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It can be assumed that group psychotherapy will play an increasingly more important role for both inpatient and outpatient basic care not only due to health economic considerations. This means that new methods of documentation, quality management and optimization of group-specific therapy processes and results have to be developed. The present system for operationalized basic documentation of group psychotherapy (OBG) is not only meant to be a starting point for research on dynamics and efficacy of group psychotherapy but could also serve as an instrument for standardized documentation of clinical progress, quality assurance and, in combination with the accompanying manual, as an aid for education and further training for psychotherapists. The contents of the documentation system are based on the current state of scientific research and, as far as possible, were implemented irrespective of specific psychotherapeutic approaches referring to particular schools of thought. Particular consideration was given to the practice guidelines for group psychotherapy of the American Group Psychotherapy Association (AGPA) published in 2007. The system structure is based on a model of anatomy and physiology of a group according to Burlingame et al., which ascertains patterns and processes within groups. In addition to general thematic and methodological aspects, several items on group dynamics are included, such as distribution of roles, formation of subgroups, development of group norms, conflict management, interpersonal feedback, self-disclosure, cohesion and other so-called therapeutic factors. Clinical testing in different settings is currently being carried out. Results and further developmental possibilities of the OBG system will be reported soon.  相似文献   

Concepts and results of research into treatment motivation under psychotherapy are discussed with regard to the question whether decisions for indications on the basis of the motivational characteristics of patients are reasonable. Established concepts and broader theories of treatment motivation as well as diagnostic tools for the assessment are presented. Subsequently, empirical results for the effects of motivational factors on the maintenance and success of psychotherapy are briefly sketched. Approaches aimed at the enhancement of treatment motivation before and during psychotherapeutic processes are then illustrated. Finally, it is emphasized that, in turn, features of individual therapeutic processes may provide a basis for the indication of motivational enhancement interventions, thus supporting the notion of a dynamic nature of treatment motivation.  相似文献   

Long-term psychotherapy is not recommended in the current guidelines, which are based on the criteria of evidence-based medicine, as there is a lack of confirmation for long-term psychotherapy by efficacy studies. Using the example of psychoanalytic long-term psychotherapy this article describes six dilemmas which impede the realization of efficacy studies for long-term psychotherapy. Finally, basic elements of a study design are proposed, which are considered as being adequate to compare (psychoanalytic) long-term psychotherapy with shorter treatment forms in terms of outcome and cost-effectiveness. The anxiety and personality disorders (APD) study is briefly described as an example of a study realizing the proposed design.  相似文献   

Literature research and own clinical experiences confirm the significance of a combined use of settings and methods in the area of inpatient and outpatient psychotherapy. For inpatient treatment, the combined use of methods, such as individual psychotherapy, group therapy, creative therapies, and sport, are an essential part of the treatment. In outpatient treatment, the regulations of the German insurance do not permit such combinations. Nevertheless, they occur and are often proactively initiated by the patients. The various combined use of psychotherapy and psychotropics is very well studied, but also the combination of settings, i.e. supplementary inpatient treatment, day treatment, and outpatient treatment have to be considered. While administering their therapies, psychotherapists should keep in mind possibly concurrently ongoing treatments as well as former therapies and their effects on the patients. With the exception of combinations with psychotropic treatment, there exist almost no empirical data in this important field.  相似文献   

There is a controversial discussion on to what extent sexual forensic psychotherapy has a positive influence on the legal probation of sexually delinquent people. From this the question arises on how treatment with a perspective for success could be structured. This article assumes that such a perspective can only succeed through close cooperation between science and psychotherapeutic practice. Through the analysis of a methodologically elaborate study, considerations on the motivation and the influence of empirically ascertained risk factors are developed and each placed in relation to scientific and therapeutic practice. In this way various problems are tackled, which range from insufficiently described interventions via too little therapeutic flexibility up to limitations in the scientific evaluation. Finally, possible barriers for the development of such a perspective are discussed and the connection to the so-called risk-need-responsivity (RNR) model is explored.  相似文献   

The concept of confidentiality is fundamental to all forms of psychotherapy. The idea of protecting confidential material goes as far back as the Hippocratic Oath in ancient Greek history. Centuries later, authors continue to assert that "only by maintaining confidentiality can the essential groundwork of trust in treatment be developed" (Hough, 1992, p. 106). Others have even argued that without confidentiality, psychotherapy has no value (Epstein, Steingarten, Weinstein, & Nashel, 1977). Confidentiality in group psychotherapy is more complicated than in individual therapy because self-disclosure is at the core of group therapy and there are numerous people hearing the disclosures. Confidentiality in group therapy, once ignored in the literature on ethics, is gaining more attention as this modality becomes more widely practiced; so too is an acknowledgement that ethical dilemmas surrounding confidentiality in groups are commonplace. This article discusses the major considerations and dilemmas on confidentiality in group psychotherapy. We first review confidentiality broadly and discuss the ethical principles that are related to confidentiality. In the next section, we discuss the complexities of confidentiality in group psychotherapy. Finally, we review research on confidentiality in groups and describe common ethical dilemmas.  相似文献   

In general, empirical research in psychotherapy integration has lagged behind the growing theoretical and clinical interest in the field. Even though many of the theoretically integrative treatment models currently available are based on empirical findings and clinical observations, the models themselves remain, for the most part, untested. Rigorous examination of integrative psychological theories and therapeutic programs is a necessary and useful way to increase our understanding of the process of psychotherapy and establish the efficacy and effectiveness of integrative therapies. The present article explores five different research areas in the field of psychotherapy integration, discussing several published studies in each area. The utility of this research for practicing clinicians is also discussed. Additional investigations in these areas and others are encouraged, with the goals of greater understanding of psychotherapy, as well as the further development and acceptance of integrative approaches.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of psychodynamic psychotherapy has been a “hot topic” in scientific and healthcare related debates in recent years. During this time a significant amount of new evidence supporting the effectiveness of psychodynamic psychotherapy has been published. The paper provides an overview on current psychodynamic psychotherapy research, with a focus on meta-analytic findings and randomized effectiveness trials. The results in the literature show robust evidence for the effectiveness of psychodynamic therapies for a wide range of psychiatric disorders. The methodological quality of current studies is good and comparative trials with other forms of psychotherapy yield mostly equivalent results. However, further studies are needed with regard to different mental disorders as well as effectiveness studies in everyday practice.  相似文献   

The study on long-term therapy of chronic depression (LAC depression study) is one of the first prospective studies to compare psychoanalytic with cognitive behavioral long-term treatment and also investigates the impact of patient assignment by randomization and preference. This comprehensive multicenter study combines a naturalistic and a randomized controlled approach. The long-term follow-up is based on a broad spectrum of quantitative and qualitative research methods and is expected to contribute to the further development of psychotherapeutic treatment methods in this hard to treat patient group as well as to research on the effectiveness of long-term treatment. The background, design and current state of the assessment are presented. A total of 402 patients with chronic depression were included in the trial and the 1 and 2?year follow-up results are currently being analyzed.  相似文献   

The potential for psychotherapy in a large-group format has been discussed since the 1960s. Day treatment programs provide optimal support for such groups. One program type, which has maintained large-group psychotherapy as a central feature for over twenty years, is described. Essential features include an integrated therapeutic team, with clearly defined leadership, that is open to examination of its own process. Such groups may not only provide effective therapy, but are also readily amenable for teaching and research in psychotherapy.  相似文献   

Impulsivity and lack of dopamine make ADHD patients a high risk group for addiction. In addition the social climate in the family is often impaired by disorder related behaviour. This leads to low compliance phenomena in adolescent patients, especially concerning conversational psychotherapy – a problem becoming severe when avoidance behaviour is obvious and makes acquiring an addiction even more likely. The following multi-modal approach is defined by three realms of intervention. The (adoptive) mother was made familiar with the principals of New Authority by Omer [10]. A combination of Vigilant Care and Non-Voilent-Resistance helped the mother to regain her natural authority and to have a means against physical attacks of her son. The tension in the family also relaxed and the boy started to trust the therapists more and more. He was treated using Motivational Interviewing (Miller and Rollnick) [6] to develop a motivation for coping with his disorder and getting to know its controllable aspects. MI was also used when the less problematic avoidance behaviour (immersing into electronics) was replaced by more problematic health patterns like heavy smoking. In the third realm of intervention both, mother and child, were made familiar with the SPACE attitude by Omer [9], to not support anxiety but resist the manipulative or destructive behavioural aspects of the disorder. All these interventions were embedded in a tight network of diverse professionals and strengthened by psychosocial support mechanisms.  相似文献   

The term psychopathy is defined as a severe personality pathology, which is characterized by extreme aggressive, antisocial and violent behavior as well as affective and interpersonal deficits. In recent years, research into the construct of psychopathy has often focused on the incidence and detection of such pathologies in children and adolescents. In this context, a point of interest is to explore the course and stability of psychopathic personality dimensions throughout youth. Results demonstrate clear evidence for the occurrence of personality traits characteristic for psychopathy in early childhood and adulthood, which facilitates early detection with the aid of age-specific diagnostic instruments.The distinct correlation between psychopathy and severe, repeated and largely treatment refractory violence, which results in substantial public damage, calls for further research in children and adolescents in order to define the construct of psychopathy more precisely, to further illuminate underlying pathologies and consequently develop more specific typologies and effective treatment strategies. To that end, it is of particular importance to correctly capture dimensional factors of psychopathy in youth and to examine their stability throughout stages of adolescent development.  相似文献   

What options are available to mental health providers helping clients with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)? In this paper we review many of the current pharmacological and psychological interventions available to help prevent and treat PTSD with an emphasis on combat-related traumas and Veteran populations. There is strong evidence supporting the use of several therapies including prolonged exposure (PE), eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR), and cognitive processing therapies (CPT), with PE possessing the most empirical evidence in favor of its efficacy. There have been relatively fewer studies of non-exposure based modalities (e.g., psychodynamic, interpersonal, and dialectical behavior therapy perspectives), but there is no evidence that these treatments are less effective. Pharmacotherapy is promising (especially paroxetine, sertraline, and venlafaxine), but more research comparing the relative merits of medication vs. psychotherapy and the efficacy of combined treatments is needed. Given the recent influx of combat-related traumas due to ongoing conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, there is clearly an urgent need to conduct more randomized clinical trials research and effectiveness studies in military and Department of Veterans Affairs PTSD samples. Finally, we provide references to a number of PTSD treatment manuals and propose several recommendations to help guide clinicians' treatment selections.  相似文献   

There is a need for empirical outcome research in psychodynamic and psychoanalytic therapy. However, both the approach of empirically supported therapies (EST) and the procedures of evidence‐based medicine (EBM) have severe limitations making randomised controlled trials (RCTs) an absolute standard. After a critical discussion of this approach, the author reviews the empirical evidence for the efficacy of psychodynamic psychotherapy in specific psychiatric disorders. The review aims to identify for which psychiatric disorders RCTs of specific models of psychodynamic psychotherapy are available and for which they are lacking, thus providing a basis for planning further research. In addition, results of process research of psychodynamic psychotherapy are presented. As the methodology of RCTs is not appropriate for psychoanalytic therapy, effectiveness studies of psychoanalytic therapy are reviewed as well. Studies of psychodynamic psychotherapy published between 1960 and 2004 were identifed by a computerised search using Medline, PsycINFO and Current Contents. In addition, textbooks and journal articles were used. Twenty‐two RCTs were identifed of which 64% had not been included in the 1998 report by Chambless and Hollon. According to the results, for the following psychiatric disorders at least one RCT providing evidence for the efficacy of psychodynamic psychotherapy was identifed: depressive disorders (4 RCTs), anxiety disorders (1 RCT), post‐traumatic stress disorder (1 RCT), somatoform disorder (4 RCTs), bulimia nervosa (3 RCTs), anorexia nervosa (2 RCTs), borderline personality disorder (2 RCTs), Cluster C personality disorder (1 RCT), and substance‐related disorders (4 RCTs). According to results of process research, outcome in psychodynamic psychotherapy is related to the competent delivery of therapeutic techniques and to the development of a therapeutic alliance. With regard to psychoanalytic therapy, controlled quasi‐experimental effectiveness studies provide evidence that psychoanalytic therapy is (1) more effective than no treatment or treatment as usual, and (2) more effective than shorter forms of psychodynamic therapy. Conclusions are drawn for future research.  相似文献   

The potential for psychotherapy in a large-group format has been discussed since the 1960s. Day treatment programs provide optimal support for such groups. One program type, which has maintained large-group psychotherapy as a central feature for over twenty years, is described. Essential features include an integrated therapeutic team, with clearly defined leadership, that is open to examination of its own process. Such groups may not only provide effective therapy, but are also readily amenable for teaching and research in psychotherapy.  相似文献   

In 1977, DiGiuseppe and Miller provided a review of the literature assessing the effectiveness of Rational-Emotive Therapy (RET). In 1984, McGovern and Silverman completed a similar review for outcome studies conducted from 1977 through mid-1981. This present study is meant as a continuation of those reviews. The 89 studies reviewed are divided into three sections: outcome studies that do not compare Rational-Emotive Therapy with other types of treatment; a review of outcome studies that do compare RET with other types of psychotherapy; and a review of Rational-Emotive outcome studies that either combine RET with other therapies or are not appropriate for the first two sections. There does appear to be some increased sophistication in the research conducted since 1982. Increases were noted in the number of control groups used in the current research as well as in the number of follow-up studies. There also appears to be an improvement in the comparison of RET with other forms of therapy, and the number of problem areas in which RET has been tested has increased. A decrease in post-test only studies and an increased variety of subjects have also improved the current research. Issues such as socioeconomic status and I.Q. of subjects, duration of treatment, and lack of longitudinal studies remain unaddressed. It is suggested that future researchers concentrate on these specific problems to improve the credibility of RET. This review coincides with the previous findings that RET is a valuable, effective therapy that warrants increased research to broaden its application.Manuel S. Silverman, Ph.D., is a Professor of Counseling Psychology at Loyola University Chicago.Margaret M. McCarthy, M.A., is a recent graduate of Loyola University Chicago.Terrance McGovern, Ph.D., is in Private Practice in Downers Grove, Illinois.  相似文献   

Although effective treatments for many mental disorders have been developed, little research has been conducted to determine whether these interventions are effective in treating those from diverse backgrounds. Recent reports have suggested that ethnic minorities are less likely to receive quality health services and that they evidence worse treatment outcomes when compared with other groups. To improve care for those from diverse backgrounds, Western-developed psychotherapies may need to be culturally modified or adapted to become more effective in treating ethnic minorities. This article addresses the need for adapting psychotherapy and provides a conceptual framework for making such modifications. The psychotherapy adaptation and modification framework model is applied to recent Asian American immigrants as an illustrative example. However, it may also serve as a point of departure to adapt therapies for other ethnocultural groups.  相似文献   

Breast cancer patients are subject not only to physical strain but also to substantial psychological and social stress as well as major threats and challenges.The paper presented gives an overview of the research status on psychosocial interventions to support patients in their coping endeavours.Psychosocial basic care of women with breast cancer is performed by the physicians treating oncologically and includes information fitting patients' information needs,and responding to their emotional stress.Evaluated training and educational programs are available for physicians to enhance their psychosocial competence.Psychosocial basic care is completed by psychoeducational interventions.In 20–30% of women with breast cancer, there is a need for a special psychotherapeutic treatment.Especially, supportive and cognitive-behavioral therapies in an individual or a group setting contribute to a reduction of anxiety and depression. Even anticipated side-effects of somatic treatments can be diminished by psychotherapy. Research in the field supports that there is a need for broad integration of psychosocial interventions into disease management programs for women suffering from breast cancer.  相似文献   

In recent years, constructivist psychotherapy has evolved as a plausible treatment for different disorders. The present study aimed to explore the effectiveness of this therapy in terms of symptom improvement and changes in the personal construct system. Forty-seven anxiety clients received brief integrative constructivist therapy. Scores on symptom and personal construct measures decreased after the treatment, but not all of them showed a statistically significant change. The percentage of clients with implicative dilemmas decreased after psychotherapy. The results provide preliminary support for the effectiveness of brief constructivist psychotherapy as a treatment for anxiety disorders in primary care services. Several limitations are acknowledged. Further controlled research is needed.  相似文献   

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