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天志在墨家思想中有着重要的地位。墨家吸收了殷商之时主宰之天、人格之天的思想,重构了天的宗教权威。对此,很多学者认为墨家的天志说是宗教教义。墨家认为天贵于天子,天志具有赏善罚恶的能力,具有匡正现实政治的作用,墨家的天志观念有一个根本的转向,从传统重视天的宗教功能转向强调天的政治功能。同时,天志是价值之源,是仁义价值的根据,也是仁义价值的守护者,天志仍然具有道德内涵。墨家突出了天志观念的三重功能,即政治功能、宗教功能和道德功能,其中政治功能是墨家更为强调的,但这种政治功能化的解释在一定程度上也消解了天的神圣性和超越性。  相似文献   

夏当英 《现代哲学》2013,(3):101-105
庄子对墨家学说及其事迹有着较为客观准确的评说,并影响了后世学者对墨学的解释。在庄子视界中,墨家为救世而注重功用、"自苦为极",但这种精神违背了随顺自然的道德本质,背离了人之常情,故而很难得到社会的支持。《庄子》书中多处批判儒墨之争,认为墨家"排儒"的基本内容是非毁儒家礼乐,但对其过分排斥审美、情感的极端实用的行为并不赞赏。另外,庄子提出墨家衰落源自墨者团体对规则遵守的难以为继以及派系纷争。  相似文献   

墨家思想以"兼爱"与"利人"为核心,以技术、工艺和逻辑作为其立学基础,与同时期的儒家思想相比,更为注重实用主义性,对于审美相对重视不够,这就导致对于墨家美学方面的研究较为欠缺,但墨家其实通过实用主义为主的方式体现了"利人"的"技术美"和"兼爱"的"人性美"特点。墨家通过"兼爱"与"利人"表现出的美学特征,对于丰富中国传统文化具有重要意义。  相似文献   

墨家与儒家"敬鬼神而远之"的态度不同,墨家吸收了殷商重鬼神的文化传统,认为鬼神实有、鬼神具有赏善罚恶的能力。墨家的鬼神观体现了墨家对良性治理之道的追问,鬼神具有明知能力,可以赏善罚恶,鬼神是实现墨家"义政"的保障。墨家的鬼神观有一个根本的转向,由传统强调鬼神的宗教功能慢慢转变为强调鬼神的政治功能,统治者要尊天敬鬼,要善待百姓,才能得到鬼神之福、人民之亲。可以说,敬畏鬼神才能建立良善的社会秩序。同时,墨家的鬼神观也依然具有道德内涵与宗教内涵,人们要敬畏鬼神,重视祭祀。不过,墨家对鬼神观念的政治功能化解释中,鬼神本身所具有的超越性、神圣性也被政治功能化解释慢慢消解。  相似文献   

中国古代有关于归纳的理论吗?有。这在墨家的逻辑著作中表现得特别明显。墨家的创始人墨翟,是一个技术精湛的木工。他对古代流行的陶、金、革等其他各种工匠技巧也颇为留意。古代农业、手工业、畜牧业、商业、医药等各种业务  相似文献   

儒家和墨家是先秦诸子中的两个重要学派,他们从一开始就具有一种互绌互补的关系。这种互绌互补的关系主要表现为他们之间的学术批评与反批评。先秦墨家主要批评了儒家"以天鬼为不明""厚葬久丧""弦歌鼓舞"和"以命为有"等"四政焉";而先秦儒家则主要有公孟子对墨家"好辩自炫"的批评,孟子、荀子对墨家"兼爱"说的批评、孔鲋对墨家"非孔"的反诘、以及儒者董无心对墨者緾子"右鬼"说的批评等。先秦儒、墨相互之间的学术批评,也充分彰显了各自的思想特点和理论缺失。今天研究先秦儒、墨之间的学术批评,就是要站在客观公正的立场上,找到其学术思想的优缺点,然后加以批判、继承、融合、创新,使中华优秀的传统文化资源,为今天中华民族的伟大复兴作出更大的和更积极的贡献。  相似文献   

墨家学说自19世纪被译介到西方以降,其伦理学便备受关注,亦争议不断,百年来墨家伦理学说内涵和意义发生了多次变异和偏离,在西方先后被阐释为宗教想象、功利主义、后果主义,更是引发了20世纪下半叶以来西方汉学界两次旷日持久的大讨论。在长达一个多世纪的跨文化阐释和学术争鸣中,墨家伦理学获得了西方汉学界持续广泛关注,促进了其伦理学经典谱写的生成,也提升了墨家学说乃至先秦哲学在西方哲学话语场的在场性。  相似文献   

墨家与道教   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从历史的角度,探讨了墨家对道教的影响。认为在早期道教中,有一派是源于墨家,他们讲五行变化。其后的丹道理论中,不论是五行错王说,还是五行颠倒术,其源头都是来自墨家的五行毋常胜说。而墨家天志明鬼的主张,又为道教的创立开辟了以神道设教的蹊径。至于后期的墨侠,则直接融入早期道教团体之内。在特定的历史条件下,墨家、方士、道家以及巫师等的合流,从而形成了一个中国独特的宗教——道教。  相似文献   

墨家是先秦诸多学派之一,墨家逻辑也是中国古代本土逻辑思想的典范之一。墨子及其后学创立了中国思想史上第一个"以名举实,以辞舒意,以说出故"的墨家逻辑体系,成为中国古代逻辑思想发展的优秀代表。墨家逻辑的主要推理模式包括:"辟"、"侔"、"援"、"推"等。墨家逻辑思想的研究开启了中国逻辑思想研究的先河,墨家逻辑思想研究是中国逻辑思想研究的核心内容之一。国际逻辑学界对作为非印—欧语言系统的中国逻辑的关注,显示了中国逻辑独立存在的价值。今天的中国逻辑思想研究处于现代逻辑发展与中国现代文化发展的交汇点上,需要我们从逻辑和中国文化的角度来研究中国逻辑思想。用逻辑的一般特性来分析墨家逻辑,依据工具性、形式性和有效性这三个方面,是解释墨家逻辑的一个新角度。  相似文献   

论推类逻辑与中国古代科学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一丰富的中国古代逻辑大致可以分为墨家逻辑、正名逻辑和论证逻辑三个传统,但处于主体地位的还是墨家逻辑,中国古代逻辑的基本内容也主要体现在墨家逻辑之中。正名逻辑以名家、儒家的“正名”思想与推知方法为主线,直指宋明理学的“正名”逻辑思想与方法。论证逻辑以王充的论证理论和方法为主体,主要是关于认识事物的辩证思维与方法。墨家逻辑以“类”概念为基础,以“推类”为基本方法,主要推理成分是“名”、“辞”、“说”,主导推理范式是“推类”。什么是“名”?《墨辩》说:“以名举实,以辞抒意,以说出故。”《荀子.正名》说:“实不喻然…  相似文献   

The goal is to sketch a nominalist approach to mathematics which just like neologicism employs abstraction principles, but unlike neologicism is not committed to the idea that mathematical objects exist and does not insist that abstraction principles establish the reference of abstract terms. It is well-known that neologicism runs into certain philosophical problems and faces the technical difficulty of finding appropriate acceptability criteria for abstraction principles. I will argue that a modal and iterative nominalist approach to abstraction principles circumvents those difficulties while still being able to put abstraction principles to a foundational use.  相似文献   

In his last period (1928–33), Ferenczi tried to complement the ‘negative’ technical principles first introduced by Freud in the 1910s. He introduced diverse and successive ‘positive instructions’, and specific techniques known as ‘elastic’ of ‘relaxation and neocatharsis’, and also made an unsucessful attempt to introduce ‘mutual analysis’. These techniques are implemented around a series of new technical principles including ‘tact’, ‘empathy’, ‘indulgence’, ‘intense sympathy’. All of these positive technical principles and innovations demonstrate the importance of considering the dimension of ‘healing’ in all analytic experiences and the importance of the analyst's functioning as the ‘healer’. The emphasis on the use of these new technical principles is consistent with the emphasis Ferenczi places upon countertransference and traumatic factors in psychopathogenesis.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to explore the extent to which persuasion principles are used in successful social engineering attacks. Seventy‐four scenarios were extracted from 4 books on social engineering (written by social engineers) and analysed. Each scenario was split into attack steps, containing single interactions between offender and target. For each attack step, persuasion principles were identified. The main findings are that (a) persuasion principles are often used in social engineering attacks, (b) authority (1 of the 6 persuasion principles) is used considerably more often than others, and (c) single‐principle attack steps occur more often than multiple‐principle ones. The social engineers identified in the scenarios more often used persuasion principles compared to other social influences. The scenario analysis illustrates how to exploit the human element in security. The findings support the view that security mechanisms should include not only technical but also social countermeasures.  相似文献   

It has long been recognized that negation in Aristotle’s term logic differs syntactically from negation in classical logic: modern external negation attaches to propositions fully formed, whereas Aristotelian internal negation forms propositions from sentential constituents. Still, modern external negation is used to render Aristotelian internal negation, as may be seen in formalizations of Aristotle’s semantic principles of non-contradiction and of excluded middle. These principles govern the distribution of truth values among pairs of contradictory propositions, and Aristotelian contradictories always consist of an affirmation and a denial. So how should we formalize a false denial? In the literature, we find that a false denial is formalized by means of two negation signs attached to a one-place predicate. However, it can be shown that this rendering leads to an incorrect picture of Aristotle’s principles. In this paper, I propose a solution to this technical problem by devising a formal notation especially for Aristotelian propositions in which internal negation is differentiated from external negation. I will also analyze both principles, each of which has two logically equivalent forms, a positive and a negative one. The fact that Aristotle’s principles are distinct and complementary is reflected in my new formalizations.  相似文献   

Important theoretical basic principles of the psychodynamic treatment of patients with antisocial and psychopathic personality disorders are presented. Focusing on delinquency and general orientation to the structural level of the personality organization should be integrated. Indications of treatment difficulties, countertransference problems and technical principles are given. Skepticism of the treatment is poorly evidence-based and forensic psychotherapy of these patient groups should be intensified.  相似文献   

Given the close relationship between the modern arms industry and the military, engineers and other professionals who work in the arms industry should be held accountable to the principles of just war theory. While they do not deploy weapons on the battlefield and are not in the military chain of command, technical professionals nonetheless have a moral duty to abide by principles of jus ad bellum and jus in bello. They are morally responsible both for choosing the companies that employ them (and to whom these companies sell arms) and a well as what types of arms they develop.  相似文献   

In this article, the author presents some technical aspects of a psychotherapeutic approach for treating chronic anorectic patients. Two basic principles underlie the approach. First, the main purpose of the treatment is to improve the patient's relational skills in order to enable her to cope with her family's "game". Second, the therapeutic relationship is considered hierarchically subordinate to her relationships outside the therapeutic context. Mastering the model of families with anorectics is essential if the therapist is to be consistent with these principles. Specialized training in verbal and nonverbal communication is considered a useful tool.  相似文献   

Curry’s paradox for “if.. then..” concerns the paradoxical features of sentences of the form “If this very sentence is true, then 2 + 2 = 5”. Standard inference principles lead us to the conclusion that such conditionals have true consequents: so, for example, 2 + 2 = 5 after all. There has been a lot of technical work done on formal options for blocking Curry paradoxes while only compromising a little on the various central principles of logic and meaning that are under threat. Once we have a sense of the technical options, though, a philosophical choice remains. When dealing with puzzles in the logic of conditionals, a natural place to turn is independently motivated semantic theories of the behaviour of “if... then...”. This paper argues that a closest-worlds approach outlined in previous work offers a philosophically satisfying reason to deny conditional proof and so block the paradoxical Curry reasoning, and can give the verdict that standard Curry conditionals are false, along with related “contraction conditionals”.  相似文献   

This account of the author's psychoanalytic education and the subsequent evolution of his theoretical and technical beliefs emphasizes his sustained attachment to classical Freudian principles. The refinement of his views consequent to his close friendship and collaboration with Charles Brenner is described. In recent years, his study of the work of certain colleagues who are exponents of other psychoanalytic points of view has resulted in some modulation of his technical stance, without altering his fundamental convictions about the nature of the psychoanalytic enterprise.  相似文献   

I have described three areas in psychoanalytic education where I believe greater attention to existing methods is necessary so as to facilitate the learning of certain principles of development. Explanations might be enhanced by including constructivist with reductionist elements; metapsychology might be clarified in a way that would make the "developmental" more available to analytic scaffolding; and finally, the technical precepts that help focus on the emergence of regressive trends should be broadened to permit enhanced awareness of the progressive trends as well.  相似文献   

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