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随着医学科学的发展,器官移植日趋成熟,不仅使患者延长了生命,更大大提高了生活质量.阴茎移植是器官移植和免疫学发展的结晶,是异体器官移植领域内新的突破,为阴茎缺失的患者带来了新生,对患者心理、家庭和社会有着重大影响.但目前异体阴茎移植刚刚起步,技术尚不成熟,且阴茎是一特殊器官,涉及到的伦理道德问题很多,我们试图从受者、供者、医生和法律等方面讨论阴茎移植所面临的伦理道德问题,希望阴茎移植能真正造福于人类.  相似文献   

离异家庭儿童良好适应的影响因素的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
关于离异家庭儿童的心理、行为特征以及离婚对儿童心理发展的影响,许多研究者已进行了大量的研究,揭示了一些基本规律.目前,在我国,家庭离异已逐渐成为一种普遍的社会现象,离异家庭儿童的增多给心理与教育工作者带来了新的难题.如何帮助离异家庭儿童迅速地、良好地适应父母离婚造成的社会生活环境变化,以减少这些儿童因父母离婚这一突发性事件造成的心理伤害及其后的消极影响,是广大心理与教育工作者普遍关心和迫切需要了解的向题.  相似文献   

关于阴茎移植的伦理问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着医学科学的发展,器官移植日趋成熟,不仅使患者延长了生命,更大大提高了生活质量。阴茎移植是器官移植和免疫学发展的结晶,是异体器官移植领域内新的突破,为阴茎缺失的患者带来了新生,对患者心理、家庭和社会有着重大影响。但目前异体阴茎移植刚刚起步,技术尚不成熟,且阴茎是一特殊器官,涉及到的伦理道德问题很多,我们试图从受者、供者、医生和法律等方面讨论阴茎移植所面临的伦理道德问题,希望阴茎移植能真正造福于人类。  相似文献   

心理弹性是个体在经历急性压力、创伤或者更多不同形式的慢性压力时成功应对、积极适应的动态过程,对心理弹性机制的研究有心理社会及生物学两种研究取向.探索了心理弹性的个人、家庭、社会环境、神经生物、分子遗传学因素以及它们的作用机制过程,并对今后的研究进行了展望.  相似文献   

历史发展到今天,作为社会细胞的家庭,其人口素质、价值观念、生活方式,以及家庭成员结构和生活环境均已发生了深刻的变化。一方面,文化、科学和技术的长足进步,长期影响人类精神世界的宗教神学观念,逐渐失去了原先的魔力;另一方面,现代生产和生活节奏的加快,家庭生活和社会问题日趋复杂。在这种社会急剧变革的时代里,人们的各种适应性障碍以及一系列新的家庭心理和行为问题应运而生。家庭心理咨询与辅导事业愈来愈引起人们  相似文献   

变性术后的患者是个特殊的弱势群体,心理问题非常突出,它是生理、个人、家庭、社会等多种因素交互影响的结果;因此,通过社会、家庭及个体的共同努力,帮助其建立良好的个体心理模式,稳定其心理状态,可促进其心理的健康发展,这对于变性手术的成功和帮助变性后患者重新走向社会有重要意义.  相似文献   

本文从个人成长及职业经历两个方面进行了自我回顾、认识和剖析,阐述了家庭、生活、学习和社会环境对本人积极、健康、阳光的心理成长和正直、独立、自尊、善解人意的个性人格形成的影响。同时,多层面多角度分析和审视本人研习心理学、应用心理学,努力做一名优秀心理咨询师的有利条件及努力方向。  相似文献   

中国青少年网络协会认为网络成瘾主要表现为由于过度使用互联网而导致个体明显的社会、心理功能损害。目前,网络成瘾现象越来越受到心理学家的关注,研究表明网络成瘾的青少年容易出现紧张、焦虑、自卑、抑郁等负性情绪,并且他们的身心健康、人际交往、工作学习和家庭生活等各方面已经受到严重的影响。家庭关怀、学校教育、社会治理、积极的心理干预及药物治疗等是帮助青少年克服网络成瘾的有效教育策略,因此,家庭、学校、社会和政府必须联合起来,共同应对网络成瘾问题对青少年造成的危害。  相似文献   

农民工的心理灰度是测量农民工整体心理状态的指标,反映了农民工心态与情绪的积极与消极程度.农民工的心理灰度与农民工的日常生活体验和社会评价密切相关.在农民工的日常生活中,经济收入低、消费水平高、住房条件差和休闲生活匮乏是他们感受最为强烈的生活体验.城市居民对农民工的社会评价影响农民工的自我意识及其行为.  相似文献   

一、家庭的心理氛围和心理健康的定义 家庭的心理氛围是指:在家庭这个特殊环境中,以父母的情绪感染为核心。通过家庭的物质生活条件,家庭人际关系,家庭生活方式,家庭文化素养等反映出来的由家庭成员的感情、兴趣、爱好、态度、言行等综合而成的心理时空,表现为个性化的家庭情调和气氛。  相似文献   

Breast cancer remains a highly prevalent and extraordinarily stressful experience for hundreds of thousands of women each year in the United States and around the world. Psychological research has provided a picture of the emotional and social impact of breast cancer on patients' lives, and of factors associated with better versus worse adjustment. Psychosocial interventions have been beneficial in decreasing patients' distress and enhancing their quality of life. Recent research also suggests that psychological factors may be related to potentially important biological disease-related processes. In addition to providing an understanding of the psychological factors in breast cancer, research in this area has provided a framework for research on adaptation to health-related stress in general.  相似文献   

Most research on adjustment following radical prostatectomy has focused on limited assessments of urinary and erectile functioning. In this study, the authors provided a more comprehensive assessment of sexuality from 134 radical prostatectomy patients and their partners and determined the extent to which various components of sexuality are associated with psychosocial adjustment. Measures of sexuality and intimacy modestly predicted patients' emotional distress and quality of life (QoL), with body image and dyadic adjustment playing the most important roles after controlling for medical variables, general physical functioning, and optimistic outlook. Urinary incontinence and other sexuality variables were not unique predictors. In contrast, partner ratings of sexual satisfaction played a more important role in predicting their QoL.  相似文献   

Cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) was undertaken with six adults with chronic, poorly controlled seizures and co-existing psychiatric and/or psychosocial difficulties. During 12 sessions of CBT from an experienced CBT Nurse Specialist, treatment focused concurrently on epilepsy-related problems, associated psychopathology and on the development of psychological strategies to reduce seizure occurrence. At the end of treatment participants rated their initial epilepsy-related problem as having less impact on their daily lives and at one-month follow-up reported less deleterious impact on everyday life in terms of their psychological difficulties. In addition participants demonstrated significant improvements in terms of their self-rated work and social adjustment, and in their decreased use of escape-avoidance coping strategies. These positive findings occurred despite the absence of a significant decrease in seizure frequency. Issues raised by the complexity and severity, both of these patients' psychological/psychosocial difficulties and their epilepsy, are discussed in relation to the optimal length of treatment that may be required when adopting a CBT model in this patient group.  相似文献   

This study investigated the impact of recent life events and social adjustment on suicide attempter status in 34 patients with major depression, 24 patients with borderline personality disorder, and 22 patients with co-morbid major depression and borderline personality disorder. Suicide attempters reported more recent life events and scored lower on a measure of social adjustment in their families and overall social adjustment, compared with non-attempters. Borderline disordered and borderline or depressed patients were more likely to have attempted suicide than patients with major depression only. Recent life events did not predict attempter status. Lower social adjustment in the immediate family and lower overall social adjustment were predictive of suicide attempter classification, regardless of diagnosis. Borderline disordered patients low on overall social adjustment were over 16 times more likely to have attempted suicide than patients diagnosed with major depression only. Recent life events may elevate suicide risk in groups already at high risk for suicide completion, whereas high levels of social adjustment may be protective against stress-related suicidal behavior.  相似文献   

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic disorder that can have a severe impact on patient's lives. This present study investigated four questions regarding the psychosocial effects on patients and their well partners. First we found that depression for both patients and partners were slightly elevated and 35.7% of patients and 23.3% of well partners had scores above the cut-off for possible clinical depression on the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale. Second, there was no significant difference between the patients' level of distress and that of the partners. Third, there were moderate positive correlations between patients' and partners' scores on measure of psychological functioning. Fourth, there were no differences in either the patients' or partners' well-being based on the gender of the patient. Finally, an exploratory analysis was conducted to examine the factors which influence the patients' and partners' depression and their view of the relationship.  相似文献   

The increased use of bone marrow transplantation (BMT) to treat a variety of cancers has led researchers to study psychological functioning of BMT patients. The majority of studies conducted, however, has focused on adjustment after transplantation. Cancer patients' use of coping strategies before undergoing this procedure may also relate to levels of psychological distress. Our aims were (1) to provide normative coping data, controlling for situation-specific variables with a homogeneous sample, targeted stressor, and fixed time point, using the Ways of Coping Questionnaire; and (2) to identify coping strategies associated with distress before high-dose chemotherapy. Subjects were 49 patients scheduled to receive high-dose chemotherapy and an autologous bone marrow transplant. Consistent with previous coping research, we found that escape-avoidance was related to psychological distress on several measures. Item endorsement analyses of the escape-avoidance subscale suggest that patients may have used more passive than active avoidance strategies. Subsequent participation in a longitudinal study was not affected by initial levels of avoidant coping.  相似文献   

The current study examined the association between relationship adjustment and life satisfaction before marriage to 6 years into marriage in a sample of 126 couples. Results showed that both premarital relationship adjustment and premarital life satisfaction uniquely predicted marital adjustment 6 years into marriage. Premarital life satisfaction, but not premarital relationship adjustment, predicted life satisfaction 6 years into marriage. While premarital relationship adjustment scores were not uniquely associated with future life satisfaction scores, changes in relationship adjustment were positively associated with future life satisfaction. These findings are supportive of the idea that helping people to improve their relationships may increase overall life satisfaction. The findings also suggest that, while an individual's base level of life satisfaction may set some parameters for the course of relationship adjustment, changes in life satisfaction over time impact marital adjustment. Starting marriage with higher life satisfaction may increase chances for a happier marriage. Overall, the findings suggest that life satisfaction plays a role in marital adjustment over time, and that it is important to consider life satisfaction as not only an outcome associated with relationship adjustment but also as a predictor of relationship adjustment.  相似文献   

Emotional stress has been associated with the development and progression of several chronic medical conditions. Recently, researchers have assessed the impact of stress-management interventions on patients' psychological functioning, quality of life, and various disease outcomes, including survival. This review summarizes the value of stress-management techniques in the treatment of two important, life-threatening conditions: coronary heart disease and cancer. Results from randomized clinical trials indicate that psychological interventions can improve patients' psychological functioning and quality of life. However, there is limited evidence to suggest that these interventions significantly reduce morbidity and mortality.  相似文献   

Infertility is a challenging experience, affecting individual and couples’ adjustment. However, the way the members of the couple support each other may affect the experience of infertility and their adjustment. This study aimed to investigate the role of dyadic coping by oneself and by the partner in the association between the impact of infertility and dyadic and emotional adjustment (anxiety and depression) to infertility. In this cross‐sectional study, a total of 134 participants (67 couples with infertility) completed self‐report questionnaires assessing infertility‐related stress, dyadic coping, dyadic adjustment, and depression and anxiety symptoms. A path analysis examined the direct and indirect effects between the impact of infertility in one's life and dyadic and emotional adjustment. There is an indirect effect of the impact of infertility in one's life on dyadic adjustment through men's perceived dyadic coping efforts employed by the self (dyadic coping by oneself) and women's perceived dyadic coping efforts of the partner (dyadic coping by the partner). Regarding the emotional adjustment of infertile couples, infertility stress impact had an indirect effect only on depressive symptoms through men's dyadic coping by oneself. The results highlight the importance of men's dyadic coping strategies for the marital adjustment of couples as well as for men's emotional adjustment. Findings emphasize the importance of involving men in the fertility treatment process, reinforcing the dyadic nature of infertility processes.  相似文献   

Advance health care directives and informed consent remain the cornerstones of patients' right to self-determination regarding medical care and preferences at the end-of-life. However, the effectiveness and clinical applicability of advance health care directives to decision-making on the use of life support systems at the end-of-life is questionable. The Uniform Anatomical Gift Act (UAGA) has been revised in 2006 to permit the use of life support systems at or near death for the purpose of maximizing procurement opportunities of organs medically suitable for transplantation. Some states have enacted the Revised UAGA (2006) and a few of those have included amendments while attempting to preserve the uniformity of the revised Act. Other states have introduced the Revised UAGA (2006) for legislation and remaining states are likely to follow soon.  相似文献   

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