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Metadialogues for Resolving Burden of Proof Disputes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, a solution to the problem of analyzing burden of proof in argumentation is developed by building on the pioneering work of Erik C. W. Krabbe on metadialogues. Three classic cases of burden of proof disputes are analyzed, showing how metadialogue theory can solve the problems they pose. The solution is based on five dialectical requirements: (1) global burden of proof needs to be set at the confrontation stage of a dialogue, (2) there need to be special mechanisms for resolving disputes about burden of proof at all four stages of the dialogue, (3) they are especially significant during the argumentation stage, where burden of proof often shifts back and forth at each move, (4) such local shifts need to be partly regulated by the global burden of proof already set, and (5) the connection between burden of proof and the speech act of making a presumption in a dialogue needs to be clarified.  相似文献   

Des conflits naissent dans les organisations a propos du montant de la retribution versee aux titulaires de certains postes. Aux Etats-Unis par exem-ple, le probleme de la contribution-retribution a provoque recemment plusieurs conflits autour des postes traditionnellement reserves aux femmes. Mediation et arbitrage sont les procedures habituellement retenues, mais une evaluation du travail regroupant trois partenaires est une solution originate dont les retombees favorables sur l'organisation depassent la resolution d'un conflit particulier.
Un groupe tripartite a exploite pour 1'evaluation du travail des dimensions pourvues d'echelles precises. Des equipes de deux personnes representant les parties adverses ont evalue des postes convenablement retribues a partir des dimensions sus-mentionnees. Les donnees ont été statistiquement synthetisees. Des equipes de deux personnes ont ensuite evalue tous les postes defendus par le syndicat implique dans le conflit. Cet eventail de postes incluait ceux qui etaient en litige.
Une tierce partie neutre devait conseiller les adversaires dans l'application d'une methode d'evaluation du travail qui resolvait le conflit, depistait les postes susceptibles de poser probleme a l'avenir et fournissait un moyen pour retribuer equitablement les nouveaux postes.  相似文献   

随着对慢性粒细胞白血病(CML)发病机制研究的深入,在细胞遗传学基础上引入了分子生物学技术,使CML的治疗提高到了个体化、系统化的新阶段。结合现代新兴的分子靶向治疗,对CML治疗方法发展概况辩证性、系统性地分析,指导临床选择合适的治疗方法,以争取达到最佳治疗效果。  相似文献   

Civic Education: a New Proposal   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Studies in Philosophy and Education -  相似文献   

In this paper I propose and defend an account of color that I call color functionalism. I argue that functionalism is a non-traditional species of primary quality theory, and that it accommodates our intuitions about color and the facts of color science better than more widely discussed alternatives.  相似文献   

This paper argues that existing adversarial approachesto post-divorce custody rulings are neither in thebest interests of the child nor consistent withobligations to children under the United NationsConvention on the Rights of the Child. The traditionalrole of psychologists acting as experts in divorceproceedings has been to determine custody and accessarrangements by evaluating parental fitness. It isargued that this role should be altered and expandedto a process that is threefold. Specifically, it issuggested that the role of the psychologist acting asan expert in divorce custody proceedings should be to:(1) inform the courts about children's rights underthe Convention, (2) inform the courts about children'sneeds as identified in the developmental psychologyresearch literature, and (3) assist with methods ofjoint legal custody determinations that arechild-centered and constitute family reorganizationrather than family dissolution. It is suggested thatthe third role may be best accomplished through theuse of a Parenting Plan that allows custodialdecisions to meet the goals of child-centereddecision-making, continued meaningful involvement ofboth parents in the child's life, and reducedinter-parental conflict.  相似文献   

A pastoral political theology, I contend, has four goals, namely, (a) critical, systemic examination of political governance, policies, programs, and structures vis-à-vis the concept of care—theologically understood, (b) facilitating cooperation and collaboration with diverse others in cultivating public spaces of appearances, (c) offering concrete plans in meeting the needs of particular others—citizen and non-citizen, and (d) assessing the implementation of these solutions. In this article, I offer an outline of and foundational theological premises for a pastoral political theology, indicating its distinctions from and contributions to political theologies that focus on justice and liberation. More specifically, I focus on the first goal, relying on the concept of care, theologically understood, as a hermeneutical framework for assessing the political milieu.  相似文献   

Mark Oldenburg 《Dialog》2014,53(2):134-137
The language of “consecration” to describe what the presider does at Holy Communion seems to have many more drawbacks than advantages.  Based on a misunderstanding of the Institution Narratives, it nurtures an understanding of the Sacrament centered on the presider and the elements, while marginalizing the assembly.  It leads to the unthinking adoption of practices with significant theological hazards.  In every way, “presiding” is to be preferred.  相似文献   

In this paper, a case study is presented of constitutional debates about abortion. An analysis is given of arguments from the Roe v. Wade case for definitions concerning the key notions of `person' and `human life'. The paper illustrates how the Court has gradually taken a more pragmatic or rhetorical position on definitional matters crucial to the purpose of regulating abortion.  相似文献   

Pastoral theology needs to clarify its identity as an autonomous theological discipline by developing its own knowledge base, body of research, and practice methods. It needs to broaden its scope to include not only a concern for personal issues, but also larger sociocultural and anthropological ones as well. Additionally, there is a pressing need for moving beyond the confines of traditional methods of correlation. This essay offers a new method for pastoral theological reflection and practice that is grounded in Hans-Georg Gadamer's understanding of aesthetic truth and hermeneutics. It offers a new way of conceptualizing the relationship of pastoral theology to such conversation partners as the Bible and theological tradition, the social sciences, and practical wisdom, demonstrating how these can contribute to the pastoral theological task.  相似文献   

This kerygmatic (Tillich) proposal for a cosmic christology presupposes (with Sittler) that in our times the scope of christology must be as large as the whole creation. Noting a body of extant literature pertaining to the theme (Teilhard de Chardin, Tillich, Gunton, Moltmann, Fox, McFague, Edwards), this article argues that Martin Luther's “ubiquity Christology” should receive a fresh hearing in order to broaden and deepen the current discussion, in a way that can contribute both to kerygmatic and apologetic theological constructions. Concerns of critics of Luther's ubiquity Christology are addressed and its underdeveloped character is noted, with suggestions for expanding Luther's vision. At the end, the potential ecumenical benefits of this kind of reclamation of Luther's thought are affirmed, as is the need for kerygmatic theologians to develop not only cosmic christologies, but also cosmic pneumatologies.  相似文献   

According to Persson and Savulescu, the risks posed by a morally corrupt minority's potential to abuse cognitive enhancement make it such that we have an urgent imperative to first pursue moral enhancement of humankind – and, consequently, if we are a long way from safe, effective moral enhancement, then we have at least one good reason to consider opposing further cognitive enhancement. However, as Harris points out, such a proposal seems to support delaying life-saving cognitive progress. In this article, we first show that Harris's worry can be expanded to show that Persson and Savulescu's proposal also threatens the development of moral enhancement – precisely what they suggest we have pro tanto reason to pursue. From there, we offer our own, alternative proposal – one on which cognitively enhanced researchers play a key role in the production of moral enhancement, and those in the general population who wish to be cognitively enhanced must first accept moral enhancement as an entry requirement. We engage with four substantive objections to our proposal and use these objections to refine and strengthen the details.  相似文献   

This article draws on the idea of the ‘orders of creation’ as developed in Emil Brunner’s The Divine Imperative (1932) and shows that Brunner’s understanding of the orders provides a fruitful theological foundation for conceptualizing Christian vocation and for framing the process of discernment therein. However, the concept of orders of creation is a mistrusted doctrine with problematic historical baggage. A few attempts have been made to rehabilitate the concept of the orders, but a successful revival requires a more thorough reimagining of the doctrine than has been previously attempted. Examining Christian vocation within the framework of the orders of creation, I undertake to reimagine the doctrine of orders as orders of vocation, supplying a definition of vocation as the unifying principle of those tasks which emerge where the will of God intersects with one’s familial, economic, political, cultural and ecclesial responsibilities. The orders of vocation serve as a heuristic device that relativizes vocation in light of the particularities of concrete life. All activity within the orders of vocation is inevitably moral activity. Also, the orders of vocation, as opposed to orders of creation, emphasize the perennial necessity of reformation within the spheres of communal life.  相似文献   

通过对428例医疗纠纷发生的原因进行了分析,总结出了目前医疗纠纷发展的新动态和相应的对策。并提出了以抓服务质量、医疗质量、基础质量为核心,共同提高认识,以减少医疗纠纷的发生。  相似文献   

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