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Separate groups of pigeons learned the same three sets of sample-comparison relations across two phases of conditional discrimination training. For one group, that training consisted of multiple-sample, single-comparison (A-X, B-X) matching-to-sample followed by a second matching task in which two of the original samples were matched to new comparisons (A-Y). For the other group, initial training consisted of single-sample, multiple-comparison (A-X, A-Y) matching-to-sample followed by a second task in which two of the original comparisons were matched to new samples (B-X). Both groups were then tested on the same set of derived sample-comparison relations (B-Y). Transfer to these derived relations was evident following the multiple-sample, single-comparison training sequence but not following the single-sample, multiple-comparison sequence. Apparently, the emergence of new conditional relations in pigeons depends upon the order in which the component conditional discriminations are learned—a result predictable from Hull's (1939) analysis of secondary stimulus generalization.  相似文献   

This study investigated the strength of sensory and cognitive components involved in musical priming. In Experiment 1, the harmonic function of the target chord and the number of pitch classes shared by the prime sequence and the target chord were manipulated. In Experiment 2, the temporal course of sensory and cognitive priming was investigated. For both musician and nonmusician listeners, cognitive priming systematically overruled sensory priming even at fast and very fast tempi (300 ms and 150 ms per chord). Cognitive priming continued to challenge sensory priming processes at extremely fast tempo (75 ms per chord) but only for participants who began the experimental session with slower tempi. This outcome suggests that the cognitive component is a fast-acting component that competes with sensory priming.  相似文献   

对感觉记忆在相同范畴视觉搜索中作用的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该文以三种字母卡片为刺激物,通过两种靶字母搜索实验,探讨了感觉记忆在相同范畴视觉搜索中的作用。实验结果显示,感觉记忆和短时记忆信息都可能利用时的搜索成绩,明显高于限用短时记忆信息时的搜索成绩。这表明,感觉记忆信息可以直接用于相同范畴的视觉搜索。  相似文献   

视觉感觉记忆在字音选取作业中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该研究通过四项实验探讨了视觉感觉记忆(VSM)在字音选取作业中的作用。实验材料为48个汉字。实验结果表明:当被试只能利用短时记忆(STM)中的信息进行选取作业时,能选取的汉字数与转换到STM中的汉字数之间无显著性差异;当被试可以同时利用VSM和STM中的信息时,能选取的汉字数要显著多于转换到STM中的汉字数。这表明,人能根据字音特征从VSM信息中选取字符。  相似文献   

视觉感觉记忆信息在模式识别中的作用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
马振玲  杨仲乐 《心理科学》2004,27(3):624-627
该研究设计了新的实验方法进行了两项全部报告实验和两项抽样模式识别实验,考察视觉感觉记忆(visual sensorymemory,VSM)信息在模式识别中的作用。结果发现,在限定利用短时记忆(shor-term memory,STM)信息的抽样模式识别作业中,识别出的模式与转换到短时记忆的模式在数量上无显著性差别,而在短时记忆和感觉记忆信息都可能利用的识别作业中,虽然转换到短时记忆的模式数量并未增加,但识别出的模式比转换到短时记忆的模式数量增加了1倍(P<0.001)。这表明,未能转换到短时记忆的感觉记忆信息可被直接用于模式识别。  相似文献   

Phonological and visual theories propose different primary deficits as part of the explanation for dyslexia. Both theories were put to test in a sample of Spanish dyslexic readers. Twenty-one dyslexic and 22 typically-developing children matched on chronological age were administered phonological discrimination and awareness tasks and coherent motion perception tasks. No differences were found between groups on the coherent motion tasks, whereas dyslexic readers were impaired relative to controls on phonological discrimination tasks. Gender differences followed the opposite pattern, with no differences on phonological tasks, and dyslexic girls performing significantly worse than dyslexic boys in coherent motion perception. These results point to the importance of phonological deficits related to speech perception in Spanish, and to possible gender differences in the neurobiological bases for dyslexia.  相似文献   

Previous works usually report greater postural stability in precise visual tasks (e.g., gaze‐shift tasks) than in stationary‐gaze tasks. However, existing cognitive models do not fully support these results as they assume that performing an attention‐demanding task while standing would alter postural stability because of the competition of attention between the tasks. Contrary to these cognitive models, attentional resources may increase to create a synergy between visual and postural brain processes to perform precise oculomotor behaviors. To test this hypothesis, we investigated a difficult searching task and a control free‐viewing task. The precise visual task required the 16 young participants to find a target in densely furnished images. The free‐viewing task consisted of looking at similar images without searching anything. As expected, the participants exhibited significantly lower body displacements (linear, angular) and a significantly higher cognitive workload in the precise visual task than in the free‐viewing task. Most important, our exploration showed functional synergies between visual and postural processes in the searching task, that is, significant negative relationships showing lower head and neck displacements to reach more expended zones of fixation. These functional synergies seemed to involve a greater attentional demand because they were not significant anymore when the cognitive workload was controlled (partial correlations). In the free‐viewing task, only significant positive relationships were found and they did not involve any change in cognitive workload. An alternative cognitive model and its potential subtended neuroscientific circuit are proposed to explain the supposedly cognitively grounded functional nature of vision–posture synergies in precise visual tasks.  相似文献   

We studied visual perception and gaze control in nine participants while they judged the relative phase between two oscillating stimuli (Experiment 1), and while they moved their hand--and therewith a concurrent feedback signal--in-phase or in antiphase with an oscillating stimulus (Experiment 2). As in previous studies, the mean relative phase judgements in Experiment 1 corresponded to the presented phase relations (0 degree, 45 degrees, 90 degrees, 135 degrees, and 180 degrees), whereas their standard deviations followed an inverted U-function of relative phase. The relative phase judgements were hardly affected by the degree of visibility (fully visible, inner parts occluded, outer parts occluded) and the amplitude (5 degrees, 10 degrees, and 20 degrees) of the stimuli. Stimulus-gaze coupling decreased as relative phase increased, and its variability correlated with that of the relative phase judgements. Taken together, task performance and gaze behaviour suggested that the judgement of relative phase might be flexibly based on different variables, rather than a single variable like relative direction of motion. In Experiment 2, the production of the antiphase relation was less stable than that of the in-phase relation. Performance deteriorated when the outer parts of the signals were occluded and when their amplitudes were reduced. Stimulus-gaze coupling was stronger during in-phase than during antiphase tracking and weaker when the signals were partially occluded and when their amplitudes were reduced. Stimulus-gaze coupling at 0 degrees and 180 degrees was stronger in Experiment 2 than in Experiment 1, suggesting that the visual perception of relative phase may benefit from its active production. Overall, the results clearly indicated that visual perception of relative phase and the corresponding gaze control are strongly task-dependent.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to determine the effect of iris color on critical flicker frequency (CFF). CFF thresholds were obtained on 56 male subjects between the ages of 18 and 25 divided into three groups on the basis of iris color (blue, green, and brown). The results indicate that iris color is a statistically significant factor in the determination of CFF (p < .05), though it was emphasized that the effect may have been due to the correlation between iris color and other ocular pigmentation. The blue-eyed group received the highest mean CFF and the brown-eyed group the lowest mean CFF with the mean CFF threshold of the green-eyed group falling between these values.  相似文献   

大脑梭状回中部被认为是视觉词形加工区(Visual Word Form Area, VWFA)。近年来的研究对VWFA的功能提出了质疑, 研究者开始关注VWFA作为复杂阅读网络的一部分与其它脑区的动态联结机制, 主要集中在三个方面:一是梭状回中部对于视觉词形选择性敏感的本质; 二是它在词汇阅读的神经网络中的作用; 最后是语言经验对于VWFA认知神经功能的塑造作用。结合以上研究的最新进展, 文中指明从动态神经网络的角度揭示大脑功能成为今后认知神经科学研究的最新取向。  相似文献   

In four experiments, young (18-26 years, M = 21) and elderly (over 65 years, M = 72) people were compared for recognition memory of (a) graphic stimuli (faces of presidents and vice presidents, engineering symbols, and free forms) and (b) everyday odors. On graphic stimuli, the elderly consistently matched the young, but on odors the performance of the elderly was worse. Their poorer olfactory performance was observed after only 26 s, but became truly marked after 1 hr or more. Somewhere between 1 hr and 2 weeks, their odor performance fell to chance, but their graphic performance remained well above chance. Although the young did forget both graphic and odor materials progressively, their performance always stayed above chance over a 6-month period. Experiments 1 and 2 revealed that the elderly are less sensitive to odors than the young (with thresholds about 10-fold higher), which may explain, in part, their poorer olfactory memory performance. Knowledge that the subjects brought to the tasks by way of familiarity with and ability to name odors and faces played a positive role in recognition memory. Because of this positive role, together with the negative role played by verbal distraction, we conclude that odor recognition memory depends, perhaps heavily, on semantic processing. Impaired semantic processing may result even when odors are simply rendered desaturated, or pastel because of the weakening of olfactory sensitivity with aging.  相似文献   

This paper reports a comprehensive quantitative summary into applicant reactions to popular methods of employee selection. A detailed search of published and unpublished studies resulted in a final sample (k) of 38 independent samples covering 10 popular candidate assessment methods. Applicant reactions primary studies included samples from 17 countries internationally. Counter to previous suggestions for the situational specificity of applicant reactions, findings showed considerable similarity supporting the reaction generalizability hypothesis. Reaction favorability was structurally similar across countries and revealed a three‐tier clustering of overall favorability perceptions –most preferred (work samples, interviews), favorably evaluated (resumes, cognitive tests, references, biodata, personality inventories), and least preferred (honesty tests, personal contacts, graphology). Some differences in applicant reactions to dimension‐specific perceptions were found, however. Further analyses revealed strong positive correlations between favorability ratings and their validity and international usage. Implications for future research and ramifications for practice are considered in conclusion.  相似文献   

Cognitive and sensory function are correlated in older adults. Sensory function may provide an index of neurological integrity (common-cause hypothesis). Declining sensory input may also directly impair cognition (direct-cause hypothesis). Accordingly, sensory function should more strongly predict cognitive performance and should account for more age-related variability in tasks with higher sensory demands. In a cross-sectional adult life span sample, visual contrast sensitivity was a better predictor and accounted for more of the age-related variability in high sensory-demand tasks, compared with low sensory-demand tasks, consistent with the direct-cause hypothesis. The results suggest a direct role for sensory function in cognitive aging when task conditions place heavy demands on sensory processing.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of different incentives on skill acquisition and transfer during threat detection in airline luggage screening. The incentives were presented within positive (gains) or negative (losses) frames, and points were given or taken away accordingly during training (with familiar targets) and transfer (to novel targets). During training, incentives exerted a more beneficial effect on skill acquisition than training without incentives. During transfer, incentives benefitted performance largely when presented as losses or penalties. Incentives framed as gains primed participants to say ‘yes’ more often leading to a high ratio of false positives; however, incentives framed as losses lead participants to become more selective in their ‘yes’ responses leading to a lower number of false positives but a comparable probability of correct detections. Interestingly, participants that received no training outperformed participants that received incentive‐based training, suggesting that incentives actually constrained rather than helped transfer of learning in this study. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The independent contributions of structural social support versus functional support to positive affect in older adults were compared in this prospective design. Four social support models were translated from the stress-symptoms literature into promotional models for positive mental health and for relationships to desirable challenge events. A total of 1,031 older adults were interviewed 5 times at 6-month intervals, and events were measured across the middle 18-month period. The 2 support variables made quite different contributions. Functional support was directly related to positive affect 2 years later, independent of events; structural support had more transitory direct effects. Structural support, but not functional support, was related to the subsequent occurrence of challenge events and in turn was strengthened by challenge events, suggesting a dynamic interplay between the social network and desirable events.  相似文献   

The main purposes of this study were (a) to compare the effects of mental imagery combined with physical practise and specific physical practise on the retention and transfer of a closed motor skill in young children; (b) to determine the mental imagery (visual vs. kinesthetic), which is the most efficient for retention and transfer of a closed motor skill; and (c) to verify the relationship between movement image vividness and motor performance. As for the secondary purpose, it was to compare the effects of gender on motor learning. Participants (n = 96) were selected from 3 primary schools. These participants were divided into 6 groups and submitted to different experimental conditions. The experimental task required the participants to throw, with the nondominant hand (left hand), a ball toward a target composed of 3 concentric circles. The results demonstrated that performance obtained by the mental imagery (visual or kinesthetic) combined with physical practise group was, during the retention phase, equivalent to that produced by the specific physical practise group but significantly superior during the transfer of closed motor skill. These results showed the potential benefits of mental imagery as a retention strategy intended for motor skills and performance enhancement. Such results could be explained by the similarity of 3 principal functional evidences shared by mental and physical practise: behavioural, central, and peripheral (as suggested by Holmes & Collins, 2001). (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2008 APA, all rights reserved).  相似文献   

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