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This study aimed to evaluate the impact of individual differences in working memory capacity on number transcoding. A recently proposed model, ADAPT (a developmental asemantic procedural transcoding model), accounts for the development of number transcoding from verbal form to Arabic form by two mechanisms: the learning of new production rules that enlarge the range of numbers a child can transcode and the increase of the mental lexicon. The working memory capacity of 7-year-olds was evaluated along with their ability to transcode one- to four-digit numbers. As ADAPT predicts, the rate of transcoding errors increased when more production rules were required and when children had low working memory capacity, with these two factors interacting. Moreover, qualitative analysis of the errors produced by high- and low-span children showed that the latter have a developmental delay in the acquisition of the production rules.  相似文献   

Transcoding Arabic numbers from and into verbal number words is one of the most basic number processing tasks commonly used to index the verbal representation of numbers. The inversion property, which is an important feature of some number word systems (e.g., German einundzwanzig [one and twenty]), might represent a major difficulty in transcoding and a challenge to current transcoding models. The mastery of inversion, and of transcoding in general, might be related to nonnumerical factors such as working memory resources given that different elements and their sequence need to be memorized and manipulated. In this study, transcoding skills and different working memory components in Austrian (German-speaking) 7-year-olds were assessed. We observed that inversion poses a major problem in transcoding for German-speaking children. In addition, different components of working memory skills were differentially correlated with particular transcoding error types. We discuss how current transcoding models could account for these results and how they might need to be adapted to accommodate inversion properties and their relation to different working memory components.  相似文献   

Evidence indicates that serious and persistent delinquency and the frequent use of illicit drugs emerge from common etiological roots. This suggests that treatment efforts which target risk factors of adolescent drug use and crime may be effective in preventing subsequent antisocial behavior. This paper describes Project ADAPT, a treatment program for juvenile delinquents based on the Social Development Model, which integrates this knowledge of risk factors. Project ADAPT is a 3 1/2-year demonstration project which combines behavioral skill training, supportive network development, and involvement in prosocial activities to facilitate the community reentry of youths following placement in a Washington state correctional facility.  相似文献   

This study examines the transcoding of word structures in the spoken linguistic sign system into the corresponding patterns of the written linguistic sign system and vice versa. Of a group of aphasic patients including some who had impairments of auditory word comprehension, of visual word comprehension, or of both, it is shown that the frequency of successful transcoding was extremely high, approximately 85%. This success is due to transcoding processes on the phoneme-grapheme level rather than on the semantic level of language. A small group of patients who failed the auditory-visual matching tests provide evidence of a separate transcoding deficit.  相似文献   

Transcoding between numerical systems is one of the most basic abilities acquired by children during their early school years. One important topic that requires further exploration is how mathematics proficiency can affect number transcoding. The aim of the current study was to investigate transcoding abilities (i.e., reading Arabic numerals and writing dictation) in Brazilian children with and without mathematics difficulties, focusing on different school grades. We observed that children with learning difficulties in mathematics demonstrated lower achievement in number transcoding in both early and middle elementary school. In early elementary school, difficulties were observed in both the basic numerical lexicon and the management of numerical syntax. In middle elementary school, difficulties appeared mainly in the transcoding of more complex numbers. An error analysis revealed that the children with mathematics difficulties struggled mainly with the acquisition of transcoding rules. Although we confirmed the previous evidence on the impact of working memory capacity on number transcoding, we found that it did not fully account for the observed group differences. The results are discussed in the context of a maturational lag in number transcoding ability in children with mathematics difficulties.  相似文献   

The ability of an aphasic subject with agrammatism in both comprehension and production to transcribe quantities from Roman numerals to Arabic and the reverse was investigated. Systematic errors in the transcoding processes were observed that could not be accounted for by the peculiarities of the two ideographic coding systems or by difficulties with direct transcoding rules. The results are discussed in the framework of the current debate on preserved/impaired hierarchical syntactical knowledge of agrammatic subjects. The findings paralleled the results of previous studies on the transcoding skills of agrammatics from/to alphabetic numerals to/from digital forms. In the case of this particular patient, it is therefore tentatively concluded in favor of preserved syntactical knowledge.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the ongoing debate in the JAP to do with archetype theory and supports an emergent/developmental model which sees archetypal imagery as an emergent phenomenon arising out of neural bio-structures laid down in early infant life as a result of developmental experience. This model is supported by the current findings of those developmental biologists who adhere to Developmental Systems Theory. The themes of Developmental Systems Theory are examined and corroborative parallels are drawn with the model. A number of implications follows: the model has substantial explanatory power and leads to a new perspective on innatism; it implies an archetype-environment nexus; it collapses the nature-nurture debate in relation to archetype theory; it collapses the 'sacred heritage' approach to archetypes and it removes the conceptual division between the collective and personal unconscious. This developmental/emergent perspective is then applied to the shaman archetype, using ethnographic records of the Sakha (Yakut) Siberian tribe. The material supports the hypothesis that the shamanic complex is laid down in early infancy by a combination of events which cause emotional ruptures in the mother-infant dyad. Siberian shamanism is then understood to arise out of developmental experience and not from the constellation of an autochthonous archetype.  相似文献   

The main purpose of the present study is to prove that the mechanism of transcoding, that is, of transposition of certain units of a sign system into the corresponding ones of another sign system, is an independent mechanism. We attempted to demonstrate this thesis with reference to certain transcoding processes within the verbal function of writing to dictation, in particular, by examining the agraphic disturbances in aphasics on this form of writing. We found that this type of agraphia in patients with an intact input stage (i.e., intact auditory and visual word perception) but with a blocked shift from the phonetic to the graphemic level (even in cases with intact auditory and visual word perception), or in those with a blocked shift to the grapho-motor one (even in cases with intact copying), is due to disturbed mechanisms of transcoding. The fact that in patients with pure writing-to-dictation disability copied writing is not disturbed proves that the transcoding process is selectively blocked. Transcoding processes in copying and total agraphia are discussed by comparison.  相似文献   

In a previous study the Additive Daily Activities Profile Test (ADAPT) correlated .83 with maximum oxygen consumption among pulmonary rehabilitation patients. The present study expanded the pulmonary population base and compared the ADAPT scores of 41 patients at two independent centers with a more readily available parameter, the forced expiratory volume in the first second of forced exhalation (FEV1). The relationships between the two major ADAPT subscales and FEV1 were significant but lower in magnitude than that found with maximum oxygen consumption. The ADAPT continues to be sensitive to physical impairment and in translating the effect of impairment upon daily physical activity.  相似文献   

Personal narratives are integral to autobiographical memory and to identity, with coherent personal narratives being linked to positive developmental outcomes across the lifespan. In this article, we review the theoretical and empirical literature that sets the stage for a new lifespan model of personal narrative coherence. This new model integrates context, chronology, and theme as essential dimensions of personal narrative coherence, each of which relies upon different developmental achievements and has a different developmental trajectory across the lifespan. A multidimensional method of coding narrative coherence (the Narrative Coherence Coding Scheme or NaCCS) was derived from the model and is described here. The utility of this approach is demonstrated by its application to 498 narratives that were collected in six laboratories from participants ranging in age from 3 years to adulthood. The value of the model is illustrated further by a discussion of its potential to guide future research on the developmental foundations of narrative coherence and on the benefits of personal narrative coherence for different aspects of psychological functioning.  相似文献   

The developmental narrative model (DNM) to supervision introduces a creative postmodern supervision approach designed to increase counselor-in-training competency through counselor awareness, the use of storying, and a commitment to social advocacy. This collaborative supervision model pulls from narrative therapy and incorporates the developmental needs of counselors-in-training through the integrated developmental model. The purpose of this article is threefold: (a) review the major tenets of DNM supervision, (b) present the supervisors’ role within the approach, and (c) identify strengths and limitations of the DNM model in action.  相似文献   

Our study focused on number transcoding in children. It investigated how 9-year-olds with and without arithmetical disabilities wrote Arabic digits after they had heard them as number words. Planning time before writing each digit was registered. Analyses revealed that the two groups differed not only in arithmetical abilities but also in verbal and reading abilities. Children with arithmetical disabilities were overall slower in planning Arabic digits than were control children with normal arithmetical abilities. In addition, they showed a number size effect for numbers smaller than 10, suggesting a semantically mediated route in number processing. Control children did not need more planning time for large numbers (e.g., 8) than for small numbers (e.g., 3), suggesting a direct nonsemantic route. For both two- and three-digit numbers, both groups of children showed a number size effect, although the effect was smaller each time for control children. The presence of the stronger number size effect for children with arithmetical disabilities was seen as a delay in the development of quick and direct transcoding. The relation between transcoding problems and arithmetical disabilities is discussed. A defect in the linking of numerical symbols to analog numerical representations is proposed as an explanation for the transcoding problems found in some children.  相似文献   

In my discussion of papers by Trevarthen, Ammaniti & Trentini, and Gallese, I situate their work within an emerging paradigm of intersubjectivity. This new model finds philosophic grounding in the work of the phenomenologists (Husserl, Merleau-Ponty, Nancy) as it draws from the multiple sources that come together to comprise the new field of cognitive and affective neurosciences. These papers hold the potential to make relational psychoanalysis more relational by providing new foundations for rethinking the biological, developmental and clinical. What emerges is an intersubjective theory based in motor action and perception that serves as the embodied basis for human culture and community, a shared “we” space of basic human affinity. I extend this conception into the analytic setting with a brief introduction to enactive participation in clinical process.  相似文献   

Lange M 《Brain and language》2002,81(1-3):610-620
One general issue in the domain of visual word recognition is to delineate the nature of readers' knowledge of the print-sound mapping. A more specific question is to determine whether multiple grapheme-phoneme associations are available and activated during the phonological transcoding of a letter string. Evidence for the activation of irregular associations during print-to-sound transcoding, independently from lexical influences, was assessed in a letter detection task by examining performance on target-absent pseudowords. We contrasted two types of pseudowords that could be considered homophone with a real word by application of either grapheme-phoneme correspondence rules or of multiple phonemic activation. Performance on both types of homophones was compared to nonhomophone control pseudowords, strictly equivalent in terms of orthographic similarity to the base words. The finding of a homophony disadvantage for the homophones by multiple activation was interpreted as evidence for multiple phonemic activation in the print-to-sound conversion system.  相似文献   

This commentary highlights conceptual themes in the opening section of this special issue on military families in relation to a new synthesis of developmental systems theory that emerged from developmental, ecological, and family systems theory, as well as developmental psychopathology and risk/resilience frameworks. Articles in this special issue draw on these concepts to characterize and guide the burgeoning research on military families. This perspective emphasizes that multiple dynamic systems interact across levels to shape individual development, as well as the function of families and military units. Developmental timing is important for understanding how challenges of military life may impact individuals and families. Cascade effects are noted, where stress experienced by one family or service member can influence the function of other individuals or larger systems. Capacity for resilience is distributed across systems, including families and cultures, as well as resources or supports provided by military organizations to foster adaptive responses or recovery. These systems include schools and educational programs that play key roles in fostering and supporting resilience for children. Overall, developmental system concepts have considerable utility for guiding research with military families, particularly in regard to promoting resilience. Moreover, lessons learned from military families and programs may have much broader implications for many other nonmilitary children, families, and organizations that share similar goals and challenges.  相似文献   

This article proposes an evolutionary model of risky behavior in adolescence and contrasts it with the prevailing developmental psychopathology model. The evolutionary model contends that understanding the evolutionary functions of adolescence is critical to explaining why adolescents engage in risky behavior and that successful intervention depends on working with, instead of against, adolescent goals and motivations. The current article articulates 5 key evolutionary insights into risky adolescent behavior: (a) The adolescent transition is an inflection point in development of social status and reproductive trajectories; (b) interventions need to address the adaptive functions of risky and aggressive behaviors like bullying; (c) risky adolescent behavior adaptively calibrates over development to match both harsh and unpredictable environmental conditions; (d) understanding evolved sex differences is critical for understanding the psychology of risky behavior; and (e) mismatches between current and past environments can dysregulate adolescent behavior, as demonstrated by age-segregated social groupings. The evolutionary model has broad implications for designing interventions for high-risk youth and suggests new directions for research that have not been forthcoming from other perspectives.  相似文献   

Traditional spelling theory and practice are contrasted with the instructional implications derived from recent research in developmental spelling. After a brief historical explication of previous views of spelling, the nature of the developmental spelling continuum is described. Then, the common instructional concerns of word selection, yearly and weekly routines, and organizing to meet the needs of poor spellers are considered against the developmental backdrop. This paper hinges on the premise that the last fifteen years of spelling research have irrevocably set us on a new path in our understanding of spelling development. Consequently new understandings about instruction are not only timely, but necessary.  相似文献   

This article analyzes functionalist and normative assumptions about marriage, divorce, family, and gender in developmental models of family life cycle. An interdisciplinary review of the literature in family development, family sociology, and family therapy reveals how a deficit comparison model implicitly informs the discourse in the study of single-parent families, women who are alone, and the adjustment of women and children to divorce. A feminist critique of family life cycle as the prevailing conceptual model in family development and therapy is presented, and postmodern definitions that deconstruct the concept of family are discussed. Future perspectives for research on family life and form are considered in terms of new action theory that considers divorce as a mode of resistance and change for women and families.  相似文献   

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