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The exponential expansion of the Internet has fundamentally altered the nature of personal selling and sales management. The Internet has also created significant change for sales researchers and proffered a bevy of new means of conducting research. Online panel data collection is one such means that has recently proliferated. Online panel data collection imbues a host of advantages sales researchers may reap. However, there are a proportionate number of disadvantages and concerns with collecting and using this type of data. This article delineates said benefits and drawbacks and also provides a review of recent sales-related examples employing this method of data collection. Furthermore, key considerations in utilizing online panel data are advanced. Importantly, several ways to maximize the benefits and minimize the drawbacks inherent to online panel data are provided. This article aims to provide a resource for sales scholars in optimizing their usage of online panel data.  相似文献   

The dominant research paradigm in sales research involves testing theory through empirical research. Nascent or underdeveloped research areas, however, may lack or have inadequate existing theories to explain sales-related phenomena. In these cases, sales researchers require a theory-generating methodological approach. Qualitative research designs are useful in this pursuit. The purpose of this article is to provide an exposition of one such qualitative research design – grounded theory. To this end, the foundational processes of grounded theory methodology are discussed. The results of a review of grounded theory examinations conducted in sales research are also provided, and current practices utilized by sales grounded theorists are discussed. Based on this review, future directions in substantive areas and methodological practices are provided. This article aims to serve as a resource for sales scholars wishing to know what grounded theory examinations have been conducted, how to implement grounded theory research and what avenues are available for future grounded theory sales research.  相似文献   

Despite theoretical bases that may support nonlinear relationships, there is a relative paucity of studies testing these effects in organisational and behavioural research. Theories hypothesising linear associations among variables in sales research found to have low predictive validity are prime candidates for re-conceptualisation with theories predicting nonlinear relationships. In the sales domain, while nonlinear-oriented theories have been advanced and many nonlinear associations have been explored, myriad additional variables may possess theoretically-based nonlinear relationships with key sales-related outcomes. Further, nonlinear integration can be useful in improving linear analyses involving moderation. The purpose of this article is to expound upon and promote the utilisation of theoretically-driven nonlinear analyses in sales research. In this pursuit, the article delineates the rationale for nonlinear examinations and provides an extensive review of nonlinear research conducted in the extant sales literature. Based on this review, theoretical bases used to support nonlinear hypotheses are advanced and types of polynomial tests are identified. Additionally, guidelines in conducting and interpreting main effect and moderated polynomial analyses are provided along with future research opportunities for nonlinear analyses in sales research.  相似文献   

Marte Meo is a video‐based counselling method founded by Maria Aarts in the Netherlands and now in worldwide use (Aarts, Aarts Production, 2008). Marte Meo has been adopted and put into practice by a large and diverse network of trained and certified counsellors across the world. It was invented, developed and spread by a vanguard of practising counsellors who have adapted it to a variety of contexts. This is a classic example of research and theory emerging from and following practice; we first need to synthesise the lessons the practitioners and families have learned. We need to better understand how it is implemented; how it is viewed by its practitioners and recipients; and the extent to which variability in implementation may be an asset or a drawback in the continuing evolution of the programme, and in any eventual attempt to document its effects. Therefore, the present article aimed to address this important and hitherto unexplored research topic of the Marte Meo method in counselling and to describe the current state of use of Marte Meo. How is Marte Meo used and applied in a counselling and therapeutic context? Who uses Marte Meo in professional practice? Which function and which meaning does Marte Meo have in general practice and especially in counselling and therapy? What are typical concerns, goals or areas of application? We report on an ongoing mixed methods research project which began in 2015. This paper focuses on the research methods. We will explain why an integrated exploratory sequential design (Cresswell, 2017) is best suited to our purposes. The exploratory sequential design of the Marte Meo project has five phases: as the first phase, we conducted a systematic literature review, analysing the status of existing research. The staged qualitative research consisted of designing, conducting and analysing semi‐structured interviews with parents and Marte Meo counsellors (phase 2), and then using that analysis to inform the design, the conduct and the analysis of videotaped observations of everyday situations in day‐care centres to examine the process and effects of Marte Meo interaction elements on children (phase 3). Combining these qualitative analyses then became the basis for the development of an online questionnaire that could enable us to collect quantitative data on the current use of Marte Meo in practice by experts (phase 4). This builds into the fifth phase in the final interpretation. One of the key findings of the qualitative parts is that Marte Meo is perceived as advantageous. The experts reported more joy and success in their work. In particular, in the pedagogical context, the daily, resource‐oriented ‘Marte Meo view’, which was sharpened by the training, seems to be essential, as it enables an awareness of the needs of the interaction partners and the beneficial interaction elements. Moreover, for some interviewees the use of Marte Meo does not seem to be limited to professional practice, but is expressed in a general humanistic attitude towards interpersonal relationships of all kinds. The quantitative survey has confirmed and supplemented these results. On the other hand, we found that Marte Meo is most often used in addition to the systemic approach. A later article will focus more on the findings. This article will conclude with a discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of the research design—concerning this special research project and concerning counselling research in general.  相似文献   


International research collaboration and co-authorship among scholars is always encouraged, yet it comes with its share of difficulties. While globalization brings its own challenges in sales, this special issue focuses on the challenges of fostering international collaboration in sales research. Such perspective is important in today’s academic context for three main reasons. First, international collaboration in research forces scholars to take an international perspective on research problems and thus consider fields of study that may transcend cultural boundaries. Second, with international research collaboration indubitably comes broader exchanges of ideas. Having a breadth of perspectives is at the very essence of scholastic work. Third, international research collaborations can drive intellectual communities to embrace important global challenges confronting modern sales organizations.  相似文献   

The construct of motivation is one of the central themes in selling and sales management research. Yet, to-date no review article exists that surveys the construct (both from an extrinsic and intrinsic motivation context), critically evaluates its current status, examines various key challenges apparent from the extant research, and suggests new research opportunities based on a thorough review of past work. The authors explore how motivation is defined, major theories underpinning motivation, how motivation has historically been measured, and key methodologies used over time. In addition, attention is given to principal drivers and outcomes of salesperson motivation. A summarizing appendix of key articles in salesperson motivation is provided.  相似文献   

This article analyzes empirical research in which the sales manager is the unit of analysis to determine what knowledge has been generated by sales scholars about sales managers and sales management practice. It examines what we have learned from sales managers about their jobs and themselves with particular emphasis on the managerial relevance of the work. While the sales literature is vast and despite the importance of sales managers being widely recognized and accepted, an extensive search of the sales literature identified only 163 articles in which the sales manager was the focus of empirical research about what they do. To help better understand what has been discovered, these articles are examined and categorized according to the main focus of each article's research. The results show that with respect to sales managers, our knowledge is limited and substantial opportunities exist for additional research to expand our understanding of the nature, roles, and impact of sales managers as well as providing usable advice for the practice of sales management.  相似文献   

Sales researchers are increasingly adopting a multilevel-multisource (MLMS) approach to answer many key questions involving sales managers, salespeople and customers. MLMS research involves the acquisition and analysis of data collected from two or more sources pertaining to multiple hierarchical levels and presents a number of opportunities and challenges for sales researchers to consider. The authors highlight the benefits and the drawbacks of MLMS research and describe various approaches for implementing an MLMS collection and analysis. Additionally, a review of the MLMS studies conducted in the sales domain is provided which summarizes and delineates relationships tested in the extant literature. Based on this review, the authors advance a number of underdeveloped areas of research where MLMS approaches can be applied to further the understanding of the dynamic conditions that typify sales research.  相似文献   

This grounded theory (GT) study is part of an extensive mixed methods research project to develop general principles for counselling. Nine hundred counselling protocols were examined. The material is characterised by a quantitative amount of data with a qualitative character. The research is based on the systemic-constructivist research paradigm. The variety of perspectives is an important aspect of the work. Therefore, it is important that the entire research process with GT takes place in exchange with other research settings in order to minimise the limitations caused by the perspective of the researchers. During the research process, there was an intensive examination of GT in order to adapt it to the research project. By using the GT to analyse the extensive qualitative material, the actions of the counsellors were observed and 10 counselling principles were developed. This article presents the research process and the findings.  相似文献   

Within the contemporary business milieu, the discipline of selling and sales management has taken on a more prominent role in recent years. Myriad factors have contributed to the rise of interest in sales including globalization, technology, more sophisticated analytical approaches and new opportunities for co-creation of value between organizations and their customers. Over the past three decades, seven faculty consortia in sales have served as milestones to document the progress of the field, particularly the evolution of academic research. This article provides key takeaways from the most recent American Marketing Association (AMA) Faculty Consortium in Selling and Sales Management, which had the overarching goal of fostering new opportunities for building intercontinental research teams to effectively address the substantive issues for the future of the field.  相似文献   

Meta-analytic inquiries enable researchers to synthesize empirical findings obtained over the evolution of a topic area and identify boundary conditions affecting the associations of key variables. Sales researchers can employ meta-analytic techniques to amalgamate empirical work conducted in a given topic area, and several sales researchers have effectively used meta-analyses to advance our understanding of the field. This article provides an exposition of this research design by analyzing its application in sales research. The authors review the meta-analytic studies in sales research and advance key considerations in topical foci, article selection, data coding and evaluation, and analytic approaches. An empirical example is provided to illustrate the power of meta-analysis in substantiating or refuting findings that diverge from accumulated insight in sales research. Results provide support for a positive effort–job satisfaction association in contrast to findings evidencing a negative association between these variables. A second empirical example is used to evaluate the nomological and discriminant validity of two related constructs: job involvement and organizational commitment. Results suggest that these two constructs may be empirically redundant. The authors also provide guidance for the future in regard to new substantive research areas, construct assessment, and additional types of meta-analytic approaches.  相似文献   

Over the last several years, there has been increasing interest in a new sales training approach – referred to as the Challenger Sales model – to engage customers. This approach, focusing on purposefully generating tension with customers to spark new ways of thinking, has gained traction among leading sales organizations. Although generating tension with customers has received a great deal of interest, researchers have yet to complete a systematic, in-depth examination of the Challenger model. The purpose of this article is to provide a much needed comprehensive review and critique of the approach. By conducting both an empirical and conceptual review of the framework, we offer insight into its novelty, merits and weaknesses.  相似文献   

Sales organizations continue to exhibit meaningful changes in their structures during the e-commerce era. This article examines the impact of Internet technology on the evolution of sales organizations and identifies key components underpinning a successful hybrid sales structure. A comprehensive review of sales organization studies leads to the derivation of a hybrid sales structure model, as well as a series of key recommendations pertaining to the organization and sales performance. These findings establish a platform for further research into the hybrid sales structure. The transition from a reliance on traditional, outside sales forces to a concomitant use of inside sales personnel produces hybrid sales structures that can accommodate online buyer–seller interactions and also leverage technological advances in sales automation and business intelligence to boost sales performance.  相似文献   

The skills required of sales managers are vitally important to the success of the firm's selling effort; however, there has not been a recent review that identifies these needed skills. Based on a survey of sales executives from 145 companies, this research develops a taxonomy of key sales management skills. The perceived importance of these skills is reported based on the level of management, gender and the performance level of the firm. In addition to identifying the relative importance of the various sales management skills, they were found to group into three conceptual dimensions relating to interpersonal, technical and strategic skills. The results also indicate that significant differences in the perceived level of skill importance exist based on level of management, years managing salespeople, gender and on three dimensions of the respondent's firm performance.  相似文献   

In the last half-century, significant advances have been made in directing sales force behavior with the use of optimization and decision models. The present paper both presents the current state-of-the art in sales force decision modeling, and also discusses key issues and trends in contemporary modeling of relevance to sales force researchers. The paper begins by exploring critical concepts regarding the estimation of the sales response function, and then discusses critical problems of endogeneity, heterogeneity, and temporal variation that are faced by modelers in this task. Modern approaches to dealing with these issues are presented. We then discuss areas of importance concerning finding model solutions, including closed form versus simulation, and optimization versus heuristic solutions. The paper next moves to areas of practical importance where models can help, including call planning, sales force size, territory allocation, and compensation design. Finally, we discuss trends that will likely impact on sales force modeling in coming years, including the use of big data and data mining, the possible breakdown of rationality, the rise of the Internet and social media, and the potential of agent-based modeling.  相似文献   

Salespeople frequently attempt to build credibility on their first encounter with a customer. Because customers actively evaluate persuasive messages, it is important to understand their reactions to credibility-building tactics and how these reactions shape the sales interaction. Accordingly, this study investigates customers' reactions to two types of credibility-building statements – benevolence and expertise – using a multistep qualitative analysis of sales transactions in the life insurance industry, along with surveys before and after the sales encounter. Empirical results show that customers are more likely to react positively to credibility-building statements that match their buying style expectations. Furthermore, when customers react positively to a credibility-building tactic, salespeople are more likely to continue using that tactic when addressing customer objections. However, whereas benevolence tactics for addressing customer objections lead to stronger relational outcomes, the findings indicate that expertise tactics do not. Thus, matching sales tactics with customers' buying style expectations is beneficial in the early stages of the sales encounter, but customer objections are best addressed with benevolence tactics, regardless of customers' buying style.  相似文献   

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