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Investigation of the anatomical substructure of the medial temporal lobe has revealed a number of highly interconnected areas, which has led some to propose that the region operates as a unitary memory system. However, here we outline the results of a number of studies from our laboratories, which investigate the contributions of the rat's perirhinal cortex and postrhinal cortex to memory, concentrating particularly on their respective roles in memory for objects. By contrasting patterns of impairment and spared abilities on a number of related tasks, we suggest that perirhinal cortex and postrhinal cortex make distinctive contributions to learning and memory: for example, that postrhinal cortex is important in learning about within-scene position and context. We also provide evidence that despite the strong connectivity between these cortical regions and the hippocampus, the hippocampus, as evidenced by lesions of the fornix, has a distinct function of its own—combining information about objects, positions, and contexts.  相似文献   

Investigation of the anatomical substructure of the medial temporal lobe has revealed a number of highly interconnected areas, which has led some to propose that the region operates as a unitary memory system. However, here we outline the results of a number of studies from our laboratories, which investigate the contributions of the rat's perirhinal cortex and postrhinal cortex to memory, concentrating particularly on their respective roles in memory for objects. By contrasting patterns of impairment and spared abilities on a number of related tasks, we suggest that perirhinal cortex and postrhinal cortex make distinctive contributions to learning and memory: for example, that postrhinal cortex is important in learning about within-scene position and context. We also provide evidence that despite the strong connectivity between these cortical regions and the hippocampus, the hippocampus, as evidenced by lesions of the fornix, has a distinct function of its own--combining information about objects, positions, and contexts.  相似文献   

The role of the perirhinal cortex in inhibitory eyeblink conditioning was examined. In Experiment 1, rats were given lesions of the perirhinal cortex or control surgery and subsequently trained with a feature-negative discrimination procedure followed by summation and retardation tests for conditioned inhibition. Perirhinal cortex lesions impaired, but did not prevent acquisition of feature-negative discrimination. Results from the summation test showed that rats with perirhinal cortex lesions could not generalize feature-negative discrimination to a new stimulus. There were no group differences during the retardation test. Experiment 2 showed that lesions of the perirhinal cortex did not impair simple excitatory conditioning. Experiment 3 showed that perirhinal cortex lesions had no effect on acquisition of a simple tone-light discrimination. The results suggest that the perirhinal cortex plays a role in eyeblink conditioning when using discrimination procedures involving overlapping stimuli.  相似文献   

Four emotionally arousing stimuli were used to probe the behavior of monkeys with bilateral ablations of the entorhinal and perirhinal cortex. The monkeys' behavioral changes were then contrasted with those observed earlier (M. Meunier, J. Bachevalier, E. A. Murray, L. Málková, & M. Mishkin, 1999) in monkeys with either neurotoxic or aspiration lesions of the neighboring amygdala. Rhinal cortex ablations yielded several subtle behavioral changes but none of them resembled any of the disorders typically seen after amygdalectomies. The changes produced by rhinal damage took mainly the form of heightened defensiveness and attenuated submission and approach responses; that is, just the opposite of some of the most distinctive symptoms following amygdala damage. These findings raise the possibility that the rhinal cortex and amygdala have distinct, interactive functions in normal behavioral adaptation to affective stimuli.  相似文献   

Damage to the temporal cortex (TC), the lateral entorhinal cortex (LEC), or their interconnections has disruptive effects on visual memory. The fiber connections between TC and LEC are relayed in the perirhinal cortex (PC) or in the adjacent white matter of PC. PC seems to make up a particularly important structure for mnemonic processing. The purpose of the present study was to examine whether selective PC lesions might affect retroactive or proactive memory, since TC/LEC transections can cause both retrograde and anterograde amnesia. The results show that both PC and TC/LEC lesions impair retroactive memory to similar degrees (Experiment 1). However, PC lesions yielded a slightly stronger impairment of both acquisition and retention in the proactive paradigm than TC/LEC lesions (Experiment 2). These findings give support to the notion that PC plays an important role in formation of memory.  相似文献   

Perirhinal cortex and area TE are immediately adjacent to each other in the temporal lobe and reciprocally interconnected. These areas are thought to lie at the interface between visual perception and visual memory, but it has been unclear what their separate contributions might be. In three experiments, monkeys with bilateral lesions of the perirhinal cortex exhibited a different pattern of impairment than monkeys with bilateral lesions of area TE. In experiment 1, lesions of the perirhinal cortex produced a multimodal deficit in recognition memory (delayed nonmatching to sample), whereas lesions of area TE impaired performance only in the visual modality. In experiment 2, on a test of visual recognition memory (the visual paired comparison task) lesions of the perirhinal cortex impaired performance at long delays but spared performance at a very short delay. In contrast, lesions of area TE impaired performance even at the short delay. In experiment 3, lesions of the perirhinal cortex and lesions of area TE produced an opposite pattern of impairment on two visual discrimination tasks, simple object discrimination learning (impaired only by perirhinal lesions), and concurrent discrimination learning (impaired only by TE lesions). Taken together, the findings suggest that the perirhinal cortex, like other medial temporal lobe structures, is important for the formation of memory, whereas area TE is important for visual perceptual processing.  相似文献   

One traditional and long-held view of medial temporal lobe (MTL) function is that it contains a system of structures that are exclusively involved in memory, and that the extent of memory loss following MTL damage is simply related to the amount of MTL damage sustained. Indeed, human patients with extensive MTL damage are typically profoundly amnesic whereas patients with less extensive brain lesions centred upon the hippocampus typically exhibit only moderately severe anterograde amnesia. Accordingly, the latter observations have elevated the hippocampus to a particularly prominent position within the purported MTL memory system. This article reviews recent lesion studies in macaque monkeys in which the behavioural effects of more highly circumscribed lesions (than those observed to occur in human patients with MTL lesions) to different subregions of the MTL have been examined. These studies have reported new findings that contradict this concept of a MTL memory system. First, the MTL is not exclusively involved in mnemonic processes; some MTL structures, most notably the perirhinal cortex, also contribute to perception. Second, there are some forms of memory, including recognition memory, that are not always affected by selective hippocampal lesions. Third, the data support the idea that regional functional specializations exist within the MTL. For example, the macaque perirhinal cortex appears to be specialized for processing object identity whereas the hippocampus may be specialized for processing spatial and temporal relationships.  相似文献   

One traditional and long-held view of medial temporal lobe (MTL) function is that it contains a system of structures that are exclusively involved in memory, and that the extent of memory loss following MTL damage is simply related to the amount of MTL damage sustained. Indeed, human patients with extensive MTL damage are typically profoundly amnesic whereas patients with less extensive brain lesions centred upon the hippocampus typically exhibit only moderately severe anterograde amnesia. Accordingly, the latter observations have elevated the hippocampus to a particularly prominent position within the purported MTL memory system. This article reviews recent lesion studies in macaque monkeys in which the behavioural effects of more highly circumscribed lesions (than those observed to occur in human patients with MTL lesions) to different subregions of the MTL have been examined. These studies have reported new find-ings that contradict this concept of a MTL memory system. First, the MTL is not exclusively involved in mnemonic processes; some MTL structures, most notably the perirhinal cortex, also contribute to perception. Second, there are some forms of memory, including recognition memory, that are not always affected by selective hippocampal lesions. Third, the data support the idea that regional functional specializations exist within the MTL. For example, the macaque perirhinal cortex appears to be specialized for processing object identity whereas the hippocampus may be specialized for processing spatial and temporal relationships.  相似文献   

Using a continuous recognition memory procedure for visual object information, we sequentially presented rats with eight novel objects and four repeated objects (chosen from the 8). These were selected from 120 different three-dimensional objects of varying sizes, shapes, textures, and degree of brightness. Repeated objects had lags ranging from 0 to 4 (from 0 to 4 different objects between the first and repeated presentation). An object was presented on one side of a long table divided in half by an opaque Plexiglas guillotine door, and the latency between opening the door and the rat moving the object was measured. The first presentation of an object resulted in reinforcement, but repeated presentations did not result in a reinforcement. After completion of acquisition training (significantly longer latencies for repeated presentation compared with the first presentation of an object), rats received lesions of the perirhinal, medial, or lateral entorhinal cortex or served as sham operated controls. On the basis of postsurgery testing and additional tests, the results indicated that rats with perirhinal cortex lesions had a sustained impairment in performing the task. There were no sustained deficits with medial or lateral entorhinal cortex lesions. The data suggest that recognition memory for visual object information is mediated primarily by the perirhinal cortex but not by the medial or lateral entorhinal cortex.  相似文献   

While the role of the perirhinal cortex in declarative memory has been well established, it has been unclear whether the perirhinal cortex might serve an additional nonmnemonic role in visual perception. Evidence that the perirhinal cortex might be important for visual perception comes from a recent report that monkeys with perirhinal cortical lesions are impaired on difficult (but not on simple) visual discrimination tasks. We administered these same tasks to nine amnesic patients, including three severely impaired patients with complete damage to perirhinal cortex bilaterally (E.P., G.P., and G.T.). The patients performed all tasks as well as controls. We suggest that the function of perirhinal cortex as well as antero-lateral temporal cortex may differ between humans and monkeys.  相似文献   

In this work we probed the effects of post-trial infusions of the muscarinic receptor antagonist scopolamine on object recognition memory formation. Scopolamine was infused bilaterally immediately after the sample phase in the perirhinal cortex or dorsal hippocampus and animals were tested for short-term (90 min) or long-term (24 h) memory. Results showed that scopolamine impaired short-term memory when injected in either the perirhinal cortex or hippocampus. Nevertheless, scopolamine disrupted long-term memory when administrated in the perirhinal cortex but not when applied in the hippocampus. Long-term memory was unaffected when scopolamine was infused 160 min after the sample phase or 90 min before test phase. Our data indicate that short-term recognition memory requires muscarinic receptors signaling in both the perirhinal cortex and hippocampus, whereas long-term recognition memory depends on muscarinic receptors in the perirhinal cortex but not hippocampus. These results support a differential involvement of muscarinic activity in these two medial temporal lobe structures in the formation of recognition memory.  相似文献   

The perirhinal cortex is known to be important for memory, but there has recently been interest in the possibility that it might also be involved in visual perceptual functions. In four experiments, we assessed visual discrimination ability and visual discrimination learning in severely amnesic patients with large medial temporal lobe lesions that included complete lesions of perirhinal cortex. Experiment 1 tested complex visual object perception. Experiments 2a and 2b tested in two different ways the ability to discriminate between feature-ambiguous images, which was reported to be impaired in monkeys with perirhinal lesions. Experiment 3 involved images that were successfully discriminated in Experiment 2a and asked patients to learn across 20 trials which of the images had been designated as "correct." Patients performed as well as controls in Experiments 1, 2a, and 2b, but one of the patients had difficulty in Experiment 3 when the task required remembering from trial to trial which image was "correct." These findings indicate that perirhinal cortex is not needed for visual perception across a wide range of visual perceptual tasks.  相似文献   

The first purpose of this study was to investigate whether lesions in the temporal region may affect acquisition or retention of a discrimination task. In Experiment 1, rats with lesions of the temporal cortex (TC), the lateral entorhinal cortex (LEC), or their interconnections were tested postoperatively in simultaneous brightness discrimination. The results show that neither TC lesions nor LEC lesions affected acquisition of the task, and only LEC lesions impaired retention. TC/LEC transections impaired both acquisition and retention. The second purpose was to investigate effects of hippocampal lesions and perforant path transections on the discrimination task (Experiment 2). Both hippocampal and perforant path lesions impaired acquisition of the task, whereas retention was unaffected. It is suggested that TC and LEC are primarily involved in information storing and that hippocampal function is primarily involved in information processing.  相似文献   

The ability to learn and retain novel information depends on a system of structures in the medial temporal lobe (MTL) including the hippocampus and the surrounding entorhinal, perirhinal, and parahippocampal cortices. Damage to these structures produces profound memory deficits; however, the unique contribution to memory of each of these structures remains unclear. Here we have used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to determine whether the perirhinal and parahippocampal cortices show differential memory-related activity. Based on the distinct patterns of cortical input to these two areas, we reasoned that these structures might show differential activity for spatial and object recognition memory. In each of 11 subjects, we found that the perirhinal cortex was active during both spatial and object memory encoding, while the anterior parahippocampal cortex was active only during spatial encoding. These data support the idea that MTL structures make distinct contributions to recognition memory performance.  相似文献   

Rats with perirhinal cortex lesions were compared with sham controls on a conditional discrimination in which saccharin was paired with LiCl in context 1, but paired with saline in context 2. Perirhinal-lesioned rats were slightly slower to acquire the discrimination but reached control levels by the end of acquisition. Both groups showed transfer to familiar tap water, consuming less in context 1 than in context 2. Unlike sham rats, perirhinal rats failed to show an aversion to context 1 on a place choice test. These data provide neuroanatomical support for the postulated difference between Pavlovian conditioning and conditional learning.  相似文献   

Monkeys with lesions of perirhinal cortex (PR group) and monkeys with lesions of inferotemporal cortical area TE (TE group) were tested on a modified version of the delayed nonmatching to sample (DNMS) task that included very short delay intervals (0.5 sec) as well as longer delay intervals (1 min and 10 min). Lesions of the perirhinal cortex and lesions of area TE produced different patterns of impairment. The PR group learned the DNMS task as quickly as normal monkeys (N) when the delay between sample and choice was very short (0.5 sec). However, performance of the PR group, unlike that of the N group, fell to chance levels when the delay between sample and choice was lengthened to 10 min. In contrast to the PR group, the TE group was markedly impaired on the DNMS task even at the 0.5-sec delay, and three of four monkeys with TE lesions failed to acquire the task. The results provide support for the idea that perirhinal cortex is important not for perceptual processing, but for the formation and maintenance of long-term memory. Area TE is important for the perceptual processing of visual stimuli.  相似文献   

The roles of muscarinic and nicotinic cholinergic receptors in perirhinal cortex in object recognition memory were compared. Rats' discrimination of a novel object preference test (NOP) test was measured after either systemic or local infusion into the perirhinal cortex of the nicotinic receptor antagonist methyllycaconitine (MLA), which targets alpha-7 (α7) amongst other nicotinic receptors or the muscarinic receptor antagonists scopolamine, AFDX-384, and pirenzepine. Methyllycaconitine administered systemically or intraperirhinally before acquisition impaired recognition memory tested after a 24-h, but not a 20-min delay. In contrast, all three muscarinic antagonists produced a similar, unusual pattern of impairment with amnesia after a 20-min delay, but remembrance after a 24-h delay. Thus, the amnesic effects of nicotinic and muscarinic antagonism were doubly dissociated across the 20-min and 24-h delays. The same pattern of shorter-term but not longer-term memory impairment was found for scopolamine whether the object preference test was carried out in a square arena or a Y-maze and whether rats of the Dark Agouti or Lister-hooded strains were used. Coinfusion of MLA and either scopolamine or AFDX-384 produced an impairment profile matching that for MLA. Hence, the antagonists did not act additively when coadministered. These findings establish an important role in recognition memory for both nicotinic and muscarinic cholinergic receptors in perirhinal cortex, and provide a challenge to simple ideas about the role of cholinergic processes in recognition memory: The effects of muscarinic and nicotinic antagonism are neither independent nor additive.  相似文献   

Although the medial temporal lobe (MTL) is known to be essential for episodic encoding, the contributions of individual MTL subregions remain unclear. Data from recognition memory studies have provided evidence that the hippocampus supports relational encoding important for later episodic recollection, whereas the perirhinal cortex has been linked with encoding that supports later item familiarity. However, extant data also strongly implicate the perirhinal cortex in object processing and encoding, suggesting that perirhinal processes may contribute to later episodic recollection of object source details. To investigate this possibility, encoding activation in MTL subregions was analyzed on the basis of subsequent memory outcome while participants processed novel scenes paired with 1 of 6 repeating objects. Specifically, encoding activation correlating with later successful scene recognition memory was evaluated against that of source recollection for the object paired with the scene during encoding. In contrast to studies reporting a link between perirhinal cortex and item familiarity, it was found that encoding activation in the right perirhinal cortex correlates with successful recollection of the paired object. Furthermore, other MTL subregions also exhibited content-specific source encoding patterns of activation, suggesting that MTL subsequent memory effects are sensitive to stimulus category.  相似文献   

The relevance of perirhinal cortical cholinergic and glutamatergic neurotransmission for taste recognition memory and learned taste aversion was assessed by microinfusions of muscarinic (scopolamine), NMDA (AP-5), and AMPA (NBQX) receptor antagonists. Infusions of scopolamine, but not AP5 or NBQX, prevented the consolidation of taste recognition memory using attenuation of neophobia as an index. In addition, learned taste aversion in both short- and long-term memory tests was exclusively impaired by scopolamine. These data provide neurochemical support for the theory that cholinergic activity of the perirhinal cortex participates in the formation of the taste memory trace and that it is independent of the NMDA and AMPA receptor activity. These results support the idea that cholinergic neurotransmission in the perirhinal cortex is also essential for acquisition and consolidation of taste recognition memory.  相似文献   

The perirhinal cortex and long-term familiarity memory.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To analyse the functions of the perirhinal cortex, the activity of single neurons in the perirhinal cortex was recorded while macaques performed a delayed matching-to-sample task with up to three intervening stimuli. Some neurons had activity related to working memory, in that they responded more to the sample than to the match image within a trial, as shown previously. However, when a novel set of stimuli was introduced, the neuronal responses were on average only 47% of the magnitude of the responses to the set of very familiar stimuli. Moreover, it was shown in three monkeys that the responses of the perirhinal cortex neurons gradually increased over hundreds of presentations (mean = 400 over 7-13 days) of the new set of (initially novel) stimuli to become as large as those to the already familiar stimuli. Thus perirhinal cortex neurons represent the very long-term familiarity of visual stimuli. Part of the impairment in temporal lobe amnesia may be related to the difficulty of building representations of the degree of familiarity of stimuli. A neural network model of how the perirhinal cortex could implement long-term familiarity memory is proposed using Hebbian associative learning.  相似文献   

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