as freshmen, but transferring out or withdrawing a year later, differed little in occupational values or in occupational choice from the sophomores. These findings agree only in part with work of other researchers in this field.  相似文献   

Ninth grade boys from a California junior high school who were participants in interscholastic athletics were compared with non-participants with respect to academic achievement. The athletic group tested higher on academic ability on the School and College Ability Test and earned a higher academic grade-point average. When athletes and non-athletes were matched on SCAT test scores, the athletic group showed higher academic achievement. The majority of boys who participated in sports for only one semester did as well as or better academically during their semester of participation than they did the other ninth grade semester. An incidental finding of the study showed that boys in general showed improved grade-point averages in the ninth grade when compared with their eighth grade records.  相似文献   

高中生的自我概念与其学校适应   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
刘志军 《心理科学》2004,27(1):217-219
本研究对258名高一、高二年级的学生进行了问卷调查.对其自我概念和学校中的社会行为、同伴关系、学业成绩进行了研究,结果发现:高中生的自我概念不存在显著的年级和性别差异,其年级和性别的交互作用也没达到显著水平;自我概念与敏感退缩行为没有密切关系;身体自我概念与社会喜好、学业成绩有显著负相关,并且对两者有显著预测效果;自我概念部分因子与社会影响、亲社会行为、攻击行为有显著正相关,且也对它们具有显著预测力。  相似文献   

杨丽珠  马世超 《心理科学》2014,37(6):1377-1384
目的:划分初中生人格类型及考察初中生人格类型的年级与性别特点。方法:本研究使用初中生人格发展自我评定量表对某地区3602名初中生被试施测,使用潜在类别分析对初中生人格类型进行划分,使用无序多分变量的Logistic回归考察初中生人格类型的年级与性别特点。结果:依据人格类型划分的相关理论和潜在类别分析的拟合指数,初中生可划分为低控型,过度控制型和适应型三种人格类型,其中适应型人数占大多数。方差分析结果表明适应型在初中生人格五维度得分均显著高于另两类;过度控制型有低情绪稳定性和低外倾性,同时有中等程度的亲社会性、智能特征和认真自控水平,低控型人格类型在大部分人格维度得分均较低。随年级增长,初中生适应型人数比例有显著下降趋势,过度控制型和低控型比例有所上升。性别差异方面,女生人格类型的适应型人数比例显著高于男生,过度控制型和低控型比例则显著低于男生。结论:依据自我控制和自我适应理论,初中生三种人格类型的划分得到重复验证,人格类型有显著的年级和性别特点。  相似文献   

学校气氛问卷(初中生版)的研究报告   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
葛明贵  余益兵 《心理科学》2006,29(2):460-464
以Moos关于人类环境的三分法为理论指导,结合当前初中生心理发展实际和学校环境的特点,编制了学校气氛问卷(PSCI-M),分为师生关系、同学关系、学业压力、秩序与纪律和发展多样性5个维度共38个条目。信效度检测表明,该问卷具有较高的内部一致性信度和折半信度,其内容效度、结构效度和外部关联效度均较为理想,可以作为初中生知觉的学校气氛的测量工具。  相似文献   

儿童合作倾向与家长价值观   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本研究采用组内设计的方法,测量了53名5~6岁的儿童在两种情境中的合作行为倾向,以及与他们的家长的工作价值观的关系。结果表明:对情境的知觉影响儿童的合作倾向,一方面表现在对好朋友与不认识的小朋友的合作行为倾向有显著性差异;另一方面是对不同的实验材料有不同的合作行为表现。另外,儿童的合作行为倾向与父母的工作价值观——特别是经济利益价值、管理价值等有显著相关。  相似文献   

初中生的社会支持与学校适应的关系   总被引:27,自引:5,他引:27       下载免费PDF全文
采用问卷法对328名初中生的社会支持和学校适应状况进行研究,探讨不同支持源的社会支持和初中生的学校适应之间的关系。结果表明;(1)母亲是初中生最经常的支持源。(2)初一年级学生感受到的社会支持显著高于初二学生,其学校适应状况也显著好于初二学生。(3)社会支持水平不同的初中生在学校适应的质量上存在差异,高支持水平学生的适应质量显著高于低支持水平学生的适应质量。(4)教师支持、同学支持对初中生的学校适应具有显著的回归效应。两者对积极的学校适应具有增益作用,而对消极的学校适应具有缓冲作用。  相似文献   

心理因素对高中生学业成就的影响   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
采用问卷法和量表法考察了原有知识、学习策略、智力与非智力因素等心理因素对高中生学业成就的影响程度及其作用机制。结论如下:(l)高中生的主要心理因素与学业成就之间均呈显著的正相关;(2)原有知识、学习策略和非智力因素是导致高中生学业成就出现差异的直接影响因素。原有知识的影响程度明显高于学习策略和非智力因素;(3)智力通过原有知识对学业成就发挥重要的间接影响;(4)非智力因素还通过原有知识对学业成就有显著的间接影响。  相似文献   

A positive approach to self-support and successful coping by single parents is developed by focusing on their successful behaviors and characteristics.  相似文献   

取某普通中学初中学生129人,使用修正的Stroop任务,测试被试对积极关联词语、消极关联词语和中性词语的颜色命名的反应时间,结果发现,初中学生对成就关联词语的反应时间比中性词语长,特别是在消极关联词语方面,差异显著,表现出了典型的Stroop干扰;学习好的同学在所有词语方面的反应时间都比学习成绩差的同学反应时间长,特别是在成就关联词语方面,差异极显著,学习好的同学表现出了更加明显的Stroop干扰.学习成绩与成就关联词语的反应时间有显著的相关.女同学对所有词语的反应时间都比男同学时间长,特别是在高成就反应时间上,二者差异显著,女同学比男同学有更加明显的成就Stroop干扰.  相似文献   

以638名初中生为被试,采用自编的友谊问卷,考察其友谊发展特点。结果发现:(1)友谊认知上,初一学生在关心与帮助和信任与尊重维度的得分高于初二学生,女生在关心与帮助、重情轻利和信任与尊重维度的得分高于男生;(2)友谊行为上,女生表现出更多的积极交往行为,而男生在竞争嫉妒维度的得分显著高于女生;(3)友谊情感存在性别差异,女生对友谊关系更为满意,男生体验到更高水平的社交焦虑;(4)不同友谊认知类型的初中生表现出不同的友谊行为,且具有不同的情感体验。  相似文献   

Cumulative records over 3 years for 196 junior high school sophomores were analyzed to assess the effect of socio-economic status of students on counseling exposure. Statistical significance was found between socio-economic status of the student and both the frequency with which he was referred to the counselor and the problem areas discussed. Frequency of counselor contact was not significantly associated with student socio-economic status. Where the counselors initiated the interviews, they apparently did so only in keeping with administrative policies. The differences that did occur arose when parents or, less frequently, the students themselves, initiated the interviews. Here, socio-economic status appeared to play a crucial and singular role.  相似文献   

This study was designed to determine the relationships between changes in academic performance and intellective and non-intellective factors. Seventh grade students attending five junior high schools, who had attended selected elementary schools, were tested with the Personal Values Inventory (PVI), a test of academic motivation, shortly after the first seventh-grade marking period. School marks at that marking period and those received the previous year were procured from a self-report included in the PVI. All students had taken the California Achievement Test Battery and Mental Maturity Test as well as the Scholastic Testing Service Work-Study Skills Test in the sixth grade. Factor analysis identified four factors in both boys and girls: intelligence-achievement, academic motivation, academic plans, and youth-culture involvement. While intelligence was found to be mainly unrelated to the criterion, the non-intellective factors, especially academic motivation, bore significant relationships to the changed performance.  相似文献   

A population of 315 ninth grade students was separated into two groups consisting of those who had made voluntary counselor appointments during the preceding two years, and those who had not. The two groups were compared in terms of sex, general ability, achievement, and personality ratings. There were no significant differences between the groups except for the sex ratio. All ninth grade students and all incoming seventh graders were also surveyed regarding their preference toward voluntary or required programs of counseling. Both grade levels generally preferred the voluntary approach.  相似文献   

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