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To determine whether identical twins show greater resemblances in their general personality make-up than fraternals, seven pairs of identical and eight pairs of fraternal twins were studied using the Rorschach Inkblot test. The results of the inter-twin correlations, on the various Rorschach categories indicated clearly striking similarity or resemblance in identical twins, but no similarity in the case of fraternal twins. This study also clearly demonstrated the usefulness of the Rorschach technique for the study of personality.  相似文献   

This article reports an incidental finding in an investigation undertaken by the author (Haylock, 1984) into aspects of mathematical creativity in 11- to 12-year-old children. The two most mathematically creative pupils in the sample of 280 were identical twin boys. Moreover, these two boys were found to have almost identical profiles in a series of assessments of some significant personality and attitude characteristics.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare differences in mental-emotional, fine perceptual-motor and gross motor behaviors of a set of 13 year-old identical twins, one of whom was blind from birth. In general, the blind twin was superior in performances where total body involvements were minimal and fine manipulative movements of the hands and/or fingers were stressed. The blind twin also appeared to be more well-adjusted emotionally than the sighted twin.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— The generalist genes hypothesis implies that general cognitive ability ( g ) is an essential target for understanding how genetic polymorphisms influence the development of the human brain. Using 8,791 twin pairs from the Twins Early Development Study, we examine genetic stability and change in the etiology of g assessed by diverse measures during the critical transition from early to middle childhood. The heritability of a latent g factor in early childhood is 23%, whereas shared environment accounts for 74% of the variance. In contrast, in middle childhood, heritability of a latent g factor is 62%, and shared environment accounts for 33%. Despite increasing importance of genetic influences and declining influence of shared environment, similar genetic and shared environmental factors affect g from early to middle childhood, as indicated by a cross-age genetic correlation of .57 and a shared environmental correlation of .65. These findings set constraints on how genetic and environmental variation affects the developing brain.  相似文献   

We recapitulate (Section 1) some basic details of the system of implicative BCSK logic, which has two primitive binary implicational connectives, and which can be viewed as a certain fragment of the modal logic S5. From this modal perspective we review (Section 2) some results according to which the pure sublogic in either of these connectives (i.e., each considered without the other) is an exact replica of the material implication fragment of classical propositional logic. In Sections 3 and 5 we show that for the pure logic of one of these implicational connectives two – in general distinct – consequence relations (global and local) definable in the Kripke semantics for modal logic turn out to coincide, though this is not so for the pure logic of the other connective, and that there is an intimate relation between formulas constructed by means of the former connective and the local consequence relation. (Corollary 5.8. This, as we show in an Appendix, is connected to the fact that the ‘propositional operations’ associated with both of our implicational connectives are close to being what R. Quackenbush has called pattern functions.) Between these discussions Section 4 examines some of the replacement-of-equivalents properties of the two connectives, relative to these consequence relations, and Section 6 closes with some observations about the metaphor of identical twins as applied to such pairs of connectives.  相似文献   


The Rorschach interpretations in this study were made by the Editor solely on the basis of the records, without any knowledge of the cases except the age and sex. Four cases were chosen as examples to illustrate the application of the refined scoring system and its use in the interpretation.

The two male pairs of these four seleced cases are presented here. The two remaining studies will follow in the next issue.  相似文献   

Imagining alternatives to actual experiences is an important part of everyday life that can take many forms. One manifestation in middle childhood is the creation of elaborate imaginary worlds, called paracosms. Retrospective reports of adults indicate that having a childhood paracosm is more commonly reported in individuals acknowledged for being highly creative. In this study, we interviewed four children aged 10 to 12 years with interconnected paracosms about the details of their imagined worlds. Our findings indicated that paracosms served as a platform for social activity with friends, a way to explore real world interests (e.g., geography, language), and a vehicle for engaging in creative pursuits (e.g., drawing, storytelling).  相似文献   

A synthesis of contemporary literature provides a theoretical base for female-male co-therapy teams as the most likely modality to mediate sex bias in couple counseling.  相似文献   

Morgan  Betsy Levonian 《Sex roles》1998,39(9-10):787-800
The perceptions and definitions of tomboybehavior were explored across three generations ofwomen. The sample included 521 women (primarilyundergraduates, their mothers, and their grandmothers)ranging in age from 17 to 94 who were categorized intoone of three cohorts (Generation Xers, Baby Boomers orSenior Citizens) for a final sample of 466. The samplewas 87% European American, 6% Native American, 3% Hispanic, and 2% Asian American. Sixty-sevenpercent of the sample reported being tomboys duringtheir childhood. The average age reported for startingtomboy behavior was 5.8, whereas the average age for ceasing tomboy behavior was 12.6. Agecohort analyses revealed relatively few differences butseveral interesting findings. The senior citizens tendedto differ from both sets of younger women. For instance, senior citizens were less likely toreport being tomboys than were Xers or Boomers.Directions for future research include monitoring thesocial acceptability of tomboy behavior, assessingpotential cultural differences in tomboyism, andanalyzing correlates of the average age that tomboyismceases.  相似文献   

该研究采用功能磁共振成像技术,考察不同条件下进行工具认知判断时手部姿势对认知判断的影响及动作模拟的神经机制。实验发现:手部姿势存在显著的主效应,冲突手部姿势条件下反应时最慢,且冲突手部姿势条件下与不冲突手部姿势条件下、自然状态条件下反应时存在显著差异,自然状态条件与不冲突手部姿势条件下反应时不存在显著差异。另外,f MRI成像结果发现,额中回、额下回、顶下小叶以及辅助运动区在自然状态下有显著激活,表明个体在进行认知判断过程中有动作模拟过程;海马结构、扣带回及楔前叶等与记忆有关的脑区有显著激活,表明身体经验在认知过程的作用。总的研究表明,不同的手部姿势状态对认知判断有不同影响,冲突手部姿势会对动作模拟产生干扰作用,手部动作模拟的神经机制主要涉及镜像神经元区,且在认知判断时存在具身效应。  相似文献   


Previous research suggests that using Fitts’ law; attentional focus or challenge point framework (CPF) is beneficial in balance control studies. A scoping review was conducted to examine studies that utilized these motor behavior concepts during balance control tasks. An extensive literature search was performed up to January 2018. Two independent reviewers conducted a study selection process followed by data extraction of the search results. Forty-six studies were identified, with 2 studies related to CPF, 12 studies related to Fitts’ law and 32 studies related to focus of attention. The CPF appears to be a useful method for designing a progressive therapeutic program. Fitts’ law can be used as a tool for controlling the difficulty of motor tasks. Focus of attention studies indicate that adopting an external focus of attention improves task performance. Overall, studies included in this review report benefit when using the selected motor behavior concepts. However, the majority (>80%) of studies included in the review involved healthy populations, with only three clinical trials. In order to ascertain the benefits of the selected motor behavior concepts in clinical settings, future research should focus on using these concepts for clinical trials to examine balance control among people with balance impairments.  相似文献   

《管子》三论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
管仲学派、《管子》的著者与编撰、《管子》的思想体系和学派归属是研究《管子》不可回避的几个相关问题。本文在批判吸收前人研究成果的基础上,对上述问题进行了深入的分析和论证。  相似文献   

Caucasian infants were presented 15 pairs of Caucasian own-race faces and 15 pairs of African other-race faces. The infants were assessed longitudinally at ages three, six and nine months. Two measures were obtained from the infants’ eye-movements: (1) the length of fixations on either stimulus of a pair presented for 5.5 s (fixation duration) and (2) the amount of fixation shifts between the two stimuli (shift frequency). The study analyzes the changes in both measures with age and across the within-race face pair presentations. Despite general age-related improvements reflected in shorter fixation durations and a higher shift frequency, the results reveal differences between African face pairs and Caucasian face pairs at six and nine months. During the first trials (spontaneous looking behavior) the infants shift more often between the Caucasian own-race faces than between the African other-race faces. The fixation durations, however, which are typically of focus in Visual Pair Preference Tasks, do not differ significantly between the face races. The results are interpreted in terms of processing differences for own-race faces and the emerging Other-Race-Effect by six months of age. Furthermore, the usability of fixation duration as the only measure in the pair comparison setting is discussed.  相似文献   

We report findings based on analyses of self-reports of six common adolescent psychopathologies (attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, ADHD; conduct disorder, CD; oppositional defiant disorder, ODD; generalized anxiety disorder, GAD; separation anxiety disorder, SAD; and major depressive disorder, MDD) in a sample of 1,162 male and female adolescent (12–19 years) twin pairs and 426 siblings. Prevalence statistics for past year and lifetime reports confirm differences between genders for CD, GAD, SAD, and MDD, and a lack of differences between twins and their non-twin siblings. Biometrical modeling was conducted to ascertain the relative influences of genes, and shared and non-shared environments contributing to these disorders. A more robust estimate of these parameters was obtained by including non-twin siblings. Age-specific thresholds were integrated into the analyses to appropriately model the developmental patterns of behavior. We found evidence for both genetic and non-shared environmental influences for all disorders. Shared environmental influences also seem to be important for MDD and lifetime GAD.  相似文献   

This investigation of the motor development characteristics of Brazilian infants during the 1st year of postnatal life compared the findings with those of a widely used U.S. sample (N. Bayley, 1993). Analysis of the 12 monthly assessments indicated that Brazilian infants' scores increased with age, with the greatest increase occurring over the first 8 months. As a general comparison, the results are similar to the U.S. patterns of development. However, the Brazilian sample exhibited mean scores significantly lower than the U.S. sample's in the 3rd, 4th, and 5th months. More specific analyses indicated that the difference within these months was on tasks of sitting and grasping. Possible explanations for the differences focus on variations in child-rearing practices and the influence of biological maturation in early movement behaviors.  相似文献   

近年来,禅学研究虽为热点,但由于清代中叶以迄现代的禅宗衰颓至极,且禅宗灯录之编纂仅至清中叶的宝林达珍禅师(1731-1790)所撰的《正源略集》为止,因此禅宗史著述对于此一时期的法脉传承多予略过。本文于灯录之外,另辟蹊径,以临济宗风传承不绝如缕的江南三大丛林,即镇江府金山寺、常州府天宁寺及扬州府高寺,梳理其法脉,一窥清中叶以来禅宗传衍之一斑,以弥补一般禅宗史在清初之后的不足。  相似文献   

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