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This study examined public offenders' generalized expectancies of control as they relate to length of time in prison and behavior within the institution, in order to demonstrate the usefulness of a multidimensional modification of Rotter's locus of control scale with a prison sample. Inmates (N= 145) serving sentences in a large, state prison responded to three locus of control scales designed to measure separately expectancies of internality, of control by powerful others, and of control by chance forces. It was reasoned that if the separation of control into these three orientations is meaningful, then changes in perceptions of control by powerful others should be particularly relevant to the prison experience. As predicted, scores on the Powerful Others scale were significantly related to length of time in prison and number of times punished by solitary confinement.  相似文献   

Prison inmates have high prevalence rates for both HIV and AIDS, creating a great need for HIV prevention efforts. We tested the theory of planned behavior (TPB) in 3 domains: intention to engage in condom use when released, intention to not share tattoo equipment in prison, and intention to not share needles or tattoo equipment when released. A total of 478 inmates (87% male) completed TPB and sexual and needle‐use risk behavior measures. TPB constructs accounted for a significant variance in intention to use condoms among African American, Hispanic, and Caucasian inmates, though the strength of the relationships differed by ethnicity. The TPB was less successful for intention to share tattooing equipment and not to share needles or tattoo equipment after release.  相似文献   

几十年来,国外学术界对于被监禁人员的自尊问题进行了很多研究,并取得了诸多研究成果。本文对有关已决犯监狱服刑人员的自尊研究进行了简要回顾,对相关研究及其成果进行了简要介绍,对研究的特点、局限进行了总结,并在此基础上尝试提出了未来研究应关注的要点。  相似文献   

Inter- and intra-protocol comparisons among the Rorschachs of three authenticated cases of multiple personality were presented. The original or primary personalities seemed reasonably complex but, as successive personalities emerged, a definite tendency toward simplification was noted. A theoretical explanation for this phenomenon was advanced.  相似文献   

Recent media reports have attempted to shed light on correctional officers who end their careers in disgrace for either having sexual relationships with prisoners or for smuggling contraband into correctional facilities. In this article, I take an autoethnographic approach, reflecting on my seven years as a “guard-researcher” and demonstrate through real-life examples how inmates identify the weak links among prison employees, subtly feel them out, and then untiringly persist in establishing these inappropriate relationships. This article shows how seemingly benign gestures of inmates are actually calculated moves taken to gain leverage and exploit their marks, the weak correctional staff members, who fall for these tricks.  相似文献   

Prison inmates were administered the Holtzman Inkblot Technique (HIT) under conditions of either verbal or nonverbal reinforcement of movement responses. Overall, there were no differences among the verbal, nonverbal, and control groups. Inmates charged with violent crimes were found to give the fewest movement responses. With crime category controlled, more movement responses were given under nonverbal conditions. There were no sex differences for movement responses but testing time increased significantly when administered by the female examiner.  相似文献   

Of 225 male offenders who were administered both the MMPI and a structured diagnostic interview, the Psychiatric Diagnostic Interview (PDI), 51 (25 blacks, 26 whites) earned highly elevated MMPI profiles (at least one clinical scale<T score of 90) and 46 (26 blacks, 20 whites) achieved profiles that were essentially within normal limits (all clinical scales < T score of 70). It was noted that the concordance between the MMPI and the total number of PDI syndromes reported by inmates was significantly greater in the white group (classification accuracy = 96%) relative to the black group (classification accuracy = 71%). However, both the black and white hit rates were found to significantly improved upon chance.  相似文献   


Beck, Samuel J., The Rorschach Experiment, New York, New York; Grune and Stratton, 1960, Pp. 256, $6.50. Reviewed by John Gladfelter

Bohm, Ewald, Psychodiagnostisches Vademecum. Bern and Stuttgart: Verlag Hans Huber, 1960. 177 p. DM 22.80. Reviewed by Hans J. Priester

Hutt, M. L. &; Briskin, G. J. The Clinical Use of the Revised Bender-Gestalt Test. Grune &; Stratton, N.Y., 1960. Pp. 168. Price $5.00. Reviewed by S. Z. Dudek

Kataguchi, Yasufumi, Rorschachiana Japonica, 1960, Volume 3. Tokyo, Japan: Seishin Book Co. Reviewed by Walter G. Klopfer

Rabin, Albert I. and Haworth, Mary R. (Eds.), Projective Techniques with Children, New York: Grune &; Straton, Publisher. 1960, $11.75. Reviewed by Walter G. Klopfer

Ross, Allan O. Practice of Clinical Child Psychology. Grune and Stratton, New York, 1959. Reviewed by Bernice T. Eiduson

Walder, H. Drive Structure and Criminality. Criminobiologic Investigations. C. C. Thomas, Springfield, Ill., 1959, pp. XVII + 174, $7.50. Reviewed by F. Ferracuti

Wylie, Ruth C., The Self Concept. A Critical Survey of Pertinent Research Literature. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1961, pp. xiii and 370, $4.50. Reviewed by Wilson H. Guertin  相似文献   

To investigate the internal validity of Rorschach profile analysis, a repertory grid technique was used, with 47 undergraduate Ss, to assess relationships between four constructs referring to the ‘determinant’ properties of inkblots, and four constructs referring to their supposed psychological concomitants. The grids were analysed by a computer program COIN, which produces a composite grid, indicating the pattern of construct relationships characteristic of the whole sample. Results indicated a common pattern of construct relationships which was significant over and above individual variations. This pattern, however, was not the one claimed by Rorschach and assumed in conventional profile analysis of Rorschach protocols.  相似文献   

The aim of the presented research was to analyze differences in religious strategies of coping with stress in a group of prison inmates characterized by different levels of the sense of quality of life—general, psychophysical, psychosocial, personal, and metaphysical. The participants were 390 males, aged 19–68 years, serving sentences in prisons in Poland. The measures used were the Sense of Quality of Life Questionnaire by M. Stra?-Romanowska and K. I. Pargament’s RCOPE Questionnaire. As expected, individuals with a high sense of quality of life—both general and pertaining to specific dimensions—more often chose positive religious strategies, whereas participants with a low sense of quality of life more often chose negative strategies. The exception was the metaphysical aspect of the quality of life: individuals with a high intensity of this dimension more often chose some of the positive as well as negative religious strategies.  相似文献   


Identity fusion theory suggests that merging groups into one’s personal identity should result in heightened levels of group agency. Research on the self-expansion model complementarily indicates that including others into the self is linked to a greater feeling of self-efficacy. Across three correlational studies, we examined whether personal and group identity fusion is associated with stronger feelings of personal agency, and we propose that relatively stable feelings of clarity of self-concept would mediate this association. Individuals strongly fused with a country (Studies 1–3) and family (Study 2) exhibited greater feelings of agency and goal-adherence, and self-concept clarity emerged as a significant mediator of this association when controlling for group identification measures.  相似文献   

R.N. Ristad  Jr 《Dialog》2008,47(3):292-303
Abstract : This article offers an insightful examination of prison ministry from the inside, from someone who has been involved with this ministry for over forty‐five years. The author discusses four major issues that are particularly costly, both in terms of personal human costs and also financial costs. First, society's misconceptions about prison violence, and the complex, varied ways prisoners experience violence. Second, the false sense of security the current practices of institutionalization create, and the consequences they have on the inmates. Third, the risk factors that can predispose children to ending up in prison, and the lack of care and attention those children often receive. And fourth, the way in which the criminalization of drug abuse has exacerbated many problems with the current prison system. The author concludes his article with some suggestions for reforming the prison system.  相似文献   

社区服刑人员心理健康状况调查   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
刘素珍  朱久伟  樊琪  梅玮 《心理科学》2006,29(6):1452-1455
以探讨社区服刑人员的心理特点为目的,以康健街道社区服刑人员为范围,采用艾森克人格问卷(EPQ)及SCL-90症状自评量表对社区服刑人员的人格、心理健康方面进行调查。结果发现社区服刑人员在总体上虽基本属于正常人群在其人格特征仍与罪犯人群所特有的特点具有少量共性;其心理健康也普遍存在一定问题;同时,证明了社区服刑人员的人格与心理健康有一定的联系,其结果可以在今后的社区心理矫正工作中加以关注和应用。  相似文献   

The experiment examined whether reliable personality differences exist between (a) women who suffer from spasmodic and congestive dysmenorrhea and (b) women who experience dysmenorrhea and women who do not. A sample of 12 congestive dysmenorrhea sufferers, 12 spasmodic dysmenorrhea suffers, and 24 nonsufferers obtained from a larger sample of university women, completed the Menstrual Symptom Questionnaire, Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, Tennessee Self-Concept Scale, and Personality Research Form. Results indicated that congestive sufferers differed from spasmodic sufferers only in their level of impulsivity. However, dysmenorrhea sufferers differed significantly from nonsufferers in that dysmenorrhea sufferers were more similar to a neurotic sample, were depressed, anxious and introverted, and less independent, playful, satisfied with themselves, positive about their physical and social selves than nonsufferers. In spite of these differences, standard scores from the personality measures suggested that dysmenorrhea sufferers were not maladjusted.  相似文献   

To explore the usefulness of various structural Rorschach data in identifying psychiatric inpatients with symptoms of depression, 54 adult inpatients were administered a Rorschach. Results indicated that the Comprehensive System, Rorschach Depression Index did not identify many of these individuals as depressed, but did identify most of the extratensive depressed individuals. Each variable included in the Depression Index and other potential, Rorschach correlations of depression were also investigated. Most of them were found to occur more often among these depressed patients than among nonpatients. Furthermore, adding other variables and using more liberal cutoffs may result in more accurate identification of patients with depressive symptoms.  相似文献   

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