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In the current paper, we present and discuss a series of experiments in which we investigated people’s willingness to ascribe intentions, as well as blame and praise, to groups. The experiments draw upon the so-called “Knobe Effect”. Knobe [2003. “Intentional action and side effects in ordinary language.” Analysis 63: 190–194] found that the positiveness or negativeness of side-effects of actions influences people’s assessment of whether those side-effects were brought about intentionally, and also that people are more willing to assign blame for negative side-effects of actions than they are to assign praise for positive side-effect of actions. Building upon this research, we found evidence that the positiveness or negativeness of side-effects of group actions influences people’s willingness to attribute intentions to groups (Experiment 1a), and that people are more willing to assign blame to groups for negative side-effects of actions than they are to assign praise to groups for positive side-effects of actions (Experiment 1b). We also found evidence (Experiments 2a, 2b, 3 and 4) that the “Group Knobe Effect” persists even when intentions and blame/praise are attributed to groups non-distributively, indicating that people tend not to think of group intentions and group blame/praise in distributive terms. We conclude that the folk are collectivist about group intentions, and also about the blameworthiness and praiseworthiness of groups.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to update the 18th century concept of progress by an evolutionary theoretical framework, while replying to some of the contemporary critiques. Progress, understood as increase in fitness (or its proxy, quality of life) necessarily accompanies evolution by natural selection. In socio-cultural evolution, this mechanism is reinforced by growth of knowledge and virtuous cycles, but can be accompanied by negative side-effects such as overshooting and parasitism. The most pressing of the contemporary side-effects, such as pollution and the increased pace of life, are discussed, but it is concluded that they can be tackled without really endangering global progress. The anxiety that they engender is unfortunately amplified by a bad news bias in the media, leading to an inappropriately pessimistic view of the situation by the public.  相似文献   

The effects and side-effects of a victim assistance project aimed at victims of burglary are experimentally evaluated. Key features of the programme included the provision of burglary prevention information by police officers during a personal interaction with the victim through a positive and limitative communication strategy. Results suggest that important programme goals (for example, stronger satisfaction with police performance, a more internal risk orientation concerning victimization, stronger preventive intentions) were met. One of the positive effects for which experimental support was found was an improvement in police-victim relations. As regards side-effects the programme led neither to response generalization, nor to increased fear of crime outside the home. However, the side-effects of increased fear in the home did occur in female victims and victims with an external risk-orientation. The implications for future victim assistance projects in this domain are finally discussed.  相似文献   

The series of 'trolley' examples issue a challenge to moral principles based on intentions, since it seems that these give the wrong answers in two important cases: 'Fat Man', where they seem to say that it is permissible to push someone in front of a trolley to save others, and 'Loop', where they seem to say that it is wrong to divert a trolley towards a single person whose body will stop it and save others. I reply, first, that there is a parallel between the wrongful intention to mutilate in 'Transplant', where one person's vital organs are removed to save others' lives, and the intention to assault in Fat Man. Secondly, I defend Frances Kamm's view that in Loop one can divert the trolley towards the one without an intention to kill or assault, since good potential side-effects can be taken into account in deciding what to do, without their becoming intentions.  相似文献   

Standard interventions, such as antidepressive medication or psychotherapy, show only medium effect sizes in the reduction of depressive symptomatology. In addition, medication has problematic and not well accepted side-effects therefore it seems reasonable to look for alternative, cost-effective, easily available treatments which show no side-effects. A large number of studies have demonstrated similar neurophysiological effects of sport as antidepressants or psychotherapies but the crucial question remains unanswered: does sport show antidepressive effects by alleviating depressive symptomatology? Some randomized, controlled studies and all available recent meta-analysis addressing this question are reviewed. This review concludes that randomized control trials including sport activities have similar positive effect sizes as psychotherapy or antidepressant studies. The pre-post effects are in the medium to high range. Such a conclusion is jeopardized by a limited number of methodolically sound studies. It is too early to make evidence-based recommendations about the antidepressive effect of sport. Currently, it can only be speculated about moderators and mechanisms mediating outcome.  相似文献   

Before watching a fear-arousing antismoking movie, male smokers were administered a placebo pill that was said to have either arousing, tranquilizing, or no side effects. Subjects reported less intention to reduce smoking when they could attribute their arousal to the presumably arousing pill, and greater intention to do so when they expected the pill to be tranquilizing, than when they expccted no side effects. The self-reported number of cigarettes smoked during a two-week period following the experiment decreased in both the tranquilizing and no side-effects conditions, but not in the arousing side-effects condition. The data on subjects' i]ntentions are consistent with predictions derived from Kelley's discounting and augmentation principles and demunstrate informational functions of affective states. Several explanations concerning the differences between intentions and behavior are discussed, and implications concerning strategies for behavior change are explored.  相似文献   

To elucidate the temporal characteristics of information processing for motor action differing in complexity in relation to both perceptual and cognitive information processing, we investigated whether the reaction times (RTs) to a visual target would be affected by task complexity (finger lifting or manual aiming), pre-cueing (with a pre-cue or without a pre-cue), or target location (five horizontal positions). Using the right hand, seven right-handed subjects performed two tasks, finger lifting and manual aiming at a target, with or without a pre-cue. The pre-cue announced the location of the target to be presented. An ANOVA showed significant interactions between task and location and between pre-cue and location with no significant interaction between task and pre-cue, indicating that the task-location interaction does not depend on whether or not a pre-cue is given. The manual-aiming RTs were longer than the finger-lifting RTs, and the effects of the target location on the RTs differed for finger lifting and manual aiming. It can be assumed that the longer RTs of manual aiming reflect the time for information processing that is needed when preparing for the aiming action per se, which is an extra movement performed in addition to the simple initiation of finger lifting. Differential RTs (DRTs) calculated by subtracting the finger-lifting RTs from the aiming RTs were therefore examined. The DRTs significantly differed for target locations (i.e., a lateralized effect), with the DRTs for an ipsilateral target appearing to be significantly shorter than those for contralateral and central targets. The lateralized effect appearing on the DRTs may be mediated by the processing of visual-spatial information about visual targets as motor preparations are made for manual aiming.  相似文献   

This article examines the diagnosis of mental illness as part of a process that can be more clearly understood if envisioned as part of a larger system that goes on in most social encounters. These encounters can go in three directions: Labeling, Enabling, and Normalization. Labeling is equivalent to stigmatization, the awarding of a shameful status. Enabling awards a prideful status: “There is nothing wrong with you.” Normalization takes a middle ground: you have a problem, but it's not shameful. These ideas are discussed as depicted in the film Lars and the Real Girl (2007). The film teaches a powerful lesson: how a community might manage mental illness without the social side-effects.  相似文献   

Objectives: When the course of a disease can be positively changed by health professionals the disease can be indicated as ‘highly treatable’. This ‘high treatability information’ (HTI) may have negative side-effects on people’s preventative motivation. This study examined the effects of HTI regarding skin cancer on preventative motivation.

Design: This study employed a 2 (high treatability (HTI) versus low treatability (LTI)) × 2 (high versus low susceptibility)?experiment with a hanging control group. (family) History and self-efficacy were assessed as moderators. Participants (N = 309) were randomly assigned to one of the five conditions.

Main outcome measures: The main outcome was intention to engage in preventative actions regarding skin cancer.

Results: HTI significantly lowered the intention compared to LTI, under the condition of high susceptibility in people with low self-efficacy. In addition, in people with a (family) history of skin cancer, HTI significantly lowered the intention compared to the no-information group.

Conclusion: HTI regarding skin cancer can cause a drop in the preventative motivation. The effects can be conceptualised as negative side-effects of HTI. As substantial proportions of the general population have a (family) history of skin cancer or low self-efficacy, the side-effects may be widespread, possibly increasing the incidence of skin cancer.  相似文献   

Muscle correlates of reflex telson movement were recorded in intact Limulus (horseshoe crab) preparations with chronically implanted microelectrodes. Muscle activity habituated during repetitive tactile stimulation of the gills with puffs of air. Dishabituation was also observed, as were inverse relationships between the frequency and intensity of stimulation and the rate of response decrement. These findings closely paralleled those obtained during central recordings in acute dissected preparations, as did the demonstration under certain stimulation conditions of an initial incremental phase of responsivity. Although initial levels of responsivity recovered after 1 hr without stimulation, potentiation of habituation was observable after 2 hr. Both of these times greatly exceeded those previously observed in acute preparations. No generalization to a spatial displacement of the stimulus was obtained, although a visually elicited telson reflex had been shown to demonstrate a cross-optic generalization. Aspects of the comparative strategy and the adaptive value of telson reflex habituation in Limulus were briefly considered.  相似文献   

罗婷  陈振彩  陈安涛 《心理科学》2013,36(3):580-585
本研究考察在无注意定势的参与下,类别信息的意义连结对于无意视盲的作用。被试在实验任务之前观察、学习某一类别的若干刺激,以激活其类别概念和表征。结果表明,启动相关类别概念的被试在非注意情况下觉察到非预期的、显著刺激的可能性更大。这说明,意义连结可以广泛地作用于类别刺激,即使没有注意定势的影响,也能自动地注意到相关的刺激,从而促进其意识的加工。  相似文献   

The authors criticize the use of participants' predictive responses during a learning phase as a measure of causal assessments (J. M. Tangen & L. G. Allan, 2003, 2004). Simulations demonstrate that a general aim to minimize error as required in the prediction task will produce results in accordance with those observed, in particular apparent cue interaction effects. It is argued that measures estimated from prediction responses do not reflect causal ratings, but are side-effects of learning explained by adaptation in strategy to changes in presented cell frequencies. The results are reinterpreted to be in line with a causal model view, not requiring dual processes or cue competition of lower level associative processes.  相似文献   

The authors criticize the use of participants' predictive responses during a learning phase as a measure of causal assessments. Simulations demonstrate that a general aim to minimize error as required in the prediction task will produce results in accordance with those observed, in particular apparent cue interaction effects. It is argued that measures estimated from prediction responses do not reflect causal ratings, but are side-effects of learning explained by adaptation in strategy to changes in presented cell frequencies. The results are reinterpreted to be in line with a causal model view, not requiring dual processes or cue competition of lower level associative processes.  相似文献   

创造性思维对于中医基础研究非常重要.在中医基础研究中过分依赖高新技术,或者不敢直面问题、遇到困难退缩将阻碍创造性思维.中医基础研究的创造性思维需要研究者在传统知识、现代知识、高新技术与仪器等方面作好充分的准备.为使研究保持正确的方向,在研究中要处理好"已知"与"未知"的关系并以"和"的态度对待学术争论.  相似文献   

An examination was instituted to determine the effectiveness of maintenance therapy involving depot neuroplegics in out-patient after-care during an average follow-up of six years. At the time of examination, 172 patients treated with Depot-Lyogen showed statistically significant lower relapse and rehospitalisation rates, a reduction of the productive schizophrenic symptoms, and improved chance of rehabilitation, compared with 55 patients without treatment. In 22% of the 270 patients on Depot-Lyogen, there were early extrapyramidal side-effects, in 4.7% late dyskinesis, and in 4.3% depressive symptoms relating to medication. 35% of the patients did not receive consistent maintenance therapy. The improvement of after-care is discussed.  相似文献   

Researchers have demonstrated for practitioners how to use multiple-schedules preparations to thin initially dense schedules of reinforcement during functional communication training, without sacrificing benefits associated with dense schedules of reinforcement for manding. However, special considerations may be required for practitioners to successfully apply this strategy to noncompliance. The purpose of our study was to evaluate whether multiple-schedules preparations could maintain contextually prescribed compliance and manding during interventions for noncompliance. For one participant, a multiple-schedules intervention was sufficient to establish socially valid outcomes. For the other, chained-schedules modifications were required before compliance emerged in relevant components.  相似文献   

Asylum seekers and refugees fleeing to Britain or other host countries face a range of dilemmas, which are qualitatively different from those facing any other client group. Refugees find themselves in an entirely different country, having often fled at short notice without making preparations. They may have suffered multiple practical and psychological losses. Significant numbers of refugees will have been subject to organised violence in their country of origin. Responding clinically to the needs of some of those becoming refugees has many implications and challenges for existing models of therapeutic intervention. This paper draws upon the author's clinical work in Britain and abroad, it details some observations on therapeutic practice and highlights the challenges and rewards of working with this client group.  相似文献   

People often judge it unacceptable to directly harm a person, even when this is necessary to produce an overall positive outcome, such as saving five other lives. We demonstrate that similar judgments arise when people consider damage to owned objects. In two experiments, participants considered dilemmas where saving five inanimate objects required destroying one. Participants judged this unacceptable when it required violating another’s ownership rights, but not otherwise. They also judged that sacrificing another’s object was less acceptable as a means than as a side-effect; judgments did not depend on whether property damage involved personal force. These findings inform theories of moral decision-making. They show that utilitarian judgment can be decreased without physical harm to persons, and without personal force. The findings also show that the distinction between means and side-effects influences the acceptability of damaging objects, and that ownership impacts utilitarian moral judgment.  相似文献   

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