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 共查询到20条相似文献,搜索用时 31 毫秒

Sermons and addresses. By John Bascom, New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1913. 356 p.

Things learned by living. By John Bascom. New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1913. 228 p.

The Jukes in 1915. By Arthur H. Estabrook. Washington, Carnegie Institution, 1916. 85 p.

The mothercraft manual. By Mary L. Read. Boston, Little, Brown and Co., 1916. 440 p.

Towards racial health. By Norah H. March. London, George Routledge and Sons, 1915. 326 p.

How to live; rules for healthful living based on modern science. By Irving Fisher and Eugene Lyman Fisk. 7th ed. New York, Funk and Wagnalls Co., 1916. 345 p.

The development of intelligence in children. By Alfred Binet and Th. Simon. Translated by Elizabeth S. Kate. Publications of the Training School at Vineland, N. J., Department of Research. No. 11. May, 1916. 336 p.

The intelligence of the feeble-minded. By Alfred Binet and Th. Simon. Translated by Elizabeth S. Kite. Publications of the Training School at Vineland, N. J., Department of Research. No. 12, June, 1916. 328 p.

Art in education and life; a plea for the more systematic culture of the sense of beauty. By Henry Davies. Columbus, R. G. Adams and Co. (c. 1914). 334 p.

Official diplomatic documents relating to the outbreak of the European War. Edited by Edmund von Mach. New York, Macmillan, 1916.

How to study effectively. By Guy Montrose Whipple. Bloomington, Ind., Public School Publishing Co. (c. 1916). 44 p.

The gift of mind to spirit. By John Kulamer. Boston, Sherman, French and Co., 1916. 227 p.

The students' Shakespeare. Macbeth. Memorial edition. Edited, with notes, by Frank Alanson Lombard. Kyoto, Japan, 1916. 310 p.

Seventeenth annual report of the State Board of Insanity of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, for the year ending November 30, 1915. Boston, Wright and Potter Printing Co., 1916. 383 p.

School organisation and administration; a concrete study based on the Salt Lake City school survey. By Ellwood P. Cubberley. Yonkers-on-Hudson, World Book Co., 1916. 346 p.

Some problems in city school administration. By George D. Strayer. Yonkers-on-Hudson, World Book Co., 1916. 234 p.

How to use your mind; a psychology of study. By Harry D. Kitson. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott Co., (c. 1916). 216 p.

New Possibilities in education. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Vol. LXVII, September, 1916, Whole No. 156.

Form find functions of American government. By Thomas Harrison Reed. Yonkers-on-Hudson, World Book Co., 1916. 549 p.

The supervision of arithmetic. By W. A. Jessup and L. D. Coffman. New York, Macmillan, 1916. 225 p.

In the light of the spirit. By Christian D. Larson. New York, Thomas Y. Crowell Co. (c. 1916). 194 p.

Converging paths. By E. T. Campagnac. Cambridge, University Press, 1916. 113 p.

The expectant mother. By Samuel Wyllis Bandler. Philadelphia, W. B. Saunders Co., 1916. 213 p.

A handbook for Latin clubs. By Susan Paxson. Boston, D. C. Heath and Co. (c. 1916). 148 p.

A handbook of American private schools. (An annual publication). Boston, Porter E. Sargent (c. 1916). 604 p.

Introduction to American history. By James Albert Woodburn and Thomas Francis Moran. New York, Longmans, Green, (c 1916). 308 p.

Drake of troop one. By Isabel Hornibrook. Boston, Little, Brown, 1916. 321 p.

National Parks folio. Published by the Department of the Interior, Washington, D. C.

Aus Nah und Fern. Vol. VIII, No. 1. October, 1916. Chicago, F. W. Parker School Press.

Teachers College, Columbia University, Contributions to Education:-

No. 75, Adjustment of school organisation to various population groups, by Robert Alexander Fyfe McDonald. 1915. 145 p.

No. 76 The relations of general intelligence to certain mental and physical traits, by Cyrus D Mead. 1916. 117 p.

No. 77, Completion-test language scales, by Marion Rex Trabue. 1916. 118 p.

No. 78, Ventilation in relation to mental work, by E. L. Thorndike, W. A. McCall and J. C. Chapman. 1916. 83 p.

No. 80, Measurements of some achievements in arithmetic, by Clifford Woody. 1916. 63 p.

The golden book of favorite songs. Compiled and edited by N. H. Aitch. Chicago, Hall &; McGreary, 1915. 138 p.

Yiddish-English lessons. By I. Edwin Goldwasser and Joseph Jablonower. Boston, D. C. Heath &; Company, 1916. 248 p.

Boswell's Life of Johnson. By Max J. Herzberg. Boston, Heath &; Co., 1916. 280 p.

The school and the immigrant. By Herbert Adolphus Miller. Cleveland, Cleveland Foundation Survey, 1916. 102 p.

The teaching staff. By Walter A. Jessup. Cleveland, Cleveland Foundation Survey, 1916. 114 p.

The metal trades. By R. R. Lutz. Cleveland, Cleveland Foundation Survey, 1916. 114 p.

Seventy-ninth Annual Report of the Board of Education. Boston, Wright &; Potter, 1910. 361 p.

The thirty-fifth and thirty-sixth reports of the International Institute of China. By Rev. Gilbert Reid. Shanghai, Methodist Pub. House, 1915. 62 p.

Report of the Board of Education of St. Louis, Mo. 1915. 698 p.

Maine School Report. Waterville, Maine, Sentinel Publishing Co., 1916. 291 p.

La “scala metrica dell'intelligenza” di Binet e Simon; studiata nelle scuole comunali elementari di Milano. By Zaccaria Treves and F. Umberto Saffiotti. Milano, G. Civelli, 1911. 67 p.

L'opera di Zaccaria Treves e la psicologia sperimentale. By F. Umberto Saffiotti. Milano, 1912. 28 p.

La misura dell'intelligenza nei fanciulli. By F. Umberto Saffiotti. Roma, Società Romana di Antropologia, Via del Collegio Romano, 26, 1916. 286 p.

Contributo allo studio dei rapporti tra l'intellgenza e i fattori biologico-sociali nella scuola. By F. Umberto Saffiotti. (Reprinted from Rivista di Antropologia, Vol. XVIII, Fasc. 1–2.) 1913. 34 p.

Forme e contenuto dell'associasione spontanea nei fanciulli. By F. Umberto Saffiotti (Reprinted from Rivista di Antropologia, Vol. XIX, Fasc. 1–2.) 1914. 14 p.

Anuário da Casa Pia de Lisboa. Ano Económico de 1914–15. Lisboa, R. Do Mundo, 139. Tip. Casa Portugueza, 1915. 552 p.

Tentative syllabus of the physical training program. University of the State of New York, State Department of Education. 1916. 226 p.

New York State. Eleventh annual report of the Education Department, for the school year 1913–14. 1163 p.

A laboratory and class-room guide to qualitative chemical analysis. By George F. White. New York, D. Van Nostrand Co., 1916. 171 p.

Plane and solid geometry. By William Betz and Harrison E. Webb. (With the editorial coöperation of Percy F. Smith.) Boston, Ginn, (c. 1916). 507 p.

Algebra review. By Charles H. Sampson. Yonkers-on-Hudson, World Book Co., 1916. 41 p.

Scientific method in schools; a suggestion. By W. H. S. Jones. London, Cambridge University Press, 1916. 36 p.

Reorganising a county system of rural schools; report of a study of the schools of San Mateo County, California. By J. Harold Williams. Washington, Gov't Printing Office, 1916. (Bureau of Education Bull., 1916, no. 16.) 50 p.

Journal of Heredity. August and September, 1916. Washington, D. C., American Genetic Association.

A practical Spanish grammar. By Ventura Fuentes and Victor E. François. New York, Macmillan, 1916. 313 p.

United States life tables, 1910. Prepared under the supervision of Prof. James W. Glover of the University of Michigan. Bureau of the Census. Washington, Gov't Printing Office, 1916. 65 p.

Bureau of American Ethnology. Twenty-ninth annual report to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1907–1908. Washington, Gov't Printing Office, 1916. 636 p.

Bureau of American Ethnology. Thirtieth annual report to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1908–09. Washington, Gov't Printing Office, 1915. 453 p.

Physical anthropology of the Lenape or Delawares, and of the eastern Indians in general. By Ale? Hrdli?ka. (Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 62.) Washington, Gov't Printing Office, 1916. 129 p.

Centennial celebration of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey. April, 1916. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1916. 196 p.

The policy of national instinct. By M. Take Jonesco. London, Sir Joseph Couston and Sons, 1916. 108 p.

43.—Nationaler Deutschamerikanischer Lehrertag, 28. Juni-1. Juli, 1916. Milwaukee, Wis. 20 p.  相似文献   


Mind and Conduct. By Henry R. Marshall. N. Y., Scribner, 1919. 236 p.

Natural Food and Care for Child and Mother. By Susan Harding Rummler. Chicago, Rand McNally, 1919. 298 p.

The Psychology and Pedagogy of Anger. By Roy Franklin Richardson. Baltimore, Warwick and York, 1918. 100 p.

The Blind. Their Condition and the Work Being Done for Them in the United States. By Harry Best. N. Y., MacMillan, 1919. 762 p.

Verse for Patriots. Comp. By Jean Broadhurst and Clara L. Rhodes. Phil., Lippincott, 1919. 367 p.

American Leaders. By Walter Lefferts. Phil., Lippincott, 1919. 329 p.

Christ as a Teacher. By John W. Wayland. Boston, The Stratford Co., 1919. 70 p.

Applied Economic Botany. By Melville Thurston Cook. Phil., Lippincott, 1919. 261 p.

Deficiency and Delinquency. An interpretation of mental testing. By James Burt Miner. Baltimore, Warwick and York, 1918. 355 p.

Education in Ancient Israel to 70 A. D. By Fletcher Harper Swift. Chicago, Open court, 1919. 134 p.

Hidden Treasure. By John T. Simpson. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1919. 303 p.

French Educational Ideals of Today. By Ferdinand Buisson &; F. E. Farrington. Yonkers-on-Hudson, World Book Co., 1919. 326 p.  相似文献   


Stammering and Cognate Defects of Speech. By C. S. Bluemel. Two volumes. New York, G. E. Stechert &; Co., 1913. pp. vii, 365, 391.

Psychologie der Sprachpädagogik: Versuche zu einer Darstellung der Principien des fremdsprachlichen Unterrichts auf Grund der psychologischen Natur der Sprache. Von Chr. B. Flagstad. Leipzig u. Berlin, 1913, pp. xxviii., 370. Mit einigen Kurzungen und Ånderungen vom Verfasser aus dem Dänischen übersetzt. Price, geh. M 5, geb. M 6.

School Hygiene. By Fletcher B. Dresslar, Ph. D. New York, Macmillan, 1913. 369 p.  相似文献   

Book Notes     

Identification of Book Reviewers for this Number. Samuel J. Brandenburg is Professor and Chairman of the Department of Economics in Clark University. James B. Hedges is Assistant Professor of American History in Clark University. George Humphrey is Professor of Philosophy in Queen's University, Ontario.

The Normal Mind: an Introduction to Mental Hygiene and the Hygiene of School Instruction. By William H. Burnham, Ph.D., New York, Appleton, 1924.

The Mentality of Apes. By Wolfgang Köhler. New York: Harcourt, Brace & Co., Inc., 1925. pp. 342.

The Growth of the Mind. By Kurt Koffka. New York: Harcourt Brace & Company, Inc., 1924. pp. 383.

The Mental Growth of the Pre-School Child. By Arnold Gesell. New York, The Macmillan Company, 1925. pp. 447.

Instinct, Intelligence and Character. By Godfrey H. Thomson. New York, Longmans, Green and Co., 1925. pp. 282.

Mental Growth of Children in Relation to the Rate of Growth in Bodily Development. By Buford Johnson. New York, E. P. Dutton & Company, 1925. pp. 160.

Vocational Self-Guidance. By Douglas Fryer. Philadelphia, J. P. Lippincott Co, 1925. pp. 385.

The Story of Human Progress. By Leon C. Marshall. New York, Macmillan Company, 1925. pp. 548.

Educating for Freedom. By Edward O. Sisson. New York, The Macmillan Company, 1925. pp. x, 225.  相似文献   


An investigation of certain abilities fundamental to the study of Geometry. By John Harrison Minnick (Doctor's dissertation, University of Pennsylvania), Lancaster, Pa., 1918, 108 p. Reviewed by William E. Story.

National service and national education. Reviewed by Eric George. London, P. S. King &; Son; 1913. 83 p.

Festskrift til Overlærer J. Nicolaysen's 70 aars jubilæum. Reviewed by Kristiania, J. W. Cappelen, 1917. Reviewed by Martin L. Reymert.  相似文献   

Book Notes     

Identification of Book Reviewers for this Number. William H. Cole is Professor and Chairman of the Department of Biology in Clark Chris.

Anfänge der Reifezeit. By William Stern. Leipzig, Quelle & Meyer. 1925, pp. 125.

Mental Hygiene as Taught by Jesus. By Alexander B. MacLeod. New York, The Macmillan Company. 1925, pp. 138.

The Nature of Intelligence and the Principles of Cognition. By Charles E. Spearman. London, Macmillan and Co., Ltd. 1923, pp. viii+358.

Genetic Studies of Genius. By Lewis M. Terman et Al. California, Stanford University Press. 1925, pp. xv+648.

Principles of Psychotherapy. By Dr. Pierre Janet. New York, The Macmillan Company. 1924, pp. viii+322.

Chimpanzee Intelligence and its Vocal Expressions. by Robert M. Yerkes and Blanche W. Learned. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins Company. 1925, pp. 157.

Neurological Foundations of Animal Behavior. By C. Judson Herrick. New York, Henry Holt and Company. 1924, pp. xii+334.

Physiological Foundations of Behavior. By Charles M. Child. New York, Henry Holt and Company. 1924, pp. v+330.

The Field of Psychology. By Madison Bentley. New York, D. Appleton and Company, 1925. pp. xvi+545.

Experience and Nature. By John Dewey. Chicago, Open Court Publishing Company. 1925, pp. xi+443.

Abnormal Psychology and Education. By Frank Watts. New York, D. Appleton and Company. 1924, pp. xiv+220.

Psychology for Child Training. By Arland D. Weeks. New York, D. Appleton and Company. 1925, pp. xi+312.

Animals Looking Into the Future. By William A. Kepner. New York, The Macmillan Company. 1925, 197 pp.  相似文献   


Reorganisation of the public school system. By Frank Forest Bunker. Bureau of Education, Bulletin, 1916, No. 8. 186 pages. Reviewed By A. A. Douglass

Girls of the Morning-Glory Camp Fire. By Isabel Hornibrook. Boston, Lothrop, Lee and Shepard Co., 1916. 321 p. Reviewed By Amy E. Tanner

Education and social progress. By Alexander Morgan. New York, Longmans, Green, 1916. 252 p.

American university progress and college reform relative to school and society. By James H. Baker. New York, Longmans. Green, 1916. 189 p.

República Oriental del Uruguay; Inspección Nacional de Instrucción Primaria. Memoria correspondiente a los años 1911 a 1914, inclusives, presentada a la Dirección General de Instrucción Primaria y al Ministerio de Instrucción Pública, por el Doctor Abel J. Pérez, Inspector Nacional. Montevideo, Barreiro, 1915. 570 p.

Human interest composition subjects. By George F. Paul. Syracuse, C. W. Bardeen (c. 1916). 162 p.

Plant anatomy, from the standpoint of the development and functions of the tissues; handbook of micro-technic. By William Chase Stevens. Philadelphia, P. Blakiston's Son &; Co. (c. 1916). 3d ed. rev. and enl. 399 p.

The principles of health control. By Francis M. Walters. Boston, D. C. Heath &; Co. (c. 1916). 476 p.

The essentials of effective gesture, for students of public speaking. By Joseph A. Mosher. New York, Macmillan, 1916. 188 p.

Oral English; directions and exercises for planning and delivering the common kinds of talks, together with guidance for debating and parliamentary practice. By John M. Brewer. Boston, Ginn (c. 1916). 396 p.

Report of the Commissioner of Education for the year ended June 30, 1915. Volume 1. Washington, Govt. Printing Office, 1915. 780 p.

Publications of the Survey Committee of the Cleveland Foundation, Cleveland, Ohio, 1916.

Boys and girls in commercial work. By Bertha M. Stevens. 181 p.

Schools and classes for exceptional children. By David Mitchell. 122 p.

Measuring the work of the public schools. By Charles Hubbard Judd. 290 p.

Department store occupations. By Iris Prouty O'Leary. 127 p.

The building trades. By Frank L. Shaw. 107 p.

Railroad and street transportation. By Ralph D. Fleming. 76 p.

Digest of state laws relating to public education, in force January 1, 1915. Compiled by William R. Hood, with the assistance of Stephen B. Weeks and A. Sidney Ford. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Education, Bulletin, 1915, No. 47. Washington, Govt. Printing Office, 1916. 987 p.

The Young and Field literary readers. Book Two. By Ella Flagg Young and Walter Taylor Field. Boston, Ginn (c. 1916). 208 p.

The British Isles. Cambridge geographical readers, III. Cambridge, University Press, 1915. 210 p.

Solid geometry. By William Betz and Harrison E. Webb. With the editorial coöperation of Percey F. Smith. Boston, Ginn (c. 1916). 504 p.

Present day geography. By Mrs. R. E. Brown. Syracuse, C. W. Bardeen (c. 1916). 68 p.

America the wonderland; a patriotic festival. New York, Ethical Culture School (c. 1915). 55 p.

The Germania of Tacitus. Edited by Duane Reed Stuart. New York, Macmillan, 1916. 139 p.

National Education Association yearbook and list of active members, revised to December 31, 1915. N. E. A. Bulletin, Feb., 1916, vol. 4, no. 4. 375 p.

National Education Association of the United States. Journal of proceedings and addresses of the fifty-third annual meeting and international congress on education held at Oakland, California, August 16-27, 1915. Secretary office, Ann Arbor, Mich., published by the Association, 1915. 1193 p.  相似文献   

《Heythrop Journal》1975,16(3):312-356
Books Reviewed in this Article: The Problem of Metaphysics. By D. M. Mac Kinnon . Pp. viii, 172, London, Cambridge University Press, 1974, £2.95. A Philosophical Approach to Religion. By W. Donald Hudson . Pp. xiii, 200, London, Macmillan, 1974, £4.95. Bernard Lonergan's Philosophy of God. By Bernard Tyrrell . Pp. xiv, 202, Dublin, Gill and Macmillan, 1974, £4.75. Philosophy of Psychology. Edited by S. C. Brown . Pp. vii, 351, London, Macmillan, 1974, £4.95. Positivism and Sociology. Edited with an Introduction by Anthony Giddens . Pp. x, 224, London, Heinemann, 1974, £3.50. On the Beginning of Social Enquiry. By Peter Mc Hugh , Stanley Raffel , Daniel C. Foss & Alan F. Blum . Pp. 184, London, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1974, £4.20 (£1.50 paperback). Justin Martyr. By Eric Francis Osborn . Pp. 228 (Beiträge zur historischen Theologie 47), Túbingen, J. C. B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), 1973, 56 DM. Heresy, Crusade and Inquisition in Southern France, 1100–1250. By Walter L. Wakefield . Pp. 288, London, George Allen and Unwin, 1974, £5.25. St Thomas Aquinas, 1274–1974: Commemorative Studies. 2 Vols., pp. 488 and 526, Toronto, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 1974, $20.00. The Political Thought of William Ockham. By A. S. Mc Grade . Pp. xiii, 269 (Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought, Third Series, 7), Cambridge University Press, 1974, £6.20. Pic de la Mirandole. By Henry de Lubac . Pp. 430, Paris, Aubier-Montiagne, 1974, no price given. The Correspondence of Erasmus, Volume 1. Translated by R. A. B. Mynors and D. F. S. Thomson , annotated by Wallace K. Ferguson . Pp. xxviii, 368, Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1974, £25.00. St Thomas More: Translations of Lucian. Edited by Craig R. Thompson . Pp. Ixxii, 218, New Haven and London, Yale University Press, 1974, £6.75. The English Bible 1534–1859. By Peter Levi . Pp. 222, London, Constable, 1974, £2.75. The Rump Parliament 1648-1653. By Blair Worden . Pp. xii, 427, London, Cambridge University Press, 1974, £8.40. Peter Browne: Provost, Bishop, Metaphysician. By A. R. Winnett . Pp. x, 260, London, SPCK, 1974, £4.95. American Religious Thought: A History. By William A. Clebsch . Pp. xxi, 212, University of Chicago Press, 1973. Dissent in American Religion. By Edwin Scott Gaustad . Pp. xii, 184, University of Chicago Press, 1973. Hell and the Victorians. By Geoffrey Rowell . Pp. ix, 242, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1974, £4.85. Christ, Faith and History: Cambridge Studies in Christology. Edited by S. W. Sykes and J. P. Clayton . Pp. x, 303, Cambridge University Press, 1972, £4.20. The Understanding of Faith, Interpretation and Criticism. By Edward Schillebeeckx . Translated by N. D. Smith . Pp. 170, London, Sheed and Ward, 1974, £5.00. Thus Were They Hearing. The Word in the Experience of Revelation in Qurn and Hindu Scriptures. By Ary A. R. Crollius . Pp. xv, 273 (Documenta Missionalia 8), Rome, Gregorian University Press, 1974, 6,500 It. Lire. Inspiration in the Non-Biblical Scriptures. By I. Vempeny . Pp. xxiii, 254, Bangalore, Theological Publications in India, 1973, no price given. God's Word Among Men. Edited by G. Gispert -Sauch . Pp. xxxi, 384, Vidyajyoti, Institute of Religious Studies, 1973, $8.00. Journey to Gorakhpur. By John Moffitt , Pp. 304, London, She£don Press, 1973, £3.50. Guru and Disciple. By Abhishiktananda (Henri le Saux ). Pp. 176, London, SPCK, 1974, £1.25. Meeting Schools of Oriental Meditation. By Herbert Slade . Pp. 55, London. Lutterworth Press, 1973, £0.55. The Christian, the Atheist and Freedom. By Joseph A. Magno and Victor S. Lamotte . Pp. 96, New York, Precedent Publishing, 1974, $4.50. The Theology of Secularity. By G. O'Collins . Pp. 94 (Theology Today Series), Cork, Mercier Press, 1974, £0.75. Daily Prayer from The Divine Office. The Liturgy of the Hours According to the Roman Rite. Pp. cxi, 544, [492], 643. London, Collins: Sydney, E. J. Dwyer: Dublin, Talbot, 1974, £11.00.  相似文献   


The Distribution and Relation of Educational Abilities. By Cyril Burt. London, Darling, 1917. 93 p.

The Child's Unconscious Mind. By Wilfrid Lay. N. Y., Dodd, Mead and Co., 1919. 329 p.

Education For Character. By Frank C. Sharp. Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill Co., 1917. 453 p.

Mental Hygiene of Childhood. By William A. White. (With an introduction by H. Addington Bruce.) Boston, Little, Brown and Co., 1919. 193 p.

Experimental Education. By Robert R. Rusk. N. Y., Longmans, Green and Co., 1919. 346 p.

The American Language. By H. L. Mencken. N. Y., Knopf, 1919. 374 p.

The Winston Simplified Dictionary. Edited by William D. Lewis and Edgar A. Singer. Phil., Winston Co., 1919. 820 p.

First Lessons in Business. By J. A. Bexell. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1919. 174 p. (Thrift Text Series).  相似文献   

book review     

Crime and Human Nature: The Definitive Study of the Causes of Crime by James Q. Wilson and Richard J. Herrnstein. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1985, 639 pp., $12.95 paper.

The Negative Scream by Sally O'Brien. London: Routledge &; Kegan Paul, 1985, 148 pp., $12.95 paper.

Captain Kidd and the War Against the Pirates by Robert C. Ritchie. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1986, 306 pp., $20.00 hb.

American Violence &; Public Policy by Lynn A. Curtis (ed.). New Haven: Yale University Press, 1985.

Taking Care of Business: The Economics of Crime by Heroin Abusers by Bruce D. Johnson, Paul J. Goldstein, Edward Preble, James Schmeidler, Douglas S. Lipton, Barry Spunt and Thomas Miller. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, 1985, 275 pp., $29.00 hb.

Life With Heroin: Voices From the Inner City by Bill Hanson, George Beschner, James M. Walters and Elliott Bovelle (eds.). Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, 1985, 208 pp., hb.

Policy Analysts in the Bureauaraay by Arnold Meltsner. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1976 hb, 1986 paper, 326 pp., $11.95.

>The War on Drugs: Heroin, Cocaine, and Public Policy by James A. Inciardi. Palo Alto, California: Mayfield Publishing Company, 1986, $9.95 paper.

Sartre and Marxist Existentialism by Thomas R. Flynn. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1984, 265 pp., $10.95 paper.  相似文献   


Discipline &; Experience: The Mathematical Way in the Scientific Revolution, by Peter Dear, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1995, 290 pp., $24.00 pb; $60.00 hb

Mathematics, Science, and Postclassical Theory, edited by Barbara Herrnstein Smith and Arkady Plotnitsky, Durham: Duke University Press, 1997, 279 pp., $12.00 pb  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Arvind Sharma, The Philosophy of Religion and Advaita Vedānra: A Comparative Study in Religion and Reason. University Park, Pennsylvania, The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1995, viii+232 pp., £29.50, $32.50. ISBN 0 271 01032 0.

Niels C. Nielsen Jr (ed.), Christianity After Communism: Social, Political and Cultural Struggle in Russia. Boulder, Westview Press, 1994, ix+171 pp., £37.00, $49.95. ISBN 0 8133 2365 7.

Mary Pickering, Auguste Comte: An Intellectual Biography, Volume 1, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1993, xi+744 pp., £45.00, $49.95. ISBN 0 521 43405 X.

Christopher Herbert, Culture and Anomie: Ethnographic Imagination in the Nineteenth Century. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1991, 312 pp., $48 (hardback) ISBN 0 1226 32738 8, $16.95 (paperback) ISBN 0 226 32738 6.

Clifford Geertz, After the Fact: Two Countries, Four Decades, One Anthropologist. Cambridge, Massachusetts, Harvard University Press, 1995, 198 pp., $27.50. ISBN 0 674 00871 5.

William Hamilton, A Quest for the Post-Historical Jesus. New York, Continuum, 1994, 304 pp., $27.50. ISBN 0 8264 0641 6.

Valerie J. Hoffman, Sufism, Mystics, and Saints in Modern Egypt. University of South Carolina Press, 1995, 377 pp.+ notes and index. ISBN 1 57003 055 3.

Margaret H. Case (ed.), Heinrich Zimmer: Coming Into His Own. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1994, vi+ 148 pp., $24.95. ISBN 0 691 03337 4.

Tessa J. Bartholomeusz, Women Under the Bō Tree: Buddhist Nuns in Sri Lanka. (Cambridge Studies in Religious Traditions 5.) Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1994, xx+284 pp., £37.50, $59.95. ISBN 0 521 46129 4.

Philip C. Almond, Heaven and Hell in Enlightenment England. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1994, xiii+ 218 pp., £35. ISBN 0 521 45371 2.

George W. Stocking, Jr., After Tylor: British Social Anthropology 1888–1951. Madison, University of Wisconsin Press, London, Athlone Press, 1996, xx+441 pp., $40. ISBN 0 485 30072 9.

P. F. Kornicki and I. J. McMullen (eds), Religion in Japan: Arrows to Heaven and Earth. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1996, xxv+315 pp., £40. ISBN 0 521 55028 9.

Michael Angold, Church and Society in Byzantium under the Comneni 1081–1261. 605 pp., $89.95 (cloth). ISBN 0521 26432 4.

David Nirenberg, Communities of Violence: Persecution of Minorities in the Middle Ages. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1996, ix+301 pp., $29.95, £23.95. ISBN 0 691 03375 7.  相似文献   

J. S. La Fontaine 《Religion》2013,43(2):181-184
H. L. Seneviratne. The Work of Kings: The New Buddhism in Sri Lanka. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1999, xvi+358 pp., $49 (hardback) ISBN 0 226 74865 0, $22 (paperback) ISBN 0 226 74866 9.

Michael W. Myers. Brahman: A Comparative Theology. Richmond, Curzon, 2001, xiii+268 pp., £45 ISBN 0 7007 1257 7.

Todd T. Lewis, in collaboration with Subarna Man Tuladhar and Labh Ratna Tuladhar. Popular Buddhist Texts from Nepal: Narratives and Rituals of Newar Buddhism. Foreword by Gregory Schopen. Albany, State University of New York Press, 2000, xviii+236 pp., $59.50 (hardback) ISBN 0 7914 4611 5, $19.95 (paperback) ISBN 0 7914 4612 3.

Walter Burkett. Savage Energies: Lessons of Myth and Ritual in Ancient Greece. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2001, xiv+110 pp., $28.00, £18.00 ISBN 0 226 08085 4.

Text by Massoud Fourouzandeh and Alain Brunet. Photos by Abbas Tahvildar. Baptists of Iran. Les baptistes d'Iran. Tehran, Key Press, 2001, 173 pp. (with 5 pages in Farsi), n.p. ISBN 964 90645 5 9.  相似文献   

Omnibus book review Robin Robertson The Place of the Feminine in the World to Come

Quantum Reality. By Nick Herbert. New York: Anchor Press/Double Day, 1985.

Synchronicity: The Bridge Between Matter and Mind. By F. David Peat. New York: Bantam Books. 1987.

Psyche Speaks. By Russell Lockhart. Wilmette, Illinois: Chiron, 1987.

The Scapegoat Complex: Toward a Mythology of Shdow and Guilt. By Sylvia Brinton Perera. Toronto: Inner City Books, 1986.

The Strange Trial of Mr. Hyde: A New Look Into the Nature of Human Evil. By John A. Sanford. San Francisco: Harper &; Row, 1987.

Perestroika: New Thinking for Our Country and the World. By Mikhail Gorbachev. New York: Harper &; Row, 1987.

The Jungian Experience: Analysis and Individuation. By James A. Hall, M.D. Toronto: Inner City Books, 1986.

Practical Jung: Nuts and Bolts of Jun-gian Psychotherapy. By Harry A. Wilmer. Wilmette, Illinois: Chiron Publications, 1987.

Psychiatry and the Cinema. By Krin Gabbard and Glen O. Gabbard. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1987.

Female Authority: Empowering Women Through Psychotherapy. By P. Young-Eisendrath and F. Wiedemann. New York Guilford Press, 1987.

Dancing Healers: A Docfor's Journey of Healing with Native Americans. By Carl Hammerschlag. San Francisco: Harper &; Row, 1988.

Neuroimmune Interactions: Proceedings of the Second International Workshop of Neuroimmunomodulation. Edited by Bronislav D. Jankovic Branislav M. Markovic, and Novera Herbert Spector. New York: The New York Academy of Sciences, 1987.  相似文献   

David Morgan 《Religion》2013,43(2):170-180
Alain Besançon, The Forbidden Image: An Intellectual History of Iconoclasm. Trans. by Jane Marie Todd. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2000, viii+423 pp., 32 b/w illustrations, $40.00 ISBN 0 226 04413 0.

Albert Boime, The Unveiling of the National Icons: A Plea for Patriotic Iconoclasm in a Nationalistic Era. Cambridge Studies in American Visual Culture. Cambridge, University of Cambridge Press, 1998, xvii+427 pp., 86 b/w illustrations, $69.50 ISBN 0 521 57067 0.

Richard H. Davis, Lives of Indian Images. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1997, xiii+ 331 pp., 50 b/w illustrations, $55.00 (hardback) ISBN 0 691 02622 X, $19.95 (paperback) ISBN 0 691 00520 6.

Dario Gamboni, The Destruction of Art: Iconoclasm and Vandalism Since the French Revolution. New Haven, Yale University Press, 1997, 416 pp., 151 b/w illustrations, $45.00 ISBN 0 300 07170 1.

Gerald R. Hawting, The Idea of Idolatry and the Emergence of Islam: From Polemic to History. Cambridge Studies in Islamic Civilization. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1999, xvii+ 168 pp., $54.95 ISBN 0 521 65165 4.

Kenneth Mills, Idolatry and Its Enemies: Colonial Andean Religion and Extirpation, 1640–1750. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1997, xiii+337 pp., 9 b/w illustrations, $69.50 ISBN 0 691 02979 2.  相似文献   

《Heythrop Journal》1974,15(2):189-242
Books Reviewed in this Article: Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 1971-2. Pp. 291, London, Methuen, 1972, £2.50. The Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 1972. Pp. v, 239, London, Methuen, 1972, £1.50. Language, Truth and Meaning. Edited by Philip Mc Shane . Pp. 343, Dublin, Gill and Macmillan, 1972, £4.25. Falsification and Belief. By Alastair Mc Kinnon , Pp. 106, The Hague, Mouton, 1970, 20 guilders. Probability and Evidence. By A. J. Ayer . Pp. x, 144, London, Macmillan, 1972, £3.50. Medieval Logic and Metaphysics. By D. P. Henry . Pp. xiii, 133, London, Hutchinson University Library, 1972, £2.75. Plato and Modern Morality. By Pamela Huby . Pp. ix, 80 (New Studies in Practical Philosophy), London, Macmillan, 1972, £1.95. The Unitarian Conscience: Harvard Moral Philosophy, 1805-1861. By Daniel Walker Howe . Pp. viii, 378. Cambridge (Mass.), Harvard University Press, 1970, no price given. The Development of Kant's View of Ethics. By Keith Ward . Pp. xii, 184, Oxford, Blackwell, 1972, £2.95. Ethics and Action. By Peter Winch . Pp. viii, 231 (Studies in Ethics and the Philosophy of Religion), London, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1972, £2.75. Concepts of Indoctrination: Philosophical Essays. Edited by I. A. Snook . Pp. xiv, 210 (International Library of the Philosophy of Education), London, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1972, £3.00. Old Testament Covenant: A Survey of Current Opinions. By D. J. Mc Carthy . Pp. viii, 112 (Growing Points in Theology), Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1972, £1.50. Wisdom in Israel. By Gerhard VON Rad . Translated by James D. Martin . Pp. xiv, 330, London, SCM Press, 1972, £3.75. The Formation of the Resurrection Narratives. By Reginald H. Fuller . Pp. xiv, 225, London, SPCK, 1972, £3.25. The New Testament: The History of the Investigation of its Problems. By W. G. Kuummel . Pp. 510 (New Testament Library), London, SCM Press, 1973, £4.50. Traditio-Historical Criticism of the Gospels. By R. S. Barbour . Pp. 54 (Studies in Creative Criticism 4), London, SPCK, 1972, £0.75. New Testament Essays. By C. K. Barrett . Pp. viii, 159, London, SPCK, 1972, £2.50. Communio: Church and Papacy in Early Christianity. By Ludwig Hertling . Translated with an Introduction by Jared Wicks . Pp. 86, Chicago, Loyola University Press, 1972, no price given. A Companion to the Study of St Anselm. By Jasper Hopkins . Pp. ix, 291, Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 1972, no price given. St Thomas More: The Confutation of Tyndale's Answer. Edited by Louis A. Schuster , Richard C. Marius , James P. Lusardi , and Richard J. Schoeck . Pp. xiv, 1-574; vii, 575-1134; vii, 1135-1831, New Haven and London, Yale University Press, 1973, £24.00. Shakespeare's Religious Background. By Peter Milward . Pp. 312. London, Sidgwick and Jackson, 1973, £4.50. The Learned Doctor William Ames: Dutch Backgrounds of English and American Puritanism. By Keith L. Sprunger . Pp. xi, 289, Chicago and London, University of Illinois Press, 1972, £4.75. The Letters and Diaries of John Henry Newman. Vol. XXII, July 1865 to December 1866. Edited by Charles Stephen Dessain . Pp. xvi, 376, London, Nelson, 1972 £7.50. Dogma: Volume 4: The Church, its Origin and Structure. By Michael Schmaus . Pp. xiv, 214, London, Sheed and Ward, 1972, £2.00. Theological Investigations, Volume Nine: Writings of 1965-7, I. By Karl Rahner . Pp. x, 268, London, Darton, Longman & Todd, 1972, £4.00. A Time to speak. By. B. C. Butler . Pp. vi, 210, Southend-on-sea, mayhew-McCrimmon, 1972, £1.25. The Dublin Papers on Ecumenism, Edited by Pedro S. DE Achutegui . Pp. 211 (Cardinal Bea Studies 2), Manila, Loyola School of Theology, 1972, no price given. Theology of Evolution. By Ervin Nemesszeghy and John Russell . Pp. 96 (Theology Today Series 6), Cork, Mercier Press, 1972, £0.50. The Go-Between God: The Holy Spirit and the Christian Mission. By John V. Taylor . Pp. ix, 246, London, SCM Press, 1972, £1.95. Prayers, Poems and Songs. By Huub Oosterhuis , translated by David Smith . Pp. 16, London, Sheed & Ward, 1972, £1.60. Open Your Hearts. By Huub Oosterhuis . Pp. 112, Sheed & Ward, 1972, £1.50. Dictionary of Liturgy and Worship. Edited by J. G. Davies . Pp. ix, 358, London, SCM Press, 1972, £4.75. Politics and Religion: A Christian View. By Robert Craig . Pp. 23, Salisbury, University of Rhodesia, 1972, no price given. The Development of Industrial Relations in Britain. By Rodger Charles . Pp. 340, London, Hutchinson, 1973, £4.50.  相似文献   

《Heythrop Journal》1984,25(1):60-116
Books Reviewed in this Article: Beyond Ideology: Religion and the Future of Western Civilization. By Ninian Smart. Pp.350, London, Collins, 1981, £9.95. Neophtonism and Indian Thought. Edited by R. Baine Harris. Pp.xiii, 353, Albany (New York), State University of New York Press, 1982, $39.00 (hardback), $12.95 (paperback). Monotheism: A Philosophic Inquiry into the Foundations of Theology and Ethics. By Lenn Evan Goodman. Pp.122, Totowa (New Jersey), Allenheld, Osmun, 1981, $13.50. Neoplatonism and Christian Thought. Edited by Dominic J. O'Meara. Pp. xviii, 297, Albany, State University of New York Press, 1981, $39.00 (hardback), $12.95 (paperback). The Path to Transcendence: From Philosophy to Mysticism in Saint Augustine. By Paul Henry, introduction and translation by Francis F. Burch. pp.xxix, 120 (Pittsburgh Theological Monograph Series 37), Pittsburgh, The Pickwick Press, 1981, $10.95. The Adequacy of Christian Ethics. By Brian Hebblethwaite. Pp. 144 (Contemporary Christian Studies), London, Marshall, Morgan & Scott, 1981, £5.95. Ethics. By Wolfhart Pannenberg. Pp. 220, Philadelphia, The Westminster Press, 1981, $10.95. Human Nature, Election, and History. By Wolfhart Pannenberg. Pp. 116, Philadelphia, The Westminster Press, 1982, £2.95. Ethics, Religion and Politics. By G.E.M. Anscombe. Pp.ix, 161, Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1981, £12.00. Moral Thinking: its Levels, Method and Point. By R.M. Hare. Pp.viii, 242, Oxford University Press, 1982, £11.00 (hardback), £3.95 (paperback). Utilitarianism and Beyond. Edited by Amartya Sen and Bernard Williams. Pp.vii, 290. £7.50 (paperback). Cambridge University Press, 1982, £20.00 (hardback). Language and Political Understanding. By Michael J. Shapiro. Pp.253, New Haven, Yale University Press, 1981, £18.20. Marx's Politics. By Allan Gilbert. Pp.xv, 326, Oxford, Martin Robertson, 1981, £16.50. Feuerbach. By Marx W. Wartofsky. Pp.xx, 460, Cambridge University Press, 1977, £30.00 (hardback), £9.95 (paperback). Nietzsche, Vol. 1: The Will to Power as Art. By Martin Heidegger, translated with notes and an analysis by D.F. Krell. Pp.xvi, 263, London, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1981, £11.50. Freedom and Karl Jaspers's Philosophy. By Elizabeth Young-Bruehl. Pp.xiv, 233, New Haven & London, Yale University Press, 1981, £14.00. ‘Being and Meaning’: Paul Tillich's Theory of Meaning, Truth and Logic. By I.E. Thompson. Pp.x, 244, Edinburgh University Press, 1981, £15.00. The Rationality of Science. By W.H. Newton-Smith. Pp.xii, 294, London, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1981, £9.95 (hardback), £5.95 (paperback). Realism and the Progress of Science. By Peter Smith. Pp.viii, 135, Cambridge University Press, 1981, £12.50. Angels and principalities. By Wesley Carr. Pp.xii, 242 (Society for New Testament Studies. Monograph Series 42), Cambridge University Press, 1981, £13.50. Rconciliation: A Study of Paul's Theology. By Ralph P. Martin. Pp.233, London, Marshall, Morgan and Scott, 1981, £8.95. Suffering and Martyrdom in the New Testament. Edited by William Horbury and Brian McNeil. Pp.xxi, 217, Cambridge University Press, 1981, £17.50. Constantine and Eusebius. By Timothy D. Barnes. Pp.viii, 458, Cambridge (Mass.), Harvard University Press, 1981, £24.50. Songs of Glory: the Romanesque Façades of Aquitaine. By Linda Seidel. Pp.x, 220, figs.63, Chicago and London, University of Chicago Press. 1981, £17.50. Marsilio Ficino and the Phaedran Charioteer. Translated and edited by Michael J.B. Allen. Pp.x, 274, Berkeley-Los Angeles, University of California Press, 1981, £18.50. The Letters of Marsilio Ficino, Volume 3. Pp.xiv, 162, London, Shepheard-Walwyn, 1981, £8.00. The World of the Renaissance Jew: The Life and Thought of Abraham ben Mordecai Farissol. By David B. Ruderman. Pp.xvii, 265, Cincinatti, Hebrew Union College Press, 1981, $20.00. A Dialogue Concerning Heresies. Edited by T.M.C. Lawier, G. Marc'hadour and R.C. Marius. Pp.xiv, 888 (The Yale Edition of The Complete Works of St Thomas More, Vol.VI), New Haven, Yale University Press, 1981, £56.00. Canterbury and Rome, Sister Churches: A Roman Catholic Monk reflects upon Reunion in Diversity. By Robert Hale. Pp.xi, 188, London, Darton, Longman and Todd, 1982, £5.95. Rome and Canterbury through Four Centuries: A Study of the Relations between the Church of Rome and the Anglican Churches 1530–1981. By Bernard and Margaret Pawley. Pp.xi, 387, London and Oxford, Mowbray, 1981, £4.95. American Indians and Christian Missions. By H.W. Bowden. Pp.xix, 255, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1981, £10.50. Catholics in Western Democracies: A Study in Political Behaviour. By John H. Whyte. Pp.193, Dublin, Gill and Macmillan. 1981, £13.00. Päpstliche Unfehlbarkeit bei Newman und Döllinger: Ein historisch-systema-tischer Vergleich. By Wolfgang Klausnitzer. Pp.280 (Innsbruck theologische Studien 6), Innsbruck, Tyrolia Verlag, 1980, 54 DM. The Letters of Baron Friedrich von Hügel and Professor Norman Kemp Smith. Edited by Lawrence F. Barmann. Pp.353, New York, Fordham University Press, 1981, no price given. Merton: A Biography. By Monica Furlong. Pp.xx, 342, London, Collins, 1980, £6.95. The Autonomy of Religious Belief: A Critical Inquiry. Edited by Frederick J. Crosson. Pp.vii, 162, Notre Dame, University of Notre Dame Press, 1981, £8.95. The Theological Imagination: Constructing the Concept of God. By Gordon D. Kaufman. Pp.309. Philadelphia, The Westminster Press, 1981, $13.95. Spirits of Power: An Analysis of Shona Cosmology. By Hubert Bucher. Pp.231, Capetown, Oxford University Press, 1980, £8.75. Judaism: The Evidence of the Mishnah. By Jacob Neusner. Pp.xix, 419, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1981, £17.50.  相似文献   

Recent books     
《Cognition & emotion》2013,27(4):381-382

Eisenberg, N. and Strayer, J. (Ed 4 (1987). Empathy and its development. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-326095, 406 pp., £35.00/$54.50.

Wolff, P. H. (1987). The development of behavioral states and the expression of emotions in early infancy: New proposals for investigation. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press. ISBN 0-226-90520-9, 291 pp., £25.95/$37.50.

Greenspan, Patricia S. (1988). Emotions and reasons: An inquiry into emotional justification. New York and London: Routledge. ISBN 0-415-90049-2, 197 pp., £30.00/$30.00  相似文献   

Book Notes     

Identification of Book Reviewers for this Number. John H. Wigmore is Dean of the Northwestern University Law School. George F. White is Professor of Chemistry in Clark University. Edward W. Flagg is Professor Emeritus, State Normal School, Potsdam, New York. Carl Murchison is Editor of this journal.

American White Criminal Intelligence. By Carl Murchison. Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology. Vol. 15, No. 2, August, 1924, 77 pages. Vol. 15, No. 3, November, 1924, 60 pages.

Education for Moral Growth. By Henry Neuman, Ph.D. New York: D. Appleton & Company. 1923, 383 pp.

Prisons and Common Sense. By Thomas Mott Osborne. Philadelphia, J. P. Lippincott Co., 1924. pp. 105. $1.25.

Twenty-five Years of American Education. By I. L. Kandel. New York, The Macmillan Co., 1924. pp. 469.

Elements of Educational Psychology. By Lawrence Augustus Averill. Boston, Houghton Mifflin Company, 1924. pp. 425.

Psychological Principles Applied to Teaching. By William Henry Pyle. Baltimore, Warwick & York, Inc., 1924. pp. 190.

The Education of Handicapped Children. By J. E. Wallace Wallin. Boston, Houghton, Mifflin Co., 1924. pp. 369. $2.25.

Fundamentals of Vocational Psychology. By Charles H. Griffitts. New York, The Macmillan Company, 1924. pp. 372.

Laboratory Studies in Educational Psychology. By Egbert Milton Turner and George Herbert Betts. New York, D. Appleton & Company, 1924. pp. 217.

Mind as Behavior. By Edgar Arthur Singer, Jr. Columbus, R. G. Adams, 1924. pp. 293.

The Child's Mind and the Common Branches. By Daniel Wolford La Rue. New York, The Macmillan Company, 1924. pp. 479.

An Introduction to Philosophy. By G. T. W. Patrick. Boston, Houghton, Mifflin Co., 1924. pp. 463. $2.50.

Principles of Psychology. By J. R. Kantor. New York, Alfred A. Knopf, 1924. pp. 464.

An Intermediale Textbook of Physiological Chemistry with Experiments. By C. J. V. Pettibone, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Physiological Chemistry, Medical School, University of Minnesota. Second edition. C. V. Mosby Co., St. Louis, 1923. pp. 376.  相似文献   


COUPLES IN TREATMENT: TECHNIQUES AND APPROACHES FOR EFFECTIVE PRACTICE (SECOND EDITION). Gerald R. Weeks and Stephen R. Treat. Philadelphia, PA: Brunner-Routledge, 2001, 288 pp. $34.43 (hardback). Reviewed by Kevin P. Lyness.

PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF SEX THERAPY, 3RD EDITION. Edited by Sandra R. Leiblum and Raymond C. Rosen. New York: Guilford Press, 2000, 514 pp., $50.00 (hardback). Reviewed by Kristen Ullstrup.

ADULT ATTACHMENT AND COUPLE PSYCHOTHERAPY: THE ‘SECURE BASE’ IN PRACTICE AND RESEARCH. Edited b) Christopher Clulow. Philadelphia, PA: Brunner-Routledge, 2001, 22t pp., $60.00 (paperback). Reviewed by Zeynep Biringen.

VALUES-SENSITIVE FAMILY THERAPY WITH DR. BILL DOH-ERTY: FAMILY THERAPY WITH THE EXPERTS. Jon Carlson, Diane Kjos, and William J. Doherty. Boston, MA: Allyn &; Bacon, 2001, $68.00 (VHS Videotape), $94.00 (Video with CE Quiz). Reviewed by Zepnep Biringen.  相似文献   

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