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魏晋南北朝时期文艺论旨趣因易学"郑王之争"而分流:儒家郑学系统以《文心雕龙》为冠冕,依据汉易取象说、道器不离说、言尽意论确立了"神用象通"、"贵器用"、"一辞意"等文学创作的原则与方法;而玄学派王学系统的文艺论著则吸取忘象说、道器分离说、言不尽意论提出了"取之象外"、"事绝言象"、"神超理得"、"澄怀观道"等主张,可以《古画品录》为代表。故这一时期的文艺论在易学上还并不存在相互吸取的史实,各自的理论体系也是清晰贯通而非矛盾混乱的。只是在古文经学"要约明畅"的治学理念与学风上两派论著殊途而同归。  相似文献   

蒋浩 《心理科学进展》2018,26(9):1624-1631
任务转换是研究执行功能的常用范式。任务转换通常伴随着转换代价:执行转换任务比重复任务的反应时更长、错误率更高。转换代价可能反映了任务设置重构(重构理论), 也可能表明任务之间存在干扰(干扰理论)。与任务线索范式相比, 自主任务转换范式更具生态效度, 而且不仅能获得转换代价这个传统结果, 还引入了任务选择比例、任务转换率等新指标, 其结果倾向于支持重构理论。此外, 新近研究指出自主任务转换可能也包含干扰的作用。未来, 应通过进一步改进实验范式等方法, 实现两大理论的融合。  相似文献   

张百春 《世界哲学》2017,(1):138-146
在霍鲁日自己的哲学思考中,他从一开始就有对个性的直觉,并始终尝试把个性当作一个需特殊对待的哲学核心概念。霍鲁日把欧洲思想史上对个性的理解概括为两个范式。神学的个性论范式把个性完全归于神,人的使命就是追求个性,成为个性。人学的个性论范式把个性归于人,但最终却使得个性远离了人。在神学的个性论范式里,个性概念是明确的,但是在人学的个性论范式里,个性概念是模糊的。个性是霍鲁日创立的协同人学的核心概念和原则之一。  相似文献   

赵晓翠 《孔子研究》2019,(5):108-116
惠栋对乾嘉时期甚至整个清代学术的影响是巨大而深远的,他开启了经学研究的新局面,在由"宋学"向"汉学"以的范式转换中起到了重要作用。就易学而言,"汉易"以偏于天道之自然哲学为主要特征,"宋易"以偏于人道之人文哲学为主要特征。本文认为,惠栋在西学东传、中西互交的时代思潮下,试图重构汉代象数宇宙图式,包括宇宙生成图式和宇宙变化图式,最终以落实宇宙大合的价值为旨归,由此推动了乾嘉时期易学研究从偏于人道之人文哲学向偏于天道之自然哲学的范式转化。乾嘉之后,偏于天道之自然哲学思想占主流地位,甚至影响了近代学术的形成。  相似文献   

范式论对心理学研究具有重要的影响。这种影响十分复杂。本文旨在通过分析范式论对心理学研究中两种文化对立的影响。促进范式论对消解心理学中两种文化对立的积极作用。  相似文献   

生存论转向是在清理当代哲学的主题转换及其问题时,结合当代人类生存实践活动、社会结构以及文化传统的当代变迁与转型的剖析,进而形成的对当代哲学存在论转换及其方向的理论追求的创构努力。古希腊的存在(tobe)及存在论(Ontology)中所蕴含的生存及生存论的丰富内涵,被此后的实存(exsistere)及实存论取代生存主义哲学开启了生存论转向,但此转向作为一项历史性使命,绝不限于此。当代西方浓厚的语言哲学以及后现代相对主义背景表明,仅仅在西方范式下推展的生存论转向已走向终结。在这一情形下,内在地超越于西方并蕴含着人类性哲学方向的马克思的实践哲学在生存论转向中的重要意义将会彰显出来,马克思实践哲学以及其中蕴含的实践一生存论实际上有理由被看作“-3代哲学生存论转向的真正目标,只不过,在人类解放论的理论预设内,生存论转向作为人的不断生成、自我超越和创造的历史性的存在,本身就存在着一种未竟性与不可终结性。  相似文献   

"器以载道"是中国传统造物艺术思想。用漆器之"器"载文化之"道"也成为了漆器制作的核心理念。考察分析漆器的工艺特性和生存现状,以及传统的"道""器"观内涵在新的时代背景下发生的新的变化,对我们找到适合当代漆器产品设计的创新方式和发展方向是大有裨益的。  相似文献   

理论自觉不仅直接关乎中国特色公共健康伦理学的理论构建,也直接关乎中国公共健康伦理学的持续发展和现实功能的发挥。中国公共健康伦理学的理论自觉包括对学科关系、中西关系、古今关系以及理论与实践关系的自觉等四个基本维度;其问题域或基本理论结构包括本体论层面的基本问题、对象问题和范畴问题,认识论层面的视角和向度问题以及价值论层面的发展取向、价值追求和学者的价值选择问题。范式意识的自觉是中国公共健康伦理学理论自觉的方法论标志。当前,中国公共健康伦理学研究范式应该实现从西方范式向马克思主义范式、从个体论或整体论向个体论与整体论相结合的范式、从职业伦理或实践伦理向职业伦理与实践伦理相结合的范式转换。  相似文献   

在马克斯·韦伯的理性思想和中国哲学"道德形而上学"的影响下,中国文化"工具理性缺乏论"一度被广泛认同。如果我们跳出这种"刻板印象"的桎梏,从身体哲学和实用主义的角度考察,作为中国哲学源头的《周易》中实际上内涵着丰富而深刻的工具理性思想。这种工具理性既体现在其兼具直觉式和实用式的"乾坤并建"的哲学思维方式上,也体现在其"利用安身"的实用主义方法论中,并最终推出了一种"道器互显"的"用具的形而上学"。《周易》的工具理性思想奠定了中国哲学工具理性的基本框架,为我们开显了一种植根于生活世界的"一阴一阳之谓道"的生存论智慧。  相似文献   

1"藏"与"象"的关系反映了"器"与"道"的辨证关系 "器"与"道"这对概念,属于哲学的范畴."器"与"道"的关系问题,是中国古代哲学中根本问题.古代唯物主义哲学家王安石、张载、王夫之等一再强调"器"是第一性的、本源的,而道只是第二性的、派生的.具体点说,"器"是体,"道"为用,"道"在"器"中,故学"器"应该学"道";"器"在先,"道"在后,"道""器"无相离,故变"器"必然变"道".  相似文献   

赵汀阳 《哲学研究》2012,(1):32-39,127
从理解世界到理解意识,再到理解语言,形而上学的线索走的是一条唯心论道路。胡塞尔试图论证的不仅是主观性能够构造出客观性,而且只有在主观性之中才能够构造出客观性;于是,存在的客  相似文献   

In samples of 193 American and 209 Kuwaiti college students, the correlates of subjective life expectancy differed in the two countries, a Tao orientation and existential anxiety in the American students and death anxiety in the Kuwaiti students.  相似文献   

This article introduces a relatively new and unknown approach to humanistic psychotherapy, called Tao Psychotherapy that was founded by a Korean psychiatrist, Dr. Rhee Dongshick, in 1974. Today, Tao psychotherapy is a synthesis of Eastern and Western psychotherapies seeking to integrate psychoanalytic, existential, humanistic, and transpersonal, and Eastern perspectives in a single coherent approach. The article opens with a brief overview of the Tao and Taoism. A sample of writings attributed to Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu is presented as a prelude to a discussion of the meaning of the Tao itself. Following this, the author, a daseinsanalytic psychotherapist who has been studying Tao psychotherapy in South Korea for over two years, presents an overview of this approach, introducing Rhee Dongshick and the Korean Academy of Psychotherapists as well as the distinctive character of this new approach to humanistic practice. The article closes with a reflection on the ancient allegory of the ox herder, as seen in the famous ten ox herder pictures, discussing it from Taoist and Heideggerian perspectives, especially as it is relevant to the process of psychotherapy. Throughout the article the author reflects on the cultural sources of Tao psychotherapy and on the implications of the approach for humanistically attuned, depth psychological thought and practice.  相似文献   

作为中国“轴心时代”的重要思想家,孟子希望以道德化政治,实现天下有道。他提出士人修养的“浩然之气”,在士人与君主的关系上主张“道高于君”,而对于广大普通民众则倡导“使先知觉后知,使先觉觉后觉”。在此基础上,孟子推出了四种士人典范。而在孟子这些思想中,一以贯之的乃是对德性的张扬,在“尊德性”与“道问学”之间,他明显偏重于前者,这是孟子关于士人精神的特色所在。在孟子的精神世界里,我们可以看到的更多的是一种道德信仰和勇气。正是从这个意义上讲,孟子是一位信仰道德的“宗教家”,而不是一位代表智性的“学问家”。  相似文献   

《老子》最早赋予“道”以完整和深刻的哲学本体论意义。道的哲学本体论具有三重基本内涵,即追寻作为世界统一性的终极存在、知识统一性的终极解释、意义统一性的终极价值。三重内涵的融通合一即是和谐的意义和旨趣所在,体现为天人和谐、人际和谐和群体和谐。《老子》认为道是万物的本原,德是万物分享形上之道而各自获得的本性,二者皆以和谐为内核,和谐是道的基本特征和存在状态。和谐的终极价值以人的意义统一性为逻辑基点,和谐的终极存在以道的世界统一性为生成维度,和谐的终极解释以道的知识统一性为治理向度。  相似文献   

We investigate a SAT-based bounded model checking (BMC) method for EMTLK (the existential fragment of the metric temporal logic with knowledge) that is interpreted over timed models generated by timed interpreted systems. In particular, we translate the existential model checking problem for EMTLK to the existential model checking problem for a variant of linear temporal logic (called HLTLK), and we provide a SAT-based BMC technique for HLTLK. We evaluated the performance of our BMC by means of a variant of a timed generic pipeline paradigm scenario and a timed train controller system.  相似文献   

The main purpose of the interview was to explore Alvin Mahrer’s views on an uncommon issue, namely the possibility of a paradigm shift in the field of psychotherapy. The interview covers (a) a way to help bring about a revolutionary paradigm shift, and (b) preview possibilities for an across-the-board, comprehensive paradigm shift in the field of psychotherapy. Grateful appreciation is extended to the reviewers whose comments were helpful and constructive in enabling a substantial improvement in the earlier draft of the interview.  相似文献   

This paper suggests that the paradigm of lived body (as it is developed in the works of Merleau-Ponty, Sartre and Zaner) provides important insights into the experience of illness. In particular it is noted that, as embodied persons, we experience illness primarily as a disruption of lived body rather than as a dysfunction of biological body. An account is given of the manner in which such fundamental features of embodiment as bodily intentionality, primary meaning, contextural organization, body image, gestural display, lived spatiality and temporality, are disrupted in illness causing a concurrent disorganization of the patient's self and world. The paradigm of lived body has important applications for medical practice. It provides a fuller account of illness than does the prevailing reductionist Cartesian paradigm of body, more directly addresses the existential predicament of illness, and orients the clinical focus around the personhood of the patient.  相似文献   

Berent I  Vaknin V  Marcus GF 《Cognition》2007,104(2):254-286
Is the structure of lexical representations universal, or do languages vary in the fundamental ways in which they represent lexical information? Here, we consider a touchstone case: whether Semitic languages require a special morpheme, the consonantal root. In so doing, we explore a well-known constraint on the location of identical consonants that has often been used as motivation for root representations in Semitic languages: Identical consonants frequently occur at the end of putative roots (e.g., skk), but rarely occur in their beginning (e.g., ssk). Although this restriction has traditionally been stated over roots, an alternative account could be stated over stems, a representational entity that is found more widely across the world's languages. To test this possibility, we investigate the acceptability of a single set of roots, manifesting identity initially, finally or not at all (e.g., ssk versus skk versus rmk) across two nominal paradigms: CéCeC (a paradigm in which identical consonants are rare) and CiCúC (a paradigm in which identical consonants are frequent). If Semitic lexical representations consist of roots only, then similar restrictions on consonant co-occurrence should be observed in the two paradigms. Conversely, if speakers store stems, then the restriction on consonant co-occurrence might be modulated by the properties of the nominal paradigm (be it by means of statistical properties or their grammatical sources). Findings from rating and lexical decision experiments with both visual and auditory stimuli support the stem hypothesis: compared to controls (e.g., rmk), forms with identical consonants (e.g., ssk, skk) are less acceptable in the CéCeC than in the CiCúC paradigm. Although our results do not falsify root-based accounts, they strongly raise the possibility that stems could account for the observed restriction on consonantal identity. As such, our results raise fresh challenge to the notion that different languages require distinct sets of representational resources.  相似文献   


In his paper Psychiatry and religion: Consensus reached!, Verhagen advocates the relevance of spirituality and religion for the “origins, understanding, and treatment of psychiatric disorders”. In this comment, I argue for the broader claim that the existential dimension is important for understanding psychiatric disorders – of which religion can, but must not necessarily be, part. The existential dimension refers to our ability to relate to ourselves, our experiences, and our situation. This evaluative relation can play an important role in psychiatry: it can co-constitute the disorder, be affected by the disorder, and/or modulate the course of the disorder. Given this importance, it makes sense to explicitly recognize the existential dimension in our explanatory model of psychiatric disorders. The biopsychosocial model goes a long way in providing an integrative model, but there is room for improvement, especially when it comes to integration of its aspects, and acknowledging the existential aspect. I briefly introduce the research paradigm of enactivism, and suggest that an enactive framework is well-suited to incorporate this existential dimension – along with the traditional dimensions of the biopsychosocial model.  相似文献   

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