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认知与决策领域的中国研究现况分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
由于决策科学对于社会经济建设有着直接的意义,所以一直是诸多学科的研究焦点。中国在认知与决策领域经过二十几年的积累,在相当广泛的课题上进行了研究也取得了不小的成就。该文对近年来国内决策科学的研究进行了初步的归纳和总结,其特点为:(1)研究主题广泛;(2)与国际前沿课题保持了高度的一致但仍然缺乏系统性。(3)结合实践课题进行了有益的探讨。同时,该文也尝试对该领域未来发展的趋势进行了分析,目的是抛砖引玉,更好地促进中国决策科学领域的发展。  相似文献   

西方心理学自我同一性概念的解析   总被引:26,自引:1,他引:26  
我同一性作为西方心理学中一个重要的概念,广泛地应用于发展心理学、人格心理学、社会心理学、咨询心理学、教育心理学和文化心理学。但由于自我同一性概念内涵的丰富与复杂以及研究者理论框架的不同,使自我同一性的概念缺乏明确统一的定义,从而影响了同一性概念的理论功能。本文分析了埃里克森自我同一性概念的奠基、自我同一性概念的实证研究以及自我同一性概念发展的新趋向,透视了西方心理学自我同一性概念不同层面和不同维度上的含义。最后,提出了整合自我同一性概念应关注的范畴以及自我同一性概念的理解。  相似文献   

Conceptual system as a cognitive-developmental variable in personality has been assumed to relate to different cognitions of self and others and of interpersonal relations at each developmental stage. The assumed relationship between conceptual system and some personality variables was studied in a group of students (N = 85). The “This-I-Believe” test (TIB) [Harvey, O. J. System structure, adaptability and creativity. In O. J. Harvey (Ed.), Experience, structure, and adaptability. New York: Springer, 1966.] for assessing the developmental stage of the conceptual system was administered together with personality scales for traits assumed important in socialization. A modified TIB scoring procedure was used. Highly significant differences in personality were obtained by a MANOVA, using conceptual system for classification. One dimension accounted for discrimination. Measures assumed to relate to sensitivity for and conformity to a social environment contributed most to the discrimination.  相似文献   

We review the major phenomena of skilled typing and propose a model for the control of the hands and fingers during typing. The model is based upon an Activation-Trigger-Schema system in which a hierarchical structure of schemata directs the selection of the letters to be typed and, then, controls the hand and finger movements by a cooperative, relaxation algorithm. The interactions of the patterns of activation and inhibition among the schemata determine the temporal ordering for launching the keystrokes. To account for the phenomena of doubling errors, the model has only “type” schemata—no “token” schemata—with only a weak binding between the special schema that signals a doubling, and its argument. The model exists as a working computer simulation and produces an output display of the hands and fingers moving over the keyboard. It reproduces some of the major phenomena of typing, including the interkeystroke interval times, the pattern of transposition errors found in skilled typists, and doubling errors. Although the model is clearly inadequate or wrong in some of its features and assumptions, it serves as a useful first approximation for the understanding of skilled typing.  相似文献   


Much attention has been given to determining whether an adolescent patient has the capacity to consent to research. This study explores the factors that influence adolescents' decisions to participate in a research study about youth violence and to determine positive or negative feelings elicited by being a research subject. The majority of subjects perceived their decision to participate to be free of coercion, and few felt badly about having participated. However, adolescents who were alone in the room during the assent process were more likely to report that they chose freely to be a research subject. This study may influence the ways physicians communicate with adolescent patients around research assent within a clinical care environment.  相似文献   

《易经》与中国文化心理学   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
申荷永  高岚 《心理学报》2000,32(3):348-352
在我们中国的文化传统中,《易经》素有“众经之首”和“大道之源”的称誉。当代心理学史家把中国看作是心理学的第一个故乡,中国传统文化中包容着丰富的心理学思想和独特的心理学体系。对此,作者以《易经》为基础,通过易经中所使用的“心”字,易传中所发挥的“心”的意义,和《易经》卦象中所表达的心理的象征性等几个方面,阐述了《易经》中所包含的“中国文化心理学”,以及这种中国文化心理学对于当代西方心理学思想的影响。  相似文献   

社会建构主义心理学:“反实在论”还是“实在论”?   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
“反实在论”与“实在论”之争是当前有关社会建构主义心理学争论的核心。批判者指责社会建构主义心理学是“反实在论”,社会建构主义者则竭力澄清自己的“实在论”立场。该文认为:社会建构主义是一个芜杂的思想体系,任何一种简单的结论都难免失之武断,妨碍对它进一步的认识和理解;把握社会建构主义关键在于对“现实”的理解,社会建构主义的“现实”是统一了主客体的生活的现实,它对主客关系的超越对现代心理学具有重要的方法论意义;对于实在论者,了解实在论特有的问题和局限性,有助于更加理性地认识和参与这场争论。  相似文献   

The specific impairment of performance on repetition tasks has classically been identified with conduction aphasia. It is argued that this impairment can be subdivided and a deficit in span performance distinguished from that of the reproduction of single words. An explanation of the span deficit in terms of auditory-verbal short-term memory is preferred to hypotheses involving disconnections or damage to order retention systems. It is shown that a short-term memory component is present in many patients previously classified as conduction aphasics.  相似文献   

This paper addresses B. F. Skinner's utopian vision for enhancing social justice and human well-being in his 1948 novel, Walden Two. In the first part, we situate the book in its historical, intellectual, and social context of the utopian genre, address critiques of the book's premises and practices, and discuss the fate of intentional communities patterned on the book. The central point here is that Skinner's utopian vision was not any of Walden Two's practices, except one: the use of empirical methods to search for and discover practices that worked. In the second part, we describe practices in Skinner's book that advance social justice and human well-being under the themes of health, wealth, and wisdom, and then show how the subsequent literature in applied behavior analysis supports Skinner's prescience. Applied behavior analysis is a measure of the success of Skinner's utopian vision: to experiment.  相似文献   

To understand the neural basis of human speech control, extensive research has been done using a variety of methodologies in a range of experimental models. Nevertheless, several critical questions about learned vocal motor control still remain open. One of them is the mechanism(s) by which neurotransmitters, such as dopamine, modulate speech and song production. In this review, we bring together the two fields of investigations of dopamine action on voice control in humans and songbirds, who share similar behavioral and neural mechanisms for speech and song production. While human studies investigating the role of dopamine in speech control are limited to reports in neurological patients, research on dopaminergic modulation of bird song control has recently expanded our views on how this system might be organized. We discuss the parallels between bird song and human speech from the perspective of dopaminergic control as well as outline important differences between these species.  相似文献   

Behavior modification has been applied widely in educational settings encompassing a wide range of student populations, ages, and areas of focus. Major contributions of behavior modification include development and evaluation of a large number of techniques with extensive classroom research. As a direct consequence of technique development, behavior modification has provided teachers with a selection of classroom practices and information regarding their use. Despite the widespread application of behavioral principles in education, several limitations can be identified including the responses that are altered, the emphasis on response consequences, the focus on child performance rather than behaviors of teachers and others, and the lack of maintenance of improvements evident in many programs. Although limitations can be identified within the field, remarkable advances have been made in identifying educational practices that can improve student and teacher behavior. A major limitation in applying behavior modification to education pertains to dissemination and extension of existing techniques to a large number of settings likely to profit their use. The present paper considers various contributions and limitations of contemporary behavior modification and suggests areas for expansion to augment the progress that has been made.  相似文献   

The search for the neural substrates mediating the incremental acquisition of skilled motor behaviors has been the focus of a large body of animal and human studies in the past decade. Much less is known, however, with regard to the dynamic neural changes that occur in the motor system during the different phases of learning. In this paper, we review recent findings, mainly from our own work using fMRI, which suggest that: (i) the learning of sequential finger movements produces a slowly evolving reorganization within primary motor cortex (M1) over the course of weeks and (ii) this change in M1 follows more dynamic, rapid changes in the cerebellum, striatum, and other motor-related cortical areas over the course of days. We also briefly review neurophysiological and psychophysical evidence for the consolidation of motor skills, and we propose a working hypothesis of its underlying neural substrate in motor sequence learning.  相似文献   

原型理论视野中的亲社会行为研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
亲社会行为是伦理学、心理学、社会学等学科研究的中心议题之一。学界对于什么是亲社会行为、如何对亲社会行为实施测评等一系列问题依然没有达成统一的认识。该文从概念原型理论视角出发,分析了将原型理论纳入青少年亲社会行为研究的可行性,利用原型理论探讨了青少年对亲社会行为的概念表征问题,并提出根据青少年的亲社会行为的概念结构,建构亲社会行为测评体系。  相似文献   

抑郁症的药物治疗是一个长期的过程,因此治疗依从性极其重要,然而,因疾病特点、药物、医患等多方面原因,导致治疗依从性较差,如何提高治疗依从性成为备受关注的问题。国内外相关研究较多,其中系统规范的随诊模式,抑郁症及药物知识的教育,心理治疗及对家庭成员相关知识的教育干预等均被证实确实有效。本文就各种干预方法进行探讨,以期确立系统规范的随诊、治疗体系,提高治疗依从性。  相似文献   

It has been suggested that intermittent reinforcement may be of value in reducing the rate of relapse in bedwetting conditioning therapy. An experiment was conducted with 30 enuretic boys to examine acquisition and extinction parameters of continuous (100%), intermittent (70% variable ratio), and “placebo” (0%) reinforcement schedules. Reinforced trials were administered as in the typical Mowrer conditioning procedure. Non-reinforced trials were achieved by means of a time delay with the subsequent alarm being activated in the parent's room rather than in the child's room. These procedures required the development of a new conditioning device which could be programmed to automatically administer the desired schedule of reinforcement. The results of the field investigation revealed that continuous reinforcement (CR) and intermittent reinforcement (IR) groups attained acquisition in approximately the same number of trials and with essentially the same success rate. Relapse rate was significantly greater in the CR group than in the IR group. The placebo group showed no improvement over the 6 weeks of treatment. The results of this study may be interpreted as supporting the tenet that relapse can be viewed and treated as an extinction of the acquired response.  相似文献   

The lack of nonverbal reading comprehension in the clinical disconnection syndrome, alexia without agraphia, has been contradictory to the relative reading comprehension of the right hemisphere in split brains. We report a 39-year-old patient with verbal alexia without agraphia caused by brain tumor. On rapid tachistoscopic presentation of object names, he denied seeing anything but showed nonverbal reading comprehension by pointing to the corresponding objects. He lost this ability when he recovered ability to name individual letters of the object names. Our results suggest that even partial verbal reading such as the naming of single letters makes demonstration of iconic reading impossible and that total functional disconnection from verbalization, as initially noted in this case or in split brain studies, is necessary to show nonverbal reading comprehension.  相似文献   

The ease with which we process the written word belies its complexities and makes it easy to forget that it is a highly skilled behaviour and one that takes time to master. In this paper, I argue that our ability to read words has its roots in our capacity for language. Good progress has been made towards understanding how children discover the systematic relationship between speech sounds and the letters used to represents those sounds, very early in reading development. However, we understand much less about how beginning readers become skilled readers. To understand this, I argue that it is important to view the visual word recognition system within the context of a broader language system, one that incorporates a rich network of semantic and episodic knowledge.  相似文献   

Eight rats were successfully trained in a black-white discrimination with a 1-min delay of reward. The procedure was unusual in that the rat spent the delay outside the apparatus in its home cage. Immediately after the rat responded, whether correctly or incorrectly, it was removed from the choice compartment and placed in its home cage. When the delay ended, it was returned to the startbox. If the preceding response had been correct, the rat received a reward of sugar water; otherwise, it was allowed to make another choice response. Mediation by external cues was excluded because there was no difference in the way the rats were treated after a correct or an incorrect response until the delay interval ended. Mediation by proprioceptive stimuli was excluded because position was an irrelevant cue.  相似文献   

It has been repeatedly suggested that subjects aim at maintaining a constant error probability in many variants of self-paced performance and that they adjust their behaviour so as to keep their risks relatively constant. This constant risk hypothesis is investigated in a simple computer-controlled addition task it which subjects manipulated exercise difficulty as a function of their own calculation proficiency and the allotted solution time. Error probability proved to be unrelated to level of skill and to amount of allotted computation time, but to depend onuncertainty with respect to exercise difficulty.  相似文献   

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