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To what extent do national collegiate sororities have formal programs and policies addressing dating violence? Given that undergraduate women are at high risk for violence by a male partner, sororities represent an opportunity to reach large numbers of undergraduates as well as women in the community who are active in alumni chapters. Based on a telephone survey and review of organizational Web sites, study results suggest that collegiate sororities are an underserved population with regard to prevention, education, and outreach services and an untapped resource with regard to opportunities for community service. Suggestions for building collaboration between sororities and service providers to raise awareness, support victims, create safety planning, and develop resources are addressed.  相似文献   

This study aims to shed light on possible problems of assessment center users and designers when developing and implementing assessment centers. Semi-structured interviews with a representative sample of assessment center users in Flanders revealed that, besides a large variability in assessment center practice, practitioners experience problems with dimension selection and definition, exercise design, line/staff managers as assessors, distinguishing between observation and evaluation, and with the content of assessor training programs. Solutions for these problems are suggested.  相似文献   



The goals of this investigation were to review current AC practices in the United States by evaluating whether they follow the Guidelines and Ethical Considerations for Assessment Center Operations (International Task Force on Assessment Centers, 2000). We both expanded upon and compared our results to a prior benchmarking study (Spychalski et al. in Personnel Psychol, 50:71–90, 1997), and investigated practices regarding job analysis, AC development, dimensions (i.e., job requirements), exercises, assessor characteristics and training, behavior recording, data integration, organizational policy, assessee rights, AC evaluation and AC technology. Data were collected via an online survey completed by individuals from human resource departments of organizations (N = 54) across the U.S; organizations to whom the survey was sent were selected by sampling Fortune 500 organizations based on economic sector.  相似文献   

This article discusses the present realities of college and university counseling centers as the bases for proposing a more adaptive and interactive model of the original Cube developed by W. H. Morrill, E, R. Oetting, and J. C. Hurst (1974). The article conceptualizes an evolved model of the Cube, here termed the global model, which allows counseling centers to function, in light of current and future demands, with greater flexibility, interdependency, and collaboration vis-á-vis the campus community.  相似文献   

This article reviews 21 studies which manipulated specific variables to determine their impact on the construct validity of assessment centers. This review shows that the studies regarding the impact of different observation, evaluation, and integration procedures yielded mixed results. Conversely, dimension factors (number, conceptual distinctiveness, and transparency), assessor factors (type of assessor and type of assessor training), and exercise factors (exercise form and use of role-players) were found to moderate construct validity. On the basis of the review, practical recommendations are derived to maximize the probability that practitioners design and administer an assessment center with construct validity. Finally, new perspectives for future research are identified.  相似文献   

The transparency of perceptual experience has been invoked in support of many views about perception. I argue that it supports a form of enactivism—the view that capacities for perceptual experience and for intentional agency are essentially interdependent. I clarify the perceptual phenomenon at issue, and argue that enactivists should expect to find a parallel instance of transparency in our agentive experience, and that the two forms of transparency are constitutively interdependent (Section 1). I then argue that i) we do indeed find such parallels: the way in which an action is directed towards its goal through our bodily movements parallels the way in which an experience is directed towards its object through our perceptual sensation (Section 2), and ii) reflecting on sensorimotor skills shows why the two instances of transparency are constitutively interdependent (Section 3). Section 4 gives reasons for generalizing beyond the cases considered so far by applying the enactive view to Kohler's landmark studies of perceptual adaptation. The final section clarifies the form of enactivism to which the previous sections point. The view that emerges is one whereby our perceptual and practical skills are interrelated aspects of a single capacity to have one's mind intentionally directed upon the world. The transparency of experience, on this view, is achieved in virtue of our capacities as agents as much as it is given in virtue of our capacities as perceivers.  相似文献   

In a multi-perspective survey of mental-health consumer needs, 50% of the stakeholders in the Alaska mental-health system identified participation in church or religious activities as important. However, the publicly supported mental-health service system has a tradition of rarely using church-based resources for its clients. In today's climate of diminishing government, this may be the time for publicly supported mental-health and other social-service providers to rethink their traditional avoidance of church and religious activities. For many consumers, church and religious activities may be a considerable potential resource within the continuum of resources needed for psychiatric rehabilitation.  相似文献   

Task‐based assessment centers (TBACs) have been suggested to hold promise for practitioners and users of real‐world ACs. However, a theoretical understanding of this approach is lacking in the literature, which leads to misunderstandings. The present study tested aspects of a systems model empirically, to help elucidate TBACs and explore their inner workings. When applied to data from an AC completed by 214 managers, canonical correlation analysis revealed that extraversion, abstract reasoning, and verbal reasoning, conceptualized as inputs into a system, explained around 21% of variance in manifest assessment center behavior. Behavior, in this regard, was found to consist of both general and situationally specific elements. Results are discussed in terms of their support for a systems model and as they pertain to the literature on TBACs.  相似文献   

The present study uses an alternate analytical framework to examine the degree to which performance is differentiated by dimensions in assessment center (AC) exercises and whether these performance dimensions are rated on the same scale across exercises. Confirmatory factor analysis likelihood ratio tests supported the presence of three broad latent performance dimensions in each of three AC exercises. Additional tests revealed that five of six manifest performance dimensions were rated on the same psychological scale across exercises. Taken together, our results support a multidimensional interpretation of AC exercises and provide empirical support to the notion that differences in AC performance across exercises reflect true performance, rather than a measurement artifact.  相似文献   

This article presents the first assessment of how the five‐factor model of personality and political ideology are associated across the world. Personality traits become more and more important in the study of political behavior. And the relationship with ideology virtually parallels the history of this line of research. Yet, many existing studies are limited to single, highly developed countries and mostly draw on nonrandom or nonrepresentative samples. Our study, in contrasts, makes use of the most recent wave of the World Value Survey and analyzes the relationship comparatively in 21 countries from all continents. Results corroborate the most prominent findings about personality and ideology. However, effects of personality traits cannot be generalized easily across the world as effects vary considerably from country to country. Therefore, we additionally analyze specific preferences concerning social and economic policies on the one side. On the other, we theorize as well as model the moderating role of the country context by introducing cross‐level interaction effects.  相似文献   

In this paper we present the syntax and semantics of a temporal action language named Alan, which was designed to model interactive multimedia presentations where the Markov property does not always hold. In general, Alan allows the specification of systems where the future state of the world depends not only on the current state, but also on the past states of the world. To the best of our knowledge, Alan is the first action language which incorporates causality with temporal formulas. In the process of defining the effect of actions we define the closure with respect to a path rather than to a state, and show that the non-Markovian model is an extension of the traditional Markovian model. Finally, we establish relationship between theories of Alan and logic programs.  相似文献   

内隐关系评估程序(implicit relational assessment procedures,简称IRAP)是Barnes等人于2006基于关系结构理论(relational frame theory,简称RFT)提出的一种全新的测量内隐态度的研究方法,该方法采用的是一种计算机化的判断任务,以反应时为指标,被试通过对目标词进行关系判断,从而考察个体的内隐态度.本文主要阐述内隐关系评估程序的由来、关系结构理论与内隐关系评估程序的操作,并对内隐关系评估程序的性能和应用等进行了介绍.  相似文献   

In this study, I examined relationships between sibling variables and children's family educational resources at different levels of family social status and children's intellectual ability. Data were collected from 900 eleven-year-old Australian children (450 boys, 450 girls) and their parents. Relationships among the variables were examined by plotting regression surfaces generated from models that included terms to test for possible linear, interaction, and curvilinear associations. Although results from some of the regression models provided tentative support for the sibling resource dilution theory, overall results suggest that acceptance of the theory must be treated with some caution. In general, the analysis indicated the possible complexity of relationships between sibling variables and family educational resources.  相似文献   

The Counsellor Resource Centre is an Internet site devoted to counselor self-care. This article describes the factors creating the need for such a site, the process used to develop the site, and the structure of the site.  相似文献   

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