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Concurrent feedback is defined as information about performance given to participants during the execution of an action. This article investigates whether concurrent feedback is beneficial or detrimental to the learning of an ecologically relevant task. Eighteen participants were asked to walk through a virtual corridor and they practiced over 1110 trials to adjust their walking speed so as to pass through sliding doors that opened and closed at a frequency of 1 Hz. Concurrent feedback informed them about the possible need to accelerate or decelerate. Performance of participants who received concurrent feedback on 66% of the practice trials (on average) did not differ significantly from performance of participants who did not receive concurrent feedback. Furthermore, participants of both of these groups significantly outperformed participants who received concurrent feedback on all practice trials. These results are discussed in relation to the perceptual-motor mechanisms that underlie the control of the action. Also discussed are implications for future research, including the use of self-controlled feedback and the use of multisensory training programs.  相似文献   

This essay discusses the performative interventions of the contemporary Belgian artist Francis Alÿs in Mexico City and how they create a critical focus on urban reality in the Latin American mega-cities, and outline ways of intervention and interaction in the modern disassociation of the city’s economical, social, and cultural levels, taking up the challenge to suggest their unity through imagination and art.  相似文献   

这是很多年以前的事了。一天,四弟的电话来了,说:“父病重已难医治,他在世时日不多,急着要向你交代后事。”如此我只好火速回故乡探父病。我一到父亲的病榻前,见父亲已瘦得皮包骨头,四弟说他已有数日不进食也不肯吃药。父亲见到我似乎要急着交代后事,他上气不接下气地说:“你母亲已经来看过我,我去阴司要同你母亲住一起,不愿和你继母住一起。你是老大,这事你须在我去黄泉路前办好。”故乡所处山区,1994年时这个县还没有搞丧葬改革,城乡一律是土葬,故父亲和继母早在和睦时已建寿坟。后来因父亲和继母感情不好而分居了。现在病重,提出要和母亲…  相似文献   

The creation and implementation of a Christian theological seminary course, “The Education of Christian Pilgrims,” in which the purpose was to prepare students to teach members of a church to be and become a consciously “pilgrim Church.” This article describes the genesis of the course, creating a syllabus, the actual pilgrimage undertaken by students and professor, and suggested modifications.  相似文献   

本研究对类别学习中分类学习与推理学习进行了对比.实验中要求被试从成对呈现的项目中选择一个更典型的A,并且要求被试将典型的A和典型的B画出来.测试中所呈现项目诊断性程度或典型性程度不同.研究结果表明,分类学习者主要受诊断性信息的影响,而推理学习者主要受典型性信息的影响.即,分类学习者关注类别间信息,而推理学习者关注类别内信息.  相似文献   

刘永芳  高鑫 《心理科学》2004,27(2):311-314
本研究探讨了人工语法迁移效应产生的机制,着重考查了组块信息迁移理论对人工语法迁移效应机制解释的适宜性。结果发现:当学习和测验序列的表层结构不同时,被试能够学习和迁移非重复成分间的序列依存性(实验一);当被试将非重复成分间的序列依存性迁移到表层结构不同的测验序列中时,需要在学习和测验序列的分布特征上形成一种匹配(实验二)。  相似文献   

组织学习动力研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以协调博弈原理为基础,系统分析了组织学习中微观个体层面和宏观组织层面的学习动力性质和相互关系,尝试提出了刻画宏观组织层面学习动力状态的理论和方法,并据此建立了协调组织学习动力的三维整合模型。  相似文献   

This case study shows how a student's strategies and associated conceptions emerged and changed over the course of a 6-session tutoring curriculum designed to develop conceptual knowledge of linear functions. Using microgenetic and sequential analyses, we identify the student's strategies and conceptions and describe how these changed. We show how the student did not erase his original conception or replace it with a conception supported by instruction, but instead refined his initial strategies and conceptions.  相似文献   

Through the technique of Goodman's log linear method, longitudinal data are analyzed to clarify the relationship between depressive mood and illicit drug use among youths. A representative sample of adolescents (N = 8206) from New York State secondary schools was followed over one academic year. At one point in time, users of illicit drugs other than marihuana (multiple drug users) were significantly more depressed than either nonusers or users of marihuana only. Differing interactive relationships were found over time depending upon the drugs involved. Depressive mood was related to the onset of marihuana use among nonusers and to the termination of marihuana use among users. Depressive mood also predicted the use of other illicit drugs by marihuana users. While the beginning use of illicit drugs other than marihuana was positively associated with increased depressive mood, continued multiple drug use was related to reduced depressive mood.  相似文献   

曾美英 《心理科学》2002,25(5):580-583
本研究通过实验考察了计算机动态图像对文本学习的作用,发现其作用既与学习材料的性质有关,也与评价学习的方法有关。动态图像对具体性文本材料的理解、识记和保持都无明显作用;而对抽象性文本材料的理解有明显帮助,进而促进记忆的保持效果,其作用明显大于印刷品条件静止图像的作用。但对抽象性文本材料中关键词的识记则有明显不利的影响。  相似文献   

类别学习的神经心理学研究是检验类别学习理论的一种有效研究范式,它有助于我们对类别学习理论的深入理解,以及对认知活动过程和脑机制的认识。作者对基底神经节功能障碍患者、遗忘症患者和其他类型的神经症患者的类别学习研究进行了回顾,对这些研究可能存在的单系统理论和多系统理论解释进行了讨论,并指出了研究中可能存在的取样偏差问题和未来研究中需要在研究手段、研究设计、被试取样等方面加以改进的建议  相似文献   

迷信,是人类对自然界及自身缺乏正确认识的结果。它是人类认识过程和社会发展过程中的一个阶段,本身不足为怪。但在阶级社会就复杂化了,  相似文献   

Journal of Psycholinguistic Research - This classroom-based study investigated the antecedents of epistemic curiosity among 25 Thai university students in an English oral communication course....  相似文献   

基于类别学习包含类别归纳、分类和认知控制3个子过程的假设, 设计了人工类别学习的新任务, 利用高密度ERP技术并结合偶极子源分析, 从纵向和横向两个方面研究了人工类别学习的神经基础与机制。结果表明, 人工类别学习涉及前扣带回、前额叶皮质和内侧颞叶等关键脑区, 并在时间序列上显示了这些脑区扮演的不同作用。基于当前发现, 我们从时-空水平上讨论了的人工类别学习的认知神经机制。  相似文献   

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