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The scales of Cattell's Objective–Analytic Test Battery (OATB) and the factors derived from the factor analysis of the subtests of the OATB were located with respect to a wide range of ability and personality variables, including the 16PF and Cattell's Comprehensive Ability Battery. The expected relationships between the OATB scales and the personality measures did not emerge. However, it was found that many of the OATB scales were highly correlated with ability factors. It is concluded that in Britain, and in its present form, the OATB is not a viable instrument for measuring personality traits.  相似文献   

Attention is drawn to recent major critiques of Cattell's ‘16 PF’ model of personality. Various six/seven-factor models of personality (assuming intelligence is included) derived from the 16 PF or its precursors are described. The equation of Eysenck's E and N factors with Cattell's second-order factors of ‘exvia’ and ‘anxiety’ is mentioned. An examination is made of the problems of factored scale construction and the ‘number of factors’ issue, especially when item responses are analysed.Three previous second-order factor solutions to the HSPQ are presented. These show a remarkable degree of concordance among themselves and with an item analysis of the HSPQ conducted by the writers. This item analysis also reveals serious doubts about the primary trait structure proposed by Cattell and Cattell (1969). It is suggested that, for adolescents, the four studies, with some support from the 16 PF analyses, point to a six-factor structure for personality consisting of anxiety ( = Eysenck's N); tender-tough-mindedness ( = Eysenck's Psychoticism); carefulness-casualness and two aspects of extraversion-introversion: (a) preference for working with people rather than with things. (b) Classical extraversion (the last or both (a) and (b) being analogous to Eysenck's E) and finally intelligence, if this can be classified as an aspect of personality.  相似文献   

A “person-thing” career motivation continuum was tested as a model for structuring this investigation of the personal characteristics and career influences of women in mathematics who entered teaching or nonteaching careers. Women mathematicians who chose to teach were hypothesized to be more person-oriented in career development (i.e., they would be more influenced in the development of career interest by people). In contrast, women who chose careers in mathematically oriented fields, until recently considered nontraditional for their sex (engineering, physical science, accounting, economics, computer science), were expected to be more attracted to the “ideas” or “things” of mathematics.This hypothesis was tested in its null form by comparing personality traits and career influences for two groups of university senior women. Each group was composed of 30 subjects who had elected at least 24 semester credit hours in mathematics. Subjects were randomly selected after individuals were first stratified into two groups, according to whether they chose teaching or nonteaching careers in math-related areas.Second order personality traits derived from subjects' responses to Cattell's 16 PF Questionnaire were employed to assess personality differences. A biographical questionnaire was utilized for collecting data relative to career-influence factors. Multivariate analysis of variance and chi square statistical models were employed for data analysis.The two groups differed significantly in overall personality profiles. This difference was related to the nonteaching group's having scored significantly higher (than did the teaching group) on both the creativity and independence personality factors. Related to career influence, the nonteaching women appeared to develop their interests in mathematics somewhat earlier than did their counterparts who chose to teach. Women teachers were more attracted to their careers because of the influence of people engaged in mathematically oriented work. More of the nonteaching women cited influences associated with mathematics, itself, such as books, demonstrations and independent studies, as paramount in their career decision-making. Also, men were seen as more influential in fostering their career development by the non-teaching group, while in contrast, the teachers chose women as more influential in the development of their interests in mathematics.These findings appear to support the “person-thing” hypothesis associated with the development of career interests for women in mathematics.  相似文献   

The study dealt with the particular contents subjects apply in a cognitive task. The hypotheses were that the frequency of specific contents would be related to the subject's information processing tendencies assessed in terms of the meaning system (Kreitler and Kreitler), that each content variable would be related to a pattern of meaning variables and that in some cases these patterns would resemble in structural features those related to personality traits, particularly cognitive traits. The subjects, 50 undergraduates of both genders, were administered in separate sessions a standard meaning questionnaire, assessing tendencies to use the meaning variables, and 10 planning tasks, coded in terms of eight conceptually-based variables (categories of contents, e.g., emotional, quantitative) and five factorially-based variables (defined on the basis of a factor-analysis of all responses, e.g., concern for aesthetics and external appearance, formal administrative arrangements). The findings showed that each content variable was related to a particular pattern of meaning variables providing insight into its cognitive dynamics. Six conceptually-based variables were related to patterns similar to those related to traits, not only cognitive. Discussion focuses on implications for the study of contents and of traits.  相似文献   

A new questionnaire was constructed for the measurement of a hypothetical personality trait of ‘health care’, i.e. care and respect for the physical integrity of the body. It was found that the trait was a component of Cattell's self-sentiment factor. This yielded a new and more comprehensive self-sentiment questionnaire. The new questionnaire was validated by the demonstration of low scores in heroin addicts and alcoholics. Further investigation showed that the self-sentiment is highly correlated with P, of which it is best regarded as an additional expression. This result confirms the interpretation of P as the negative pole of a broad super-ego or socialization factor.  相似文献   

The Peabody Individual Achievement Test was factor analyzed at five grade levels. The two-factor solution was retained at each grade. Subtests composing each factor changed from the lower to upper grade levels, but the abilities measured by each factor appear constant. A close similarity between the two factors and Cattell's concept of fluid and crystallized intelligence was noted. Subtests' specificities were computed at each grade level investigated and implications for use and interpretation of the PIAT discussed.  相似文献   

This study was designed to test and expand Holland's vocational development theory by utilizing more than a single high point code in classification of personality patterns of jobs. Significant positive results were obtained to support Holland's premise that people search out environments and, hence, vocations that are compatible with their personalities. A more “refined” and/or “subtle” difference was shown in the personality-job relationships when two high point codes were used.  相似文献   

Holland's Self-Directed Search was administered to 247 male and 252 female high school students, aged 16 to 18 years, attending state schools in New Zealand. Principal factor analysis was used in an attempt to identify six orthogonal factors analogous to Holland's six personality types. The Social and Enterprising scales could not be split into two factors in either sample, and the Investigative and Realistic scales defined a single factor for the female students. Computed distances between pairs of the six personality types in five dimensional factorial space were compared with the relative ordering of the distances expected from Holland's hexagonal model. The positions of the types in space corresponded more closely with the model for the males than they did for the females. The results, in conjunction with those of similar studies in Israel and the United States, imply that the correspondence between some summary codes on the SDS and existing occupational classifications based on Holland's types may be less than perfect, particularly for females. Also, care should be taken when using codes on the SDS to calculate Holland's indices of “consistency,” especially for females.  相似文献   

The effects of room density, type of ongoing activity (party vs studying), and a personality variable (“personal space” or the distance which subjects place between themselves and others) on room liking were investigated. Results supported the prediction that type of activity is an important determinant of whether a high or low density setting is preferred. Evidence was also presented that a mediator between activity type and density preference is whether the presence of other people facilitates or inhibits the individual's goals in the setting. Personality factors also influence density preferences: Close standing Ss preferred a high to a low density setting; far standing Ss showed an opposite preference pattern, but only in the party condition. Correlations between Ss' personal space scores and several background and personality variables are also presented.  相似文献   

Vocational interests, personality, work environment, and background of authors and critics, male and female, in children's literature are examined in terms of Holland's theory of vocational types, supplemented with concepts of an art system and styles of consciousness. On SVIB indicator scales, both authors and critics score as artistic types with “consistent” profiles, but authors are more “differentiated.” Critics have stronger social interests and less aversion to conventional activities, appropriate to their position as gate-keepers in the art system. In work style there are again common features, but authors describe themselves as having “alternative” states of consciousness, where critics emphasize their social roles and rationality. Both groups have peaks on Achievement via Independence (CPI), but the critics are more socially ascendant, efficient, and conventional. Most critics have full-time employment under institutional auspices; most writers do not. Difference in occupations of fathers of authors and critics are consistent with interest patterns of the subjects. Several personality and background findings, including interactions between sex and field, are interpreted as supporting the usefulness of supplementing Holland's theory.  相似文献   

A framework for behavioral observation is described in which the processing of a stream of behavior is influenced by an individual's prior knowledge about behavior, organized into cognitive “schemas.” It is proposed that observational goals determine the selection of goal-relevant schemas which, in turn, influence the observer's processing of an actor's behavior. Subjects watched a series of videotaped sequences featuring a female actor with instructions either to form an impression of her or to remember the details of the tasks she engaged in. They were then asked to answer questions that were either consistent or inconsistent with these instructions. Subjects were also instructed to unitize the actions or events that occurred in the sequence (D. A. Newtson, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1973, 28 28–38). According to the unitizing measure, subjects observing with different goals attended to different behavioral features. Further, impression-forming subjects were apparently more influenced by their implicit theories of personality than were task-learning subjects when asked to give ratings of the actor's personality, and task-learning subjects were relatively more accurate in recalling task-related details. Implications of this framework and these results for research in behavioral unitization and implicit personality theory are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper is the third in a series beginning with a report (by the authors) of research on the application of Holland's theory of careers to women and men. Holland's response, “The Virtues of the SDS …” is considered, in particular, research he cites on the effect of the Self-Directed Search (SDS) on counselees and his advocacy of raw score reports of personality patterns. The widely divergent career options suggested to men and women by SDS raw scores are noted and misunderstandings concerning the implications of Holland's assessment procedures for his theory are discussed. Holland's defense of raw score reports of personality characteristics is found wanting, especially in light of the support provided for his theory by normed scores.  相似文献   

Ratings of 23 personality variables on a longitudinal sample of 97 children at the ages of 3, 7, 11 and 15 yr had previously been shown to yield orthogonal factors of high continuity of structure across ages. Subjects' scores on these factors were employed to derive stability coefficients over these ages. The general level of obtained r's is modest, but is higher for measures of Extraversion-Introversion (EI) and other broad factors (Neuroticism (N), Melancholic-Sanguine (MS), and Choleric-Phlegmatic (CP)) than for narrower Varimax factors (EI, Melancholic and Activity), except in the case of Choleric. Complete regression factor scores proved more satisfactory than an inexact method. Global ratings of EI and N yielded similar r's to the factor measures.The effects of correcting for rater unreliability and possible values of ‘protocol’ unreliability are examined. Even in the case of a maximal correction, stability tends to be lower than is found for IQ data, suggesting greater instability of the underlying personality variables.Lawley's test of heterogeneity of correlation matrices provides only limited evidence of a simplex pattern across ages, and virtually none of a ‘sleeper effect’. Jennrich's test of differences in matrices provides no evidence of sex differences in stability.Results on stability of the specific variables are also reported. They show, with few exceptions, lower stability than factor variables. Jennrich's test yielded significant sex differences on only three specific variables.  相似文献   

The present research investigated the personality dimensions concomitant with learner's cognitive rigidity. The results showed a highly reliable multiple relationship between rigidity scores and dimensions of IPAT's 16PF. Specifically, the personality dimensions of tenseness, compulsivity, group dependency, absent mindedness, sensitivity, and emotional stability explained 36% of the variability in subjects' increasing levels of cognitive rigidity. The results were interpreted as showing a pervasive use of stereotype behavior as a coping strategy in dealing with a greater amount of anxiety concomitant with cognitive rigidity.  相似文献   

The paper notes (1) that “thinking Gibsonian” is to be torn between two loves: cognition and reality, (2) that just because of this the cognitive scientist may beneficiently and more thoroughly rediscover that they are only two faces of his one true love: Meaning. This issue is elaborated as “the problem of intentionality” and culminates in the conclusion that Gibson's direct ecological approach to visual perception is not a theory about the constitution of perceptual meaning, which is the domain of the indirect cognitive approach. Therefore the constant Gibsonian attacks on indirect theories might be both misled and misleading. The second half of the paper begins with noting that this may be due to a confounding of the “direct” level of explanation of the perceiver with the “indirect” levels of phenomenologist and visual scientist. Next the scientist's process notions of direct and indirect theories are discussed with respect to single-glance face recognition. Within this second half of the paper about 20 different meanings of “direct” or “immediate” are presented (printed in italics). Most of these are generally acceptable and should, thus, not be invoked in support of entirely different notions, which are very problematic because these seem to eliminate the concept of mind-as-cognitive-process.  相似文献   

This study explored the potential of a person × situation approach to identifying the characteristics of leaders in a voluntary community organization. A set of variables based on Mischel's “cognitive social learning variables” was operationalized to provide variables which assess the characteristics of individuals in relation to the specific context in which some emerge as leaders. This set of variables was compared with a larger set of traditional demographic and personality variables. Analyses indicated the approximate statistical comparability of the two sets. Advantages of the cognitive social learning approach for understanding and intervening in leader emergence and development in voluntary community organizations are discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of mother's and father's work status and of social-psychological intervening variables on high school girls' orientation to the labor force are examined. The dependent variables are separate indicators of whether the girls want and whether they expect to have an occupation. In these data from 1965, a log linear analysis shows that whether the mother worked was the major background influence on the dependent variables; father's occupation had no significant independent effect. In addition, two “ideological” variables, the girl's identification with the mother and beliefs in individual achievement, strongly influenced the dependent variables, in a way that did not merely mediate the background effects. Finally, some consequences of wanting and/or expecting to work are examined, and it is argued that the choice of career pattern (housewife versus paid employment) was a central one in girls' attitudinal structures.  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated the role of children's spontaneous cognitive “sets” in pictorial discrimination learning. Lists were constructed to highlight either perceptual or conceptual similarities among the stimuli. In each experiment age by treatment interactions revealed that in comparison to the behavior of older children (sixth graders), that of younger children (kindergartners) is governed more by the perceptible than by the conceptual attributes of stimuli—data in complete accord with Bruner's view of cognitive development.  相似文献   

How consistent are strangers' and intimates' judgments of stimulus people's personalities, and how is this interjudge consistency affected by stimulus persons' assessed self-monitoring and self-reported behavioral consistency? To answer these questions, 38 stimulus subjects rated themselves on the personality dimensions of extraversion and anxiety and also rated their cross-situational consistency on these dimensions. Strangers, friends, mothers, and fathers of stimulus persons also rated them on extraversion and anxiety. The results indicated that: For judgments of anxiety there was lower interjudge consistency for high than for low self-monitoring stimulus subjects. For judgments of extraversion there was no difference in interjudge consistency for low and high self-monitoring stimulus subjects. The results also showed that anxiety was a more “private” trait in that intimates' but not strangers' judgments correlated with stimulus subjects' self-reported anxiety (r = .50 and r = .11, respectively), while extraversion was a more “public” trait in that both intimates' and strangers' judgments correlated with stimulus subjects' self-reported extraversion (r = .42 and r = .51, respectively). These results suggest that self-monitoring of stimulus persons affects interjudge consistency of peroonality judgments particularly for “private” traits such as anxiety, which are most subject to expressive control and inhibition.  相似文献   

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