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Much of modern western law now presupposes opposition to discrimination based on race, religion, sex, national origin, and other factors. However, ancient religious Scriptures may have sanctioned certain types of discrimination. Whether those who are inclined to accept literal interpretations of their Scriptures will condone certain forms of discrimination could be evaluated to contrast the effects of modernization versus religious indoctrination on various kinds of prejudice.  相似文献   

Simone Sinn 《Dialog》2019,58(3):191-196
The ELCA Declaration of Inter‐Religious Commitment is an important instrument for mainstreaming inter‐religious engagement in local communities and diverse ministries. This article assesses this recent policy document and highlights how the text engages Lutheran theological reasoning on “the neighbor” for a profound understanding of God's grace, theologically de‐legitimizes hostility and exclusion, and strengthens joint agency. This resonates with current concerns in the global Lutheran communion and the wider ecumenical movement.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to find out methods of coping used most frequently by Kurdish adolescents and to investigate the relationship of methods of coping with their level of religiosity and gender. A convenience sample of 171 secondary school students, self-identified as Muslims, took part in answering two sets of questionnaires: methods of coping and religious commitment. Means, standard deviations, t-test and Pearson Correlation Coefficients were used to analyse the data. Results of the study suggest that the method of coping used most frequently by the sample was spiritual connection while passivity and avoidance were the least used methods of coping. Religiosity was correlated with all other methods of coping except seeking social support and passivity. Girls used avoidance and passivity for coping more than boys did. Kurdish Muslim adolescents use various methods to cope with problems they face. Counsellors in secondary schools should pay more attention to maladaptive methods of coping particularly among girl adolescents.  相似文献   

Paul Heelas 《Religion》2013,43(3):297-302
James T. Richardson (ed.), Money and power in new religions. Lewiston, New York, and Lampeter, Wales, The Edwin Mellen Press, 1988, Volume 22 of studies in religion and society, pp. 435. $39.95  相似文献   

The present study tested a theoretical model of dispositional hope and positive religious coping as unique predictors of social justice commitment over and above impression management in a sample of graduate students (N?=?214) in helping professions at an Evangelical Protestant university in the USA. This empirical study utilised a cultural psychology approach with a theoretical framework developed from (a) an earlier cultural psychology study of hope and social justice using the social philosophies of Martin Luther King, Jr, Cornel West, and Paulo Freire and (b) several liberation and Pietistic theologians. Results supported the discriminant validity hypothesis with dispositional hope and positive religious coping each predicting social justice commitment over and above a measure of spiritual impression management. Implications are considered for contextually sensitive training and future empirical and interdisciplinary research on social justice commitment.  相似文献   

Research on organizational commitment suggests there is an association between American theists’ emotional attachment to God and their emotional commitment to the workplace. A sense of divine calling has been shown to partially mediate this association but, beyond that, little is known. The purpose of this study is to shed further light on the relationship between secure attachment to God and affective organizational commitment. I do so by testing whether the employee’s religious tradition is associated with affective organizational commitment and whether the employee’s firm attributes moderate the relationship between attachment to God and organizational commitment. Results suggest that: 1) Catholics evince higher levels of organizational commitment than Evangelicals, and 2) firm size significantly moderates the relationship between attachment to God and organizational commitment across religious affiliations.  相似文献   

Kristen E. Kvam 《Dialog》2019,58(3):171-172
A short review of the ELCA declaration of inter‐religious commitment and its value in the current 21st century context.  相似文献   

This study used a multidimensional and multilevel approach to study the relation between fear of death and religious commitment. A multidimensional self-report measure of fear of personal death, four TAT cards known to elicit a relatively high frequency of death themes, and an index of Jewish religious commitment were administered to 178 young male Jewish Israelis. Unidimensional and multidimensional analysis of these measures suggested that Jewish religious commitment is related to a heightened specific sensitivity to death at different levels of awareness.  相似文献   


Academic dishonesty has been found to be on the increase globally, affecting the quality of education, ethics of professional practices and career outcome. Substantial literature exists on the role of religious commitment (RC) in reducing academic dishonesty (AD), but few or no studies have examined the pathways explaining this link. The present study examined whether self-efficacy mediates the relationship between RC and AD. Undergraduates of the University of Nigeria, Nsukka (N = 350, Mean age = 22.18 years) completed the Academic Dishonesty Scale (ADS), Religious Commitment Inventory (RCI-10) and New General Self-Efficacy Scale (NGSES) and also provided relevant demographic information. Results of statistical analysis indicated that RC was negatively associated with AD. Self-efficacy was also a partial mediation in the relationship between RC and AD. This implies that self-efficacy contributes to the pathways through which RC influences AD among students. Our findings suggest that consideration of students’ level of self-judgment on their ability to cope with academic demands may be an important target toward enhancing the influence of RC in reducing academic dishonest behaviors among students.  相似文献   

Forgiveness is a complex construct with an important role in religious traditions worldwide, and is associated with mental and physical health outcomes. This seven-year longitudinal study examined changes within individuals during, and differences based on birth cohort, in forgiveness during late life. Growth curve analysis was used to analyse the general pattern of change across the course of older adulthood in eight dimensions related to forgiveness. Increases over time were observed in forgiveness of others, conditionality of forgiveness of others, forgiveness of self, feelings of being forgiven by God, and feelings of being forgiven by others. Decreases over time were observed in difficulty forgiving oneself, and perceptions of conditionality in God's forgiveness. Religious commitment was related to reporting more a more forgiving attitude on seven of these dimensions, but also to more perceived conditionality in God's forgiveness. Finally, differences in mean levels of forgiveness emerged between birth cohorts.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have yielded small, negative correlations between measures of paranormal and "traditional religious beliefs". This may partly reflect opinions of Christians in the samples who take biblical sanctions against many "paranormal" activities seriously. To test this, 391 college students (270 women and 121 men) rated their beliefs in various paranormal phenomena and were classified as Believers, Nominal Believers, and Nonbelievers on the strength of their self-rated commitment to key biblical (particularly Protestant) doctrines. As predicted, Believers were significantly less likely than Nominal Believers or Nonbelievers to endorse reincarnation, contact with the dead, UFOs, telepathy, prophecy, psychokinesis, or healing, while the beliefs of Nominal Believers were similar to those of Nonbelievers. Substantial percentages of Nominal and Nonbelievers (30-50%) indicated at least moderate acceptance of the paranormal phenomena surveyed.  相似文献   

屈原之死,不是“尸谏”说、国君赐死说、以自杀斗争说、返本寻根说和不肯同流合污说等所能解释清楚的,而有待干从宗教和文化哲学的角度,深入到屈原灵魂深处作进一步的挖掘。本文认为,导致屈原之死的更为直接和深刻的原因,是屈原人生终极观的坍塌和终极理想的幻灭,以及实现终极理想的三种途径的丧失。终极观的坍塌和终极理想的幻灭,在观念的层面上,使屈原在精神上无家可归;而实现终极理想的三种途径的丧失,又在现实的层面上使屈原无家可归;这种情形对屈原来说,是进退维谷,始终失据;既没有了立身之基,又没有了人生归宿。于是,在穷途末日般的迷茫和悲愤之下,屈原绝望而死。  相似文献   

This study explored the relationship between life satisfaction, meaning in life, and religious fundamentalism among 420 participants (28.8% male, 88.4% African, 8.4% White) residing in the Gauteng province of South Africa. A cross-sectional quantitative survey design was followed. Data were collected using the Meaning in Life questionnaire and the Satisfaction with Life scale, and analysed by means of latent variable modelling. Results indicated that meaning in life acted as a mediator between religious fundamentalism and life satisfaction. This suggests that in some cases, fundamentalist religious attitudes might be adaptive in that it provides its adherents with a clear framework of meaning and definite answers to life's existential uncertainties.  相似文献   

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