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Aggressive behaviour, violent fantasies and potential threats against third parties are frequent topics in psychotherapy. Clinical, social and dynamic factors have to be considered for the risk assessment of aggressive behaviour. The appearance of aggressive fantasies and threats can be perceived as an indicator for potential threats. Legal aspects such as medical confidentiality, rights and duties to warn have to be kept in mind when dealing with threats against third parties. Concerning threats against children different laws have to be considered.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Proze?-erlebnisorientierte Psychotherapie ist eine neohumanistische Behandlungsform, in der versucht wird, eine kreative Verbindung zwischen einer eher klientzentrierten, echten, wertsch?tzenden und empathischen Beziehung und einem eher aktiven, aufgabenorientierten und proze?-direktiven Stil der Gestalt-Psychotherapie herzustellen. Diese Therapieform ist wissenschaftlich fundiert (im Sinne von Grawe 1997). Ihre Krankheitslehre wurde durch Beitr?ge aus der modernen psychologischen Theorie erg?nzt. Die Behandlung umfa?t eine Reihe wesentlicher therapeutischer Aufgaben, die charakterisiert sind durch spezifische Hinweise oder Zeichen auf Klientenseite, L?sungsstufen, verschiedene Schritte, die ein Klient auf dem Weg zur L?sung der Aufgaben durchl?uft und therapeutische Interventionen, die den Klienten auf diesem Weg unterstützen. Dieser Beitrag gibt im ersten Teil einen überblick über die proze?-erlebnisorientierte Therapie einschlie?lich ihrer theoretischen Grundlagen, i.e. der Emotionstheorie, des dialektischen Konstruktivismus und der Proze?orientierung sowie über die Grundprinzipien des Behandlungsmodells.   相似文献   

Concerning the discussion about the quality of psychotherapy, the different perspectives in the definition of quality are rarely considered. Especially the patients’ perspective is barely respected although quality assurance of psychotherapy should be for their benefit. Patients were interviewed (n=8) to answer the question which criteria of quality are relevant in their view. Using the grounded theory a variety of quality criteria was found. The interviewees emphasized the relationship between therapist and patient, the empathy of the therapist, the scheduling of appointments and the progress in therapy. The results suggest that when judging the quality of psychotherapy clients do not only focus on the outcome of psychotherapy, as presumed by some experts, but also on the dimensions structure and process. Professionals have to consider this fact when designing and applying methods of quality assurance.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the patients’ view of the causes and consequences of premature therapy termination in inpatient psychosomatic setting. In this study, drop-out patients and non-drop-out patients were questioned in semi-structured phone interviews (n=62). The causes of early termination are seen in this study to be connected with an internal, somatic concept of disease, discontent with treatment, and social interaction problems in the hospital. In 80% of the examined cases more than two causes were reported. Consequently, early termination of treatment can be considered as an outcome of multifactorial influences. Furthermore, a group of “inner drop-outs” has been identified within the non-drop-out patients. Despite high discontent, these patients remained in treatment because they often feared possible negative consequences of early treatment termination. Both drop-outs and inner drop-outs scored lower in outcome analysis than the remaining patients. This study points to problem areas that can help identify potential drop-out patients.  相似文献   

For many years religious and spiritual issues have been avoided in psychotherapy. In the face of social changes a more culturally sensitive psychotherapy is needed to professionally deal with religious backgrounds, spiritual needs and spiritual resources. A remarkable spiritual turn has recently been observed particularly in psychoanalysis, which was originally very antireligious. Health research studies are exploring the healing craft of religious virtues and values. It is important to discern between an empirically proven healing method and an ideologically founded promise of salvation. It is the task of the therapist to find out whether the patient's religiosity or spirituality is part of the problem or part of the solution.  相似文献   

The diagnosis of suicidality is an important challenge in psychotherapy: The threat of life has to be determined, decisions in differential therapy must be made and the therapeutical relationship must be established. The psychoanalytical contribution to the diagnostics of suicidality is the analysis of transference and countertransference phenomena, of "scenic" actions and of enactments between patient and therapist. By a systematic qualitative research method ("forming ideal types by understanding") 5 prototypical transference-/countertransference situations at the beginning of outpatient psychodynamic psychotherapy of suicidal men are identified and out of them 3 ideal types are constructed. The object-alienated ideal type with an avoidant transference and "weak", e.g. unemotional complementary countertransference appears to be a special problem. If aggression and strong attachment wishes toward the object come into the therapeutic relationship, this often is an indicator for the contacts’strength and can lead to deactualisation of suicidality. The results are discussed with and supported by methodically different publications on object relations orientated aspects of suicidality.  相似文献   

Diagnostic procedures in systemic psychotherapy are bound to raise questions: These procedures are indebted to a medical model which is pathology- and deficit-oriented and which requires that diagnosis precedes therapy. Yet diagnostic procedures in systemic psychotherapy are mainly geared to assessing the psychic and social domains rather than the domain of medicine proper. The article takes up some of the issues and problems deriving from this state of affairs.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to discuss how far physics differs frommathematics, and if a philosophy of science which uses mathematics or logicsas a model for physics would be unable to be aware of many importantfeatures of that natural science.Many functions in physics differ from those of mathematics in beingfunctional dependecies and in having a lawlike character.Physical quantities have the character of "`determinables"', sets ofspecial entities which are presupposed by physical theories.One may suspect that physics also could not be formulated in anextensional language. This cannot be true, however, since every language canbe translated into an extensional version. Neverthless the existence ofdeterminables in physics shows that physics does not only talk aboutconcrete entities like space, time, spacetime, and particles, but also aboutvalues of abstract sets like determinables, and that it thus acknowledgestheir existence.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Ein von Day vorgenommener Versuch, die Phänomene der Formwahrnehmung bei abgeschwächter Konturbildung einzuordnen in die statistisch-physiologische Theorie der Konturenbildung von Marshall und Talbot, wird für nicht ausreichend gehalten. Nach Vergleichen mit Ergebnissen eigener Versuche ist die Phänomenanalyse dort dafür nicht weit genug voran getrieben.In den eigenen Versuchen wurden Figuraufbau und Konturfunktionen untersucht bei abgeschwächter Konturenbildung, und zwar abgeschwächt durch eine physiologisch-somatische Bedingungsvariation: Reizaufnahme mittels peripher gelegener Netzhautteile. Die Zusammenfassungen der Ergebnisse dieser Versuche finden sich je am Schluß der Abschnitte II, III und IV auf S. 285, 293f. und 299.Experimenteller Teil einer Arbeit, die im Jahre 1959 der Philosophischen Fakultät der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster in teilweiser Erfüllung der Habilitationsverpflichtungen vorgelegt wurde.  相似文献   

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