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采用测验法,以64名高中一年级学生为被试,探讨文章标记对不同阅读水平学生的回忆成绩和问题解决的影响.结果表明:(1)不同阅读水平读者回忆成绩上的文章标记效应不显著;(2)文章标记对于不同阅读水平学生的问题解决都具有显著的影响作用;(3)不同阅读水平读者的回忆和问题解决成绩存在显著差异.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of reading mode (oral and silent) and text genre (narrative and expository) on fourth graders’ reading comprehension. While controlling for prior reading ability of 48 participants, we measured comprehension. Using a repeated measured design, data were analyzed using analysis of covariance, paired t-tests, and correlational statistics. Results revealed that silent reading was stronger for narrative passages in retell measures, but there was no difference for comprehension questions. The expository passages revealed no difference between the reading modes. Comprehension of narrative texts was consistently stronger than expository texts in both silent and oral reading.  相似文献   

Silent reading fluency has received limited attention in the school-based literatures across the past decade. We fill this gap by examining both oral and silent reading fluency and their relation to overall abilities in reading comprehension in fourth-grade students. Lower-level reading skills (word reading, rapid automatic naming) and vocabulary were included in structural equation models in order to determine their impact on reading fluency and comprehension. Results suggested that oral and silent reading fluency represent separate constructs, but only oral reading fluency contributed to reading comprehension. Vocabulary was found to contribute uniquely to comprehension even after controlling for reading fluency.  相似文献   

以往研究者对默读过程中的副中央凹加工进行了大量研究,但很少探讨这一加工进程在朗读过程中的作用.本研究采用移动窗口范式,通过改变移动注视窗口的大小来操纵副中央凹获得的信息量(1字窗口、3字窗口和正常阅读),探讨在中文默读和朗读条件下副中央凹获得的信息量的差异.结果表明,朗读比默读占用更多的资源,与默读相比,朗读时的注视时间更长、注视次数更多;重要的是,副中央凹信息可以提高朗读和默读过程中的阅读速度.然而,与朗读过程相比,副中央凹信息的促进作用在默读过程中更为明显.因此,副中央凹信息量对中文朗读和默读都起着调节的作用.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT High and low self-monitors, who either anticipated or did not anticipate further interaction with a same-sex confederate, alternated with that person in disclosing personal information on three very private topics The confederate spoke first on each topic, presenting either highly intimate or nonintimate information in response to all three issues Content analyses of subjects' disclosures revealed that both high and low self-monitors reciprocated the intimacy and (to a lesser extent) the emotionality of a partner with whom future interaction was not anticipated, but that only the high self-monitors reciprocated the partner's self-disclosures when future interaction with that person was anticipated Supplementary measures suggested that the anticipation of future interaction increased the agentic concerns of all participants, thereby inducing high self-monitors to become even more attentive to situational cues when deciding how or what to disclose, while prompting low self-monitors to rely even less on situational cues and more on personal thoughts and feelings as the basis for their self-presentations Taken together, the results indicate that the prospect of future interaction is an important situational moderator of the self-disclosing tendencies of both high and low self-monitors, and they provide little if any support for recent “instrumental hedonism” interpretations of self-monitoring activities  相似文献   

结构方程在心理学研究中的应用   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
方平  熊端琴  蔡红 《心理科学》2001,24(4):406-408
近年来,在教育、社会及心理学等研究领域,结构方程模型(SEM,Structural Equation Modeling)已成为重要的多变量分析方法,并日益受到广大研究者的重视。本文旨在对SEM作简要概述,并讨论其在心理学研究中的应用,以及在应用过程中应该遵循的标准和需要注意的一些问题。  相似文献   

Correlations and sequential analyses between performance on Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills–Oral Reading Fluency (DORF) and reading achievement on the Stanford Achievement Test–Tenth Edition (SAT-10) during 2003–2004 were examined for high- and low-income children. Participants were 215 third graders, 112 above and 103 below proficiency benchmarks for DORF. For below benchmark students, DORF scores strongly predicted SAT-10 comprehension. For above benchmark students (a) DORF scores predicted comprehension for high- but not low-income students; (b) statistically significant differences in reading fluency, comprehension, and vocabulary existed between high- and low-income students; (c) reading vocabulary equally predicted comprehension for students of differing economic backgrounds; and (d) reading fluency did not predict comprehension for low-income students beyond what was accounted for by vocabulary.  相似文献   

Genetic counseling is a communication process with two main functions: information provision and supportive counseling. The information transmission function may be compromised by disruptions that occur during counseling. At least two mediators are possible: (a) disruptions may interfere with memory by creating distractions and divided attention during encoding or (b) disruptions may degrade the flow of interaction which requires that participants engage in conversation repair rather than the task at hand. This study examined both alternatives in a group of parents (N=20 families, 40 individual parents) whose infant had received a newborn screening for cystic fibrosis (CF). Upon arrival at the hospital, each parent completed a questionnaire designed to assess his or her knowledge of CF. Their interaction with the genetic counselor was videotaped and coded for the presence of disruptions. Six weeks after the counseling, parents again completed the knowledge measure. The data showed a direct negative effect for disruptions during counseling on memory for CF-related risk information six weeks later. Disruptions also produced the anticipated effect on conversation, but counter to expectations, interruptions of conversation flow was positively associated with knowledge at time 2.  相似文献   

Reading-specific and general color-shape cognitive flexibility were assessed in 68 first and second graders to examine: 1) the development of graphophonological-semantic cognitive flexibility (the ability to process concurrently phonological and semantic aspects of print) in comparison to color-shape cognitive flexibility, 2) the contribution of reading experience to graphophonological-semantic flexibility, and 3) the unique contribution of graphophonological-semantic flexibility to reading comprehension. Second graders scored significantly higher than first graders on both cognitive flexibility tasks; the general flexibility task was easier for all children than the graphophonological-semantic flexibility task; reading experience contributed uniquely to children's graphophonological-semantic flexibility; and graphophonological-semantic flexibility contributed significant, unique variance to children's reading comprehension, consistent with Cartwright's (2002 Cartwright , K. B. ( 2002 ). Cognitive development and reading: The relation of reading-specific multiple classification skill to reading comprehension in elementary school children . Journal of Educational Psychology , 94 , 5663 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) work with second- to fourth-grade students and adults (2007 Cartwright , K. B. ( 2007 ). The contribution of graphophonological-semantic flexibility to reading comprehension in college students: Implications for a less simple view of reading . Journal of Literacy Research , 39 , 173193 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]).  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of text type and early familiarization with oral expository text structures on listening and reading comprehension levels. Second-grade students read and listened to narrative and expository texts, and their comprehension was assessed with a sentence verification task. Half of the students had participated in a nine-week long intervention designed to familiarize them with oral expository structures in the previous year while in first grade. The findings indicated that familiarization did not lead to the expected advantage of listening over reading for either expository or narrative text. Implications concerning the conceptualization of comprehension as a unitary process construct are discussed.  相似文献   

杨锦绵  余程晨 《心理科学》2021,(5):1081-1088
本文试图用实验的方法,通过调整目标词在句子中的位置,操纵目标词上注视点的眼跳发起位置,考察该变量对预视效应的影响。主要结果发现,和目标词上注视点的眼跳发起距离近的条件相比,眼跳发起距离远时凝视时间和回视路径时间的预视效应更大;但对数据的进一步分析表明这是一种阻碍效应。虽然“预视效益”这个词常用来代表预视加工,它实质包含了预视促进和阻碍两种不同的加工。本研究的结果有助于大家理解这两种不同性质的加工及其可能的影响因素。  相似文献   


Many religions have an ethos of community betterment that can spur their members to contribute to society in meaningful ways. Yet much of the literature on religion and politics tends to focus on how places of worship increase explicitly partisan activities like voting or donating to a political campaign. Does religion affect community engagement in the same ways that it does political participation? A unique research design executed in Little Rock, Arkansas, USA brings together religious data on individual beliefs and behaviors, clergy messaging, and congregation culture to examine religion’s effects on both political activity and community engagement. The results demonstrate that religion influences both types of behaviors, but not always in the same ways. For instance, it appears as though many congregations tend to develop cultures that encourage either community engagement or political activity, rather than both, with Black Protestant churches as an exception. Additionally, individuals that hold providential religious beliefs tend to have higher levels of community engagement but lower levels of political activity. These findings indicate that religion influences different types of participation differently.


Previous studies have demonstrated the efficacy of the Text Structure Strategy for improving text recall. The strategy emphasizes the identification of text structure for encoding and recalling information. Traditionally, the efficacy of this strategy has been measured through free recall. The present study examined whether recall and eye-movement patterns of second language English readers would benefit from training on the strategy. Participants’ free recall and eye-movement patterns were measured before and after training. There was a significant increase in recall at posttest and a change in eye-movement patterns, reflecting additional processing time of phrases and words signaling the text structure.  相似文献   

通过对149名小学一年级学生两年的追踪研究,在控制了一般认知能力、语音意识以及所关注变量自回归效应的情况下,探讨默读流畅性在语素意识与阅读理解关系中的作用。结果发现:(1)儿童语素意识、默读流畅性及阅读理解随时间均有显著发展;(2)一年级下学期儿童的默读流畅性在一年级上学期语素意识影响二年级上学期阅读理解过程中的中介作用显著,而二年级上学期的默读流畅性在一年级下学期语素意识影响二年级下学期阅读理解过程中的中介作用不显著。结果表明,在小学低年级阶段,默读流畅性在早期语素意识与之后的阅读理解中发挥跨时间点的中介作用,且该中介效应随儿童认知技能的发展会发生一定的变化。  相似文献   

This study explored the relationship between childhood traumatic exposure, such as violence and loss of a significant other, and reading achievement. With a sample of 163 urban elementary children (grades 2–5), the impact of traumatic events on 3 years of reading scores was examined. Results suggested that violence exposure had an adverse effect on reading scores and that there was a striking difference between students who experienced moderate exposure as compared to students with high exposure. However, both groups of students experienced a significant decrease in reading achievement. Discussion of these findings proposes an explanation for why reading achievement might be adversely affected by traumatic exposure and gives suggestions for teachers to utilize with those students identified as having been exposed to traumatic events.  相似文献   

听障者阅读时是否激活语音信息是听障者阅读研究领域的热点问题之一。本研究使用眼动技术,采用绕口令材料,考察口语经验和阅读能力对听障大学生汉语阅读中语音激活的影响。结果发现,口语经验较多且阅读能力较高(OHRH)的听障大学生的绕口令效应大于口语经验较少但阅读能力较高(OLRH)的听障大学生,OLRH组的绕口令效应大于口语经验较少且阅读能力较低(OLRL)的听障大学生。局部指标分析发现OHRH和OLRH组在早期和晚期指标上均存在绕口令效应,OLRL组只在晚期指标上才出现绕口令效应。结果表明,口语经验和阅读能力影响听障大学生汉语阅读中的语音激活。  相似文献   

Evidence‐gathering begins at the scene of an incident. Available witnesses may be asked to provide an account of what happened, either in response to an open request for information or, in some regions, by completing a Self‐Administered Interview (SAI©). In both cases, an investigative interview may be conducted at some later date. This study sought to determine the impact of an initial retrieval attempt on a subsequent interview. After exposure to a mock crime, participants completed an SAI© or a free recall (FR), or did not engage in an initial retrieval (Control). One week later, participants were interviewed with a Cognitive Interview. SAI© participants reported more correct information and maintained higher accuracy than FR and Control participants. Consistency analyses revealed that the SAI© was effective because it preserved more of the originally recalled items (Time 1) than did an initial FR, and not because it yielded new recollections at Time 2. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We extend the research on context effects in performance evaluation by examining the impact of ratee sex and context performance level as moderators of context effects in performance ratings and in the recall of performance information. Subjects (N= 269) rated the performance of an average performer (male or female) alone or following a low or high performing context (male or female). We found significant differences in the magnitude of contrast effects for an average target ratee as a function of both target ratee sex and performance level. These differences were found for both performance ratings and the evaluative content of performance information recalled.  相似文献   

This study examined whether the benefits of reading tutoring in first grade were moderated by children's level of attention problems. Participants were 581 children from the intervention and control samples of Fast Track, a longitudinal multisite investigation of the development and prevention of conduct problems. Standardized reading achievement measures were administered after kindergarten and 1st grade, and teacher ratings of attention problems were obtained during 1st grade. During 1st grade, intervention participants received three 30-min tutoring sessions per week to promote the development of initial reading skills. Results replicated prior findings that attention problems predict reduced 1st grade reading achievement, even after controlling for IQ and earlier reading ability. Intervention was associated with modest reading achievement benefits for inattentive children without early reading difficulties, and substantial benefits for children with early reading difficulties who were not inattentive. It had no discernible impact, however, for children who were both inattentive and poor early readers. Results underscore the need to develop effective academic interventions for inattentive children, particularly for those with co-occurring reading difficulties.  相似文献   

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