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周思洋  时琴琴  吴增强 《心理科学》2012,35(4):1004-1008
用SDQ(家长版)对上海10所小学二至四年级学生进行测查,以探求被试的ADHD症状表现,锁定ADHD高风险儿童。结果:(1)男生ADHD得分偏高(p<.01),但女生在红橙两个级别内的百分数均高于男生;(2)9岁被试的ADHD得分分布最分散,占男生ADHD红色级别的比例最大,在女生ADHD得分中均值最大;(3)红橙两个级别为高风险级别。结论:(1)9岁是ADHD症状表现最严重的年龄;(2)女生具有更高的ADHD风险;(3)ADHD高风险被试晒出率:男生14.4%,女生17.4%。  相似文献   

陆小英  方格 《心理科学》2007,30(2):380-382
时间序列关系推理是对事件发生的先后顺序关系的推理,是日常生活思维的重要方面。已有的研究关注3类推理问题,探查了不同任务变式下成人时间序列关系推理过程和推理策略,研究结果多支持心理模型理论。未来的研究应探明3类问题的性质,从心理逻辑理论的角度深化策略的研究结果,进一步揭示推理的机制。  相似文献   

Basic Predicate Logic, BQC, is a proper subsystem of Intuitionistic Predicate Logic, IQC. For every formula in the language {, , , , , , }, we associate two sequences of formulas 0,1,... and 0,1,... in the same language. We prove that for every sequent , there are natural numbers m, n, such that IQC , iff BQC n m. Some applications of this translation are mentioned.  相似文献   

The paper presents a core theory of human plausible reasoning based on analysis of people's answers to everyday questions about the world. The theory consists of three parts:
  • 1 a formal representation of plausible inference patterns; such as deductions, inductions, and analogies, that are frequently employed in answering everyday questions;
  • 2 a set of parameters, such as conditional likelihood, typicality, and similarity, that affect the certainty of people's answers to such questions; and
  • 3 a system relating the different plausible inference patterns and the different certainty parameters.
This is one of the first attempts to construct a formal theory that addresses both the semantic and parametric aspects of the kind of everyday reasoning that pervades. all of human discourse.  相似文献   

As a medicalized condition, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) sparks considerable public controversy. Previous research has highlighted the importance of examining the factors that influence attitudes toward ADHD. This article examines an understudied factor, religion, and its relationship with ADHD attitudes. Using data from the 2002 General Social Survey National Stigma Study‐Children, this research finds that compared to the rest of the population, evangelical Christians are less likely to view ADHD as a real disease and to believe children with ADHD should be treated with medication. Results also demonstrate that evangelicals are more likely to think doctors are overmedicating children with common behavior problems and to think medication prevents families from working out problems themselves. On the other hand, church attendance is unrelated to beliefs about ADHD treatment but is positively associated with thinking ADHD is a real disease. These findings add new insights to the existing literature on religion and medicalization.  相似文献   

The present review systematically summarizes the existing research that has examined two reaction-time-based interference control paradigms, known as the Eriksen Flanker task and the Simon task, in children with and without ADHD. Twelve studies are included, yielding a combined sample size of 272 children with ADHD (M age 9.28 yrs) and 280 typically developing children (M age 9.38 yrs). As predicted, specific disadvantages were found in the ADHD group in terms of reaction time, percentage of errors, and efficiency of performance on incongruent relative to congruent trials, providing evidence for weaker interference control in this group.  相似文献   

Despite significant functional problems in multiple domains, children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) unexpectedly provide extremely positive reports of their own competence in comparison to other criteria reflecting actual competence. This counterintuitive phenomenon is known as the positive illusory bias (PIB). This article provides a comprehensive and critical review of the literature examining the self-perceptions of children with ADHD and the PIB. Specifically, we analyze methodological and statistical challenges associated with the investigation of the phenomenon, the theoretical basis for the PIB, and the effects of sample heterogeneity on self-perception patterns. We conclude by discussing the implications of this work and providing recommendations for advancing research in this area.  相似文献   

The logic of dominance arguments is analyzed using two different kinds of conditionals: indicative (epistemic) and subjunctive (counter‐factual). It is shown that on the indicative interpretation an assumtion of independence is needed for a dominance argument to go through. It is also shown that on the subjunctive interpretation no assumption of independence is needed once the standard premises of the dominance argument are true, but that independence plays an important role in arguing for the truth of the premises of the dominance argument. A key feature of the analysis is the interpretation of the doubly conditional comparative "I will get a better outcome if A than if B" which is taken to have the structure "(the outcome if A) is better than (the outcome if B)".  相似文献   

This study examined the treatment sensitivity of the ADHD Questionnaire (ADHD-Q), which is a brief rating scale for measuring symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity in children. Parent, teacher, and child self-report data of the ADHD-Q were obtained for 17 clinically referred children with ADHD on the three occasions: (1) during the regular intake assessment, (2) just before the start of the stimulant medication (i.e., methylphenidate) intervention, and (3) four weeks after the start of the medication intervention. Results showed that ADHD-Q scores remained fairly stable in the period prior to the intervention, but then showed a substantial decline after the stimulant medication had been administered. Clearly, this finding supports the treatment sensitivity of the ADHD-Q.  相似文献   


Orthodox decision theory presupposes that agency is invested in individuals. An opposing literature allows team agency to be invested in teams whose members use distinctive modes of team reasoning. This paper offers a new conceptual framework, inspired by David Lewis's analysis of common reasons for belief, within which team reasoning can be represented. It shows how individuals can independently endorse a principle of team reasoning which prescribes acting as a team member conditional on assurance that others have endorsed the same principle. It argues that there can be such assurance even when no individual has an obligation to act on team reasoning.  相似文献   

采用较传统停止信号任务更为精确的选择性停止信号任务,探索ADHD的选择性抑制缺陷的机制。结果发现,ADHD儿童在选择性停止信号任务上,抑制失败的比率明显高于正常儿童,但是其执行加工速度和抑制加工速度与正常儿童没有差异,另外,ADHD儿童表现出了更大的反应变异性。研究认为,ADHD在选择性停止信号任务上的抑制缺陷并非由于抑制加工速度过慢所导致,而是由于其不能很好地维持最佳的激活状态所导致,状态调节理论更能反映ADHD的本质。  相似文献   

Objective: Many families of children with attention-deficit/hyperactive disorder (ADHD) do not initiate evidence-based treatments (EBTs), placing these children at risk for poor outcomes. Bootcamp for ADHD (BC-ADHD) is a novel, four-session, group intervention designed to prepare parents as informed consumers to engage in multimodal EBTs for ADHD. This paper describes the theory of change and the development of BC-ADHD, outlines its components, and provides an initial proof of concept of the program. Method: Participants were 11 families of children with ADHD (ages 5–11; 55% male; 91% non-Hispanic; 55% White, 27% Black, 18% more than one race) who were the initial participants receiving BC-ADHD during a small-scale, randomized controlled trial. Parent-report outcome measures assessed parental empowerment, treatment preferences, affiliate stigma, intention to pursue treatment, and treatment initiation at baseline, posttreatment, and 6-week follow-up. Results: Parent engagement was high, as indicated by an 86% session attendance rate and high ratings of program satisfaction. Parents reported an increase in empowerment to access systems of care. Ratings of acceptability for behavior therapy increased at posttreatment and follow-up with minimal or no concerns about feasibility. The acceptability of medication was high at each assessment, although parents expressed increased concerns about stigma and adverse effects of medication at posttreatment and follow-up. Nonetheless, there was a marked increase in parental intention to use medication at posttreatment and follow-up. Accounting for ceiling effects, parents reported substantial increases in intention to use medication, behavioral parent training (BPT), and school services. Changes in treatment initiation were in the expected direction. Conclusions: BC-ADHD has the potential to promote family empowerment in seeking services and increase their intent to initiate EBTs, as well as actual initiation of these treatments.  相似文献   

研究选取了混合型ADHD儿童14名,注意缺陷型ADHD儿童16名以及正常儿童18名,考察了在不同激活水平下,两亚型ADHD儿童之间,及其与正常儿童之间的反应执行能力与抑制能力的异同。采用传统的go/no-go任务,并将刺激间的时间间隔设置为1秒、4秒、8秒三种条件,分别对应高、中、低三种激活水平。结果发现,(1)与正常儿童相比,ADHD儿童的反应执行能力更容易受到激活水平的影响,且两亚型ADHD儿童受到的影响模式基本一致。具体而言:在高激活水平下,ADHD儿童与正常儿童差异最小;在中、低激活水平下,ADHD儿童与正常儿童差异增大,表明ADHD儿童状态调节能力落后。(2)两亚型ADHD儿童的功能缺损模式不同,混合型儿童在状态调节和反应抑制两方面都存在缺损,且其反应抑制缺陷不受激活水平影响;注意缺陷型儿童仅在状态调节方面受损。  相似文献   

Learning from past decisions can enhance successful decision-making. It is unclear whether difficulties in learning from experience may contribute to risky decision-making, which may be altered among individuals with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This study follows 192 children with and without ADHD aged 5 to 10 years for approximately 2.5 years and examines their risky decision-making using the Balloon Emotional Learning Task (BELT), a computerized assessment of sequential risky decision-making in which participants pump up a series of virtual balloons for points. The BELT contains three task conditions: one with a variable explosion point, one with a stable and early explosion point, and one with a stable and late explosion point. These conditions may be learned via experience on the task. Contrary to expectations, ADHD status was not found to be related to greater risk-taking on the BELT, and among younger children ADHD status is in fact associated with reduced risk-taking. In addition, the typically-developing children without ADHD showed significant learning-related gains on both stable task conditions. However, the children with ADHD demonstrated learning on the condition with a stable and early explosion point, but not on the condition with the stable and late explosion point, in which more pumps are required before learning when the balloon will explode. Learning during decision-making may be more difficult for children with ADHD. Because adapting to changing environmental demands requires the use of feedback to guide future behavior, negative outcomes associated with childhood ADHD may partially reflect difficulties in learning from experience.  相似文献   

The current study investigates two recently identified threats to the construct validity of behavioral inhibition as a core deficit of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) based on the stop-signal task: calculation of mean reaction time from go-trials presented adjacent to intermittent stop-trials, and non-reporting of the stop-signal delay metric. Children with ADHD (n = 12) and typically developing (TD) children (n = 11) were administered the standard stop-signal task and three variant stop-signal conditions. These included a no-tone condition administered without the presentation of an auditory tone; an ignore-tone condition that presented a neutral (i.e., not associated with stopping) auditory tone; and a second ignore-tone condition that presented a neutral auditory tone after the tone had been previously paired with stopping. Children with ADHD exhibited significantly slower and more variable reaction times to go-stimuli, and slower stop-signal reaction times relative to TD controls. Stop-signal delay was not significantly different between groups, and both groups’ go-trial reaction times slowed following meaningful tones. Collectively, these findings corroborate recent meta-analyses and indicate that previous findings of stop-signal performance deficits in ADHD reflect slower and more variable responding to visually presented stimuli and concurrent processing of a second stimulus, rather than deficits of motor behavioral inhibition.  相似文献   

Forty-two children (ages 6 to 12 years old) with moderate mental retardation to borderline intellectual functioning were studied in a laboratory playroom setting to determine whether children identified as ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) or controls differed on activity and attentional measures. Children with ADHD were further divided into ADHD + conduct problems (ADHD + CD) and ADHD-only subgroups (with an ADHD-combined group comprising children of both subgroups). An interval recording system was used to code observations of independent play and a restricted academic task. Results indicated that the ADHD-combined group was significantly more vocal and engaged in a significantly greater number of toy changes than controls during independent play. Significant group differences were also noted during the restricted academic task, with the ADHD-combined and ADHD + CD groups more off-task and engaging in a greater number of toy touches than controls. Discriminant analyses found independent play measures to predict group membership in 70 percent of cases (ADHD-combined vs. controls), but in only 64 percent of cases using measures from the restricted academic task. No significant findings resulted when the ADHD subjects were further divided into two subgroups. Despite some inconsistent findings, such laboratory-based observations may be of value in the diagnosis of ADHD in children with moderate mental retardation to borderline intellectual functioning.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship among creativity, ADHD symptomatology, temperament, and psychosocial functioning by comparing four groups of children aged 10–12 years: (1) 29 ADHD children without creativity, (2) 16 highly creative children displaying ADHD symptomatology, (3) 18 highly creative children without ADHD symptomatology, and (4) 30 normal controls. Children completed the TTCT, Child Depression Inventory, Revised Child Manifest Anxiety Scale, and Rosenberg Self‐Esteem Scale. Parents completed the Junior Temperament and Character Inventory, Family Environment Scale, and the parent version of the Kastan Children's Attributional Style Questionnaire. Parents completed the Conner's Rating Scales and Child Behavior Checklist, and teachers completed the Child Behaviour Checklist. Results showed that the presence of ADHD symptomatology in creative children was related to their temperamental characteristics, and parent reports of children's levels of anxiety and depression. However, family environment and mother's attributions did not appear to be related to the presence of ADHD symptomatology in creative children. These findings have implications for the development and management of creative children.  相似文献   

宋平  杨波 《心理科学进展》2012,20(11):1822-1833
注意缺陷多动症(Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, ADHD) 是一种常见于儿童期的精神障碍, 也可能持续到青少年及成年阶段, 其症状表现为难于集中注意力、难于控制其行为及活动过度等, 这些缺陷可能会增加患者犯罪的几率。轻微脑功能障碍、自我调节学说、强化敏感性理论、相关人格特质等在一定程度上可解释ADHD与犯罪的关系。ADHD作用于犯罪存在三种不同的可能路径, 即独立作用、间接作用和无作用。文中特别指出ADHD患者在刑事司法过程中表现的特点及其司法启示。未来研究应从基因、神经心理机制及其与环境的交互作用上进一步探讨ADHD与犯罪的关系, 并提示在犯罪预防、审讯、法庭审判以及罪犯矫治中需要考量ADHD的可能影响。  相似文献   

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