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In four experiments, the effects of sequential priming on the perceptual organization of complex three-dimensional (3-D) displays were examined. Observers were asked to view stereoscopic arrays and to search an embedded subset of items for an odd-colored target while 3-D orientation of the stimuli was varied randomly between trials. Search times decreased reliably when 3-D stimulus orientation was unchanged on consecutive trials, indicating substantial sequential priming by 3-D stimulus layout. The priming was nonsensory and was independent of priming by additional stimulus characteristics. Finally, priming by 3-D layout was unaffected by observers' foreknowledge of display orientation. Results indicate that perceptual organization of 3-D stimuli is guided by a short-term trace of 3-D spatial relationships between stimuli.  相似文献   

In the current study, the authors investigated whether the ground dominance effect (the use of ground surface information for the perceptual organization of scenes) varied with age. In Experiment 1, a scene containing a ground, a ceiling, and 2 vertical posts was presented. The scene was either in its normal orientation or rotated to the side. In Experiment 2, a blue dot was attached to each post, with location varied from bottom to top of the posts. In Experiment 3, a scene similar to that in Experiment 1 was presented in different locations in visual field. Observers judged which of the 2 objects (posts in Experiments 1 and 3, blue dots in Experiment 2) appeared to be closer. The results indicated that both younger (mean age = 22 years) and older observers (mean age = 73 years) responded consistently with the ground dominance effect. However, the magnitude of the effect decreased for older observers. These results suggest a decreased use of ground surface information by older observers for the perceptual organization of scene layout.  相似文献   

Lin Chen 《Visual cognition》2013,21(4):553-637
To address the fundamental question of “what are the primitives of visual perception”, a theory of topological structure and functional hierarchy in visual perception has been proposed. This holds that the global nature of perceptual organization can be described in terms of topological invariants, global topological perception is prior to the perception of other featural properties, and the primitives of visual form perception are geometric invariants at different levels of structural stability. In Part I of this paper, I will illustrate why and how the topological approach to perceptual organization has been advanced. In Part II, I will provide empirical evidence supporting the early topological perception, while answering some commonly considered counteraccounts. In Part III, to complete the theory, I will apply the mathematics of tolerance spaces to describe global properties in discrete sets. In Part IV, I will further present experimental data to demonstrate the global-to-local functional hierarchy in form perception, which is stratified with respect to structural stability defined by Klein's Erlangen Program. Finally, in Part V, I will discuss relations of the global-to-local topological model to other theories: The topological approach reformulates both classical Gestalt holism and Gibson's direct perception of invariance, while providing a challenge to computational approaches to vision based on the local-to-global assumption.  相似文献   

What, if anything, is cognitive architecture and how is it implemented in neural architecture? Focusing on perceptual organization, this question is addressed by way of a pluralist approach which, supported by metatheoretical considerations, combines complementary insights from representational, connectionist, and dynamic systems approaches to cognition. This pluralist approach starts from a representationally inspired model which implements the intertwined but functionally distinguishable subprocesses of feedforward feature encoding, horizontal feature binding, and recurrent feature selection. As sustained by a review of neuroscientific evidence, these are the subprocesses that are believed to take place in the visual hierarchy in the brain. Furthermore, the model employs a special form of processing, called transparallel processing, whose neural signature is proposed to be gamma-band synchronization in transient horizontal neural assemblies. In neuroscience, such assemblies are believed to mediate binding of similar features. Their formal counterparts in the model are special input-dependent distributed representations, called hyperstrings, which allow many similar features to be processed in a transparallel fashion, that is, simultaneously as if only one feature were concerned. This form of processing does justice to both the high combinatorial capacity and the high speed of the perceptual organization process. A naturally following proposal is that those temporarily synchronized neural assemblies are “gnosons”, that is, constituents of flexible self-organizing cognitive architecture in between the relatively rigid level of neurons and the still elusive level of consciousness.  相似文献   

It has been demonstrated that older infants (6- to 7-month-olds), but not younger infants (3- to 4-month-olds), use form similarity to organize stimuli consisting of X and O elements. We investigated whether utilization of form similarity is governed by maturation or experience by contrasting how infants perform when familiarized with a single exemplar versus multiple exemplars depicting a particular organization. In Experiment 1, 3- to 4-month-olds failed to organize alternating columns or rows of squares and diamonds or Hs and Is, respectively. In Experiment 2, same-aged infants familiarized with all three patterns (X-O, square-diamond, H-I) displayed evidence of organization. The results suggest that 3- to 4-month-olds can use form similarity to organize visual patterns in a concept-formation task. The findings imply that perceptual organization based on form similarity is learned through experience with multiple patterns depicting a common arrangement, rather than immediately apprehended in an individual pattern.  相似文献   

Two experiments are reported which show that perceptual unit formation, as measured by Gillam’s method of using common reversals of ambiguous lines as an index of their coherence, depends strongly on the orientation of the configuration. Measurements under conditions of 90° head and body tilt show that the critical orientation is retinal, not physical. The results are discussed in relation to other findings and to possible explanations.  相似文献   

We adopted the Psychological Refractoriness Paradigm to study whether perceptual Goodness affects the load of central processing resources. In three dual-task experiments, 2-Alternative Forced Choice auditory classification was followed by a same-different task in which Garner's classical five-dot patterns were presented. Goodness of these patterns and stimulus-onset asynchrony (SOA) between the first and second task were varied between trials. These factors had additive effects on response latencies and accuracy, indicating that pattern Goodness determines central processing load in performing the same-different task. In a fourth experiment, same-different judgment with Garner patterns was the single task. SOA between the first and second pattern was varied. Over-additive effects of Goodness with decreasing SOA were obtained, indicating sharing of central resources between consolidation of the first Garner pattern and performing the same-different task. Whereas, the resources needed for the latter, again, depend on Goodness, those needed for consolidation are independent of it.  相似文献   

Luce's (1959, 1963) choice model was used to characterize individual differences in men's perception of women's affect as friendly, sexually interested, sad, or rejecting. Women's clothing styles were associated with differences in the model's parameters. Sensitivity to sadness, rejection, and friendliness declined when women were dressed provocatively, whereas sensitivity to sexual interest increased. Provocative clothing was also associated with an increased bias to assume that positive affect was sexual interest rather than friendliness. Men at risk for perpetrating sexual aggression were less sensitive to women's affect than low-risk men were. They were also more likely than low-risk men to associate provocative clothing with sexual interest, and conservative clothing with friendliness. Results indicate that heterosocial perception may help to predict sexually coercive behavior and may be an important target for intervention.  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated the effects of differing perceptual organizations of reversible figures on McCollough aftereffects. Experiment 1 used colored checkerboard inducing stimuli and achromatic grating test stimuli. While some subjects tended to organize the checkerboards into rows and/or columns and others to organize them into obliques, these variations did not result in differences in aftereffect direction or magnitude. Experiment 2 induced an aftereffect with colored gratings and tested with checkerboards, gratings, and a reversible concentric octagon pattern. Perceptual organization had no effect on results for checkerboards, but was related to aftereffect strength for the octagon pattern. Indirect evidence suggests that, in the latter case, differences in aftereffect strength may have influenced the perceived organization, rather than vice versa. Finally, regardless of the specific organization perceived, spontaneous viewing of all test stimuli produced stronger aftereffects than were found when subjects reorganized the pattern. This may have resulted from a viewing strategy associated with reorganization, since similarly small aftereffects were found when subjects concentrated their attention on a single pattern element.  相似文献   

The primary objective of this study was to quantitatively investigate the human perception of surface curvature by using virtual surfaces and motor tasks along with data analysis methods to estimate surface curvature from drawing movements. Three psychophysical experiments were conducted. In Experiment 1, we looked at subjects’ sensitivity to the curvature of a curve lying on a surface and changes in the curvature as defined byEuler’s formula, which relates maximum and minimum principal curvatures and their directions. Regardless of direction and surface shape (elliptic and hyperbolic), subjects could report the curvature of a curve lying on a surface through a drawing task. In addition, multiple curves drawn by subjects were used to reconstruct the surface. These reconstructed surfaces could be better accounted for by analysis that treated the drawing data as a set of curvatures rather than as a set of depths. A pointing task was utilized in Experiment 2, and subjects could report principal curvature directions of a surface rather precisely and consistently when the difference between principal curvatures was sufficiently large, but performance was poor for the direction of zero curvature (asymptotic direction) on a hyperbolic surface. In Experiment 3, it was discovered that sensitivity to the sign of curvature was different for perceptual judgments and motor responses, and there was also a difference for that of a curve itself and the same curve embedded in a surface. These findings suggest that humans are sensitive to relative changes in curvature and are able to comprehend quantitative surface curvature for some motor tasks.  相似文献   

Three experiments were performed to test whether perceptual organization is cognitively or motivationally penetrable. In Experiments 1 and 2, subjects viewed a reversible stereogram while instructed to hold one depth organization. Responses about depth were recorded indirectly by recording responses about direction of the illusory concomitant motion that is perceptually coupled to depth in a stereogram. Inasmuch as perceptually coupled variables covary without necessary stimulus covariation, a post-perceptual locus for any intention effects they exhibit is unlikely. Experiments 2 and 3 examined the possibility that instructed intention might influence perception indirectly by influencing eye movements: Viewers' vergence position was measured directly through responses about alignment of a vernier nonius fixation. In all three experiments, a residual effect of instructed intention was found. Therefore, instructed intention may influence perceptual organization by influencing internal nonstimulus components integral to the perceptual process.  相似文献   

Multielement visual tracking: attention and perceptual organization.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Two types of theories have been advanced to account for how attention is allocated in performing goal-directed visual tasks. According to location-based theories, visual attention is allocated to spatial locations in the image; according to object-based theories, attention is allocated to perceptual objects. Evidence for the latter view comes from experiments demonstrating the importance of perceptual grouping in selective-attention tasks. This article provides further evidence concerning the importance of perceptual organization in attending to objects. In seven experiments, observers tracked multiple randomly moving visual elements under a variety of conditions. Ten elements moved continuously about the display for several seconds; one to five of them were designated as targets before movement initiation. At the end of movement, one element was highlighted, and subjects indicated whether or not it was a target. The ease with which the elements in the target set could be perceptually grouped was systematically manipulated. In Experiments 1-3, factors that influenced the initial formation of a perceptual group were manipulated; this affected performance, but only early in practice. In Experiments 4-7, factors that influenced the maintenance of a perceptual group during motion were manipulated; this affected performance throughout practice. The results suggest that observers spontaneously grouped the target elements and directed attention toward this coherent but nonrigid virtual object. This supports object-based theories of attention and demonstrates that perceptual grouping, which is usually conceived of as a purely stimulus-driven process, can also be governed by goal-directed mechanisms.  相似文献   

Rethinking perceptual organization: The role of uniform connectedness   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A principle of perceptual organization, calleduniform connectedness (UC), is described, and a theoretical approach to perceptual organization is proposed in which this principle plays a fundamental role. The principle of UC states that closed regions of homogeneous properties—such as lightness, chromatic color, texture, and so forth—tend to be perceived initially as single units. We demonstrate its effects and show that they occur even when opposed by powerful grouping principles such as proximity and similarity. We argue that UC cannot be reduced to such grouping principles, because it is not a form of grouping at all. We then propose a theoretical framework within which UC accounts for the initial (orentry level) organization of the visual field into primitive units. Classical principles of grouping operate after UC, creating superordinate units consisting of two or more basic-level units. Parsing processes also operate after UC, dividing basic-level units into subordinate parts. UC in the retinal image is proposed to be a necessary, but not a sufficient, condition for unit formation, since connected elements on the retina that are perceived to lie in separate depth planes fail to be perceived as units. This fact, together with other evidence that the Gestalt principles of grouping are based onperceived (rather than retinal) relations, suggests that the organization of visual stimulation into UC objects is ultimately achieved within a relatively late, postconstancy representation of environmental surfaces. The implications of this possibility are discussed in light of present theories of visual perception.  相似文献   

Researchers have claimed that listeners tolerate large temporal distortion when integrating the spectral components of speech. In some estimates, perceivers resolve linguistic attributes at spectral desynchronies as great as the duration of a syllable. We obtained new measures of perceptual tolerance of auditory asynchrony, using sine-wave synthesis in order to require perceivers to resolve the speech stream dynamically. Listeners transcribed sentences in which the tone analogue of a second formant was desynchronized relative to the remaining tones of a sentence, with desynchrony ranging from a 250-msec lead to a 250-msec lag. Intelligibility declined symmetrically from 72% at synchrony to 7% at 6100 msec. This finding of narrow asynchrony tolerance indicates a time-critical feature of the auditory perceptual organization of speech  相似文献   

Seven experiments were conducted in order to explore the conditions under which visual attention can be allocated in depth. In each experiment, observers were cued to the most likely target location in stereoscopic depth displays, and targets could appear in either the cued location or in another location. In Experiments 1 and 2, we show that previous failures to observe effects of cuing in depth may have depended on the specific timing characteristics of the displays. In Experiments 3, 4, and 5, we eliminated the hypothesis, suggested by Experiments 1 and 2, that in order to allocate attention in depth, attention must be allocated to a specific object token. Experiment 6 provides evidence that, in the absence of other organizing information (e.g., color), attention can be allocated in depth on the basis of the surface information available in the display. Finally, in Experiment 7, we demonstrate that, although sufficient, surface information is not necessary for the allocation of attention; color supported the allocation of attention across multiple items that failed to fall on a single coherent surface in depth. Together, these findings suggest that attention in depth, like attention in two-dimensional displays, is determined by the perceptual organization of the display.  相似文献   

In a spoken utterance, a talker expresses linguistic constituents in serial order. A listener resolves these linguistic properties in the rapidly fading auditory sample. Classic measures agree that auditory integration occurs at a fine temporal grain. In contrast, recent studies have proposed that sensory integration of speech occurs at a coarser grain, approximate to the syllable, on the basis of indirect and relatively insensitive perceptual measures. Evidence from cognitive neuroscience and behavioral primatology has also been adduced to support the claim of sensory integration at the pace of syllables. In the present investigation, we used direct performance measures of integration, applying an acoustic technique to isolate the contribution of short-term acoustic properties to the assay of modulation sensitivity. In corroborating the classic finding of a fine temporal grain of integration, these functional measures can inform theory and speculation in accounts of speech perception.  相似文献   

The primary objective of this study was to quantitatively investigate the human perception of surface curvature by using virtual surfaces and motor tasks along with data analysis methods to estimate surface curvature from drawing movements. Three psychophysical experiments were conducted. In Experiment 1, we looked at subjects' sensitivity to the curvature of a curve lying on a surface and changes in the curvature as defined by Euler's formula, which relates maximum and minimum principal curvatures and their directions. Regardless of direction and surface shape (elliptic and hyperbolic), subjects could report the curvature of a curve lying on a surface through a drawing task. In addition, multiple curves drawn by subjects were used to reconstruct the surface. These reconstructed surfaces could be better accounted for by analysis that treated the drawing data as a set of curvatures rather than as a set of depths. A pointing task was utilized in Experiment 2, and subjects could report principal curvature directions of a surface rather precisely and consistently when the difference between principal curvatures was sufficiently large, but performance was poor for the direction of zero curvature (asymptotic direction) on a hyperbolic surface. In Experiment 3, it was discovered that sensitivity to the sign of curvature was different for perceptual judgments and motor responses, and there was also a difference for that of a curve itself and the same curve embedded in a surface. These findings suggest that humans are sensitive to relative changes in curvature and are able to comprehend quantitative surface curvature for some motor tasks.  相似文献   

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