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(Masserman, J. H. Principles of Dynamic Psychiatry. Philadelphia: Saunders, 1946. Pp. 322.) Reviewed by C. H. Patterson.  相似文献   

Two studies explored the psychometric properties of free association methods for the assessment of attitudes. Even though the stability of the actual associations was rather low, psychometric properties of the valence estimates of the free associations were highly satisfactory. Valence estimates of associations were provided by independent judges who rated the valence of the associations that were generated by participants. Valence estimates of the associations showed satisfactory internal consistencies and retest reliabilities over three weeks. Additionally, valence estimates of the associations were significantly and independently related to both explicit self‐reported attitudes and implicit attitudes that were assessed with an Ossi–Wessi Implicit Association Test. Free association methods represent a useful complement to the family of implicit measures and are especially suitable for the assessment of non‐relative attitudes towards single attitude objects. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An abbreviated version of the Life Attitudes Schedule (LAS) was developed, consisting of 24 items, each representing one cell of the original LAS theoretical matrix (4 content categories × 2 behavior types × 2 valence). Items were retained on the basis of high correlations with LAS total score and low correlations with gender. Psychometric properties of the LAS Short Form were robust and the Short Form total score correlated .93 with the original LAS total score. As with the original LAS, boys reported more injury-related behaviors than girls. Future research and clinical directions are suggested.  相似文献   

Prolonging the working life of older adults has been suggested by various researchers and policymakers as a strategy to alleviate challenges posed by the inevitable ageing of the population. It is thus important to have measures with which to assess and monitor factors relevant to older adults' employment. Research indicates that negative attitudes towards older workers are at the heart of employment discrimination; hence, the current research developed and assessed a new measure of attitudes towards older workers. A questionnaire asking about older workers was prepared in three versions (male, female, and gender neutral). Each version of the Attitudes towards Older Workers Scale (AOWS) was pilot tested, refined, and field tested with random samples totalling 246 hiring decision‐makers and 219 undergraduate students. Internal consistency ranged between .89 and .95 across the samples and questionnaire versions. Test–retest reliability correlations for male, female, and gender‐neutral versions were .83, .78, and .90, respectively. The AOWS will be a valuable tool for research, development of interventions, and for informing policy formulation in the areas of ageing, retirement, and employment.  相似文献   

Intensive mothering (IM) attitudes have been considered the dominant discourse of motherhood, but have only been assessed qualitatively The goal of this study was to develop a quantitative scale to assess these ideologies, their construct validity, and their relationship to relevant constructs (i.e., work status and division of household labor). An on-line questionnaire was given to 595 mothers asking 56 questions assessing different aspects of IM attitudes as well as several validation measures. An Exploratory Factor Analysis on 315 randomly selected mothers yielded a 5 factor solution. A Confirmatory Factor Analysis on the remaining 280 mothers demonstrated good fit. The five factors expressed the ideas that (1) women are inherently better at parenting than men (Essentialism), (2) parenting should be fulfilling (Fulfillment), (3) children should be cognitively stimulated by parents (Stimulation), (4) mothering is difficult (Challenging), and (5) parents should prioritize the needs of the child (Child-Centered). Scales had adequate reliability and construct validity compared to the Parental Investment in the Child questionnaire, the Parenting Sense of Competence Scale, and Beliefs about Maternal Employment. The Essentialism, Fulfillment, and Challenging scales were positively related to having more responsibility for child care and household chores. Stay-at-home mothers had higher scores on Essentialism and lower scores on Stimulation than both part-time and full-time working mothers supporting the notion that both working and non-working mothers have intensive parenting ideologies that are manifested in different ways.  相似文献   

Three boys ranging in age from 9 to 13, hospitalized in an 18 bed short-term psychiatric facility. were treated for spelling deficits. Treatment was evaluated in a multiple-baseline dmign across sets of words on which the children were deficient. The method of training involved a self-instructional procedm that incorporated a self-help manual to minimize teacher time in conducting training. Treatment affects were rapid and were maintained for two of the children who were followed up at two and tbree weeks, respectively.  相似文献   

The internal structural validity of the Objective Measure of Ego Identity Status scale was tested among Arabic adolescents (N =319). It was hypothesized, based on the fact that the Arabic identity is of the collective and the contextual type, that the 4 identity statuses and the 3 topical domains (occupation, politics, and religion) of the scale would interact, rendering the distribution of the ego-identity status scales dependent on the topical content domains. Cronbach's coefficient alpha for the 4 identity status scales was low. Principal factor analysis of the scale revealed a mismatch between the 4 identity statuses and the factors. However, when the factor analysis was conducted separately within each topical domain, the 4 identity statuses did match the 4 factors. A comparison between Arabic and American participants revealed that Arabic adolescents score higher in the foreclosure identity status.  相似文献   

The current study investigated psychometric properties of the Family Affective Attitude Rating Scale (FAARS) for assessing parents' thoughts and feelings about their child, coded from a 5-min speech sample. Parental affective attitudes derive from previous experiences of parenting and child behavior, representations of the parent-child relationship and broader parental characteristics. Data were collected from mother-child dyads at ages 2 and 3 (N?=?731; 49?% female) from a multi-ethnic and high-risk community sample. Multi-informant observations of parenting and questionnaire measures were used to test construct and discriminant validity. FAARS showed good internal consistency and high inter-rater agreement. Affective attitudes were related to mothers' perceptions of their daily hassles, their reports of conflict with their child, and observed measures of positive and harsh parenting. Negative affective attitudes uniquely predicted later child problem behavior, over and above maternal reports of and observed measures of parenting. Overall, results support the validity of FAARS coding in mothers of preschoolers, a previously untested group. FAARS is a novel measure, directly assessing maternal perceptions of the parent-child relationship, and indirectly providing an index of maternal affect, stress, and depressive symptoms. Its brevity and cost-effectiveness further enhance the potential use of the FAARS measure for clinical and research settings.  相似文献   

The Attitudes About Reality Scale (AAR) was constructed by Unger, Draper, and Pendergrass (1986) to measure implicit causal assumptions about the relationship between persons and their physical and social reality. The scale was presumed to assess a single dimension of personal epistemology, ranging from a social constructionist view of reality of a logical positivist view. The factor structure and convergent and discriminant validity of the AAR Scale were examined in this research. Results indicated that the AAR Scale measures at least two dimensions of personal epistemology, labeled societal determinism and individual determinism. A third dimension, labeled variable determinism, was also suggested by the results. Intercorrelations between AAR scale scores and measures of conceptually similar and conceptually distinct constructs supported the convergent and discriminant validity of the scale. Directions for future research on the predictive utility of the personal epistemology construct and on its socialization antecedents are discussed.  相似文献   

We examined the predictors of attitudes toward multiculturalism in a sample of Asian and African immigrants. Multiculturalism was measured in terms of its perceived benefits as realized through Canadian government policy. As well as replicating past findings, two hypotheses derived from social identity theory are supported: Canadian identity and acculturation into Canadian society were significant predictors of attitudes toward multiculturalism. Counter to previous research findings, perceived discrimination was a negative predictor of these attitudes. The distinction between predicting support for attitudes toward multiculturalism measured as an ideology versus attitudes toward multiculturalism measured in terms of its perceived benefits is discussed.  相似文献   

Despite documented, negative effects of sexist language, some people still strongly oppose inclusive language. Their attitudes need study, but existing measures of attitude lack comprehensiveness or validity. This paper reports construction and validation of the 42-item Inventory of Attitudes Toward Sexist/Nonsexist Language (IASNL), which is based on a conceptual framework related to beliefs about language, recognition of sexist language, and willingness to use inclusive language. Four studies tested the IASNL's content validity (9 content experts, 329 other participants), construct validity, and reliability (31 advocates of inclusive language, 298 additional respondents). Cronbach alphas were high and validity measures were strong. Two short forms of the IASNL were also created—the IASNL-General and the IASNL-Sport. The IASNL-General is in the Appendix.  相似文献   

This article describes emotionally focused couple therapy and the contribution of this model to the field of couple therapy. A focus on emotional processing in the present moment, on process factors and on a genuine empathic connection with both clients is at the heart of this model. The creation of new patterns of emotional responses results in the creation of key new interactional responses. EFT is empirically validated on several levels: on the level of treatment outcome, and on the levels of the relational theory in which it is based and key moments and factors in the change process.  相似文献   

医生的服务态度是医学人文关怀的具体形态.采用自行设计的调查问卷,在江苏省某大型综合性三甲医院对医生服务态度的耐心、专注、语言、神态、情绪、倾听、告知、解释、微笑、共情十个方面进行双向调查.通过统计分析发现,医生的服务态度是影响医患关系的重要制约因素,且医患双方对于医生服务态度表现的评估有显著性差异.服务态度管理是医院管理的重要内容,对服务态度的考核应进入考核体系.服务态度的改善必将有利于医院人文形象的构建,有利于和谐医患关系的构建,有利于医疗质量的提高.  相似文献   

Hong  Zuway-R 《Sex roles》2004,51(7-8):455-467
This study is an investigation of sexist attitudes of 940 Taiwanese female college students. Participants completed a Chinese version of the Sexist Attitudes Toward Women Scale (SATWS) as part of a larger study. Twelve women with the highest sexist attitude scores and 12 women with the lowest scores were interviewed individually. Results showed significant main effects due to age and grade point average (GPA) for responses to the SATWS. Students majoring in musicand interior design had higher mean scores than did students in four other majors. To examine differences further, items rated highest and lowest by students in four other academic major groups were identified and compared. Implications and research recommendations are presented.  相似文献   

The relationship between attitudes, beliefs, and behavior was investigated in the context of a behavioral alternative model of attitudes and Anderson's information integration theory. Forty teenagers indicated their attitudes toward using each of seven methods of birth control. The attitudes were used to predict self-reports of contraceptive behavior. Functional measurement methodology was applied to understand the informational bases of the attitudes. In general, the data were supportive of the theoretical framework.  相似文献   

This study investigated attitudes of mental health counselors toward rational suicide. Over 80% of respondents were moderately supportive of the idea that people can make well‐reasoned decisions that death is their best option, and further, they identified a consistent set of criteria to evaluate such decisions. Additionally, analyses revealed that as the scenario moved from client, to friend, to self, rational suicide seemed to gain in acceptability for these professionals. Implications for training and practice in light of the apparent responsibilities with suicidal clients defined in the 1995 American Counseling Association's Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice are discussed.  相似文献   

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