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The resource-based dynamic perspective posits that retirement adjustment quality is a direct result of an individual’s access to valuable resources during transition and in the post-retirement phase, while at the same time underscoring the need to explore the distal antecedents of adjustment quality. The present study aims to examine how distal antecedents—dispositional traits and motivational variables—influence older workers’ resource accumulation and, ultimately, how it affects retirement adjustment quality, under the resource-based dynamic perspective and Hobfoll’s resource theory. A three-wave study was designed with older Spanish workers (N = 455), who were still in active employment at time 1 and time 2 but who had retired within the last 4 months at time 3. Dispositional traits like optimism have predictive power as a gauge of resource accumulation in the short run, although not all of them were fully significant. Some unexpected findings are the limited impact of personal finances on retirement adjustment quality and the absolutely nugatory influence of cognitive resources on quality of life. The present study employs a widely validated measure of retirement adjustment quality, which should ensure comparability of findings with evidence obtained from other studies.  相似文献   

Sales force compensation models are often constrained by the assumption that salesperson effort is unidimensional. Some models have extended this scenario to multiple products but retain the “single-effort” assumption. In addition, salesperson efficiency has been ignored. As selling is clearly multidimensional, we present a formulation of an agency model (MIPAM) that incorporates multidimensional sales effort as well as salesperson efficiency. Using the model, we also show that under certain assumptions, we can build the second-order condition of the agent’s maximization into the principalagent problem, instead of assuming it, as has been done in the past.  相似文献   

The findings of this study indicate that Type A behavior pattern, working indirectly through role clarity and effort, has a significant impact on performance. Experience was also found to relate to performance both directly and through role clarity. In the particular type of outcome-based sales setting where individual autonomy and entrepreneurship are encouraged, personal characteristics have significance for performance. Recruiting appropriate salespeople and retaining effective experienced individuals is critically important in environments that emphasize individualism and internal competition.  相似文献   

Creativity and innovation are at the core of important outcomes such as economic and sales growth, production of articles and students' learning. Thus, it is not surprising to find research articles on creativity and innovation across different disciplines such as business, psychology, and education. Given the importance of understanding creativity and innovation, we reviewed the empirical literature examining the antecedents and consequences of creative self-efficacy in the work domain. Our review used the theory of individual creative action and social cognitive theory as guiding frameworks to place creative self-efficacy in the creativity and innovation process, define creativity and innovation, explore how creative self-efficacy has been measured, examine the antecedents and consequences of creative self-efficacy, point out gaps in knowledge and offer suggestions for future research and provide some applied implications. One important finding was that creative self-efficacy has made a significant contribution as a process variable explaining how several organizational and personal factors influence creative outcomes via their influence on creative self-efficacy.  相似文献   

Previous research reports a relationship between attributions and specific behaviors following a failed sales call. This study investigates the influence of individual differences on both the attribution process and the relationship between attribution and the behavioral intentions of sales representatives following a failure using a sample of financial services salespeople. This research reveals the important roles that optimism and self-efficacy play in shaping salespeople’s attributions for failed sales calls and in their behavioral responses to attributions for failure. Implications for managers and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Two studies examined the influence of encouragement for creativity, curiosity, harmonious passion, and autonomy support as antecedents of creative self-efficacy and imagination and divergent thinking as consequences. College students completed a battery of questionnaires. Structural equation modeling treating the variables as latent and not normally distributed was used to test our hypotheses. Results from study 1 showed a positive influence of encouragement for creativity and curiosity on creative self-efficacy. Similarly, creative self-efficacy was a positive predictor of reproductive and creative imagination. Results from study 2 showed a positive effect of harmonious passion on creative self-efficacy. Creative self-efficacy was a positive predictor of fluency and originality scores from a divergent thinking task. The theoretical and applied implications of the results were discussed.  相似文献   

Over the last several years, the conventional view of self-efficacy as a positive influence on performance has been called into question. Researchers have identified a negative relationship between self-efficacy and performance when examined via within-person analyses, even in the presence of large positive between-person relationships. The current study proposes that the within-person relationship between self-efficacy and subsequent performance is moderated by one's degree of prior success or failure. Using a multitrial task, support was found for the proposed model. Following poor or substandard performances, self-efficacy was positively related to subsequent performance. However, following more successful prior performances, self-efficacy was negatively related to subsequent performance. Implications of these findings for theory and research on work motivation are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined the ability of prior academic performance, proxy efficacy, and academic self-efficacy to predict college academic performance. Participants ( N  = 202) completed a modified version of the Teacher Collective Efficacy scale ( Goddard, 2001 ), the Academic Self-Efficacy scale ( Elias & Loomis, 2000 ), and a demographic questionnaire. Prior performance was predictive of both academic self-efficacy beliefs and college performance. Hierarchical regression analysis indicates that academic self-efficacy beliefs explain a significant amount of unique variance beyond past performance in predicting college performance. Proxy efficacy did serve as a predictor of student academic self-efficacy, but did not serve as a predictor of college performance. Implications for instructors, as well as for future research, are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of self-efficacy in preparatory and performance contexts. We conducted a longitudinal study of 63 students' exam preparation and performance. Three waves of data were collected in conjunction with course exams. Within each wave, self-efficacy was assessed at 2 time points, 1 week before the exam (preparatory self-efficacy) and within the 24 hr preceding the exam (performance self-efficacy). We expected preparatory and performance self-efficacy to predict exam preparation and performance, respectively. Multilevel analysis revealed that the effects of preparatory self-efficacy depended on the level of analysis, but performance self-efficacy had positive effects on exam performance at the between- and within-person levels of analysis. Our results suggest that timing of self-efficacy assessment matters as the effects of self-efficacy depend on the context.  相似文献   

The predictive capabilities of different types of performance accomplishment information (PAI) towards self-efficacy for amateur golfers were compared as a function of skill level. Male golfers (N = 197; skilled n = 84, lesser skilled n = 113) recorded self-efficacy levels before and after competitive golf performance. Multiple regression analyses revealed that handicap was the most significant predictor of PAI towards pre-round self-efficacy for skilled golfers while practice satisfaction was the most significant predictor for lesser skilled. Handicap achievement was a significant predictor of post-round self-efficacy for both skilled and lesser skilled golfers. The findings imply athletes of varying skill level utilize different information when developing efficacy beliefs. Further study of the relationship between PAI and self-efficacy is therefore warranted in the sports domain.  相似文献   

工作不安全感与幸福感、绩效的关系:自我效能感的作用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
旨在探讨工作不安全感对员工工作幸福感和工作绩效(上级评定)的影响,以及一般自我效能感在其中的作用机制。研究采用问卷调查的方法,共收集到513个有效样本。数据分析采用层级回归分析的方法。研究结果发现:⑴工作不安全感对员工工作幸福感和工作绩效都有显著的消极影响;⑵一般自我效能感对工作不安全感与身体健康、心理健康之间关系具有显著的调节作用,但对工作满意度的调节作用不显著;⑶一般自我效能感对不安全感—工作绩效之间关系具有显著的调节作用。这就表明,在当今处于转型期的中国社会里,工作不安全感是影响员工工作幸福感和工作绩效的一个重要压力源,而一般自我效能感可以发挥有效的调节作用  相似文献   



Shortcut behaviors are methods of completing a task that require less time than typical or standard procedures. These behaviors carry the benefit of increasing efficiency, yet can also carry risks (e.g., of an accident). The purpose of this research is to understand the reasons individuals engage in shortcut behaviors, even when doing so is known to be risky.


We present two laboratory studies (N = 121 and N = 144) in which participants performed an air traffic control simulation. Participants could improve efficiency by taking shortcuts; that is, by sending aircraft off the prescribed flight paths. This design allowed for direct and unobtrusive observation of shortcut behaviors.


Individuals who were told that efficiency was an obligation tended to believe that shortcut behaviors had utility for managing high workloads, even when the risks associated with shortcuts were high. Downstream, utility perceptions were positively related to actual shortcut behavior.


Although communicating risks may be used to help individuals balance the “pros” and “cons” of shortcut behaviors, goal framing is also important. Subtle cues indicating that efficiency is an obligation can lead to elevated perceptions of the utility of shortcut behaviors, even when knowing that engaging in shortcut behaviors is very risky.


Past research has provided limited insights into the reasons individuals sometimes engage in shortcut behaviors even when doing so is known to be risky. The current research speaks to this issue by identifying workload and obligation framing as antecedents of the decision to take shortcuts.

In this time-lagged study, we illuminate the role of the sales force in new product introductions by examining the impact of salespeople’s selling intentions on new product performance. Survey responses from 439 salespeople selling one product and 362 salespeople selling a second product suggest that salespeople’s selling intention is a key mediating variable. In particular, product innovativeness has a positive impact and customer newness has a negative impact on new product performance. However, both variables work indirectly through salespeople’s intention to sell new products. We conclude with managerial implications of our fi ndings and directions for future research.  相似文献   

We examined the role of subjective task complexity in goal orientation effects on self-efficacy and performance on a computerized simulation of a class scheduling task (N = 138). Results indicated that goal orientation effects on performance were mediated by subjective task complexity. In addition, our results revealed that subjective task complexity was related to self-efficacy but not cognitive ability. Moreover, subjective task complexity effects on performance were mediated by self-efficacy, and goal orientation effects on self-efficacy were mediated by subjective task complexity. Results are discussed in terms of conceptual relations between goal orientation, subjective task complexity, self-efficacy, and performance.  相似文献   

Over the years, much attention has been devoted to understanding counterproductive work behavior (CWB) and its related concepts. Less is known, however, about whether certain employees find themselves more than others to be the targets of CWB. To examine this issue, we tested a model that positioned CWB receipt as a function of employees' personality (neuroticism, agreeableness), their appearance (physical attractiveness), and the negative emotions felt toward those employees by their coworkers. Two studies using multiple sources of data revealed that disagreeable and physically unattractive employees received more CWB from their coworkers, coworker negative emotion felt toward employees was associated with CWB receipt, and the relationship between employee agreeableness and CWB receipt was due, in part, to coworker negative emotion.  相似文献   

Person–organization (P–O) fit was examined as an antecedent of individuals’ attraction to organizations by operationalizing P–O fit as the similarity between individuals and organizations on three points of comparison: personality dimensions, values, and goals. It was hypothesized that compared to P–O fit on values and on goals, P–O fit on personality dimensions would be related more strongly to organizational attractiveness. It was also hypothesized that relative to P–O fit on goals, P–O fit on values would be related more strongly to organizational attractiveness. The results indicated that each of the points of comparison had a unique effect on organizational attractiveness and that individuals were more attracted to organizations that were similar to them than to organizations that were dissimilar to them.  相似文献   

The value of self-efficacy as a predictor of counselling skills performance in a graduate counselling class was evaluated with 31 trainee counsellors. Three measurements of self-efficacy were taken: before, midway through, and at the end of a microcounselling skills training programme which was taught over six weekly three-hour sessions. Although there was a wide distribution of self-efficacy reports, none of the estimates of grade were significantly positively associated with counselling skills. Implications for counsellor educators are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined how competition within teams influences which type of achievement goals employees adopt. We studied how dispositional learning-goal and performance-goal orientation interact with team-level competition and predict whether team members adopt state learning or performance achievement goals. State achievement goals, in turn, were proximal antecedents of two outcome measures: job-related self-efficacy and supervisory ratings of job performance. The participants were 502 employees and 55 supervisors. Results confirmed that competition was positively associated with state performance goals. Trait performance-goal orientation influenced whether competition was negatively associated with state learning goals. In highly competitive teams, trait performance-goal orientation was negatively related to state learning goals, whereas in less competitive teams, a performance-goal orientation was positively related to state learning goals.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the moderating role of interdependence (a personality trait that measures the extent to which individuals desire working in a group‐based, cooperative setting) on the relationship between competitiveness and one‐year objective sales performance. On the basis of data from 133 sales representatives, results indicated that: (a) competitiveness was related to objective sales performance; and (b) interdependence moderated the relationship between competitiveness and objective sales performance such that competitiveness predicted objective sales performance more strongly for those who scored low in interdependence versus those who scored high in interdependence. Implications for sales selection and reward systems and directions for future research are considered.  相似文献   

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