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Blanchard, P. The Child and Society: An Introduction to the Social Psychology of the Child. New York: Longmans, Green, 1928. Pp. ix + 369. $2.25.

Cobb, S. The New Leaven: Progressive Education and Its Effect upon the Child and Society. New York: John Day, 1928. Pp. x + 340.

Jones, R. M. New Studies in Mystical Religion. New York: Macmillan, 1927. Pp. 205. $1.75.

Woodburne, A. S. (Introduction by Shailer Mathews.) The Religious Attitude. New York: Macmillan, 1927. Pp. vi+353. $2.50.

Holzinger, K. J. Statistical Methods for Students in Education. Boston: Ginn, 1928. Pp. viii + 372. $3.60.

Hartshorne, H. and May, M. A. Studies in Deceit. New York: Macmillan, 1928. Bk. I, pp xxi+414; Bk. II, pp. viii+306. $4.50.

Claremont, C. A. Intelligence and Mental Growth. New York: Norton, 1928. Pp. 120. $1.00.

Malinowski, B. Myth in Primitive Psychology. New York: Norton, 1926. Pp. ix+94. $1.00.

Malinowski, B. The Father in Primitive Psychology. New York: Norton, 1927. Pp. 95. $1.00.

Miller, E. Types of Mind and Body. New York: Norton, 1927. Pp. 95. $1.00.

Warden, C. J. A Short Outline of Comparative Psychology. New York: Norton, 1927. Pp. xii+96. $1.00.

Wheeler, W. M. Emergent Evolution and the Development of Societies. New York: Norton, 1928. Pp. vii+80. $1.00.  相似文献   


Arlitt, A. S. Psychology of Infancy and Early Childhood. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1928. Pp. 228. $2.00.

Gesell, A. Infancy and Human Growth. New York: Macmillan, 1928, Pp. 418. $3.50.

Watson, J. B. Psychological Care of Infant and Child. New York: Norton, 1928. Pp. 195. $2.00. Reviewed by C. J. Warden

Taylor, W. S. Morton Prince and Abnormal Psychology. New York: Appleton, 1928. Pp. xi + 137. Reviewed by Edmund S. Conklin

De Sanctis, S. Religious Conversion: A Bio-psychological Study. Translated by Helen Augur. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1927. Pp. 324. Reviewed by Edmund S. Conklin

Freud, S. The Ego and the Id. Translation by Joan Riviere. London: Hogarth Press, 1927. Pp. 88. Reviewed by Edmund S. Conklin

Burrow, T. The Social Basis of Consciousness. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1927. Pp. xviii + 256. $4.00. Reviewed by Edmund S. Conklin

Brousseau, K., &; Brainerd, H. G. Mongolism: A Study of the Physical and Mental Characteristics of Mongolian Imbeciles. Baltimore: Williams &; Wilkins, 1928. Pp. 210. $4.50. Reviewed by Myra W. Kuenzel  相似文献   


Lynd, R. S., & Merrell, H. Middletown, a Study in Contemporary American Culture. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1929. Pp. 550. $5.00.

Mead, M. Coming of Age in Samoa. New York: Morrow, 1928. Pp. 297. $3.00.

Hollingworth, L. S. The Psychology of the Adolescent. New York: Appleton, 1928. Pp. 227. $2.50.

Chadwick, M. Difficulties of Child Development. New York: Day, 1928. Pp. 411. $4.00.

Johnson, Harriet M. Children in the Nursery School. New York: Day, 1928. Pp. 325. $3.00.

Gesell, A. Infancy and Human Growth. New York: Macmillan, 1928. Pp. 418. $3.50. Reviewed by Helen McM. Bott

Hamilton, G. V. A Research in Marrige. New York: Albert & Charles Boni, 1929. Pp. 570. $10.00

Hamilton, G. V. & Macgowan, K. What is Wrong With Marriage? New York: Albert & Charles Boni, 1929. Pp. 319. $3.00. Reviewed by Ernest R. Groves

Hollingworth, H. H. Vocational Psychology and Character Analysis. New York: Appleton, 1929. Pp. 409. $3.00. Reviewed by June E. Downey

Cason, H. Common annoyances: a psychological study of every-day aversions and irritations. Psychol. Monog., 1920, 40, No. 182. Pp. v+218.

Kroh, O. Die Psychologie des Grundschulkindes. Friedrich Mann's Päd. Mag., 1930, No. 1122. Päd. Untersuchungen (V. Reihe: Untersuchungen zur Psychologie und Theorie der Bildung), No. 1. Pp. 352. 6,60 RM.

Lasswell, H. D. Psychopathology and politics. Chicago: Univ. Chicago Press, 1930. Pp. x+286. $3.00.

Maeterlinck, M. The life of the ant. (Trans. by Bernard Miall.) New York: Day, 1930. Pp. xiii+282.

Seligman, E. R. A., & Johnson, A. [Eds.] Encyclopedia of the social sciences. Vol. II: All-Bri. New York: Macmillan, 1930. Pp. xxvii+ 646. $7.50.

Saint-Paul, G. Invertis et homosexuals. Paris: Vigot, 1930. Pp. 158. 15 frs.

Wheeler, R. H. Readings in psychology. New York: Crowell, 1930. Pp. x+597. $3.97.  相似文献   


Kelley, T. L. Crossroads in the Mind of Man. Stanford University: Stanford Univ. Press. Pp. 245. $4.00.

Vaughan, W. F. The Lure of Superiority. New York: Holt, 1928. Pp. viii + 307. $3.00; stud. ed. $2.40.

Bagby, E. The Psychology of Personality. New York. Holt, 1928. Pp. viii+233. $2.50; stud. ed. $2.00.  相似文献   

Book Review     
Rosanoff, A. J. [Ed.] Manual of Psychiatry. (6th Ed. Rev.) New York: Wiley; London: Chapman & Hall. 1927. Pp. xvi + 697. $6.00. Reviewed by J. W. Bridges.

Kelley, T. L. Interpretation of Educational Measurements. Yonkers: World Book, 1927. Pp. xiii + 363. $2.20. Reviewed by Raymond R. Willoughby.

Briffault, R. The Mothers. New York: Macmillan, 1927. 3 vols. Pp. xix + 781; xx + 789; xv + 841. $27.00. Reviewed by Carl Murchison.

Griffith, C. R. General Introduction to Psychology. (Rev. Ed.) New York: Macmillan, 1928. Pp. xix + 607. $2.75. Reviewed by Carl Murchison.

Gates, G. S. The Modern Cat: Her Mind and Manners. New York: Macmillan, 1928. Pp. xvi + 196. $2.00. Reviewed by Carl Murchison.  相似文献   

Maccurdy, J. T. Common Principles In Psychology And Physiology. Cambridge, England: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1928. Pp. Xvii + 284. Reviewed by James Drever.

Brasol, B. The Elements Of Crime. New York: Oxford University Press, 1927. Pp. Xi + 433. $5.00. Reviewed by Carl Murchison

Luckiesh, M. Foundations Of The Universe. New York: D. Van Nostrand, 1925. Pp. Vii + 245. $3.00. Reviewed by Carl Murchison

Watson, J. B. Psychological Care Of Infant And Child. New York: Norton, 1928. Pp. 195. $2.00. Reviewed by M. Goodrie

Herskovits, M. J. The American Negro. New York: Knopf, 1928. Pp. Xiv + 92. $2.00 Reviewed by Carl Murchison

Rickman, J. Index Psychoanalyticus. London: Hogarth, 1928. Pp. 276. 18S. Reviewed by Carl Murchison  相似文献   


Bassov, M. General Principles of Pedology. Moscow; Leningrad, 1928. Pp. 744.

Freud, S. The Future of an Illusion. New York: Horace Liveright and the Institute of Psycho-analysis, 1928. Pp. 98.

Thirty-Four Psychologists. Feelings and Emotions: The Wittenberg Symposium. (Edited by M. L. Reymert.) Worcester, Mass.: Clark Univ. Press. 1928. Pp.xi+454. $6.00.1

Pillsbury, W. B. The History of Psychology. New York: Norton, 1929. Pp. 326.

Kupky, O. The Religious Development of Adolescents. (Trans. by W. C. Trow.) New York: Macmillan, 1928. Pp. vii+138. $1.50.

Goddard, H. H. School Training of Gifted Children. Yonkers, N. Y.: World Book Co., 1928. Pp. xii+226.  相似文献   


Thomas, W. I., &; Thomas, D. S. The Child in America. New York: Knopf, 1928. Pp. xiv+575.

Thomas, D. S. Some New Techniques for Studying Social Behavior. New York: Bur. Pubis., Teach. Coll., 1929. Pp. viii+203.

Healy, W., Bronner, A. F., Baylor, E. M. H., &; Murphy, J. P. Reconstructing Behavior in Youth. New York: Knopf, 1929. Pp. vii+325.

Calverton, V. F., &; Schmalhausen, S. D. [Editors]. The New Generation. New York: Macaulay, 1930. Pp. 717.

Furfey, P. H. The Growing Boy. New York: Macmillan, 1930. Pp. viii+192.

Hollingworth, L. S. The Psychology of the Adolescent. New York: Appleton, 1928. Pp. xiii+259.

Brooks, F. D. The Psychology of Adolescence. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1929. Pp. xxiii+652.

Pratt, K. C., Nelson, A. K., &; Sun, K. H. The Behavior of the Newborn Infant. Columbus: Ohio State Univ. Press, 1930. Pp. xiii+237.

Bühler, C. The First Year of Life. New York: John Day, 1930. Pp. x+281.

Bühler, C. Kindheit und Jugend. Leipzig: S. Hirzel, 1930. Pp. xx+308.

Bühler, K. The Mental Development of the Child. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1930. Pp. xi+170.

Curti, M. W. Child Psychology. New York: Longmans, Green, 1930. Pp. ix+527.

Piaget, J. The Child's Conception of Physical Causality. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1930. Pp. viii+309.  相似文献   


Hunter, W. S. Human Behavior. Chicago: Univ. Chicago Press, 1928. Pp. X + 355. $2.00 Reviewed by Herbert Woodrow

Pavlov, I. P. Lectures on Conditioned Reflexes. (Trans. by W. H. Gantt and G. Volborth.) New York: International Publ., 1928. Pp. 414. $6.50. Reviewed by C. J. Warden

Copeland, E. B. Natural Conduct: Principles of Practical Ethics. Stanford University: Stanford Univ. Press, 1928. Pp. vii+262. $3.50. Reviewed by Raymond R. Willoughby

Hull, C. L. Aptitude Testing. Yonkers-on-Hudson: World Book, 1928. Pp. iv + 535. $2.68. Reviewed by L. M. Harden  相似文献   


The Journal of Psychology, Pedology and Psychotechnics. Series A: Psychology. (Edited by K. H. Korniloff.) 1928, 1, No. 1. Pp. 196. Series B: Pedology. (Edited by Salkind.) 1928, 1, No. 1. Pp. 199. Series C: Psychophysiology of Labor and Psychotechnics. (Edited by Spielrein.) 1928, 1, No. 1. Pp. 96.

Dresser, H. Outlines of the Psychology of Religion. New York: Crowell, 1929. Pp. xiii+451.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Wilhelm Wundts Werk: ein Verzeichnis seiner sämmtlichen Schriften. Herausgegeben von ELEONORE WUNDT. Abhandlungen der sächs. staatl. Forschungsinstitute: Forschungsinstitut für Psychologie No. 28. München, C. H. Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung. 1927. Pp. [iv] 78. Price Mk. 4.00. Reviewed by E. B. Titchener.

Psychologies of 1925: Powell Lectures in Psychological Theory. By Madison Bentley, Knight Dunlap, Walter S. Hunter, Kurt Koffka, Wolfgang Köhler, William McDougall, Morton Prince, John B. Watson and Robert S. Woodworth. Preface by Carl Murchison. Worcester: Clark University, 1926. Pp. 412, 19 lectures. $6.00. Reviewed by John P. Nafe.

Conditioned Reflexes. By Ivan P. Pavlov. London: Oxford University Press, 1927. Pp. xv+430. 28 shillings. Reviewed by Raymond R. Willoughby.

An Introduction to the Theory of Perception. By Sir John Herbert Parsons. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1927. Pp. vi+254. $5.25. Reviewed by John P. Nafe.

A First Laboratory Guide in Psychology. By Mary Collins and James Drever. New York: Dutton, 1927. Pp. viii+108. $1.60. Reviewed by Frank A. Geldard.

Principles of Abnormal Psychology. By Edmund S. Conklin. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1927. Pp. x+457. $4.50; student edition $3.60. Reviewed by Carl Murchison.

Social Psychology Interpreted. By Jesse W. Sprowls. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 1927. Pp. xii+268. $4.00. Reviewed by Carl Murchison.  相似文献   


Flrtcher, H. Speuh an.l Hrarin), New York: Van Nostrand, 1929. Pp. 331. Reviewed by Morgan Upton

Hollingworth, H. L. Psycholoc y : Its Facts and Principles, New York: Appleton, 1923. Pp. xviii-l- 539. Reviewed by Raymond H. Wheeler

WELD, H. P. Psychology as Scicncr : lts Problams and Points of Vicw, New York: Holt, 1928. Pp. xi+297.  相似文献   

Jean Piaget, Paul Fraisse and Maurice Reuchlin. Paul Fraisse and Jean Piaget (Eds.). Experimental Psychology: Its Scope and Methods. Vol. 1. History and Method. New York: Basic Books, 1968, 245 pages, $5.95. Reviewed by Steven G. Vandenberg.

Joseph Nuttin, Paul Fraisse, and Richard Meili. Paul Fraisse and Jean Piaget (Eds.). Experimental Psychology: Its Scope and Methods. Vol. 5. Motivation, Emotion and Personality. New York: Basic Books, 1968. 289 pages, $5.95. Reviewed by Steven G. Vandenberg.

Magda B. Arnold (Ed.) The Nature of Emotion: Selected Readings. Baltimore: Penguin Books, 1968. 398 pages. $1.95 Reviewed by David C. Murray.

Gilbert Kliman, Psychological Emergencies of Childhood. New York and London: Grune &; Stratton, 1968, 145 pages. Reviewed by Michael L. Peck.

Warren D. Gribbons and Paul R. Lohnes. Emerging Careers. New York: Teachers College Press, 1968 Reviewed by Steven G. Vandenberg.

Pascal, Gerald R., Behind the Screen. Boston, Christopher Publishing House, 1969, 243 pages, $6.50. Reviewed by Dell Lebo.

A. A. Roback and Thomas Kiernan. Pictorial History of Psychology and Psychiatry, New York: Philosophical Library, 1969, 294 pages, $12.50. Reviewed by Irving R. Stone.

Patricia Minuchin, Barbara Biber, Edna Shapiro, and Herbert Zimiles. The Psychological Impact of School Experience. New York: Basic Books, 1969, xxii + 514 pages, $12.50. Reviewed by Lita Linzer Schwartz.

William H. Grier &; Price M. Cobbs. Black Rage. New York: Basic Books. Pp. 213, $5.95. Reviewed by Dell Lebo.

Ruth M. Beard. An Outline of Piaget's Developmental Psychology for Students and Teachers. New York: Basic Books, Inc. Publishers, 1969. Pp. xvi + 139. $4.95 Reviewed by Louise Bates Ames.

Arthur Wellon. Five Years in Mental Hospitals. New York: Exposition Press, 1967. Pp. 155, $5.50. Reviewed by Irving R. Stone.  相似文献   


Margaret Mead. Coming of Age in Samoa. New York: Morrow, 1928. Pp. xv+297. $3.00.

Margaret Mead. Growing Up in New Guinea. New York: Morrow. 1930. Pp. xii+372. $3.50. Reviewed by Raymond R. Willoughby.  相似文献   


David, Henry P. and Brengelmann, J.C., (eds.). Perspectives In Personality Research. New York: Springer, Inc., 1960. 370 pp. $7.50. Reviewed by Kenneth R. Wurtz

Gottsegen, Monroe G. and Gottsegen, Gloria B. Professional School Psychology. New York: Grune &; Stratton, 1960, Pp. 292, $7.75. Reviewed by Henry L. Levy

Klopfer, Walter G. The Psychological Report: Use and Communication of Psychological Findings. New York: Grune &; Stratton, 1960. Pp. ix and 146. Reviewed by Dale S. Higbee  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1966,19(4):455-457
Book review in this article. Katz , Daniel, and Kahn , Robert L. The Social Psychology of Organizations. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1966. Pp. ix + 498. $8.50 Katz , Daniel, and Kahn , Robert L. The Social Psychology of Organizations. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1966. Pp. ix + 498. $8.50 Herzberg , Frederick . Work and the Nature of Man. Cleveland: The World Publishing Company, 1966. Pp. xx + 203. $6.00 Kellogg , Marion S. What to do about Performance Appraisal. New York: American Management Association, Inc., 1965. Pp. 223. $7.50; $5.00 to AMA members Barrett , Richard S. Performance Rating. Chicago: Science Research Associates, Inc., 1966. Pp. ix + 166. $4.50 Research Conference on the Use of Autobiographical Data as Psychological Predictors. Greensboro, N.C.: The Creativity Research Institute of The Richardson Foundation, 1966. Pp. 235 + 12 (bibliography). Free. Owens , William A., and Henry , Edwin R. Biographical Data in Industrial Psychology: A Review and Evaluation. Greensboro, N.C.: The Creativity Research Institute of The Richardson Foundation, 1966. Pp. 20. Free. Gilmer , B. von Haller . Industrial Psychology. (Second Edition) New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1966. Pp. xv + 617. $8.95 Bbrgen , Garret L., and Haney , William V. Organizational Relations and Management Action: Cases and Issues. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1966. Pp. xi + 756. $9.75 Calhoon , Richard P. Cases in Personnel Management and Supervision. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1966. Pp. ix + 229. $2.95 Stogdill , Ralph M. Managers, Employees, Organizations. Columbus: Bureau of Business Research, The Ohio State University, 1965. Pp. xiii + 315. $6.00 Helfrich , Margaret L. The Social Role of the Executive's Wife. Columbus: Bureau of Business Research, Ohio State University, 1965. Pp. xi + 95. $3.00 Gellerman , Saul W. The Management of Human Relations. New York : Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., 1966. Pp. xiii + 143. $2.50  相似文献   


Beach, H. D. &; Lucas, R. A. (Eds.) Individual and Group Behavior in a Coal Mine Disaster. Disaster Research Group, Study Number 13. National Academy of Sciences — National Research Council, Publication 834. Washington, D. C., 1960. $3.00. 160pp. Reviewed by Albert Eglash

Beck, S. J., Beck, Anne G., Levitt, E. E., and Molish, H. B. Rorschach's Test. I. Basic Processes. Third Ed. Revised. New York: Grune and Stratton, 1961, 237 + X pp. Reviewed by Murray Levine

Carr, A. C., Forer, B. R., Henry, W. E., Hooker, Evelyn, Hutt, Max L., and Piotrowski, Z. A. The Prediction of Overt Behavior Through the Use of Projective Techniques. American Lecture Series Monog. Springfield, III.: Chas. Thomas, Publisher, 1960, Pp. 177. $6.50. Reviewed by Stephanie Z. Dudek

Cattell, R. B. and Scheier, I. H. The Meaning and Measurement of Neuroticism and Anxiety. New York: Ronald Press, 1961, pp. 535. $12.00. Reviewed by Wilson H. Guertin

Fein, L. G., The Three-Dimensional Personality Test. International Universities Press, New York. 1960. pp. xii + 324, $6.75. Reviewed by Theodore H. Blau

Hiltmann, H. Kompendium der Psychodiagnostischen Testen. Berne: Huber, 1960, 252 pps. Reviewed by Fred J. Goldstein

Kaplan, Bert (Ed.) Studying Personality Cross-culturally. Evanston, III.: Row, Peterson and Co., 1961. ix + 687. $8.50. Reviewed by Norman D. Sundberg

Meili, Richard Lehrbuch Der Psychologischen Diagnostik (Textbook of Psychological Diagnostics), 476 pages including index. Bern und Stuttgart: Hans Huber, 1961. $9.50. Reviewed by Z. A. Piotrowski

Peck, Robert F., Havighurst, Robert J., and associates: The Psychology of Character Development. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1960. 267 pp. $6.50. Reviewed by Dale L. Johnson

Symonds, P. M. with Jensen, A. R., From Adolescent to Adult. New York: Columbia University Press, 1961. Pp. x + 413. Reviewed by Murray H. Sherman  相似文献   


(Thurstone, L. L. Multiple Factor Analysis. Chicago: Univ. Chicago Press, 1947. Pp. 535.) Reviewed by H. J. Eysenck.

(Sherif, M., &; Cantril, H. The Psychology of Ego-Involvements. New York: Wiley, 1947‥ Pp. 525.) Reviewed by H. J. Eysenck.  相似文献   

Köhler, W. Gestalt Psychology. (3rd printing, revised.) New York: Liveright, 1929. Pp. x+402. Reviewed by R. M. Ogden

Prince, M. Clinical and Experimental Studies in Personality. Cambridge, Mass.: Sci-Art Publishers, 1929. Pp. xvi+559. Reviewed by Edmund S. Conklin

Wheeler, R. H. The Science of Psychology. New York: Crowell, 1929. Pp. xvii+556. Reviewed by P. H. Ewert

Marston, W. M. Emotions of Normal People. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1928. Pp. xiii+405. Reviewed by Frank A. Geldard  相似文献   

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