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Distraction for Pediatric Immunization Pain: A Critical Review   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The paper provides a critical review of distraction for pediatric immunizations in order to determine clinical practicality and efficacy of this commonly employed intervention. The MEDLINE and PsycINFO databases were searched to identify papers that included an evaluation of a distraction intervention as a method of pediatric immunization pain management. Fifteen papers were included in this review. Effect sizes were calculated to estimate the clinical significance of findings. In order to examine possible differences in effect sizes related to distraction characteristics, chi square analyses were conducted. Results indicate that distraction is clinically effective in the reduction of pain during pediatric immunizations. Support is found for behavioral and cognitive explanations of distraction mechanisms. Further, various distraction stimulus characteristics were found to be associated with the clinical significance of findings. This article is based on the preliminary examination paper of the first author under the direction of the second, at West Virginia University.  相似文献   

“治病与致病”、“道德与利益”、“发展与风险”是药品安全的三大关系.这三大关系既有区别又有联系,“治病与致病”是药物的治疗作用和不良反应.“道德与利益”主要是对经营药物相关者的道德伦理要求,放眼整个经济发展,药品安全保障需得益于国家药业的发展.“发展与风险”的关系是药品安全的关键.  相似文献   

This paper reveiws all relevant literature concerning the family background of compulsive drug abusers. The main content of the completed research is summarized and methodological criticisms are made. Future considerations for research on families of drug abusers are suggested.  相似文献   

近十年来情绪研究的回顾与展望   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
刘海燕  郭德俊 《心理科学》2004,27(3):684-686
本文主要综述了近10年来,情绪心理学研究中所取得的进展和将来的研究趋向。首先介绍了情绪实验研究中实验材料的标准化和成像技术应用的发展概况;其次讨论了情绪智力的构成成分和情绪调节研究的进展;再次分析了情绪和认知之间的交互作用关系;最后探讨了感情系统的加工特征。  相似文献   

An understanding of the role of inherited cancer predisposition syndromes in pediatric tumor diagnoses continues to develop as more information is learned through the application of genomic technology. Identifying patients and their relatives at an increased risk for developing cancer is an important step in the care of this patient population. The purpose of this review is to highlight various tumor types that arise in the pediatric population and the cancer predisposition syndromes associated with those tumors. The review serves as a guide for recognizing genes and conditions to consider when a pediatric cancer referral presents to the genetics clinic.  相似文献   

This review paper integrates recent structural and functional imaging, postmortem, animal lesion, and neurochemical research about the pathophysiology of autism. An understanding of the neurobiological correlates of autism is becoming increasingly important as more children are diagnosed with the condition and funding for well-targeted interventions increases. Converging evidence suggests that autism involves abnormalities in brain volume, neurotransmitter systems, and neuronal growth. In addition, evidence firmly links autism with abnormalities in the cerebellum, the medial temporal lobe, and the frontal lobe. Potential implications of these findings and suggestions for future research are reviewed.  相似文献   

Neuropsychology Review - Working memory is a multicomponent system that is supported by overlapping specialized networks in the brain. Baddeley’s working memory model includes four...  相似文献   

This review considers the role of drug therapy in the treatment of post-stroke aphasia, the evidence for efficacy of different agents, and the theory-based explanations of drug-related benefits for aphasia rehabilitation. Pharmacological interventions modulating stroke-induced disruption of diverse neurotransmitters may improve language and communication deficits in aphasic patients through facilitation of brain plasticity and long-term potentiation. However, benefits are not evident for all compounds and refinement in clinical trial designs is required. Some pharmacological trials have failed because drug treatment was not combined with speech-language therapy, while other trials combining drugs with intensive model-driven therapies also failed probably because of short-trial duration, inadequate sample selection, or lack of drug action. Preliminary data reveals that combining neuroscience-based intensive aphasia techniques (constraint-induced aphasia therapy) and drugs acting on cholinergic and glutamatergic neurotransmitter systems are associated with better outcomes than other strategies and long-term maintenance of benefits. Although further studies are needed, current state of the evidence suggests that drug therapy may play a key role in the treatment of post-stroke aphasia.  相似文献   

This literature review summarizes all studies relating neuropsychological performance to neuroimaging findings in pediatric sickle cell disease (N=28; published 1991–2005). Although inconsistencies exist within and across domains, deficits in intelligence (IQ), attention and executive functions, memory, language, visuomotor abilities, and academic achievement have been identified. Overall neurocognitive compromise was revealed to be related to the level of neurological injury and the location of silent infarct. Attentional and executive dysfunction is prevalent and related to frontal lobe abnormalities.  相似文献   

近二十年来的中国发展心理学   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
缪小春 《心理科学》2001,24(1):71-77
本文是对近二十年来中国大陆发展心理学的一个总结。文章分三个部分。第一部分是这个时期中国发展心理学总的情况的说明,第二部分是发展心理学研究中下列各个领域的介绍:认知发展研究.语言发展研究.社会性发展研究,超常儿童研究,独生子女研究,心理发展的跨文化研究,老年心理研究。在第三部分中作者提出他对中国发展心理学的一些看法。  相似文献   

This article evaluates the published empirical findings on childhood emotional abuse and its proposed relationship with psychotic symptoms. Research and governmental policy indicates that emotional abuse is present in all forms of abuse and neglect, suggesting it is the form of abuse most frequently linked to mental health problems. Literature searches were conducted in 3 peer-reviewed electronic databases and relevant papers were reviewed. Results suggest childhood emotional abuse is statistically related to psychosis in adulthood. This adds tentative support to the hypothesis that emotional abuse is related to psychotic experiences; in particular to hallucinations and persecutory delusions. A number of studies also provide tentative support to the dose–response effect proposed between cumulative trauma and a greater risk of positive psychotic symptoms.  相似文献   

儿童早期社会化的一个重要目标和成就是获得自控能力,即根据情境的要求来控制调节自己行为的能力。对年幼儿童来说,自我控制能力主要表现在对成人要求的顺从,并且做出积极适当的行为。顺从通常被认为是儿童早期发展的一个里程碑。该文在纵览自上世纪60年代以来研究的基础上,综合叙述了对儿童顺从行为研究的内容、已有成果、研究思路及趋势等问题。  相似文献   

近年来国内民族认同研究的内容主要集中在民族认同的内涵、民族认同与国家认同的关系、民族认同与文化适应、心理健康的关系等方面。研究存在的主要问题是理论探讨多于实证研究, 研究取样和方法单一, 缺乏比较性、过程性和机制性的研究, 未能注重本土化研究。未来研究需要以多学科视角, 结合多种研究方法, 使用高级统计方法进行数据分析, 揭示我国民族认同的本质和特征, 形成本土化的民族认同理论。  相似文献   

陈骐  刘岩  周晓林 《心理科学》2005,28(1):152-153
自上而下的注意控制是调节人类各种认知活动的一种重要执行功能,本文从三个方面总结了该领域内脑成像研究的新进展:(1)自上而下注意控制的脑机制;(2)不同种类的注意控制脑机制的一致性;(3)自上而下的注意控制对其它皮层中神经活动的影响。  相似文献   

情境判断测验是一种为作答者呈现工作相关的典型情境以及该情境下可能的行为反应, 要求根据指导语提示进行选择或评价的测验形式。随着其理论和实践的发展, 研究者越来越关注情境判断测验的效度研究, 包括对其构想效度、效标关联效度和递增效度的探讨, 以及指导语类型、情境保真度以及计分方式等因素对其效度的影响。基于这些研究进展, 未来情境判断测验实践领域可能的方向是:(1)开发针对特定构想的情境判断测验; (2)结合具体构想选用相应的指导语; (3)应用作假和培训对效度影响的研究结果指导实践。  相似文献   

消费者研究是近年来西方心理学应用研究中一个非常活跃的领域。在近 40年的发展中 ,消费者研究的范围不断扩大 ,数量不断增多 ,质量也不断提高。本文考察了西方消费者研究的发展趋势 ,对比了主要的消费者研究阵营 ,并通过对消费者研究中三个亚领域———社会认知、BDT和后现代消费者研究之间的差异和共同之处的探讨 ,强调了各领域之间有很大的合作空间。  相似文献   

Neuropsychological test interpretation rests upon the assumption that the examinee has exerted full effort. If an individual provides inadequate effort during exam, the resulting data will be invalid and represent an underestimate of the person's true abilities. Although youth have been assumed historically to be less capable of deception than adults, acts of deception in childhood are not uncommon, even in normative populations. Yet, very few cases of children who have provided suboptimal effort during neuropsychological exam have appeared in the scientific literature. We present six clinical cases illustrating that children down to at least age 8 years can present with noncredible performance. The cases include those in which clear external incentives could be identified to those in which intrinsic or psychological factors were presumed to predominate. The fairly diverse nature of the presented cases, along with other recent work, suggests that suboptimal effort in children is apt to occur more frequently than previously recognized, even if it might occur less often than in comparable adult samples. In most of the presented cases, noncredible performance would not have been detected definitively by clinical judgment alone, reinforcing the value of routinely incorporating symptom validity tests into the neuropsychological assessment of school-aged children. The number of effort tests that have demonstrated utility in children pales in comparison to those available to the adult practitioner, although recent research now supports the use of several standalone measures with pediatric patients.  相似文献   

为了保护受试者的合法权益,药物临床试验的伦理审查必须规范化进行.通过走访哈尔滨医科大学附属医院伦理委员会了解到,伦理审查程序缺乏相对完整性,特别是跟踪审查程序还在完善过程中,没有形成统一具体的操作规程.对此,结合我国实际情况,借鉴国外先进经验,提出构建药物临床试验跟踪审查程序的建议.  相似文献   

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