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Judgements of the apparent vertieality of a single visible line of light were compared under normal support conditions and under water. During head, body and trunk tilts up to 40° the visual vertical was not influenced by water immersion. Greater degrees of lateral body tilt (up to 180°) resulted in slightly greater departures of the visual from the gravitational vertical during immersion relative to terrestrial performance. It was suggested that this was due to the reduction of information from surface pressure receptors in the trunk. The mean visual aftereffects following head, body and trunk tilts were not affected by water immersion in any consistent manner. It was concluded that visual orientation constancy is only marginally reduced by immersion in water.  相似文献   

脑损害时的视知觉和视觉记忆障碍   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用复杂图形对82例脑瘤或脑血管畸形患者进行了测查,发现脑损害患者临摹复杂图形时易于发生一些在正常人中没有或极少见的错误,如片断性感知、空间相对位置错误和空间位置估计错误等。片断性感知以左脑中后部病变时较多见,空间相对位置错误以右脑中后部病变时较多见。空间位置估计错误与定侧关系不大,但以大脑中后部病变时较多见。 在回忆复杂图形时脑损害患者在细节遗漏和移位等方面在程度上比正常人更严重,有部分患者还表现为只回忆出部分细节而无图形轮廓的现象。这种现象在正常人中未曾出现。  相似文献   

汉字形码和音码的整体性对部件识别的影响   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
本实验从分析汉字整体知觉的具体表现形式入手,通过三个实验探讨字的整体知觉对部件知觉的影响。实验一以分解方式为变量,考查字形整体知觉对部件识别的影响,发现识别不同结构的字的部件之活动受知觉分解路线(如顺读或逆读)的影响。作者认为这种分解方式效应很可能跟部位有关。实验二证实了这一分析,并进而认为部位效应又跟部位与字形整体知觉的紧密程度有关。实验三以语音码为变量,发现成字部件的字音与整体字语音一致者(形声字),其分解知觉成绩比不一致者(非形声字)有明显的优势。这意味着,整体字音知觉的单一性对部件知觉的作用。最后,本研究还考查了部件识别法的有效性,并认为在研究知觉的整体与部分关系问题时,该法不失为一种新的实验范型。  相似文献   

陈霖  汪云九 《心理学报》1983,16(1):108-112
本文提出交变图(Ambiguous Figures)产生原因的一种看法。根据一些实验观察,表明视觉系统具有识别图形拓扑性质(如连通性)的自发的功能。包括图形-背景关系在内的许多视觉感知现象只不过是这种功能的反映。视觉感知的组织(Organization)的数学结构是建立在容限空间上的,所以,象交变图那样的特殊图形,它们的拓扑性质出现矛盾的两种可能性,因此产生交变的感知。  相似文献   

汉字早期字形加工中的部件数效应   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
周新林  曾捷英 《心理学报》2003,35(4):514-519
探讨部件数效应是否在汉字早期字形加工中存在。要求被试识别重复速示方式下的具有不同部件数的汉字字形。大学生为被试。在实验1中,发现4部件字比在通透性、笔画数、字频和像素数上匹配的2部件字更容易识别字形;在实验2中,2部件字的通透性比4部件字更好,此时没有识别成绩上的差异。上面的结果表明在字形加工中存在着部件数效应,它指部件越多越容易识别汉字字形。在讨论部分提出了一个字形加工的部分线索模型,它指被试可以根据汉字的部分线索(例如部件)识别整个汉字。  相似文献   

G arling T. Studies in visual perception of architectural spaces and rooms. V. Aesthetic preferences. Scand. J. Psychol ., 1972. 13 , 222–227.—Depicted urban spaces were rated by 24 subjects with respect to pleasantness. The results for colour photographs, 'detailed' and 'undetailed' perspective drawings were compared. As a common basis for aesthetic preferences, the factors 'variation', 'umbrageousness' and 'openness' were suggested. These factors accounted for 69 % of the variance in multiple linear regression.  相似文献   

The quantitative similarity of nine capital letters was studied (1) by the direct multidimensional ratio scaling method and (2) by the method of similarity analysis. Three factors, 'E', 'O' and T, were found. Factor loadings were nearly identical in both methods. A previously proposed equation did not describe the relation between subjective similarity and angular separation of percept vectors.  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis that perceived size of space depends on perceived depth, a relation between judged depth and size of space was derived. External spaces were judged from colour photographs by the magnitude estimation method. It was found that judged depth is a power function of physical depth and judged size of space a power function of physical size (rectangular area) or of judged depth times perceived width. The results indicate deviations from the derived relation and some explanations for these are discussed. Further research is needed to verify the proposed hypothesis.  相似文献   

距离、观察姿势对大小知觉的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
問題 大小知觉是視知觉心理学中重要問題之一,也是人在实践活动中所經常接触的問題。前人研究表明,大小知觉总是与知觉对象的距离成一定的关系,并提出所謂大小-距离不变假設(Size-Distance Invariace Hypothesis)来說明这种現象。在一般情况下,对象离开观察者愈远,网膜视象随距离按比例縮小,而观察者所知觉的大小却仍接近对象的原来实际大小(物理大小),也就是說大小知觉保持着一定的恆常性。这是大小知觉与距离关  相似文献   

汉字的视知觉——知觉任务效应和汉字属性效应   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:11  
本研究通过三个实验发现:1.在三种非速示的特定知觉任务下,认知汉字反应时的长短依次是;识别汉字两个部件的反应时>识别整体字的反应时>辨认字的结构方式的反应时,在错误率指标上也获得了同样的结果模式。这表明,在汉字的视知觉中存在知觉任务效应,而这些任务标志着不同复杂程度的加工水平。2.对于左右和上下结构的字,在辨认其结构方式上无差异。3.在命名整体字中,汉字的表层属性,如结构方式和表音特点对整体字的识别没有影响,这表明整体字是正常阅读条件下的知觉单位。4.在知觉分解整体字和命名识别其部件中,(1)字的结构方式有相当大的影响:上下结构字的反应时远远长于左右结构字的反应时。(2)字的表音特点对部件识别也极有影响,如形声字的反应时和错误率都远远短于和少于非形声字。(3)在误操作中,存在着大量整体字的命名现象。以上表明的汉字属性效应,都是发生在汉字知觉的分解过程中,它们反映了整体对部分的强烈影响。  相似文献   

Messages of visual and aural stimuli (digits) were presented together with a specific noise consisting of different auditory and visual stimuli. The auditory memory span, measured by the amount of digits recalled immediately after presentation, was not at all affected by the interfering visual noise, whereas the visual memory span was found to be significantly reduced by the acoustic noise. The results are interpreted as giving support to the hypothesis on the acoustic nature of information storage in immediate memory. Possible differences in the properties of the visual and auditory peripheral filter are discussed.  相似文献   

E kman , G., and J unge , K. Psychophysical relations in visual perception of length, area and volume. Scand. J. Psychol ., 1961, 2 , 1–10. — Subjective length, area and volume as functions of the corresponding stimulus variables were studied in three experiments. The exponents of the psychophysical power functions scattered around 1 for perception of 'real' space. For perspective drawings of cubes and spheres, however, the exponents were about 0.75. From a further analysis of the data it was tentatively concluded that perspective and shadow are insufficient cues to visual volume, and that the subjective scale reflects perception of area rather than volume, especially in the case of small stimuli.  相似文献   

照度变化对视觉辨认的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
前 言 近年来,关于工业企业和民用照明视觉功能的探讨逐渐多起来,这方面的研究对于制定照度标准和保护视力有着现实意义。我国过去的研究虽获得不少有益结果,但大多是在一般照明环境中、照度一般在几百勒克斯以下,以阅读视力表作为视觉功能指标。本研究是在比较严格控制的近似等效球照度的实验条件下,在1.7-2160Lux照度范围内,控制观察时间,探讨照度变化对视觉辨认的影响。此外,我们还研究了两种背景(亮和暗)对视觉辨认的影响。  相似文献   

短时距知觉中的面积效应   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
初步探讨了短时距(1─5s)下时距刺激的面积大小和立体框架大小对时距知觉的影响及其成因。结果表明:刺激的面积大小对短时距知觉的影响极其显著;存在两种不同反应类型的被试─-大小依存者与非大小依存者,在不同反应类型的被试中刺激的立体框架大小对短时距知觉的影响不同,刺激的立体框架大小对大小依存者的短时距知觉的影响极其显著,但对非大小依存者的影响不显著。  相似文献   

目的:研究不同性别配对与奖励结构对中学生合作行为产生怎样的影响。方法:选择夹豆速度相同的初二学生为研究对象,在不同的性别配对和奖励结构下进行夹豆实验,考察性别配对与奖励结构对中学生合作行为。结果:性别配对对中学生合作行为有显著影响,其中男×男配对组合的合作水平最高,而女×女配对组合的合作水平最低,男×女配对水平居中;另外,针对不同的奖励对象进行实验同样也产生不同的合作水平,奖励个人合作水平较低,奖励组合合作水平较高;在奖励对象为组合时采用不同的计分方式对合作行为也有显著的影响,分别计分合作水平较低,混合计分合作水平较高。结论:应根据初中生的这些特点进行有针对性地引导,促进他们合理的合作和竞争。  相似文献   

The procedure differed from that of traditional shape constancy experiments in that cues for the slant of the total frame-surface containing the main figure, a shadow rectangle, were given. The impression of slant was determined by gradients of continuous perspective transformations caused by movable elastic material casting its shadow on a translucent screen. The following hypothesis was confirmed: the tendency to see a shape in its original proportions (i.e., those it has when shown in a frontal-parallel orientation) increases with the increasingly strong impression of the slant of its plane surface.  相似文献   

王甦  王晓非 《心理学报》1993,26(2):8-14
本实验采用多点定位作业,结合部分报告法,研究视觉刺激的整体结构对定位成绩的影响。所呈现的刺激为1、2、3或4个颜色点。其中2、3、4点刺激分别是直线、正三角形和正方形。结果发现,当呈现时间较长时,1点和2、3、4点的定位误差无显著差异。但是1点的定位反应时却显著少于2、3、4点。这提示出现视觉定位的结构效应。而当呈现时间较短时,却没有这种结构效应。实验还发现,这种结构效应并不因刺激结构的不同而有区别。  相似文献   

Saul Smilansky holds that there is a widespread intuition to the effect that pre‐punishment – the practice of punishing individuals for crimes which they have not committed, but which we are in a position to know that they are going to commit – is morally objectionable. Smilanksy has argued that this intuition can be explained by our recognition of the importance of respecting the autonomy of potential criminals. ( Smilansky, 1994 ) More recently he has suggested that this account of the intuition only vindicates it if determinism is false, and argues that this presents a problem for compatibilists, who, he says, are committed to thinking that the truth of determinism makes no moral difference ( Smilansky, 2007 ). In this paper I argue that the intuitions Smilansky refers to can be explained and vindicated as consequences of the truth of a communicative conception of punishment. Since the viability of the communicative conception does not depend on the falsity of determinism, our intuitions about pre‐punishment do not clash with (what Smilanksy calls) compatibilism. And if the communicative theory of punishment is – as Duff (2001 ) suggests – a form of retributivism, the account also meets New's (1992 ) challenge to retributivists to explain what is wrong with pre‐punishment.  相似文献   

变形汉字的结构方式和笔画数效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
曾捷英等提出并采用了汉字通透性概念解释汉字识别中的字形属性效应,例如笔画数效应、笔画类型效应和结构方式效应。在有关研究中采用的主要实验方法是在速示、重复速示、非速示、时间或空间微观发生等条件下要求被试命名汉字。该研究将采用新的实验方法,即在呈现变形汉字1200ms后要求被试报告识别内容。结构方式和笔画数两种字形属性为研究对象。实验结果表明存在着常规的结构方式效应和笔画数效应,尤为重要的是观察到了逆转的结构方式效应。客观计算出的汉字通透性可以合理地解释这些效应。该研究和先前研究部分证明了关于汉字字形知觉的一个重要假设:汉字通透性是形成各种字形属性效应的基本或主导原因。字形属性对汉字识别的影响可以归结为通透性的影响,这称之为通透性中介假设。  相似文献   

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