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In five experiments, we investigated the extent to which form (shape) and metric attributes (three-dimensional, 3-D, orientation), both defined by relations between une elements, are processed in early vision. Search for a target defined by an abstract property of form (i.e., impossibility) was slow and serial. In contrast, search for a 3-D orientation target was considerably easier. Subsequent experiments suggest that this difference reflects the fact that 3-D orientation is derivable from localized sets of lines, whereas impossibility is an idiosyncratic property of the complete set of relations between lines. We conclude that only “gross” aspects of form are available in early vision as the complete set of line relations is not processed preattentively. However, localized processing of line relations is sufficient to derive 3-D orientation.  相似文献   

Adults can use pictorial depth cues to infer three-dimensional structure in two-dimensional depictions of objects. The age at which infants respond to the same kinds of visual information has not been determined, and theories about the underlying developmental mechanisms remain controversial. In this study, we used a visual habituation/novelty-preference procedure to assess the ability of 4-month-old infants to discriminate between two-dimensional depictions of structurally possible and impossible objects. Results indicate that young infants are sensitive to junction structures and interposition cues associated with pictorial depth and can detect inconsistent relationships among these cues that render an object impossible. Our results provide important insights into the development of mechanisms for processing pictorial depth cues that allow adults to extract three-dimensional structure from pictures of objects.  相似文献   

The purpose of this experiment was to determine whether searching for a word that has a particular attribute (a fruit that is yellow) involves a different process than searching for a word whose name has a particular form (a fruit whose name begins with "p"). Ss saw category nouns paired with adjectives or letter restrictors presented on a series of blocked trials and a series of mixed trials. The Ss had to produce a word that fell in the space defined by the noun and the restricting adjective or letter. RT was fastest when trials were blocked and when a letter followed the presentation of the noun. This finding suggested the existence of two retrieval plans that can be executed when S has knowledge of the forthcoming type of item.  相似文献   

The present study examined the role of vision and haptics in memory for stimulus objects that vary along the dimension of curvature. Experiment 1 measured haptic‐haptic (T‐T) and haptic‐visual (T‐V) discrimination of curvature in a short‐term memory paradigm, using 30‐second retention intervals containing five different interpolated tasks. Results showed poorest performance when the interpolated tasks required spatial processing or movement, thereby suggesting that haptic information about shape is encoded in a spatial‐motor representation. Experiment 2 compared visual‐visual (V‐V) and visual‐haptic (V‐T) short‐term memory, again using 30‐second delay intervals. The results of the ANOVA failed to show a significant effect of intervening activity. Intra‐modal visual performance and cross‐modal performance were similar. Comparing the four modality conditions (inter‐modal V‐T, T‐V; intra‐modal V‐V, T‐T, by combining the data of Experiments 1 and 2), in a global analysis, showed a reliable interaction between intervening activity and experiment (modality). Although there appears to be a general tendency for spatial and movement activities to exert the most deleterious effects overall, the patterns are not identical when the initial stimulus is encoded haptically (Experiment 1) and visually (Experiment 2).  相似文献   

Participants were tested on two visual mental rotation tasks using three-dimensional "possible" and "impossible" shapes. Both types of stimuli can be easily encoded by their parts and how they are spatially organized. However, while possible shapes can also be easily encoded as a global image, it is more difficult to encode impossible shapes in such a way. Participants visually rotated both types of stimuli at comparable rates, reflecting that local representations were used in the process of visual mental rotation.  相似文献   

By reference to nominated attributes, a genus, being a population of objects of one specified kind, may be partitioned into species, being subpopulations of different kinds. A prototype is an object representative of its species within the genus. Using this framework, the paper describes how objects can be relatively differentiated with respect to attributes, and how attributes can be relatively differentiating with respect to objects. Methods and rationale for such differential ordering of objects and attributes are presented by example, formal development, and application.For a genus comprisingn species of object there is a subsetP ofn distinct prototypes. With respect tom nominated attributes, each object in has anm-element characterization. Together these determine ann ×m objects × attributes matrix, the rows of which are the characterizations of the prototypical objects. Over then species in , an associated relative frequency vector gives the distribution of objects (and of their characterizations). The matrix and vector associate the objects in with points in a metric space (P, ); and it is with respect to various sums of distances in this attribute space that one can differentially order objects and attributes.The definition of the distance function is generalized across kinds of difference, types of characterization, scale-types of measurement, Minkowskiindex 1, and any form of distribution of objects over species. Explanatory and taxonomic applications in psychology and other fields are discussed, with focus on classification, identification, recognition, and search. The Braille code and the identification of its characters provide illustration.An anticipation and some preliminary indications were given in Sutcliffe and Bristow (1966), Sutcliffe (1972, 1973), and Nowakowska (1975). Subsequently the ideas have been extended and their applications realized in a computer program which, in its development, has so far gone through many minor and three major revisions to its present form in Sutcliffe (1985). The foregoing provided the foundation for the empirical applications and for the presentation in this paper of the ideas in their general form. the research has been supported by funds from the University of Sydney Research Grant and from the Australian Research Grants Scheme. In the working out and exposition of the ideas I have very much benefited from constructive critical comment given by C. R. Latimer, J. B. Michell, G. Oliphant, and E. Seneta, and from the professional programming skills of Michael Wilson and David Shillito. I am grateful for the invitation and the facilities for writing extended during 1983 by Georges Noizet, Laboratoire de Psychologie Expérimentale, Université René Descartes, Paris V, and by Samuel Messick, Vice President for Research, E.T.S. Princeton, N.J. Finally, I acknowledge the improvements in presentation of this paper which have arisen from the editor's and reviewers' comments.  相似文献   

M A Heller 《Perception》1992,21(5):655-660
An experiment placed vision and touch in conflict by the use of a mirror placed perpendicular to a letter display. The mirror induced a discrepancy in direction and form. Subjects touched the embossed tangible letters p, q, b, d, W, and M, while looking at them in a mirror, and were asked to identify the letters. The upright mirror produced a vertical inversion of the letters, and visual inversion of the direction of finger movement. Thus, subjects touched the letter p, but saw themselves touching the letter b in the mirror. There were large individual differences in reliance on the senses. The majority of the subjects depended on touch, and only one showed visual dominance. Others showed a compromise between the senses. The results were consistent with an attentional explanation of intersensory dominance.  相似文献   

Implicit memory refers to nonconscious retrieval of past experience demonstrated by facilitation in test performance on tasks that do not require intentional recollection of previous experiences. Explicit memory, in contrast, refers to the conscious retrieval of prior information, as demonstrated during standard recall and recognition tasks. In this experiment, positron emission tomographic (PET) measurements of regional cerebral blood flow (CBF), a marker of local neuronal activity, were used to identify and contrast brain regions that participate in the perception, implicit memory, and explicit memory for structurally possible and impossible visual objects. Ten CBF images were acquired in 16 normal women as they made possible/impossible and old/new recognition decisions about previously studied (old) and nonstudied (new) structurally possible and impossible objects. As reported previously, object decisions for familiar possible objects were associated with increased CBF in the vicinity of the left inferior temporal and fusiform gyri and recognition memory for familiar possible objects was associated with increased CBF in the vicinity of the right hippocampus. In this report, we provide more extensive analyses of the roles of the inferior temporal cortex, the hippocampus, the parahippocampus, and the pulvinar in encoding and retrieval operations. Additionally, patterns of CBF increases and decreases provide information regarding the neural structures involved in implicit and explicit memory.  相似文献   

The general principle is advanced that different attributes of objects (e.g. shape and colour) are more readily associated when they are attributes of the same object than when they are attributes of different objects. Previous studies provide support for the principle, for they have shown that a shape is more readily associated with its own colour than, for example, with the colour of its background. In the present experiments, the principle was applied to the attributes of shape and location. In four experiments it was shown that a shape was more readily associated with its own location than with the location of another object. Differences in contiguity between the presentation of the shape and the location with which the shape was to be associated were controlled for, as were other factors. The results were interpreted as providing support for the general principle stated above. It was suggested that the general principle could be explained by supposing that memory is propositional in format.  相似文献   

Paquet and Merikle (1988) found that subjects can ignore the category of unattended local forms but not that of global forms. Does this finding reflect a priority for global information during perception? In 5 studies, 2 compound stimuli, each surrounded by a frame, were presented side by side, and attention was directed to 1 of the stimuli. The first 2 studies examined whether local dominance would emerge if a small gap (Experiment 1) or the presence of small white lines (Experiment 2) on the surrounding frame specified the target object. No evidence for local dominance was found. Three additional studies examined whether local dominance would be obtained if subjects had extensive practice identifying the local aspect of stimulus displays. Although local practice led to automatic detection of unattended local targets, it did not affect the processing of the global aspect. These results are proposed to exemplify the priority of global information during perception.  相似文献   


Forty-eight younger and 48 older adults performed inclusion and exclusion tasks for line drawings of possible and impossible objects that were encoded semantically or globally. Participants' performance was transformed into estimates of conscious and unconscious influences on memory via the Process Dissociation Procedure (PDP). Five major findings were obtained. First, developmental differences were observed in the relative strength of conscious and unconscious influences on memory such that conscious influences were stronger for younger than older adults, whereas unconscious influences were stronger for older than younger adults. Second, unconscious influences on memory were demonstrated for possible and impossible objects. Third, unconscious influences on memory were obtained for objects that were encoded in both a global and a semantic fashion. Fourth, age-related differences in conscious and unconscious influences on memory were unaffected by object type. Fifth, estimates of conscious and unconscious influences on memory were unrelated to scores on psychometric measures of visual-spatial ability: Primary Mental Ability-Space (PMA-Space) and Benton Facial Recognition Task (BFRT). Collectively, these findings have implications for our understanding of the relative strength of conscious and unconscious memory processes in younger and older adults as well as the different types of unconscious memory processes that are recruited by the PDP in comparison to the traditional priming methodology.  相似文献   

Visual modules can be viewed as expressions of a marked analytic attitude in the study of vision. In vision psychology, this attitude is accompanied by hypotheses that characterize how visual modules are thought to operate in perceptual processes. Our thesis here is that there are what we call “intrinsic reasons” for the presence of such hypotheses in a vision theory, that is, reasons of a deductive kind, which are imposed by the partiality of the basic terms (input and output) in the definition of a module, and by peculiar characteristics of those terms. Specifically, we discuss three hypotheses of functional attributes: successive stages in the action of modules, residual indeterminacy of their effects, and the role of prior constraints. For each of the three, we indicate its occurrence in perceptual psychology, explain corresponding intrinsic reasons, and illustrate such reasons with examples.  相似文献   

Explicit memory tests such as recognition typically access semantic, modality-independent representations, while perceptual implicit memory tests typically access presemantic, modality-specific representations. By demonstrating comparable cross- and within-modal priming using vision and haptics with verbal materials (Easton, Srinivas, & Greene, 1997), we recently questioned whether the representations underlying perceptual implicit tests were modality specific. Unlike vision and audition, with vision and haptics verbal information can be presented in geometric terms to both modalities. The present experiments extend this line of research by assessing implicit and explicit memory within and between vision and haptics in the nonverbal domain, using both 2-D patterns and 3-D objects. Implicit test results revealed robust cross-modal priming for both 2-D patterns and 3-D objects, indicating that vision and haptics shared abstract representations of object shape and structure. Explicit test results for 3-D objects revealed modality specificity, indicating that the recognition system keeps track of the modality through which an object is experienced.  相似文献   

Measurements of apparent size were obtained by distance adjustment of a peripherally viewed stimulus to produce a match to a foveally viewed standard. As eccentricity increased, the peripheral stimulus was adjusted at distances of progressively greater visual angle, indicating that a continuous diminution in apparent size occurs with increased eccentricity. This effect was found to be stable for several conditions of illumination and for changes in the light adaptive state of S. Apparent size diminution and apparent distance increase were also found for familiar objects viewed in an open field.  相似文献   

Hemispheric processing of global form, local form, and texture.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hemispheric processing of global form, local form, and texture of hierarchical patterns composed of many, relatively small elements and patterns composed of few, relatively large elements was examined in two experiments, employing a Stroop-type paradigm. In experiment 1 subjects were instructed to attend either to the global or the local level of the pattern and to identify the form at the designated level. In experiment 2 subjects were to identify the global form or the texture. A right visual field (left hemisphere) advantage was obtained for detection of local form, and a left visual field (right hemisphere) advantage was obtained for detection of global form. When many-element patterns were processed in terms of global form and texture, the results failed to show reliable hemispheric differences. The results suggest that the hemispheres differ in their sensitivity to the relatively more global versus the relatively more local aspects of visual patterns which require focused attention (as in global/local form detection). When the task involved distributed attention (as in texture detection) no lateralized effects were observed.  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated the role that different face regions play in a variety of social judgements that are commonly made from facial appearance (sex, age, distinctiveness, attractiveness, approachability, trustworthiness, and intelligence). These judgements lie along a continuum from those with a clear physical basis and high consequent accuracy (sex, age) to judgements that can achieve a degree of consensus between observers despite having little known validity (intelligence, trustworthiness). Results from Experiment 1 indicated that the face's internal features (eyes, nose, and mouth) provide information that is more useful for social inferences than the external features (hair, face shape, ears, and chin), especially when judging traits such as approachability and trustworthiness. Experiment 2 investigated how judgement agreement was affected when the upper head, eye, nose, or mouth regions were presented in isolation or when these regions were obscured. A different pattern of results emerged for different characteristics, indicating that different types of facial information are used in the various judgements. Moreover, the informativeness of a particular region/feature depends on whether it is presented alone or in the context of the whole face. These findings provide evidence for the importance of holistic processing in making social attributions from facial appearance.  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated the role that different face regions play in a variety of social judgements that are commonly made from facial appearance (sex, age, distinctiveness, attractiveness, approachability, trustworthiness, and intelligence). These judgements lie along a continuum from those with a clear physical basis and high consequent accuracy (sex, age) to judgements that can achieve a degree of consensus between observers despite having little known validity (intelligence, trustworthiness). Results from Experiment 1 indicated that the face's internal features (eyes, nose, and mouth) provide information that is more useful for social inferences than the external features (hair, face shape, ears, and chin), especially when judging traits such as approachability and trustworthiness. Experiment 2 investigated how judgement agreement was affected when the upper head, eye, nose, or mouth regions were presented in isolation or when these regions were obscured. A different pattern of results emerged for different characteristics, indicating that different types of facial information are used in the various judgements. Moreover, the informativeness of a particular region/feature depends on whether it is presented alone or in the context of the whole face. These findings provide evidence for the importance of holistic processing in making social attributions from facial appearance.  相似文献   

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