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The current study investigated the impact of different television programming on the social interactions and toy play of preschool children. Same-sex pairs of young children were observed during three types of television programs: cartoons, Sesame Street, and situation comedies. Children were also observed when the television screen was black. Children visually attended to the cartoons the most, Sesame Street less often, and the situation comedy the least. Cartoons dramatically depressed social interaction. Sesame Street elicited the most verbal imitation. Both Sesame Street and the situation comedy allowed the children to divide activity among their peers, the toys, and the television program. Girls verbally imitated program content more than boys. This pattern of findings remained after the children's visual attention to the television was statistically controlled. Several developmental trends were detected. The image of children “mesmerized” in front of the television set, foresaking social interactions and active involvement with their object environment, held true for only one type of programming, namely, cartoons. During the other programs, the children remained active and socially involved.  相似文献   

Characters break the fourth wall on television when they speak directly to the camera. Using a stratified random sample of one episode of every situation comedy, drama, and reality program airing on the five broadcast networks in the United States (N?=?113) during the 2006–2007 prime-time season, we found that, overall, male characters broke the fourth wall more frequently than females. However, when a program employed at least one woman in a powerful behind-the-scenes position, female characters broke the fourth wall more than males. Also, male characters breaking the fourth wall were more likely to make personal comments about themselves and others, whereas female characters talked about competitive strategy and competition.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationships between sensation seeking and television viewing motives and home TV viewing preferences. A total of 189 participants completed a sensation seeking scale, rated the importance of several global television viewing motives, and indicated viewing frequency for 18 categories of TV programming. Findings indicated that, contrary to previously-reported results, high sensation seekers did not watch less television or rate it as less important in their lives compared to low sensation seekers. Sensation seekers did, however, indicate several program viewing preferences. Compared to low sensation seekers, high sensation seekers watched more music videos, daytime talk shows, stand-up comedy programs, documentaries, and animated cartoons; they watched fewer newscasts and drama series. Findings are discussed in terms of selective exposure processes and social-environmental influences on behavioral manifestations of sensation seeking.  相似文献   

Television producers often use a high rate in the succession of visual and auditory features in their programs to attract the attention of viewers. In this study an attempt was made to measure the formal pace of television programs by scoring the rates of an extensive set of formal visual and auditory characteristics. Sesame Street was chosen as a focal point because this educational program--with its high pace--is very successful in its competition with the majority of commercial programs from which children can choose to watch at home. The analyzed material consisted of 49 Dutch episodes of Sesame Street broadcast between 1977 and 2003. The formal pace characteristics of separate program items from Sesame Street could be reliably established. Factor analysis indicated that clear pace factors were (a) "editing," consisting of a frequent use of different types of shots (total shots, medium shots, and close-ups) combined with a large number of cuts and (b) speech rate. Over a period of 26 years, the pace of editing increased: the mean number of cuts increased from about 4 to 8 per minute. The mean speech rate decreased from 175 to 139 words per minute.  相似文献   

The possibility that regularly broadcast entertainment television programs can facilitate prosocial behavior in children was investigated. Thirty first-grade children, 15 boys and 15 girls, were individually exposed to one of three half-hour television programs: a program from the Lassie series which included a dramatic example of a boy helping a dog, a program from the Lassie series devoid of such an example, or a program from the family situation comedy series, the Brady Bunch. The effects of the programming were assessed by presenting each child with a situation that required him to choose between continuing to play a game for self-gain and helping puppies in distress. Children exposed to the Lassie program with the helping scene helped for significantly more time than those exposed to either of the other programs.  相似文献   

Few studies have examined maternal characteristics associated with heavy or inappropriate television viewing on the part of their children. We investigated the relationship between children’s television viewing habits and maternal depressive symptoms and parenting beliefs. The participants were 175 low income children (mean age = 62.1 months) and their mothers who participated in a larger national study of Early Head Start eligible children. Our sample included families from two predominantly rural sites. Mothers completed a survey about the amount of time their children spend watching television during the week and on the weekend, and the types of programs they watch, as well as questionnaires related to maternal depression and parenting attitudes. According to mothers’ report, most of the young children in our sample exceeded the total viewing time recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics (maximum 2 h per day), and the majority watched at least some programming designed for adult audiences. Maternal depressive symptoms and beliefs about parenting were associated with heavier viewing on the part of the child, as well as with viewing of age-inappropriate content.  相似文献   

We investigated the coupling between a speaker's and a listener's eye movements. Some participants talked extemporaneously about a television show whose cast members they were viewing on a screen in front of them. Later, other participants listened to these monologues while viewing the same screen. Eye movements were recorded for all speakers and listeners. According to cross-recurrence analysis, a listener's eye movements most closely matched a speaker's eye movements at a delay of 2 sec. Indeed, the more closely a listener's eye movements were coupled with a speaker's, the better the listener did on a comprehension test. In a second experiment, low-level visual cues were used to manipulate the listeners' eye movements, and these, in turn, influenced their latencies to comprehension questions. Just as eye movements reflect the mental state of an individual, the coupling between a speaker's and a listener's eye movements reflects the success of their communication.  相似文献   

The investigation explored the relationships between child and adolescent television use motivations and various sociodemographic characteristics, television viewing levels, program preference, and television attitudes. Six viewing motivations were identified: learning, passing time or habit, companionship, escape or forget, arousal, and relaxation. Age was the only demographic correlate of most of these functions. All viewing motivations correlated positively with television viewing levels, medium attachment, and perceived content reality. However, when age and level of viewing were partialed out, habitual viewing was no longer found to correlate with perceived reality. Several significant associations between viewing motivations and program preference were also noted. Arousal viewers preferred dramatic programs, while habitual, escapist, and companionship viewers favored comedies. Habitual viewers also shunned news and public affairs programs. Implications of the findings were discussed within the conceptual rubric of the uses of gratifications research perspective.  相似文献   

We describe the association between postpartum depression and the quantity and content of infant media use. Households with depressed mothers viewed twice as much television as households with non-depressed mothers did, and depressed mothers appeared to derive comparatively greater pleasure from television viewing. Maternal depression was associated with an increased exposure to child-directed content by 6–9-month-old infants, although it was not associated with an increased exposure to adult-directed programming. Depressed mothers also reported being less likely to sit and talk with their children during television use or to consult outside sources of information about media. This increase in television exposure without corresponding parental involvement could negatively affect developmental outcomes.  相似文献   

The Federal Trade Commission (1978) has expressed concern about the direct and indirect effects that commercial food advertisements have on children and families. Based on these concerns, they suggested banning all advertising aimed at young children. The present experiment was designed within the context of concern about the influence of television food advertising on parent-child interactions. It was predicted that mothers whose children viewed a television program with embedded food advertisements would display more control strategies and more power assertion while grocery shopping than mothers of children who were not exposed to advertisements. The results corroborated this hypothesis and, in addition, revealed that children who viewed the food advertisements attempted to influence their mothers' consumerism more than children who did not view the food advertisements. These results were discussed in terms of the importance of considering how television-viewing indirectly influences the quality of parent-child interactions.  相似文献   

To evaluate the common assumption that television viewing is related to attentional difficulties in school, 70 fourth and fifth grade students recorded a “television diary” for one week and reported their preferred television shows. Parents estimated their child's television viewing time and reported their child's preferred shows. Assessment of attentional difficulties included teacher ratings, parent ratings, standardized tests, and classroom observations. It was found that the amount of television a child viewed was significantly related to teacher ratings of attentional difficulties, but not to parent ratings, classroom observations or a standardized test. Type of shows viewed did not relate to any attentional outcome variable. There was a clear relationship between fourth and fifth grade children's ability to pay attention in school, as assessed by their teacher, and the amount of time they spent watching television.  相似文献   

《Media Psychology》2013,16(2):163-198
Little attention has been paid to the mental processes and the story elements that influence perceived reality judgments of media stories. People often lack the motivation or ability to be thoughtful about perceived reality judgments. This is particularly true when the stimulus controls the pace of the story (e.g., television). It is possible that people use the typical and atypical elements of a story as a heuristic for making simple judgments about perceived reality of media narratives. In 2 studies, the careful manipulation of atypical and typical information in a soap opera and a news story predicted about half the variance in perceived reality. As the typicality of the stories increased, so did the participants' ratings of the perceived reality of the stories. In a 3rd study, while viewing entertainment television shows, participants used dials to continuously rate the selected programs for perceived reality, typicality, interest, and liking. Results indicate that viewers can make moment-to-moment reality judgments, and these judgments are strongly related to typicality. Interest-liking was related to typicality and perceived reality for drama. For comedy, however, situations with low reality produced greater interest and liking. Typicality appears to be a key psychological characteristic of media stories.  相似文献   

A recent model of person memory suggests that people will use the most accessible or most recently thought about traits in describing other people. An experiment was conducted to test the notion that once a trait is activated or “primed” by television, that trait will be more accessible and, therefore, more likely to influence encoding of new information. A group of 64 children in second, fourth, and sixth grades watched a 10-minute videotape designed to prime the trait “funny” by showing children representative segments of humorous situation comedy programs. After viewing, children evaluated a child they had never met on several traits including “funny” and two other traits taken from past television research—“attractive” and “strong.” A control group (n= 68) evaluated the new child only. Results showed no significant main effects of treatment, but significant interactions between treatment and grade. Second grade children in the experimental group rated the new child lower on traits funny, attractive, and strong in comparison to the control group. Sixth graders rated the new child higher on the same traits, and fourth graders showed no differences between the two conditions. No effects were found for 22 other traits. The results are discussed in terms of direct and contrast effects of prior information on person judgments.  相似文献   

《Media Psychology》2013,16(2):139-162
Children in the 2nd through 6th grade wrote reports about their favorite educational and informational television programs, and the reports were examined for the presence of gender stereotypes. Children's written reports contained more male than female characters, more male than female pronouns, and more masculine than feminine behaviors. Effects were most pronounced for boys. Over time, preadolescent girls showed a greater preference for educational programs that featured female lead characters, and the girls used more feminine pronouns, behaviors, and expressed a greater range of feelings in their writings about their favorite programs. Girls and boys, however, were more likely to report masculine behaviors for male and female characters. Moreover, gender-stereotyping effects were eliminated for boys who selected a favorite program featuring an adventurous female lead character. Although memories of educational television programs are often gender stereotyped, a few nontraditional programs can drench the audience, providing nontraditional images and models for those who search for them.  相似文献   

Children's acquisition of real-world role schemata from factual and fictional television was tested experimentally in two studies. In study 1, 144 second- and fifth-graders saw a drama and a documentary about a caterer or a film director. In study 2, 125 fifth-graders saw the caterer tapes under conditions of high or low attentional involvement. Role schemata about real caterers or directors were measured by free response, frequency ratings, and multiple choice questions. Children acquired schemata about real occupations from bath documentary and fictional programs. On some measures, their schemata were influenced more by documentary than by fiction, but that difference faded slightly after a month. Level of involvement did not reduce the difference between real and fictional videos. Children learn social role schemata from both fictional and factual television, but they acquire more schema information from real than from fictional TV, at least when fiction is signaled by obvious cues (e.g., comedy) or when it is not percieved as socially realistic.  相似文献   

Television programs portray characters with idealized body types that for most viewers are unattainable. These body types have become a common source of comparison for many young viewers who evaluate their own self-worth and bodies based on the models they see on television. This study examines body weight, both in terms of frequency and portrayals, focusing on how preadolescent and adolescent characters’ bodies are presented on the sitcoms from three children's television networks. The results indicate that while children's situation comedies have relatively few overweight characters, this small percentage closely parallels national figures. Male and female characters do not differ in their distribution across weight categories. However, when character ethnicity is factored, significant shifts occur. Surprisingly, no differences were observed in the portrayal of physical and mental attributes among weight categories except in social popularity where overweight characters were not as embedded in social networks. Compared to other relevant studies, this research provides some evidence that the treatment and portrayal of overweight characters in children-targeted sitcoms is more positive, equitable, and less stereotypical than in other programming venues and that children are experiencing body type diversity in these fictional portrayals. Nonetheless, above average weight characters still suffer some social marginality and ethnic misrepresentation.  相似文献   

Characters in a random sample of dramatic television programs representative of family time and later viewing time in 1975 and equivalent time periods in 1976 were rated on sex-role portrayal, using traits from the Bem Sex-Role Inventory (BSRI). The family time concept, which eliminated violence and sex from programs shown between 7:00 and 9:00 p.m. during 1975, had a significant effect on sex-role portrayal. Male characters were portrayed in a more realistic, though still highly masculine, way than their counterparts in other time periods. Female characters were portrayed as somewhat more feminine during family time than during other viewing hours. A significant interaction effect among viewing time, type of program, and sex of character suggested that content considered acceptable for younger viewers emphasized the stereotypical female role.This research was reported in part at the meeting of the Western Psychological Association, Seattle, April 1977. The author expresses appreciation to all those individuals who assisted with the project by serving as judges and as critics, and to the anonymous reviewer who made many helpful suggestions.  相似文献   

This study focused on the influence of mediated and unmediated models on the decision of adolescents to employ both pro- and antisocial modes of conflict resolution. Adolescents indicated how likely they would use four antisocial modes (verbal aggression, physical aggression, regression, and revenge) and one prosocial mode to resolve two conflicts. Their responses were correlated with four television viewing clusters (ABC crime/adventure, CBS crime/adventure, situation comedy, and nonpolice/adventure), the perceived likelihood that peers would employ the modes and the perceived likelihood that parents would employ the modes to discipline them. The television viewing clusters were inconsistent predictors of the adolescent use of the modes. The best predictor of adolescent use of the modes was perceived peer use followed by perceived parental use. Both mediated and unmediated influences produced significant multiple correlations and explained 34% to 48% of the variance in the adolescent use of the modes.  相似文献   

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