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根据国内外关于数学自我效能研究的文献,结合我国初中生数学学习的内容特点与实际背景情况,编制数学自我效能问卷。研究以初一与初二学生为对象,采用开放式问卷对188名学生和53名数学教师进行调查,首先编制出44个项目的初测问卷;采用封闭式问卷对479名学生的初测结果进行验证性因素分析与项目分析,形成了包含日常生活中数学任务的效能、数学相关课程的效能与数学学业问题解决效能三个维度的26个项目的正式问卷;最后对350名学生施测正式问卷。分析研究结果表明,该数学自我效能问卷的因素结构清晰,具有合理的信度和效度。  相似文献   

美国的学校心理学   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
陈永胜 《心理学报》1989,22(4):70-77
本文概述了美国学校心理学的学科性质、发展简况和学校心理学家的角色功能,并结合我国国情谈了一点看法。文章认为,了解和借鉴国外学校心理学形成与发展的经验,对于推动我国学校心理学这门应用性新学科的建立,促进各级学校系统心理咨询与服务工作的开展,对于扩大心理学的社会影响,拓宽心理学应用人才的就业途径,具有积极意义。  相似文献   

初中学生自尊特点的初步研究   总被引:40,自引:5,他引:40  
张文新 《心理科学》1997,20(6):504-508
对991名城乡在校初中生施以Coopersmith自尊问卷(25条目版)测验。对问卷的测量学分析发现:该自尊问卷的中文版具有较高的信度,其与有关测量工具之间的效标关联效度合乎逻辑;对被试自尊特点的分析发现:初中阶段学生的自尊存在极显著的年级差异,初中二年级开始自尊极显著地降低;初中生的自尊不存在性别差异;城市被试的自尊在总体上高于农村被试,但城乡因素与被试的性别有交互作用;独生子女的自尊高于非独生子女,但这一差异仅存在于初中一年级。  相似文献   

云南4个民族20年跨文化心理研究——议青少年品格的发展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
张世富  阳少敏 《心理学报》2003,35(5):690-700
调查者于1980年惊奇地发现西双版纳的克木人、基诺族、哈尼族和拉祜族的青少年品德与个性非常良好,调查者关注的是在现代化的影响下,这些品德个性的变化。这项研究的目的是探索青少年品德与个性发展的规律,同时,这对跨文化心理的研究也有重要意义。研究采用不同的研究方法,如访谈、个别接触、活动分析,甚至为了调查而几个月与青少年住在一起。2002年,研究表明,青少年的品德与个性已有很大变化,他们积极、自信、乐观和有竞争意识,他们的品格至今仍保持良好,犯罪率低,民族青少年的社会化在这变化与发展中起重要作用。  相似文献   

以青少年学业情绪问卷为基础,结合物理学科特点对问卷项目进行修改,修订中学生物理学业情绪问卷.以314名初二到高二学生为被试进行预测,通过验证性因素分析对问卷项目进行调整,最终问卷包括67个项目.经检验问卷的内部一致性信度、分半信度和效标效度符合测量学的要求.在此基础上,选用728名初二到高三学生为被试.结果发现:(1)总体来看,男生,尤其是来自重点中学的男生,其积极物理学业情绪要高于女生,而女生的消极物理学业情绪要高于男生;(2)重点中学的初中生的积极低唤醒物理学业情绪得分显著高于高中生,且重点中学的初中生的消极低唤醒物理学业情绪得分显著低于高中生,而普通中学则正好相反;(3)在物理学业情绪中,积极高唤醒和积极低唤醒的所有因子与物理学业成就皆呈显著正相关,而消极高唤醒(仅羞愧)和消极低唤醒(厌倦、无助、心烦-疲乏)与物理学业成就呈显著负相关.  相似文献   

Abstract— The relation between accuracy and distortion of autobiographical memory content was examined by verifying 3,220 high school grades recalled by 99 college students. Accuracy of recall declined monotonically with letter grade, from 89% for grades of A to 29% for grades of D. The positive correlation between achievement and accuracy of recall is attributed to more frequent rehearsals of affectively positive content and to greater accuracy of reconstructive inferences based on homogeneous, generic memories. Most errors inflated the verified grade, and the degree of asymmetry of the error distribution is used as an index of the degree of distortion. Distortions are attributed to reconstructions in a positive, emotionally gratifying direction. Contrary to expectation, the percentage of accurate recall and the degree of asymmetry of the error distribution were uncorrelated. This finding indicates that the process of distortion does not cause forgetting of the veridical content Rather, distortion reflects bias in reconstructive inferences that occur after the veridical content has been forgotten for other reasons  相似文献   

陈昌岑 《心理学报》1987,20(1):43-50
本文简要介绍了美国当代著名认知教育心理学家奥苏贝尔(David P.Ausubel 1918~)的认知学习理论的基本观点以及它同其他学派学习理论的关系和分歧。这些派别包括新行为主义学习论,格式塔理论,巴特利的记忆理论和信息加工理论。奥苏贝尔关于学科知识学习和保持的“同化理论”反映了学习心理学与教学理论协同研究的发展趋势。  相似文献   

The Sexual Self-Concept Inventory (SSCI) was developed to assess sexual self-concept in an ethnically diverse sample of urban early adolescent girls. Three scales (Sexual Arousability, Sexual Agency, and Negative Sexual Affect) were shown to be distinct and reliable dimensions of girls' sexual self-concepts. Validity was established through comparisons with established instruments. Sexual Arousability and Sexual Agency were associated with positive sexual self- esteem, positive future orientation toward sex, intentions to engage in intercourse, and lower levels of sexual experience. Negative Sexual Affect was associated with stronger abstinence attitudes and lack of intentions or orientation toward sex in the near future. The results indicate that the SSCI constitutes a valid means of assessing early adolescent girls' views of their sexuality and sexual behavior and may be of use in studies of health and risk-related decision making.  相似文献   

对中学生创造力的测验研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
本研究以《中学生创造性思惟练习》施测于812名中学生,并请教师对学生的创造性进行评定,然后将《练习》分数和评定等级与有关因素加以比较,结果表明: 1.用《练习》来评鉴中学生的创造力是可信并有效的。2.中学生的创造力呈正态分布。3.创造力高的学生具有某些共同的人格特征。4.学生的创造力与学习成绩有相关,但相关不很高。5.中学生在创造思惟的变通性上表现出男优于女的倾向,其他方面的差异不显著。6.独生与非独生子女在创造力上无差异。7.学生中干部的创造力高于非干部。  相似文献   

This study describes and evaluates a reinforcement program in which parents earned lottery tickets and won prizes for the progress made by their handicapped children during home-based intervention. An ABAB reversal design replicated across three families was used to assess the effects of the lottery on the children's mastery of language skills. Results showed that the reinforcement of the parents for training accomplishments, as indexed by their children's achievements, produced clinically significant increases in the children's progress when compared with the children's progress under the routine supportive practices of the baseline condition. The implications of the findings for parent training programs in general are discussed.  相似文献   

This research focuses on the inappropriate, largely aggressive, behaviors of 344 K-2 children assigned to a playground prior to the beginning of the school day. Initially, a system for observing large numbers of children freely roaming over a large, open area was developed. This observational method was then used to determine the effectiveness of providing organized games for reducing potentially dangerous playground behaviors. Using a reversal (ABAB) design, it was found that the games, rope jumping, and foot racing, along with an infrequently used time-out procedure, significantly reduced the frequency of inappropriate incidents. It is suggested that when dealing with large groups, antecedent environmental manipulations may be more practical than providing consequences for the behaviors exhibited by identified individuals.  相似文献   

背景音乐对中学生阅读理解的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以初一、初二、高一、高二72名中学生为研究对象,考察不同类型音乐对有无背景音乐偏好被试阅读理解成绩的影响。实验结果表明:(1)不同类型背景音乐对不同年级被试产生了不同的影响。古典乐对4个年级被试的阅读理解均有显著的促进作用;而流行乐对初中生的阅读理解产生了干扰作用,对高中生则没有产生干扰作用。(2)不同类型背景音乐对不同背景音乐偏好被试产生了不同的影响。对有背景音乐偏好被试来讲,古典乐对他们的阅读理解有显著的促进作用,流行乐对他们的阅读理解无显著的干扰作用;对无背景音乐偏好被试来讲,古典乐对他们的阅读理解既无显著的促进作用,也无显著的干扰作用,而流行乐对他们的阅读理解有显著的干扰作用。  相似文献   

中学教师的工作满意度状况及其相关因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用"明尼苏达满意度问卷(MSQ)",对北京地区有代表性的5所中学557名教师的工作满意度状况进行了调查,结果表明,中学教师对工作总体上是满意的;人口统计学变量中的年龄、学历、职称、职务等在工作满意度具有显著的差异,但是性别因素的差异不大.  相似文献   

中学高年级学生作文能力结构特征的研究   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
对490名高三学生的18个作文变量的测验资料,运用高阶因素分析法概括出中学高年级学生作文能力结构的三个群因素。第一个是作文能力的因素,它是作文认知活动的各种能力相互作用的一种协调发展程度。第二个是由词汇量、造句等能力组合成的词语能力,它是作文能力结构中的一个活跃因素。第三个是词汇量因素,它独立存在于一阶、二阶因素中,表明它是不同阶段认知活动的一个不可缺的因素。  相似文献   

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