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首先讨论我国卫生改革的评价问题,指出对改革的评价表面上似乎是个事实判断,但实际上是个价值判断,并列举数据说明改革引起的不公正后果.其次指出我国的卫生改革一开始就缺乏伦理基准,并详细论述了应该具有的伦理基准是什么.最后讨论了市场在医疗卫生事业的作用,以及对卫生改革的改革建议.  相似文献   

论卫生改革的改革   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
首先讨论我国卫生改革的评价问题,指出对改革的评价表面上似乎是个事实判断,但实际上是个价值判断,并列举数据说明改革引起的不公正后果。其次指出我国的卫生改革一开始就缺乏伦理基准,并详细论述了应该具有的伦理基准是什么。最后讨论了市场在医疗卫生事业的作用,以及对卫生改革的改革建议。  相似文献   

高校德育方法的创新 ,要有明确的思路。本文从德育系统中教育主体 (教育者 )、教育客体 (被教育者 )和教育环体 (教育环境 )三个角度探讨了高校德育方法 (教育介体之一 )创新的思路 :教育主体是高校德育方法创新的活水源头 ;教育客体是高校德育方法创新的着眼点 ;教育环体是高校德育方法创新的现实依据。  相似文献   

This paper challenges Professor Myles Brand’s position on the role and value of intercollegiate athletics in U.S. colleges and universities on the ground that it fails to account for considerations of deep fiscal responsibility. It presents both a philosophical and ethical criticism of his position that broadens the discussion beyond athletics to include a particular kind of higher educational institution more generally.  相似文献   

Cross‐cultural research on theory of mind is relatively recent and largely restricted to comparisons of children from Western versus non‐Western samples; much less is known about variation within Western cultures. This study compared 5‐ to 6‐year‐olds from Britain and Italy (matched for age, verbal age, gender, and maternal education; N = 140), on tests tapping children's understanding of 1st and 2nd order false belief and mixed emotions. Overall, British children outperformed Italian children; group differences were clearest for tests of false‐belief understanding. These results are discussed in relation to contrasts in family talk about mental states, schooling, language comprehension, and cultural factors in Britain and Italy.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the interpretation that Italian-speaking children and adults assign to negative sentences with disjunction and negative sentences with conjunction. The aim of the study was to determine whether children and adults assign the same interpretation to these types of sentences. The Semantic Subset Principle (SSP) (Crain et al., in: Clifton, Frazer, Rayner (eds) Perspective on sentence processing, Lawrence Erlbaum, Hillside, 1994) predicts that children’s initial scope assignment should correspond to the interpretation that makes sentences true in the narrowest range of circumstances, even when this is not the interpretation assigned by adults. This prediction was borne out in previous studies in Japanese, Mandarin and Turkish. As predicted by the SSP, the findings of the present study indicate that Italian-speaking children and adults assign the same interpretation to negative sentences with conjunction (conjunction takes scope over negation). By contrast, the study revealed that some children differed from adults in the interpretation they assigned to negative sentences with disjunction. Adults interpreted disjunction as taking scope over negation, whereas children were divided into two groups: one group interpreted disjunction as taking scope over negation as adults did; another group interpreted negation as taking scope over disjunction, as predicted by the SSP. To explain the findings, we propose that Italian-speaking children initially differ from adults as dictated by the SSP, but children converge on the adult grammar earlier than children acquiring other languages due to the negative concord status of Italian, including the application of negative concord to sentences with disjunction.  相似文献   

新时期高校德育环境建设初探   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
随着经济全球化趋势的加快,信息网络化的飞速发展以及我国改革开放的深入进行,高校德育环境发生了许多新变化,只有抓住机遇,迎接挑战,构建优良的高校德育环境,才能实现全方位育人。  相似文献   

One of the problems in dealing with terrorism is that we have virtually no access to individual terrorists; only their actions are visible. The founders of the Italian terrorist group, the Red Brigades, on the other hand, have written about their experiences and have exhaustively explained their motivations. The author’s premise is that these autobiographies and her interviews with several of the group’s members give us access to the unconscious processes involved in the formation and operation of the group. After terrorist attacks, it is natural to ask whether the terrorists’ capacity for collective violence is an indication of personal pathology. This paper argues that the relevant pathology in the terrorist enterprise is not that of the individual but that of the group. Relying on the theories of groups of Freud (1921), Bion (1961), Anzieu (1984) and Kaes (2007), the author argues that psychoanalytic theory is essential to understanding the motivations and actions of violent groups which otherwise remain obscure. Although the discussion has been confined to one terrorist group, the author hopes that it can also be useful for understanding the unconscious dynamics of other groups structured around an ideology which mandates the destruction of human life.  相似文献   

IntroductionNeed for Recovery scale is one of the main scales used to assess work-induced fatigue and quality of workers’ recovery time. In fact, need for recovery is considered relevant as a precursor of prolonged fatigue or psychological distress, an indicator of work stress, and a mediating or moderating characteristic in the etiology of work-related health problems, sick leave and work disability.ObjectiveThe purpose of the present study is to translate the Need for Recovery scale into Italian, and to adapt it to Italian culture; until now there has been no comparable valid instrument made for the Italian language that measures the need for recovery of employees. The stability and internal consistency of the scale will be assessed among Italian workers.MethodFor cross-cultural adaptation, a translation/back-translation method integrated with expert committee review and pre-testing was applied. Three hundred and seventy-eight Italian workers filled out the scale.ResultsThe psychometric properties proved to be good, both in terms of scale homogeneity and internal consistency, for the total sample and for subgroups of Italian employees in terms of gender, age and educational level. Exploratory factor analysis suggested a single factor solution with 44% of the variance explained.ConclusionsResults are encouraging for the possibility of using the Need for Recovery scale as a quick and adequate scale to measure early symptoms of work-induced fatigue and quality of Italian workers’ recovery time.  相似文献   

In the Italian public school system, local dialects are explicitly discouraged and children are pressured to master standard Italian. In this study, 95 southern Italian children were given a series of tasks to determine their level of dialect production and their attitudes toward their local dialect. Production of dialect decreases sharply from the first to the third grade, but then tends to stabilize, with a slight increase in dialect use by fourth and fifth grade boys. Hence the schools have not been entirely successful in eradicating dialect. However, attitude measures indicate that by the third grade children prefer Italian over the dialect at close to the 100% level. The schools have placed many children in a conflict situation, in which they have learned negative attitudes toward their own code but cannot completely master standard Italian. Sex differences may be related to a tendency to view dialect as more masculine. Implications of this study for bidialectical school programs in Italy and the United States are discussed.  相似文献   

论1958-1960年中国宗教制度的民主改革   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1958-1960年中国宗教制度的民主改革,主要是少数民族地区伊斯兰教、藏传佛教等宗教制度的民主改革。本文主要探讨了这次宗教制度民主改革的缘由、内容、方针,对其历史作用也作了客观分析。  相似文献   

医学教育改革与医学生整体素质培养的再思考   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
新时期对医学生的素质有新的要求,医学教育改革面临新的挑战.医学问题最终是关于"人"的问题,能培养出素质高、能力强、全面发展、自我发展、持续发展的医学人才,是改革的关键.  相似文献   

高校合并:医科院校的发展目标与制度创新   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
合并后的高校其发展战略目标是创办综合性、研究型大学。高校的核心职能是民族创新的智力引擎,为实现21世纪中华民族的复兴,合并后高校的中心工作就是创新。当前合并后高校的工作重点是围绕发展战略目标,实现在学科建设与重组、机构改革与设置、人才培养与使用、科研项目与市场以及管理功能等方面的制度创新。  相似文献   

我国医药流通改革已近30年,医药流通政策几经变迁.在为保障公众基本用药权利、促进医药产业健康发展的同时,也引发了流通体制、市场机制等方面的诸多问题,面临着政府监管低效和市场调节失灵的双重困境.随着我国医药卫生体制改革的深入,指明了坚持市场化导向,转变政府职能,提高医药流通主体竞争力,从根本上突破圜境的改革方向.  相似文献   

Co-production, or co-creation, is becoming the cornerstone of marketing and design practices and a sort of managerial mantra that is rapidly gaining momentum both at professional and academic level. Despite a growing interest for this topic, there seems to be a lack of researches investigating the level of interest and participation of customers in co-creation activities and the drivers and motivations that might trigger co-production. This paper presents the results of a research run by Politcnico di Milano School of Management in collaboration with AC Nielsen, Nielsen Online and Connexia in 2007 among Italian consumers to determine the size and characteristics of the co-creation phenomena.
Fabrizio Maria PiniEmail:

Five experiments explored the role of the syllable in the processing of spoken Italian. According to the syllabic hypothesis, the sublexical unit used by speakers of Romance languages to segment speech and access the lexicon is the syllable. However, languages with different degrees of acoustic-phonetic transparency give rise to syllabic effects that vary in robustness. It follows from this account that speakers of phonologically similar languages should behave in a similar way. By exploiting the similarities between Spanish and Italian, the authors tested this prediction in Experiments 1-4. Indeed, Italian listeners were found to produce syllabic effects similar to those observed in Spanish listeners. In Experiment 5, the predictions of the syllabic hypothesis with respect to lexical access were tested. The results corroborated these predictions. The findings are discussed in relation to current models of speech processing.  相似文献   

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