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休谟认为 ,正义的起源在于自然资源的有限性和人类的有限同情心 ,正义乃是为了弥补自然与人性的这种不足而产生的人为之德 ,正义的主要作用是作为一种划分财产权利的道德规则。本文对休谟的正义观进行了阐述和简要评析 ,并指出了其正义思想的合理性与局限性。  相似文献   

义利之辨与社会主义义利观   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
本文从批判义利之辨是“古典的陈旧课题和话语”的观点出发 ,指出义利之辨是古往今来一切伦理学所寻求正确的价值观所必须开展的伦理思维活动 ,并分析了社会主义条件下的义利之辨 ,探讨了义利之辨与社会主义义利观之间的关系 ,认为只有通过义利之辨 ,才能真正形成义利并重和义利统一的社会主义义利观。  相似文献   

A psychological theory needs both universal and specific components in order to describe and predict human behaviour across cultures. It is argued that the purpose of conducting cross-cultural studies is not merely to demonstrate cultural variations in human behaviour, but also to build better universal laws so that we can generalize from culture to culture. From this cross-cultural point of view, the six papers of this special issue are discussed. The distinction between individualism and collectivism, as an example, is evaluated in relation to a specific case—Japanese culture—and a few observations are made, including the suggestion that variances associated with within-culture sources are often larger than between-culture variances. Finally, the implications of cross-cultural studies in a rapidly changing world are discussed.  相似文献   

西方社群主义的正义观及其对和谐社会的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
正义是和谐社会的核心价值.在建设社会主义和谐社会的过程中,西方的各种政治学说可以为我们批判地借鉴,当代西方的社群主义正义观就可以在尊重个人合法权利、培养公民美德、弘扬集体价值观等方面,为我们提供一些启示.  相似文献   

浅议儒家义利观之主旨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘永鹏 《管子学刊》2006,(1):105-106
加强公民道德建设,必须继承中华民族几千年形成的传统美德,而儒学作为二千多年来我国封建社会的主导意识形态,也凝聚了大量有关义利关系的思想精华,对其充分挖掘利用,亦为当务之急。在儒家思想中,“义,宜也”(《二程集》),“义者,事之宜也”(《四书集注·学而》),指正义应当是最高的道德原则;“利”则指利益,孔子、孟子都把利理解为“私利”。冯友兰先生说过:“儒家所谓义利之辨之利,是指个人私利……若所求的不是个人私利,而是社会的公利,则其行为不是求利,而是行义。”犤1犦儒家有关义利关系的思想极为丰富,其主旨为:一、见利思义孔子主张…  相似文献   

管理公正是公正在管理领域的体现,是在管理过程中使组织权利与义务达到平衡的原则,也是管理过程中追求的使组织权利与义务达到平衡的伦理价值目标。管理公正是管理学与伦理学整合的支点,研究和实践管理公正对深化管理伦理学研究,实现伦理化的管理,均具有重要的意义和价值。  相似文献   

哈耶克主张规则正义,反对结果正义,反对假“社会正义”之名行“分配正义”之实,进而导向平均分配的泥沼。正义的作用仅在于它为个人行动提供了否定性价值标准。正义只能告诉人们不能做什么,而不能指示人们必须做什么,特别是它不能成为人类认识未知领域的行动准则,这就在逻辑上为个人自由行动提供了一个开放的正义域。他反对把正义作为行为的价值观念,因为对个体行为的正义性施以道德判断会束缚人的自由。  相似文献   

环境伦理视阈中的分配正义原则   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分配正义不仅存在于收入分配领域,还存在于自然资源在同代人或不同代人之间的分配过程之中。分配正义是人与自然、人与人之间和谐协调与可持续发展的伦理基础。与一般意义的分配正义主要是指对一定社会结构、社会关系和社会现象的一种伦理认定和道德评价相区别,环境伦理视阈中的分配正义主要体现自然资源在国家之间的公平分配、国内的公平分配、代际之间的公平分配、人类的需要与环境本身之间公平分配等层面,概括地讲,也就是代内正义、代际正义和种际正义。  相似文献   


This paper proposes a novel egalitarian answer to the question: what initial distribution of the world’s resources could possibly count as just? Like many writers in the natural rights tradition, I take for granted that distributive justice consists in conformity to pre-political principles that apply to property regimes. Against the background of that assumption, the paper distinguishes between broadly Lockean and broadly Grotian conceptions of distributive justice in the state of nature. After an extended critique of various versions of the Lockean approach, it argues for a particular, egalitarian version of the Grotian view. My position is based on what I call the common ownership formula, which says: each human being, as an equal co-owner of the world’s resources, may use those resources provided that the terms of their use are in conformity with principles that no co-owner could reasonably reject as the basis of an informed, unforced general agreement between all of the world’s co-owners who sought to find equitable principles of resource division. Using this principle, I suggest how an unequivocally egalitarian view of pre-political entitlement can be justified without recourse to any alleged duty to ameliorate the effects of brute bad luck on people’s lives.  相似文献   

A brief review reveals confusion regarding relationships among constructs of pay and benefits satisfaction and distributive and procedural justice. Nonetheless, the literature yields measures for each of these variables that show promise for future theoretical development. A validation study for four of these scales involved 154 working adults across a variety of organizations and industries.Data were analyzed via interitem and interscale correlations and confirmatory factor analysis. Analytical products provide evidence of scale reliability, homogeneity, and convergent and discriminant validity. Correlations were also calculated between the satisfaction and justice variables, income, and other attitudinal constructs, including organizational commitment, job satisfaction, propensity to resign, and work effort. The resulting pattern of relationships not only provides evidence of construct validity, but also suggests that the reward satisfaction and fairness variables, although related, contribute uniquely to several aspects of organizational life.  相似文献   

An examination was made of the factors that contribute to employee perceptions of the distributive justice of compensation outcomes and how employees differ in their perceptions. A sample of 414 employees of a large public university was used to assess what distributive rules are associated with employees' perceptions of the fairness of pay raise decisions. The results found that employees evaluated the fairness of pay raise decisions differently. A cluster analysis identified three groups of employees who differed in their perceptions, and one-way analysis of variance highlighted a number of demographic and attitudinal factors by which these groups were distinguished.  相似文献   

社群主义自社群的经验出发,承认个人对其权利的追求,但否认自由主义"权利优先于善"的主张,强调社会公益的优先性。荀子在"义利"问题上,承认"义利两有",主张"以义制利"、"先义后利",断"义"为经验的养成,而非先验的存有,其正义观之社群主义精蕴显现无疑。  相似文献   

中国传统义利观的诠释学审视   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“义利”问题是关乎人类社会伦理生活的基本问题.从诠释学的角度对“义”与“利”的原义考察、“义利关系”的深意挖掘、“义利观”的时代意蕴找寻是一种新的诠释重建.这种新的诠释重建有利于中国传统义利观的现代转换.  相似文献   

义利关系是中国传统思想中与政治、经济、文化最为密切的一种价值观.以孔子"义利观"为代表的中国传统企业经营的指导思想,对医院构建遵守道德规范、讲求诚信、以人为本、完善激励机制、"以质量为核心"等经营之道具有重大的理论价值和现实意义,它将引导医院实现其所追求的道德观念和法律价值,达到道义与功利综合的发展.  相似文献   

看了最近两期<科学与无神论>杂志,其"热点话题"中关于在青少年中进行无神论教育的讨论,引起了我的兴趣.作为一个曾在"文革"前受初等教育的过来人和对无神论宣传一直比较关注的新闻工作者,我想谈一下自己的看法,也许能对这次讨论有所裨益,至少可当作抛砖引玉吧.  相似文献   

The relationship between pay level and pay satisfaction was modeled in a field study with 456 employees of nursing departments in a large hospital. After controlling for person, job, and pay system characteristics, pay satisfaction variance was better explained by treating pay level as a power function rather than a linear function. This result was expected given the low wage rate relative to the market, the lack of a formal rewards system, and the high level of tenure in the workforce. Implications of this finding for theory, research, and practice were discussed.  相似文献   

李伟 《管子学刊》2005,2(1):94-97
农商观与义利观是中国传统观念中最核心的观念。近代山东由于资本主义因素的不断增长和资产阶级文化观念的不断传播,农商观与义利观也随之逐渐改变,但这种改变过程是比较缓慢的。  相似文献   

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