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A projective instrument entitled the "Kilmann Insight Test" (KIT) was devised to measure the Interpersonal Value Constructs (IVCs) of individuals, defined as: the mental categories through which an individual perceives and interprets the desirable and undesirable features of interpersonal behavior. The KIT requires an individual to differentiate on a seven-point scale, 18 IVCs according to how relevant they are to a series of six ambiguous pictures of interpersonal situations. A factor analysis of the KIT's values resulted in two comprehensive factors: (a) Good Fellowship versus Functional Task Activity, and (b) Interpersonal Restraint versus Boldness. Comparing the KIT with a self-report instrument containing the same value items as the KIT, suggested that the KIT is assessing value dimensions, but that the KIT seems to be tapping a different concept of values than the self-report assessment.  相似文献   

33 Ss were administered the Rorschach and had a traditional, nonleading inquiry. An equal number of Ss took the Rorschach and had a direct inquiry in which they were asked specifically whether or not a certain determinant had been relevant. The results indicated no significant difference in the numbers of determinants produced by the two groups. It was suggested that a standardized, direct inquiry would be of considerable value in administering and understanding the Rorschach.  相似文献   

This article focuses on clinical and research problems associated with response frequency (R) being a variable in the Rorschach. Despite the fact that variations in R directly contribute to 50% of the explainable variance among Rorschach raw scores, there is a dearth of empirical evidence to document what R actually measures. Furthermore, in the practical use of the Rorschach's structural data, R is considered to be a nuisance variable that is controlled and not deemed interpretively significant. Given this information, two research agendas are proposed. The first is to more thoroughly determine whether R measures anything of substantial clinical importance. The second is to evaluate systematically the relative merits of making R a constant rather than a variable through use of an R-controlled method of Rorschach administration. This strategy would resolve many of the psychometric problems related to R. Introducing greater structure and clearer expectations to the task may also sharpen the Rorschach's ability to assess and predict important aspects of personality. However, significant disadvantages would also result from this change in administration. Both sides of the issue are discussed in some detail.  相似文献   

Hypotheses investigated were: Rorschach interpretation would indicate more negative and pathological factors for patients with lower-class, than for patients with middle-class social histories; and experienced interpreters would be less biased than inexperienced ones. Groups of experts (Fellows of the Society for Projective Techniques) and novices (graduate students) rated the same protocols; a) blind, b) accompanied by a lower-class history, c) accompanied by a middle-class history, on 21 objective scales. Addition of social-class information significantly influences judgments in the predicted directions. Much of the effect was attributable to the novice Rorschachers but the experts were not entirely free of the biasing effect.  相似文献   

郭庆科  孟庆茂 《心理科学》2003,26(2):353-353,361
1 前言  罗夏测验是临床心理学界用得最广的心理测验之一 ,但由于其心理计量学特征不易确定 ,因而多受批评和怀疑。批判和怀疑态度的产生是因为不同的罗夏系统 (指Beck、Kiopfer、Piotrowski、Hertz和Rapaport的系统 )在施测、记分时没有统一的标准 ,多数人视之为投射测验 ,解释时使用了精神分析理论。Exner(1978,1986)提出了综合罗夏系统 ,统一了施测和记分的标准 ,在实证研究的基础上建立了解释系统 ,肯定了其信度和效度。综合罗夏系统能鉴别精神分裂症、抑郁、强迫等异常心理 ,是临床诊断的有…  相似文献   

An article by Fried in this Journal has raised some questions, not only of substance in regard to sex differences in fantasy, but also of procedure and of professional standards for “replication” of research.  相似文献   

In organizational research, difference scores and profile similarity indices are often used as dependent variables in studies predicting the congruence (i.e., fit, match, similarity, agreement) between two constructs. Unfortunately, this practice introduces serious conceptual and methodological problems that render results ambiguous and potentially misleading. This article proposes an alternative procedure that avoids these problems but fully captures the effects of one or more independent variables on the congruence between two dependent variables. This procedure is illustrated by reanalyzing data from a study of feedback seeking and rating accuracy (Ashford & Tsui, 1991), and the results of this study are reinterpreted in light of these analyses. Limitations and areas for further development of the procedure are discussed.  相似文献   

The study investigated the relation of cognitive impulsivity (Kagan, 1966) to color responding on the Rorschach. Chromatic Rorschach Plates II, III, VII, IX and X were administered to 30 male and 43 female subjects. Subjects were then categorized as Impulsive or Reflective according to performance on the Matching Familiar Figures Test.Impulsive subjects made more C and CF responses than Reflective subjects. They also responded more quickly than Reflectives though that difference did not reach significance. The data supported the hypothesis relating impulsivity to color responding. Implications for theories of emotionality and color shock were discussed.  相似文献   

Analysis of the Rorschachs of 40 eminent male architects collected in 1959 revealed a highly consistent personality profile. The picture that emerges is of a person who appears to be ambitious, highly sensitive, intellectually and emotionally energetic, and reasonably well adjusted socially. His thinking is well oriented in reality. He prefers large scale conceptualizing to mundane 'concerns. There is evidence of conflict, tension, and a concern with emotional control. Feminine and exhibitionistic interests are exceptionally high and sources of inspiration appear to reside in unresolved sexual conflicts. The attitude toward the world is positive. The eminent male American architect at the turn of the Sixties believed in his own ability to create a truly superior environment. His conscious concerns were with creation rather than with self-confrontation.  相似文献   

The qualitative aspects of the content of Rorschach responses of normal 10-and 13-year-old boys have been analysed in order to determine whether significant changes occur between the two age levels. The results show that such changes do occur, and an attempt was made to relate the changes in response content to theories of child development. It was argued that the material is of value not only in corroborating present theory, but also in illustrating areas of development which have so far received limited attention.  相似文献   

To generate normative reference data for the Rorschach Performance Assessment System (R–PAS), modeling procedures were developed to convert the distribution of responses (R) in protocols obtained using Comprehensive System (CS; Exner 2003 Exner, J. E. (2003). The Rorschach: A Comprehensive System. Vol. 1. Basic foundations (4th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. [Google Scholar]) administration guidelines to match the distribution of R in protocols obtained using R-Optimized Administration (Meyer, Viglione, Mihura, Erard, &; Erdberg, 2011 Meyer, G. J., Viglione, D. J., Mihura, J. L., Erard, R. E., &; Erdberg, P. (2011). Rorschach Performance Assessment System: administration, coding, interpretation, and technical manual. Toledo, OH: Rorschach Performance Assessment System. [Google Scholar]). This study replicates the R–PAS study, examining the impact of modeling R-Optimized Administration on Brazilian normative reference values by comparing a sample of 746 CS administered protocols to its counterpart sample of 343 records modeled to match R-Optimized Administration. The results were strongly consistent with the R–PAS findings, showing the modeled records had a slightly higher mean R and, secondarily, slightly higher means for Complexity and V-Comp, as well as smaller standard deviations for R, Complexity, and R8910%. We also observed 5 other small differences not observed in the R–PAS study. However, when comparing effect sizes for the differences in means and standard deviations observed in this study to the differences found in the R–PAS study, the results were virtually identical. These findings suggest that using R-Optimized Administration in Brazil might produce normative results that are similar to traditional CS norms for Brazil and similar to the international norms used in R–PAS.  相似文献   

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