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Turkey has been experiencing various types of migration flows since the foundation of the Republic in 1923. Migration of ethnic Turks of Bulgaria in 1989 is one of the important immigration waves in size and in nature as well. More than 350,000 Bulgarian Turks refusing to assimilation policies of the Bulgarian Communist Party (BCP) fled to Turkey in 1989. Behind this triggering political reason, there were deeper sources of this migration, such as economic, social, institutional and cultural exclusion/inclusion problems in Bulgaria. Furthermore, most of the Turks of Bulgaria kept the idea of migrating to their “imagined motherland’ someday. The same migrants have been experiencing integration/exclusion problems where they settled in Turkey, too. This paper attempts to open a conceptual debate by using concepts of ‘mixed migration”, ‘accidental diaspora’ and ‘voluntary exiles’ to overcome the ‘forced and voluntary’ dichotomy in this literature, rather than analysing all the dimensions in detail. Hence, the multiple dimensions of this migration will be tried to be understood via the perceptions of migrants.  相似文献   

This article uses the recent upward mobility processes of parts of the second-generation labour immigrants in Germany as an opportunity to investigate the interrelation of ethnicity and social mobility. Exploring this interrelation is important because migration research has so far either overlooked it or one-sidedly reduced it to the problem of an ethnic elite that cuts itself off from the majority of society. The widespread assumption that the social utility value of ethnicity, automatically declines during the upward mobility process needs to be questioned. Analysing the mobility strategies of educationally successful Turkish climbers shows exemplarity that ethnicity can indeed be a useful social resource in the mobility process. On the basis of first empirical explorations it can even be argued that in Germany a heterogeneous potential of future ethnic elites is currently emerging.  相似文献   

David Smith 《Religion》2013,43(2):157-165
Insofar as the postmodern exists, it is held to represent a break with the modern, a break no less radical than that of the modern with the premodern. In this paper I point to certain similarities between on the one hand what are said to be key aspects of the postmodern and on the other hand the premodern. It may well be fruitful to look for further parallels on either side of modernity.  相似文献   

Nicu Dumitracu 《Dialog》2010,49(4):300-305
Abstract : This essay deals with the right relation we should have to material wealth in modern society, a society often marked by rank consumerism. Material goods are given to humans only to be managed for the benefit of all people, regardless of faith or race. This ethical stance does not attack or seek to abolish the right to private property, but restores it to its proper place. Specifically, patristic spirituality, such as that articulated by St. John Chrysostom, does not invalidate the principle of individual ownership, but corrects it, meaning that, while owners are owners in relation to the poor, they are only managers of wealth in relation to God.  相似文献   

Recent studies on the anatomy and development of the corpus callosum (CC) are reviewed, and discussed in relation to present theories of the function of the CC. The contributions of various pathological conditions of the CC, as well as that of the split-brain studies, to the understanding of the functions of the CC are considered. The recent theory that the language dominant hemisphere exerts inhibitory influences over the nondominant hemisphere via the CC did not receive much support, and an alternative theory implicating the CC in the establishment of lateralization of language is presented. Direct evidence for this view is as yet not available, but it receives some support from cases of agenesis of the CC.  相似文献   

This paper deals with cognition of attitudes to pupils from a special school for mentally retarded children in a rural district on the base of using polarity profiles. Although children from Secondary Schools and adults have little understanding of the retarded children's handicaps, they do not appear to hold one-sided stereotyped opinions and in the areas of social behavior and ways of working positive attributes of the personality are emphasized. In comparison with this results recorded self-assessments of former pupils of special schools, together with the assessments of others, in real working situations show a satisfactory level of integration, although after initial difficulties. Opportunities for advice and care are considered necessary, even after pupils have left school.  相似文献   

My experience of clinical work is consistent with the conclusion that both practice and theory are improved by applying the contributions of Heinz Hartmann. His work provides an important conceptual bridge to understanding the adaptive and pathologic changes that appear in the course of human development. The specific details of those changes are just as much an issue demanding the analyst's attention as is the tracing of patterns of childhood instinctual life. In this paper, I will point to some areas of controversy where renewed attention to Hartmann's ideas might be useful, and I will attempt to illustrate the clinical utility of his theoretical contributions.  相似文献   

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