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在宗教学上 ,因“用”而信是指信者认为其有用而信 ;因“信”而信是指信者认为其真实而信。从清末中国士大夫的宗教观的流变看 ,单纯强调宗教是否有用的问题 ,而忽视其是否为真的问题 ,必然会影响宗教信仰的坚定性。  相似文献   

在翻译文学作品的过程中,研究主体性对研究翻译具有重大意义,特别是对于翻译本质、翻译过程、翻译评价及翻译学科建设等有着不可欠缺的作用。本论文主要从作者、译者、读者都是翻译主体的角度,以《挪威的森林》的两个译本为例,论述翻译的主体性。得出作者、译者、读者三者的主体性贯穿于翻译的始终,引导文学作品翻译的方向的结论。  相似文献   

中西方文化都对个人设置了一定的理想人格,说服引导激励民众向特定方向靠拢.西方的马丁·路德和中国的王阳明分别以因信称义和致良知学说将人们超凡入圣的路径内化.路德强调惟有凭借信仰才能称义成圣,阳明提出致良知才是通达圣人境界的正确途径.但他们在人成为圣人(圣徒)之前人性的状态、过程中应予否定的事项、实现路径、之后的心境等方面有着不同的理论宗旨.  相似文献   

郑显亮  顾海根  赵必华 《心理科学》2011,34(5):1195-1200
与一阶因素模型相比,二阶因素模型具有较多优点,但二阶因素模型的测量等价性检验要更复杂,它需要依次进行七个不同水平的检验:形等价、一阶弱等价、二阶弱等价、一阶强等价、二阶强等价、二阶严等价和一阶严等价。低水平的等价性满足之后,才能进行更为严格的高一水平的等价性检验。运用均值和协方差结构(MACS)模型对大学生网络利他行为量表(IABSU)进行二阶因素模型的测量等价性检验,结果表明,IABSU具有跨地域的完全一阶、二阶严等价性。  相似文献   

MEGA版的<马克思恩格斯全集>和西方"马克思学"都是在上世纪七八十年代进入中国并为学界所关注的.近些年来,随着对马克思恩格斯文本关注的持续升温,国内学界对待MEGA版及西方"马克思学"的态度出现了一些新的变化,并逐渐形成了三种较为典型的倾向:一种是仍旧漠视西方"马克思学"和MEGA的研究成果,闭门造车;一种是携洋自重,只重文献而忽视了理论的自省,对二者不加区别;另一种则是学界在对待MEGA版及西方"马克思学"问题上的正确立场、态度.对这三种倾向态度的分析有利于我们正确地对待西方"马克思学"及其研究成果.  相似文献   

历史文化名村是融合地域特征、历史价值、民族特色和乡土文化的传统村落,是当前我国实施乡村振兴发展战略中不可忽视的物质和精神资源。见证晋东民族优秀传统文化的山西省阳泉市大阳泉古村,在快速城市化的背景下被城市包围,成为“城中村”。以旅游促发展为其既定发展战略,却未能形成理想的局面,保护和发展均在一定程度上陷入困境。运用空间句法,通过轴线分析、凸空间分析等方法,对大阳泉古村的功能布局、空间结构等进行宏观和微观的空间量化分析。研究发现,大阳泉古村新旧建筑交汇区的公共性、空间渗透性较强;大阳泉街北侧垂直街巷轴线性不明确,通透性较差;传统院落空间主体公共性弱,可达性较差。据此提出解决策略,为推动大阳泉古村旅游发展做出探索。  相似文献   

民生新闻兴起的社会效应分析——以南京媒体为例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
朱虹 《学海》2006,(6):130-134
民生新闻兴起后成为各地方媒体收视率、阅读率最高的栏目。本文以南京媒体为调查分析对象,探讨民生新闻带来的社会影响。民生新闻的诞生和兴起反映了处于社会变革中城市居民的社会心理变迁,以及在适应市场竞争中媒体功能的变化。民生新闻节目的风行,带来了正反两方面的社会影响,民生新闻中庸俗化、暴力化倾向不利于市民精神和文化的健康发展;在民众的传媒素质较低的情况下,不合适的负面报导使普通民众产生认知偏差,损害了城市以及政府的形象,带来新的社会问题。  相似文献   

通过对南京市部分三级甲等医院2008年~2010年人体生物医学研究,涉及药物临床试验类项目、医疗器械类项目、医疗新技术类项目的共215份知情同意书进行整理、统计和分析.归纳和总结出知情同意书存在的普遍问题,包括:部分基本要素缺项严重,用语不通俗易懂,不符合普通大众的理解水平.同时,对国际多中心试验项目知情同意书的利弊进行了客观分析.最后,提出应进一步完善知情同意书审查要求,加强教育培训,培养换位思考意识等建议.  相似文献   

本文以贵州学者孙应鳘<淮海易谈>为例.探讨当时学者如何以心学思想诠说<易经>,冀能由是得窥明代王学与易学之间的互动关系,应鳌自青年时代起,即与王门后学广泛接触,其所作<淮海易谈>一书,在原先的朱注框架、图书概念、解<易>方法中,却将<易>理与心学巧妙结合,先论<易>者,心也,最终推衍出致知则得<易>的结论,明白可见其企图藉易学以彰显王学价值的用心,应鳌之易学,始于朱子,却成于阳明,明代王学与易学之间的互动,可由是得见一斑.  相似文献   

随着城市化进程的不断加快,各城市建设广场的热潮也纷纷涌现。城市创造了广场,就要维持广场的生命,使其存在得更永久,而不同类型的广场建设也能对城市的建设和发展产生推动作用,二者相互影响。从广场周边多样性对于其发展的重要影响入手,列举南京各社区广场、城市广场、综合型娱乐广场对于南京物质文化和精神文化建设的重要作用,表明二者共生存的状态。  相似文献   

In focusing on indexicals and proper names and on the different ways in which their references are fixed, I illustrate how our linguistic practice rests on context, broadly construed. The following theses are discussed and defended:
  • ? There are two main kinds of information: (i) anchored information, i.e. the information one gathers in using and entertaining indexical expressions and (ii) unanchored information, i.e. the information one may gain in hearing a proper name.
  • ? Indexical expressions differ from proper names; this difference relies on the differing ways in which extra‐linguistic context enters the scene.
  • ? The Kaplanian framework in particular, and the framework of direct reference in general, are best understood and appreciated against the background of a Wittgensteinian conception of language.

This paper is devoted to the study of experience as a semiotic process of constructing the personal meaning of the situation lived. Its main purpose is to devise a semiotic methodology capable of describing and explaining the dynamics of positioning when facing personal lived experiences in real life contexts. Twenty four young adults were exposed to a simulated conflict and then asked to write a narrative of their understanding of the incident and a self-report of their personal experiences. Results show how narratives and trajectories of experience present different forms in each participant, which could be related to: a) the understanding of the situation lived and the position taken regarding the conflict; and b) the position each participant takes regarding the reports they had to produce for the researchers. The incorporation of reflexivity into the applied method allows identification of how the dynamics of double positioning leave traces in the records produced.  相似文献   

Clayton Crockett 《Dialog》2015,54(4):317-326
This article disputes the common view of religious and secular as oppositional terms. Our contemporary world is post‐secularist, because secularism is a modern ideology that imagines a strict separation of the religious and the political, where religion becomes a purely private affair. This situation is compromised by the “return” of religion in political terms. Constructively, following Jacques Lacan, we can say that secular theology concerns the Real; and with François Laruelle, we can think about a non‐theology that complements what he calls non‐philosophy. Finally, I speculate on three names of the Real: energy, capital, and nomos.  相似文献   

This article presents the process and findings of a review of the empirical research literature on exotic dance/dancers in the United States and Canada from 1970 to 2008. We present research methods represented in this sample, as well as the main purposes of these studies, the deployment of theory in exotic dance research, and the visibility of researcher subjectivities. Over time researchers have gradually moved from micro-level analysis with singular explanations toward multi-dimensional and contextual understandings of exotic dance/dancers. Contemporary researchers are less grounded in deviance, pathology, or victimization. We conclude with a discussion and a series of recommendations for future research.  相似文献   

Preparation for work life is interpreted as involving 4 main kinds of preparation: (a) preparation for life in an organization, involving authority, security quests, impersonality, routine, conflict, mobility, and demotion, (b) preparation for a set of role relationships, (c) preparation for a level of consumption, involving a certain style of life, and (d) preparation for an occupational career, involving changes in the nature of jobs, and different types of jobs depending on the position in the life cycle. Conclusions suggest a broadening of the concept of “vocation,” and a change in approach to the analysis of the decision-making process from traditional stochastic analysis to “disjointed incrementalism,” that is, making decisions for short time-periods only, and with strict limitation on available data and resources.  相似文献   

空名问题的几种解答   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍和讨论了近来几种关于空名问题的解答.尽管这些解答所依赖的理论机制各不相同,但是它们却都采用了一个共同的策略,那就是它们都假定一个空名的意义与和这个空名相连的所有摹状词都无关.我用各种具体的例子来辩论说这个共同策略是错误的,因而这些解答都是有缺陷的.  相似文献   

大学生网名命名动机的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈俊  张积家  王嘉英 《心理科学》2006,29(4):957-959,943
本研究自编的“大学生网名命名动机量表”有较高的信度和效度。大学生的网名命名的动机按重要程度依次为:张扬个性、便捷自然、寻求自我价值感、祟尚流行和宣泄情感。网名命名动机在性别间存在显著差异,女生命名网名时,认为“张扬个性”与“便捷自然”较重要,而男生认为“寻求自我价值感”、“宣泄情感”与“崇尚流行”更重要。年级因素在命名动机上存在显著差异。低年级学生认为网名应当“张扬个性”、“寻求自我价值感”和“宣泄情感”,而高年级认为网名应“崇尚流行”和“便捷自然”。文理科学生仅在“便捷自然”动机上有差异。  相似文献   

We explored the way that children use brand names in making consumer judgments. Brand names can serve as a simple perceptual cue that identifies a product as one people are familiar with or one they associate with certain perceptual features. Brands can also be associated with symbolic or conceptual meanings, conveying status, prestige, or trendiness. We proposed that young children relate to brands on a perceptual level, whereas older children relate to brands on a conceptual basis as well. We examined this proposition in an experiment conducted with children 8,12, and 16 years of age. Participants were asked to evaluate an advertised product (e.g., athletic shoes) with a familiar brand name that was either popular (e.g., Nike®) or less popular (e.g., Kmart®). The advertised product was physically identical in both cases, allowing us to explore whether the brand name had meaning for children apart from its name familiarity or perceptual features. The use of conceptual brand meanings was assessed by asking participants to make several types of brand‐related judgments including evaluations of the advertised product, impressions of the owners of the advertised product, and evaluations of possible extensions of the popular brand name advertised. Results indicate that by the time children reach 12 years of age, they use brand names as an important conceptual cue in consumer judgments.  相似文献   

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