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The present series of studies sought to provide evidence that M would increase under any conditions which make an S more aware of his muscles. The studies demonstrated that at least in women, M increased over a variety of conditions involving heightened muscle awareness. Specifically M increased in conditions utilizing muscle activation, deactivation, hypnosis, and focusing thoughts on the body musculature. The muscle awareness model unlike the sensory-tonic model accounts for increases in M following hyperactivity as well as inhibition.  相似文献   

Olum discovered that seven-year-old children give unusual responses to observed movement, presented on a Michotte apparatus, in contrast to that of adults. We made the following changes in Olum's procedures: (a) stimuli were presented without repetition, (b) neutral instructions were used, (c) different and more complicated stimuli were used, (d) 20 seven-year-old and 20 ten-year-old children were used. The unusual responses remained. They cannot be explained as an effect of repetition, particular stimuli, or procedure. The younger children's responses were less accurate and more variable. This accords with Piaget's perceptual theory, as it relates to stages of cognitive development.  相似文献   

关于发展性阅读障碍,国外研究者,基于认知和生物因素,先后提出了语音缺陷论、小脑缺陷论、一般性大细胞功能障碍论等对发展性阅读障碍进行解释,并考察了患者的眼动特征,提出了有效的诊治方法。目前,汉语发展性阅读障碍研究主要局限在语音和正字法领域,也涉及局部脑区的功能缺陷,但还未从多角度测查其成因,如眼动。这里,在理论梳理的基础上,系统探讨了发展性阅读障碍者的眼动特征,如注视时间、注视次数、眼跳、回视等,及视觉加工的眼动机制  相似文献   

曾守锤  李其维 《心理科学》2007,30(3):543-546
对3~5岁儿童对与他人(而非自我)有关的互动性动作的现实性监测的发展变化进行了考察。结果表明:学前儿童更多地将想象的动作错误地记忆为真实的动作,而不是相反——这就是所谓的现实性监测错误的不对称现象;虽然儿童总体的现实性监测能力在学前期得到了持续和稳定的发展,但这种发展主要体现在对想象动作的现实性监测的发展上。这一结果对学前儿童目击者证词的准确性具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

《Ecological Psychology》2013,25(2):71-97
Recently, researchers have been investigating the effects of kinematics stimulus properties on pattern perception and recognition. However, the stimulus properties that are used to discriminate animate from inanimate objects have received relatively little attention. Earlier research has indicated that the external movement of artificially generated objects is perceived as animate by observers of all ages. In this investigation, children in Grades 1,4, and 7 and university adults were asked to describe what they saw after viewing computer-generated displays of two circular objects that exhibited variations of external and internal movement. We predicted that observers would incorporate and integrate the salient kinematic properties of the objects in a display into a coherent narrative and that their ability to achieve matches among the properties of objects in a display and the properties of objects described in the narrative would increase with age. Moreover, because of their relative insensitivity to the actual properties of objects in the display, we predicted that younger observers would make more animate attributions for nonmoving objects and fewer animate attributions for moving objects than would older observers. The result supported these predictions.  相似文献   

阅读过程中眼动特征的发展研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阎国利  白学军 《心理学探新》2001,21(4):25-28,56
对国内外有关阅读过程中眼动特征的发展研究进行了综述。国外在该领域的研究大致经历了三个阶段,而国内的有关研究虽然起步较晚,但却取得了不少研究成果,对相关内各进行了扼要的介绍,最后作者对阅读过程眼动特征的发展研究发表了自己的看法。  相似文献   

Mastery of many tasks in daily life requires role differentiated bimanual hand use with high spatiotemporal cooperation and minimal interference. The authors investigated developmental changes in the performance of a disparate bimanual movement task requiring sequenced movements. Age groups were attributed to changes in CNS structures critical for bimanual control such as the corpus callosum (CC) and the prefrontal cortex; young children (5–6 years old), older children (7–9 years old), and adolescents (10–16 years old). Results show qualitative changes in spatiotemporal sequencing between the young and older children which typically marks a phase of distinct reduction of growth and myelination of the CC. Results show qualitative changes in spatiotemporal sequencing between the young and older children, which coincides with distinct changes in the growth rate and myelination of the CC. The results further support the hypothesis that CC maturation plays an important role in the development of bimanual skills.  相似文献   

眼动仪和眼动实验法的发展历程   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
韩玉昌 《心理科学》2000,23(4):454-457
0 引言  眼睛是心灵的窗口 ,透过这个窗口我们可以探究人的许多心理活动的规律。人类的信息加工在很大程度上依赖于视觉 ,来自外界的信息约有 80 %~ 90 %是通过人的眼睛获得的。因此对于“人是如何看事物”的科学研究一直没有间断过。关于这一点 ,对于眼球运动 (以下称眼动 )的研究被认为是视觉信息加工研究中最有效的手段。研究表明眼动的各种模式一直与人的心理变化相关联。近年来 ,一些精密地测量眼动规律的仪器 (以下称眼动仪 )相继问世 ,为心理学的实验研究提供了新的有效的工具。这使心理实验的客观性、科学性又向前迈进了重要的…  相似文献   

Sex differences in self-perceptions of intelligence and self-confidence were examined among third through eighth graders. In third grade, differences between the sexes were small and, in the case of perceptions of intelligence, favored the females. By fifth grade, males were more likely to describe themselves as smart and self-confident than were females. These differences persisted into the eighth grade. Further analyses indicated that the sex differences could not be adequately explained by the process of internalizing sex-stereotypes.  相似文献   

The findings of this report were based on content analysis of written responses made by experienced and inexperienced counselors, and experienced and inexperienced teachers. Responses of the 4 groups were elicited with an instrument containing 4 open-end questions, administered after viewing a film. The written responses were coded in 8 categories. An estimate of reliability was determined for the coding in 5 of the categories and found to be uniformly high. Ratios were computed for the written responses of each respondent in the eight categories. The data were treated to determine the significance of differences between the four groups. Counselors were found to use a style that is ambiguous and characterized by more sophisticated vocabulary.  相似文献   

The relationship between temporal orientation, human movement (M) responses on the Barron inkblots, and brief time estimates was investigated. Knapp's Time Metaphor Test and the Barron inkblots were administered to 110 Ss. 40 Ss were selected on the basis of their scores on the Time Metaphor Test to participate in an individual time estimation experiment This produced two criterion groups: 20 Dynamic-Hasty (D-H) Ss and 20 Naturalist-Passive (N-P) Ss. Results indicated that N-P Ss had a lower M threshold, perceived more M and overestimated the passage of time. Discussion focused on the relationship between temporal orientation, fantasy behavior, and impulse control.  相似文献   

《Cognitive development》1999,14(2):343-361
Three experiments evaluated the basis of associational contamination thinking among Japanese college students and 4- and 7-year-old children. “Associational contamination thinking” is the belief that mere proximity between a contaminant and a substance will render the substance noxious even without direct contact between contaminants and substances. In Experiment 1, 7-year-olds and adults engaged in associational contamination thinking more often for disgusting (feces and roaches) and dangerous (poison and O-157) contaminants than for taste contaminants (salt and sugar). However, 4-year-olds' predictions were not different among the three types of contaminants. In Experiment 2, when contaminants were assumed to have some biological properties, both adults and 7-year-olds were somewhat more likely to engage in associational contamination thinking; however, such a relation was not found in 4-year-olds. Younger children's similar thinking with related to all contaminants was not attributable to ignorance of the necessity of physical contact. Instead, it appeared to be due in part to overreliance on perceptual cues, as was suggested in Experiment 3.  相似文献   

The Rorschach protocols of 228 resident and outpatients of a psychiatric institute in India were examined for content differences on the basis of differential diagnosis. Ss were of both sexes, between 18 and 55 years and East Indian. Different categories of patients tended to select content of a specific nature. Only clinical impressions are reported but they are compared and contrasted with the existing literature on Rorschach content. They point up the long neglected significance of content variables for diagnosis and the study of personality.  相似文献   

中文阅读及发展性阅读障碍眼动研究新进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈庆荣  邓铸 《应用心理学》2005,11(3):284-288,240
中文阅读眼动特征的评估参数主要包括注视点停留位置、眼跳、回视和注视时间等。基于眼动技术,并结合生理技术,研究者已揭示出正常读者中文阅读的多方面特点和规律。但对发展性阅读障碍的眼动研究,国内还没有开展起来。从上述两个角度出发,这里总结了正常读者中文阅读的眼动研究,并探讨了发展性阅读障碍者的眼动特征及机制。  相似文献   

An experiment was carried out to examine developmental changes in children's ethnic preferences and social cognitions to assess predictions drawn from sociocognitive theory and social identity theory. Two hundred and seventy Anglo-Australian children participated, with equal numbers of 8-, 10-, and 12-year-old children being drawn from one of three types of school that differed in its level of ethnic mix. The children listened to a story about an in-group Anglo-Australian boy and an out-group Vietnamese boy, each of whom displayed equal numbers of ethnic stereotype-consistent and stereotype-inconsistent traits. Each story character also displayed a positive and a negative behaviour. The results revealed that, as they increased in age, the children remembered more of the in-group versus out-group story character's stereotype-inconsistent versus stereotype-consistent traits and that they increasingly disliked the in-group story character, whereas they liked the out-group story character. In addition, the in-group and out-group story characters' negative behaviours were attributed to internal and external causes, respectively, whereas their positive behaviours were attributed to external and internal causes, respectively. The greater support for social identity versus sociocognitive theory revealed by these findings is discussed.  相似文献   

The authors investigated whether older adults (n = 16; mean age = 65 years) increased grip force to compensate for load force fluctuations during up and down movements more than young adults did (n = 16; mean age = 24 years) and whether older and young adults exhibited similar adaptation of grip force to alterations in friction associated with changes in object surface texture. As previously reported, older adults used a higher level of grip force than young adults during static holding. Increased grip force was observed in the older group during movement. The increase was appropriate to the lower coefficient of friction estimated for the older group. In both groups, grip force was greater with a smooth than with a rough surface (the latter having the higher coefficient of friction) during static holding and during movement. Moreover, grip force modulation was equally well synchronized with load force fluctuation during movement in the two groups. The authors concluded that changes in organization of grip force with age are well adapted to change in hand-object interface properties. Elevated grip force in older adults does not necessarily signify a fundamental change in synchronizing grip force modulation with load force fluctuation.  相似文献   

Three experiments investigate the effect of a parent's attentional focus on the pointing of children from 1 to 2 years of age. Children were presented with an interesting sight on one or the other side of a laboratory room while the parent was either looking toward that side or not. The results show that 1-year-olds are more likely to point when the parent is looking at them, whether or not the parent has already seen the interesting sight. In contrast, 2-year-olds tend to point more both when the partner has not seen and when she is no longer looking at the sight than when she is looking at it. These findings are consistent with the idea that when they first start to point, infants use the gesture to enhance the interaction rather than to redirect the attention of the partner. By 2 years of age, children point to redirect attention to an interesting sight and to share attention with a communicative partner.  相似文献   

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