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Subjects performed in a differential eyelid conditioning paradigm with either airpuff or infraorbital shock as the UCS. The trial series included interpolated UCS-alone presentations, and subjects rated UCS aversiveness on all trials. Ratings of the airpuff, but not the shock UCS, were negatively correlated with the magnitude of anticipatory eyelid CRs, as predicted by preparatory response or law-of-effect models of classical conditioning. However, subjects showed no tendency to rate signaled (CS-UCS) trials as less aversive than unsignaled (UCS-alone) trials, and showed no significant preference for the signaled ucs. These results suggest that the operation of informational control and preparatory response factors is more complex than is assumed by available theories. Also, instrumental shaping and preparatory response mechanisms may not be involved in the acquisition of CRs.  相似文献   

Call the claim, common to many in the Christian intellectual tradition, that Christ, in virtue of his created human intellect, had certain, infallible exhaustive foreknowledge the Foreknowledge Thesis. Now consider what I will call the Conditional: If the Foreknowledge Thesis is true, then Christ’s created human will lacked an important sort of freedom that we mere humans have. Insofar as many, perhaps all, of the people who affirm the Foreknowledge Thesis also wish to affirm the robust freedom of Christ’s human will, the truth of the Conditional would be most unwelcome to them. I consider an argument in support of the Conditional from the necessary conditions for deliberation, arguing that the argument fails.  相似文献   

ObjectiveThe present study aimed to establish and develop an online de novo conditioning paradigm for the measurement of conditioned disgust responses. We further explored the effects of explicit instructions about the CS-UCS contingency on extinction learning and retrieval of conditioned disgust responses.MethodThe study included a sample of 115 healthy participants. Geometric figures served as conditioned stimuli (CS) and disgust-evoking pictures as unconditioned stimuli (UCS). During disgust conditioning, the CS+ was paired with the UCS (66% reinforcement) and the CS- remained unpaired; during extinction and retrieval, no UCS was presented. Half of the participants (n = 54) received instructions prior to the disgust extinction stating that the UCS will not be presented anymore. 1-2 days or 7-8 days later participants performed a retrieval test. CS-UCS contingency, disgust and valence ratings were used as dependent measures.ResultsSuccessful acquisition of conditioned disgust response was observed on the level of CS-UCS contingency, disgust and valence ratings. While some decline in valence and disgust ratings during the extinction stage was observed, contingency instructions did not significantly affect extinction performance. Retrieval one week later revealed that contingency instructions increased the discrimination of the CSs.ConclusionsExtinction of conditioned disgust responses is not affected by explicit knowledge of the CS-UCS contingencies. However, contingency instructions prior to extinction seem to have a detrimental effect on long-term extinction retrieval.  相似文献   

With .2-sec bursts of white noise as both conditioned stimulus (CS) and unconditioned stimulus (UCS), conditioning of first-interval skin conductance responses was obtained when the intensity of the CS equaled and exceeded that of the UCS. There was no evidence that second-interval response conditioning occurred. Nonspecific response frequencies were also affected by the variations in stimulus intensity, this raising some question about typical controls employed in SCR conditioning. There was some evidence that second interval responses were suppressed by the intense CS values. It was concluded that the existence of simple conditioning with a CS/UCS intensity ratio equal to or greater than unity was contrary to the Pavlovian proposition that a CS must be biologically less salient than the UCS in order for conditioning to occur. It was noted, however, that the suppression of second-interval responses might indicate that anticipatory CRs which are not confounded with orienting reflexes are prevented from exhibiting a conditioning effect when a high CS/UCS intensity ratio is employed.  相似文献   

In a previous study by the authors, immediate extinction of conditioned vasomotor responding was obtained, under conditions of both continuous and partial reinforcement, when the UCS delivery apparatus was removed and subjects were informed that there would be no further UCS presentations. The present study varied the number of continuous reinforcement trials using the same conditioning procedure. Forty human subjects were randomly divided into two groups, given thermal vasomotor conditioning procedures on either 25 or 100 continuous reinforcement trials. At the onset of extinction half of each group was given traditional noninformed extinction procedures, while the other (informed) half had the thermal stimulator removed. Immediate extinction was obtained in informed subjects given 25 conditioning trials. However, there was no significant reduction of responding in informed subjects given 100 conditioning trials. Consequences for behavior theories and therapies are discussed.  相似文献   

Experiments showing that in cued recall subjects can recall words that they had previously failed to recognize have been taken to refute generate-recognize theories of recall, for those theories predict that recall is dependent on recognition. None of these experiments, however, has provided an appropriate test of Bahrick’s (1970, 1979) generate-recognize theory, which explicitly refers to words that are accessible to cued recall but not to free recall, that is, tofree-recall failures. When the experimental procedure was modified so as to provide tests of this theory, no evidence was found of any greater dependency between recall and recognition of free-recall failures than between recall and recognition overall. Free-recall failures do not, therefore, constitute any exception to many previous experimental findings that conform with the Tulving-Wiseman law, and so the account offered by Bahrick’s generate-recognize theory may be rejected. The results also suggest an explanation for some other conflicting evidence on whether recall and recognition are dependent or independent.  相似文献   

Two experiments employing 180 rabbits and involving tone conditioned stimuli (CSs) and intraoral water unconditioned stimuli (UCSs) investigated pseudoconditioning of jaw movement. CS-alone, UCS-alone, paired CS-UCS, and four explicitly unpaired CS-UCS treatments were compared to no stimulus presentation. UCS-alone presentations were sufficient to produce pseudo-CR (conditioned response) acquisition. Pseudo-CRs were retained and gradually extinguished over 30 days of CS-alone presentations. Random sequences of unpaired CSc and UCSs produced higher pseudo-CR frequencies than fixed sequences. A pseudo-CR partial reinforcement extinction effect was observed. Background extinction, that is, simply confining the subject in the experimental environment without stimulation, was effective in extinguishing both pseudo-CRs and CRs. Pseudo-CR results could not be attributed to CS-UCS trace conditioning, sensory preconditioning, second-order conditioning, or intra-analyzer conditioning. Results indicate that the associative mechanisms underlying pseudoconditioning phenomena involve conditioning of associations to contextual background (apparatus, trace, temporal, and sequential aftereffect) cues by UCS-alone and unpaired UCS presentations.  相似文献   

Many philosophers with hedonistic sympathies (e.g., Mill, Sidgwick, Sumner, Feldman, Crisp, Heathwood, and Bradley) have claimed that well-being is necessarily experiential. Kagan once claimed something slightly different, saying that, although unexperienced bodily events can directly impact a person’s well-being, it is nonetheless true that any change in a person’s well-being must involve a change in her (i.e., either in her mind or in her body). Kagan elaborated by saying that a person’s well-being cannot float freely of her such that it is affected by events that do not affect her (Kagan 1992, 169–189). These two claims—that well-being is necessarily experiential and that changes in well-being must involve changes in the person—are two different ways of specifying the general intuition that a person’s well-being must be strongly tied to her. This general intuition imposes an adequacy constraint on welfare theorizing: To be adequate, a welfare theory cannot allow that someone can be directly benefited by events that are not strongly tied to her. Call this the strong-tie requirement. The strong-tie requirement is easily satisfied by welfare hedonism, but it poses problems for desire-fulfillment welfare theories and objective-list welfare theories. Though a great deal has been written about desire-fulfillment welfare theories in relation to the strong-tie requirement, not as much has been written about objective-list welfare theories in relation to the strong-tie requirement. This paper argues that objective-list welfare theories can satisfy the strong-tie requirement, though probably only if they take a perfectionist form, as opposed to a brute-list form.  相似文献   

Four groups of subjects were given either 0. 100, 500, or 1,000 msec delays of the unconditioned stimulus (UCS) contingent upon the occurrence of a conditioned response (CR) and were given a UCS 515 msec after conditioned stimulus (CS) onset when a CR did not occur. A fifth group received standard classical conditioning trials with an interstimulus interval of 515 msec. Overall performance decreased as CR-contingent UCS delay increased, with the classical conditioning group approximating the performance of the group receiving the 100-msec delay. The data were analyzed with the two-phase model of conditioning and the following results were obtained: The duration of Phase 1 of the model increased with contingent delay; operator limits associated with CR trials or with combined CR-CR (CR absent) trials decreased as a function of delay; and operator limits associated exclusively with CR trials were unaffected by the delay. Subjects receiving a contingent delay of 0 msec gave the shortest latency responses and exhibited reliable latency decreases across trials, suggesting an attempt to "beat" the UCS. The results were interpreted as contrary to what would be expected from low-of-effect theories which postulate that reinforcement results from a CR-UCS interaction, although they could be subsumed under a drive or an associative strength theory in which the aversive, or CR-supportive, strength of the UCS is assumed to be negatively correlated with contingent UCS delay.  相似文献   

Al-Māturīdī and Duns Scotus share an ethical paradigm that represents the middle ground between divine command and natural law theories in ethics. While al-Māturīdī’s theory can generally be located between Ash?arite divine command and Mu?tazilite natural law theories in Islamic ethics, Scotus’s theory can be placed between William of Ockham’s divine command and Thomas Aquinas’s natural law theories in Christian ethics. Although the starting point of their ethical perspectives is fundamentally based on criticism of natural law theory, neither theologian can be labelled as a typical divine command theorist. This moderate theory may therefore be described as the theory of soft divine command. The main purpose of this article is to draw attention to some similarities between al-Māturīdī’s and Duns Scotus’s ethical perspectives: First, both theologians highlight the composite picture of human nature in terms of morality. In other words, they posit that humans have two opposite tendencies: ‘affection for justice’ and ‘affection for advantage’. Second, although both theologians grant reason an ontological authority in determining what is good and bad, this authority is not limitless. Finally, both theologians argue that, unless one takes account of God’s freedom and wisdom, the moral order in the world cannot be fully comprehended.  相似文献   

This article explores conceptions of moral status in the work of American thriller author Dean Koontz. It begins by examining some of the general theories of moral status used by philosophers to determine whether particular entities have moral status. This includes both uni-criterial theories and multi-criterial theories of moral status. After this examination, the article argues for exploring bioethics conceptions in popular fiction. Popular fiction is considered a rich source for analysis because it provides not only a good approximation of the beliefs of ordinary members of the moral community, but also explores important issues in a context where ordinary individuals are likely to encounter them. Following on from this, the article then explores theories of moral status in the context of Koontz’s novels. In particular, the article focuses on the novel Watchers and Koontz’s Frankenstein series. Through these works, Koontz indicates that entities have moral status for a variety of reasons and thus presumably, he is a proponent of multi-criterial theories of moral status. The article concludes with an examination of what this might mean for our understanding of moral status claims generally.  相似文献   

The use of the ABA1B1 design over recent years in applied behavioural research has prompted many researchers to comment on its strengths and weaknesses (Kazdin, 1973; Kazdin and Bootzin, 1972; Liberman, 1972; Peck and Thorpe, 1971). One major problem is that many different types of non-contingent or no-reinforcement conditions have been used and that different types of baseline conditions may produce different effects. Despite the volume of research using a derivative of this design, surprisingly little is known about the effects of different baseline conditions.The baseline conditions most frequently used include the following: 1. No reinforcement (O'Leary and Becker, 1967; Hall et al., 1972; Aitchison and Green, 1974). 2. Threats (Phillips et al., 1971). 3. Reinforcing other types of behaviour (Ayllon and Azrin, 1965). 4. Equivalent amounts of reinforcement given in baseline and experimental conditions with all baseline reinforcement given non-contingently at the beginning or end of the phase (Wincze et al, 1972; Fernadez et al., 1973; Burchard, 1967). 5. Equivalent amounts of reinforcement in baseline and experimental conditions with baseline reinforcement given non-contingently at regular intervals or randomly throughout the phase (Foxx and Azrin, 1973; Baer and Wolf, 1970).Baer and Wolf (1970) have stated that: ‘Non-contingent reinforcement as a method of extinction has certain characteristics which may make it the method of choice for some experimental designs: especially those designs in which the adult offers reinforcers to a child’. They feel that this method is to be preferred because the total amount of reinforcement can be held constant over all conditions and thus will not be a confounding variable between conditions. However, as Skinner (1948) demonstrated, rate of behaviour can be changed by non-contingent reinforcement when ‘superstitious’ causal relations appear between behaviour and presentation of reinforcement. In effect the rate of behaviour increases because it has accidentally occurred before the presentation of reinforcement and so a connection is established whereby the probability of the behaviour is increased despite the fact that it is not causally related to reinforcement. Morse and Skinner (1957) have said about superstitious conditioning ‘Such effects must always be allowed for in designing experiments on complex behaviour’. Catania and Cutts (1963) and Yelen (1971) have shown that such superstitious conditioning can occur with human subjects.The present experiment employed three groups each trained under the same conditions but with different baseline conditions—1, 4 and 5 above. A multiple baseline design was used in which all possible responses were recorded in a four choice situation so that any accidental contingencies established would be evident.  相似文献   

This essay discusses criminal law theories in late Imperial Russia. It argues that, although the political climate of Reform and Counter Reform effectively undermined attempts to implement new legislation premised on the idea of the ‘rights-enabled person’ (pravovaya lichnost’), paradoxically, it fostered the growth of juridical scholarship. Russian criminal law theorists engaged critically with Western juridical science, which, beginning in the 1870s, witnessed a shift away from absolutist theories inspired by the classics of philosophical idealism towards various strains of positivism arguing for the restoration of the person as a concrete, physiological being. However, while Russian scholars were drawn to these new trends of criminal anthropology and the sociology of crime, they were also obliged to take stock of an indigenous legal culture that scarcely differentiated between pravo and zakon, together with a long tradition of customary practices that equated crime and punishment with sin and redemption.  相似文献   

Laboratory animal and human subject studies report that the amygdala is a critical brain structure that supports the acquisition and expression of conditional fear. Recent functional neuroimaging studies in humans have reported that activity in this region is closely related to the behavioral expression of conditional skin conductance responses (SCR). However, SCR waveforms following conditional stimulus (CS) presentation contain both early period and late period responses that may differ with respect to underlying central processes. It is not known whether amygdala activity corresponds to the expression of early conditonal responses (CRs) that occur shortly following CS onset or late CRs that closely precede UCS onset. The present study used event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging and concurrent skin conductance measurements to determine whether amygdala activity is more closely related to the expression of early or late period CRs. Increased amygdala activity was detected during the formation of early, but not late period CRs. Additionally, this pattern of amygdala activity did not dissipate, but persisted into late stages of the experiment. These findings are consistent with the idea that amygdala responding is critically involved in the generation of CRs formed shortly following CS onset.  相似文献   

Providing cues to facilitate the recovery of source information can reduce postevent misinformation effects in adults, implying that errors in source-monitoring contribute to suggestibility (e.g., [Lindsay, D. S., & Johnson, M. K. (1989). The eyewitness suggestibility effect and memory for source. Memory & Cognition, 17, 349–358]). The present study investigated whether source-monitoring plays a similar role in children’s suggestibility. It also examined whether the accuracy of source judgements is dependent on the type of source task employed at test. After watching a film and listening to a misleading narrative, 3–4- and 6–7-year-olds (n = 116) were encouraged to attend to source memory at retrieval. This was achieved either via sequential “question pairs”, which are typically used in children’s source-monitoring research, or via a novel “posting-box” procedure, in which all source options were provided simultaneously. Performance elicited by each type of source task was compared with that evoked by old/new recognition procedures. Posting-box, but not question pair, source cues were effective at reducing the magnitude of the suggestibility effect, relative to that observed under recognition conditions. Furthermore, source question pairs provoked a bias to respond affirmatively for 3–4-year-olds. The findings imply that children’s suggestibility may be partially explained by sub-optimal use of intact source information, which may be activated by age-appropriate strategies at retrieval.  相似文献   

Behavior maintained with 2-component concurrent variable interval schedules of reinforcement (CONC VIVI) is described well by the matching law. Deviations from matching behavior have been handled by adding free parameters to the matching law equation. With CONC VIVI schedules there are infinitely many solutions to the matching law equation at each value of the procedural parameters. However, at each value of the procedural parameters, only one combination of durations of intervals spent in each VI component (dwell times) yields the combined maximum reinforcement rate. The equations that yield the optimal dwell times solution for CONC VIVI schedules are mathematically incompatible with the matching law. Optimal performance and matching coincide only when the parameter values of the two VI components are equal. It seems reasonable to use optimal behavior to assess performance in these schedules. Researchers have not compared optimal and empirical performances in CONC VIVI possibly because the equations for optimal dwell times (ODT) can be solved only numerically. We present a table of ODT for a wide range of VIs and changeover delays. We also derive a function m that can be used to compare matching data and the matching behavior predictions of optimization. We prove that 0.5<m<1.003502, and we describe some of the more nteresting properties of the function.  相似文献   

Two studies examining relationships of extraversion (E), neuroticism (N) and psychoticism (P) to conditioning performance are reported. In the first, 31 male volunteers developed electrodermal CRs to appetitive or aversive stimuli of either weak or strong rated intensity. Factor analysis yielded general factors of classical CR acquisition and extinction across reinforcement type. Stability and E loaded the acquisition factor, these Ss, from post-hoc analysis, revealing superior conditioning in the strong appetitive condition. In the second study, 20 of these 31 Ss participated in two series of discrimination motor reaction time trials, in which attainment of criterion RT was reinforced by appetitive slides, and slower-than-criterion responding by aversive slides. Introversion was correlated with greater response acquisition under both conditions, although post-hoc analysis suggested that improvement under positive reinforcement did not differ from simple practice. Results are congruent with a model combining reinforcer preference with response potential to describe personality-conditioning relationships.  相似文献   

Kripke’s theory of truth (Kripke, The Journal of Philosophy72(19), 690–716; 1975) has been very successful but shows well-known expressive difficulties; recently, Field has proposed to overcome them by adding a new conditional connective to it. In Field’s theories, desirable conditional and truth-theoretic principles are validated that Kripke’s theory does not yield. Some authors, however, are dissatisfied with certain aspects of Field’s theories, in particular the high complexity. I analyze Field’s models and pin down some reasons for discontent with them, focusing on the meaning of the new conditional and on the status of the principles so successfully recovered. Subsequently, I develop a semantics that improves on Kripke’s theory following Field’s program of adding a conditional to it, using some inductive constructions that include Kripke’s one and feature a strong evaluation for conditionals. The new theory overcomes several problems of Kripke’s one and, although weaker than Field’s proposals, it avoids the difficulties that affect them; at the same time, the new theory turns out to be quite simple. Moreover, the new construction can be used to model various conceptions of what a conditional connective is, in ways that are precluded to both Kripke’s and Field’s theories.  相似文献   

Piaget and Vygotsky are two influential developmental psychologists. One can even say that their contributions to developmental psychology, albeit different, are similarly remarkable and unique. This article is in four parts. In the first part, I refer briefly to a commonly noticed difference between Vygotsky’s and Piaget’s theories. In the second part, I show that there are many resemblances between Vygotsky and Piaget. In the third part, I argue that in spite of such resemblances, there exists a crucial, and generally unnoticed, difference between Piaget’s and Vygotsky’s theories, and that this difference underlies the way each author addresses the following issues: 1) the origins of development and the motor of development; 2) the relationships among equal peers vs. those based on authorities, as they are sources of development and learning; 3) the more appropriate methods for studying developmental changes; 4) the importance of the distinction between true vs. necessary knowledge; and 5) the role of transformation and personal reconstruction vs. that of transmission and social influence in the phenomena of development and learning. Finally, I summarize the main ideas and arguments which I elaborate throughout this article, and mention what can be gained when the generally ignored aforementioned difference is noticed.  相似文献   

This article shows that a forgotten source of Marsilius’ scientia of law-making in the Defensor Pacis is the Lucidator, the main astrological work of Peter of Abano. A compared analysis of these two works demonstrates that the theories of experientia and scientia that Marsilius considers necessary to make laws in the first dictio of the Defensor Pacis entirely draw on Peter of Abano’s views on the epistemological status of ‘the science of the stars’. It is shown that the purpose of Marsilius’ reinstatement of Peter of Abano’s theory of scientia is to build a science of law-making that does not need natural law and is based on experience and certain demonstrations.  相似文献   

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