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Two experiments examined the effect of film music on the narrative persuasion. In Experiment 1, participants viewed a short film with its original musical soundtrack or with soundtrack muted. In Experiment 2, musical soundtrack was added to a film that was originally produced without music. Findings indicated that participants reported greater transportation into the film and greater agreement with film-relevant beliefs when soundtrack was presented but only when music was congruent with the film's affective tone. In support of the transportation-imagery model (Green &; Brock, 2000 Green , M. C. , &; Brock , T. C. ( 2000 ). The role of transportation in the persuasiveness of public narratives . Journal of Personality and Social Psychology , 79 , 701721 .[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), the effect of film music on beliefs was mediated by transportation into the film.  相似文献   

以87名大学生为被试,采用2(损耗,非损耗)×2(强说服信息,弱说服信息)的实验设计,让被试完成损耗或非损耗任务后,阅读与其已有观念相反的或强或弱的说服信息,再测查其态度及认知反应,考察自我损耗对说服后态度的影响,并进一步考察认知反应在自我损耗与说服后态度关系中的作用。结果发现:(1)损耗组比非损耗组更容易顺从说服信息;(2)自我损耗及说服信息质量对说服后态度的交互作用边缘显著:在非损耗的情况下,个体阅读强、弱不同质量信息产生的态度有显著差异,在损耗情况下,个体阅读强、弱不同质量信息产生的态度差异不显著;阅读强说服信息,损耗组和非损耗组的态度差异不显著,阅读弱说服信息,损耗组的态度显著高于非损耗组;(3)自我损耗不影响个体的总体想法数量,但影响其思维偏好,自我损耗后个体更容易产生与说服信息一致的想法,中介分析表明自我损耗对说服后态度的影响是以思维偏好为中介的。  相似文献   

This investigation examined the impact of argumentativeness on cognitive responses and attitude change. A negative relationship between argumentativeness and attitudes was predicted. In addition, argumentatives were expected to produce greater numbers of counterarguments. This research also tested a mediational model for cognitive responses and examined the role of argumentativeness in moderating the effects of cognitive responses on attitudes. These predictions were tested by exposing respondents to three mass media messages and measuring argumentativeness. A no-message control group was also included. Volunteer undergraduate college students saw one television advertisement and read two print advertisements and were asked to complete a post hoc thought listing task and a series of dependent measures. Results indicate that argumentative individuals tend to be more resistant to persuasion. Furthermore, argumentatives were found to generate greater numbers of counterarguments. Attitude change for the highly argumentative individual was found to be a function of both positive and negative responses. In addition, the results of this investigation were inconsistent with the moderation hypothesis.  相似文献   

《Media Psychology》2013,16(3):253-277
Two hundred fifty one Israeli students, viewers of the series Ally McBeal, were asked to choose among preformulated interpretations of the program. Discriminant analysis was used to explore why some viewers endorsed an interpretation of the program as favorable to women, others as sexist, and others preferred a humorous interpretation. Results show that relationship status, feminist attitudes, identification with the lead character and perceptions of her, as well as liking of the program, were important determinants of the interpretation of the program adopted by viewers. The results are discussed in terms of contributions to reception theory and media psychology in general.  相似文献   

The impact of narrative persuasion depends on the location of its persuasive information relative to the cause-and-effect structure within the narrative, yet, the bounds of this structural influence remain unknown. This study examines the a) underlying psychological mechanism, b) strength in overcoming psychological resistance, and c) persistence over time of narrative causality effects on information acceptance. Results suggest causality effects occur during initial stages of comprehension, which serve to shield the influence from external moderators, such as preexisting worldviews. The effect also remained constant over a two-week delay. Results serve to psychologically explain the narrative causality effect and suggest it remains robust over a wide range of conditions, potentially being useful for persuasion of otherwise resistant audiences.  相似文献   

Recent research (Tormala & Petty, 2002) has demonstrated that when people resist persuasion, they can perceive this resistance and become more certain of their initial attitudes. This research explores the role of source credibility in determining when this effect occurs. In two experiments, participants received a counterattitudinal persuasive message. When participants counterargued this message, they became more certain of their attitudes, but only when it came from a source with high expertise. When the message came from a source with low expertise, resisting it had no impact on attitude certainty. This effect was shown using both a traditional measure of attitude certainty (Experiment 1) and a well‐established consequence of certainty—the correspondence between attitudes and behavioral intentions (Experiment 2). In addition, the effect was confined to high elaboration conditions, and occurred even when participants were not explicitly instructed to counterargue. These results are consistent with a metacognitive framework proposed to understand resistance to persuasion.  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated the idea that individual differences in need for affect are critical for narrative persuasion. Need for affect, that is, the disposition to approach emotions, was assumed to facilitate the experience of being transported into the mental world of the narrative. An intense experience of transportation, in turn, should enhance the persuasive impact of narrative information on readers' beliefs. A mediated moderation analysis was used to test these assumptions. In both experiments (N = 314), need for affect (approach) and transportation moderated the persuasive effects of a fictional narrative compared to a belief-irrelevant control story (Experiment 1) and the persuasive effects of a story with high emotional content compared to a story with low emotional content (Experiment 2). The moderator effects of need for affect were shown to be mediated by the moderator effects of transportation. In sum, the magnitude of a person's need for affect determines whether and to what extent the person experiences transportation into the story world and is persuaded by the information presented in the narrative.  相似文献   

Achieving a more sophisticated understanding of narrative persuasion requires an examination of how the experience of narrative involvement influences persuasive resistance. In this study, we used a multiple message design approach to test two models of narrative involvement, one with transportation and the other with narrative engagement, with programs featuring persuasive stories about sexual and reproductive topics from primetime television. Although both transportation and the narrative engagement influenced processes related to changes in participants’ (N = 362) beliefs, attitudes, and behavioral intentions, the two scales influenced different cognitive and affective responses to the narratives. Transportation was positively related to enjoyment and the perception that the narrative topic was personally relevant. Narrative engagement predicted enjoyment and reduced reactance. Neither transportation nor narrative engagement significantly influenced cognitive elaboration or counterarguments, based on the application of a thought-listing procedure designed to measure counterarguments related to the realism of the narratives. Put together, these findings suggest that the study of narrative persuasion necessitates the use of different measurement instruments that can adequately assess the multidimensional nature and influence of narrative involvement.  相似文献   

In the fall of 2004, the National Association of Evangelicals produced a statement advocating more resources to combat environmental degradation and promote environmental sustainability. We assess several possible mechanisms for this opinion change using data from a survey experiment. In particular, we test for the effects of group cues, identity, and a new cue—the decision-making process—in which communicating the way a source went about making a decision can affect how other cues are utilized. In contrast to decades of research, we find that a group cue has little effect, while the process cue alters how in- and out-group members think about environmental protection and the players involved in this political drama .  相似文献   

Adolescent mental health is a significant societal concern in the United States. Diagnosable mental health disorders have been reported at rates of 10–20 % among children and adolescents and this does not include adolescents experiencing personal and interpersonal distress not meeting diagnostic criteria. Adolescents who do not respond to traditional mental health services are often placed in residential treatment centers or other out-of-home treatment programs. Outdoor Behavioral Healthcare (OBH) is growing as a viable treatment option for adolescents who struggle with emotional, behavioral or substance related problems; however, questions have been raised about how to integrate the family into an OBH treatment setting. This article describes a case study illustrating how techniques from Narrative Family Therapy can be used to accomplish this integration, and offers a view of using Narrative Family Therapy to further involve families in the treatment and post-treatment process in an OBH program.  相似文献   


Narratives can be used to persuade individuals to change their attitudes and behaviors, and can be especially effective is in changing attitudes toward individuals that are stigmatized or otherwise labeled as outgroup members. One feature that can influence a story’s persuasive effectiveness is the story’s point of view (POV). This study experimentally investigated the relative impacts of 1st-, 2nd-, and 3rd-person POVs on attitudes toward, and beliefs about, gay people. Results showed that participants who read the 3rd-person story had significantly more positive attitudes toward gay people than those who read the 1st-person story. In all cases, POV appeared to have no impact upon narrative transportation or identification.  相似文献   

The present research examined the role of personality factors and paratextual information about the reliability of a story on its persuasiveness. Study 1 (N = 135) was focused on recipients' explicit expectations about the trustworthiness/usefulness and the immersiveness/entertainment value of stories introduced as nonfiction, fiction, or fake. Study 2 (experimental, N = 186) demonstrated that a story was persuasive in all three paratext conditions (nonfiction, fiction, or fake versus belief‐unrelated control story) and that its influence increased with the recipients' need for affect. Participants' need for cognition increased the difference in persuasiveness of a nonfictional versus a fake story. Additional mediation analyses suggest that fiction is more persuasive than fake because readers of fiction get more deeply transported into the story world.  相似文献   

Those around us have a profound influence on our political attitudes and attitude strength, such that people whose social networks include a variety of perspectives have weaker, less deeply entrenched attitudes than those who are surrounded by like‐minded others. In particular, those embedded in attitudinally heterogeneous networks are more open to changing their views. The nature and mechanisms of this network influence on openness to attitude change remain unclear. A survey experiment examines two mechanisms proposed by prior literature: (1) social doubt triggered by network members' dissent and (2) social constraint to maintain similar attitudes. It also provides some data on the more commonly assumed mechanism, (3) information exchange. Results strongly support social constraint and are mixed on social doubt. This contrasts with the theoretical emphasis of much previous interdisciplinary social network research, which has focused primarily on information exchange, to the detriment of other mechanisms. Findings also indicate that like‐minded social network members solidify attitudes at least as much as dissent erodes them, suggesting that prior emphasis on the influence of heterogeneous rather than attitudinally congruent networks is overstated. Implications for political movements are discussed.  相似文献   

There has been ample literature on strip clubs regarding interactions between strippers and patrons, power and social control, and how dancers manage their identities as stigmatized workers. Few studies have explored how dancers grapple with their doubly deviant identities as dancers and as drug and alcohol users. Through interviews and fieldwork, I explore how dancers frame their drug use. At times, dancers stigmatize other dancers by using damaging stereotypes to “other” sister workers for drug abuse. At other times, strippers do not malign other dancers for drug and alcohol use. Instrumental or recreational drug use is relatively unstigmatized.  相似文献   

This study theorizes that activation and decay of dual motivational systems function as the mechanisms underlying excitation transfer theory. Following this reconceptualization, a physiological experiment simultaneously examines the influence of program valence and arousing content on subsequent ads. As predicted, sympathetic arousal (indicated by skin conductance) was greater during ads following arousing compared to calm programs, and in both conditions, it decreased across ad blocks. Cognitive effort was higher (indicated by slower heart rate) during ads following the positive arousing program and was lower (indicated by faster heart rate) following the negative arousing program. The recognition and free recall data generally support the prediction that, immediately following the program, they would be at the levels predicted by the motivational activation elicited by the program context.  相似文献   

We examine the proposition that, in ordinary conversation, people are concerned to argue — to justify their claims and to counter potential and actual counter claims. We test out the proposition by analysing explanations in one particular conversation. We attend to the validity claims of what the speakers say, and to the authority with which they say it. Viewed in that light, we find that the majority of what might look like causal attributions turn out to look like argumentative claim-backings. We then go on to flesh out the quasi-pragmatic rules which might help to decide formally whether any given utterance is be er understood as an argument or a causal explanation. These rules revolve around the speaker's apparent intention and the projected relationship between the clauses in what she or he says. All of this takes us a fair way from attribution theory's model of explanation as the reporting of a cause, and we end up with an argumentative model of ordinary explanation.  相似文献   

This article presents four studies designed to assess different types of gratifications that can be associated with the experience of emotions in movie and television audiences. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses of a pool of statements derived from qualitative interviews revealed three factors that reflect rewarding feelings: 1) fun, 2) thrill, and 3) empathic sadness, and four factors that reflect the role of emotional media experiences within the broader context of individuals' social and cognitive needs: 4) contemplative emotional experiences, 5) emotional engagement with characters, 6) social sharing of emotions, and 7) vicarious release of emotions. Validation analyses showed that the scales developed to assess these factors are predicted by the experience of emotions and meta-emotions and served in turn to predict different aspects of positive content evaluation. Results are discussed with regard to theoretical issues including entertainment audiences' voluntary exposure to unpleasant feelings, and the role of entertainment in psychosocial need satisfaction and eudaimonic wellbeing.  相似文献   

Individual differences in media effects research have yielded a trove of insights into how media content can have varying effects. One such variable is worldview—a philosophy of life that enables a person to make sense of one's experience—but the notion has largely been unexamined in media effects research. A person's worldview can moderate the way a persuasive message is processed—sometimes in the opposite direction of that intended by communicators. Building on the construct of worldview and terror management theory, two experiments (N = 149 and N = 151) examined the question with worldview as a measured variable and mortality salience as a two-level factor. Worldview had a main effect on global evaluations of ads, as participants who tended toward a relativist worldview had lower evaluations of the ads and lower behavioral intentions, while participants who tended toward a positivist worldview had higher evaluations of the ads and higher behavioral intentions. Also, mortality salience was found to moderate participants' worldview, presumably making their worldview more accessible to exert a greater influence. The importance of worldview as a construct in media effects research, as well as theoretical implications for persuasion and terror management theory, are discussed.  相似文献   

The winner's curse phenomenon refers to the fact that the winner in a common value auction, in order to actually win the auction, is likely to have overestimated the item's value and consequently is likely to gain less than expected and may even lose (i.e., it is said to be “cursed”). Past research, using the “Acquiring a company” task has shown that people do not overcome this bias even after they receive extensive feedback. We suggest that the persistence of the winner's curse is due to a combination of two factors: variability in the environment that leads to ambiguous feedback (i.e., choices and outcomes are only partially correlated) and the tendency of decision makers to learn adaptively. We show in an experiment that by reducing the variance in the feedback, performance can be significantly improved. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

《Media Psychology》2013,16(4):449-471
Using a national, telephone survey of 1,762 adolescents aged 12-17 years, this study identifies the prospective predictors of exposure to television's sexual content with a particular emphasis on the contributions of teenagers' sexual readiness versus household television policies. Though believing that one's friends approve of sex and having greater noncoital sexual experience predicted heavier viewing of sexual content in the subsequent year, household restrictions had a nearly equal and opposite effect. In particular, having a television in the bedroom and spending more time at home unsupervised at baseline were associated with heavier sexual content viewing one year later. In addition, Black, female, younger, and more highly viewer-involved teens watched significantly more sexually oriented television than did other groups. Results are considered in light of recent findings showing that heavier viewing of televised sexual content leads to more rapid initiation of sexual intercourse in the subsequent year (Collins et al., 2004).  相似文献   

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